# a2fc.system a very small `.a2fc` graphics file viewer for Apple II computers `.a2fc` ("Apple II Full Color") files are uncompressed double hi-res graphics files that can be displayed on any Apple //e or later with an extended 80-column card. ## Usage `a2fc.system` has no user interface. It is designed to take the pathname of an .a2fc file as a startup program, as explained in [ProDOS 8 Technical Reference Manual ยง5.1.5.1](http://www.easy68k.com/paulrsm/6502/PDOS8TRM.HTM# If this pathname is not supplied, `a2fc.system` will simply quit. ProDOS 2.4.1 users: if you rename `a2fc.system` to `basis.system` and put it in the root directory of your startup disk, you can select any `.a2fc` file in Bitsy Bye and it will be passed to `basis.system` as the startup program and displayed properly. ProSel users: you can create a ProSel item that displays an `.a2fc` graphic file. Assuming `a2fc.system` is `/HD/BIN/A2FC.SYSTEM` and your graphic file is `/HD/PHOTOS/MYPIC.A2FC`: ```` Screen title: -your choice- Prefix: ?BIN/ Application path: A2FC.SYSTEM Startup: ?PHOTOS/MYPIC.A2FC ```` ## Memory Usage `a2fc.system` loads at $2000 (like any `.system` file) but relocates itself to zero page. It loads the given `.a2fc` file into hi-res page 1, but only $2000 bytes at a time, so it never touches hi-res page 2. ```` 0050..0096 relocated program code 2000..3FFF graphic data 2000..3FFF/aux graphic data 9200..95FF ProDOS file buffer ```` ## Tools to create A2FC files * [BMPA2FC](http://www.appleoldies.ca/graphics/index.htm#dhgr) (Windows) * [Buckshot](https://apple2.gs/buckshot/) (macOS) Beagle Graphics used separate files to store double hi-res graphics, a `.bin` and `.aux` file. You can easily combine these into a single `.a2fc` file. The `.aux` part goes first. ```` ]BLOAD MYPIC.AUX,A$2000 ]BLOAD MYPIC.BIN,A$4000 ]BSAVE MYPIC.A2FC,A$2000,L$4000 ````