1.0.0: Jan 2012: initial release 1.0.1: Jan 2012: fixes Netatalk date-stamp bug (thanks to Steven Hirsch) 1.0.2: Jan 2013: Netatalk 2.2.4; OS X 10.7+ login fixed; netboot fixes; Raspbian "Wheezy" support; Ubuntu 12.04 LTS support 1.1.0: Apr 2013: Full GS/OS install; eliminated GS.SYSTEM volume; Raspberry Pi enhancements; lots of improvements to installer; more utilities installed for Apple II; improved cppo NOTE: fresh install required, can't update earlier version 1.1.1: Jun 2013: Wi-Fi support; updates/additions to commands in a2server-help; bug fixes and improvements to install script; appletalk kernel module for Raspbian (instead of replacement kernel); RPi console (onboard serial) set to 19,200 bps during boot 1.1.2: Oct 2013: resolves issue of no AppleTalk in Raspbian 2013-09-10 and later; faster command-line installation on Raspberry Pi (nulib2 and unar binaries are downloaded rather than compiled) 1.1.3: Jan 2014: shares ADTPro disks folder as ADTDISKS; added environment variables for shared folders; can resolve by name "a2server.local" if network client has Bonjour/zeroconf; server presents itself as Shared computer to Macs on network; VM based on Debian 7 1.1.4: Jan 2014: fixes bug with network boot if ADTPro disks folder is shared 1.1.5: Jul 2014: a2server-setup fixes Raspbian 20-Jul-14 AppleTalk kernel panic 1.2.0: Aug 2014: a2server-setup and Netatalk startup script addresses AppleTalk kernel panic on any Linux kernel 3.12-3.15; Netatalk starts in background, preventing startup delay; a2server-setup always configures Netatalk startup script and can download a new one if missing; a2server-setup on Raspbian or Debian 7 x86 is faster because it downloads binaries rather than compiling from source; unbit/unexec/usq unarchivers added; additional virtual machine which has both A2SERVER and A2CLOUD installed 1.2.1: Jan 2015: minor fixes; support for LED blink on Raspbian 2015-01-31 1.2.2: Mar 2015: installer improvements: now has command line options, including unattended install; installer sets passwords automatically to 'apple2'; status messages are now prefixed by A2SERVER:; can update Raspple II (Raspbian OS, NOOBS install manager, A2SERVER, and A2CLOUD); minor fixes. 1.2.3: May 2015: changed Apple software links to Internet Archive 1.2.4: Jul 2015: offer to download A2CLOUD disk contents onto A2FILES volume 1.2.4+:Oct 2015: support for using A2SERVER scripts from a location other than [unannounced] ivanx.com/a2server for development purposes 1.2.5: Nov 2015: netboot install option for GS/OS 6.0.2/3 netboot always downloads GS/OS disk images even if present provides error if a2setup doesn't have internet remove persisting a2server-setup options after aborted install fixed installer bug that omits first and last script elements download images from Apple, with Internet Archive as a backup install HFS.FST during netboot install 1.2.5+:Nov 2015: Merged Ivan's 1.2.5 release, removed support for Ubuntu for [unannounced] now (see RasppleII/a2server#11), patched ProDOS 8 in boot files for current year table, install unar from a package if it exists. 1.2.6: Nov 2015: full, ready to use install of Spectrum; install unzip [unannounced] 1.2.6+:Nov 2015: merged Ivan's 1.2.6 (into github master branch) [unannounced] 1.2.7: Dec 2015: preliminary Jessie support; case insensitive file system for [unannounced] A2FILES; removes GSFILES if empty; DOS3.3.FST and TEACH are installed with netboot installation; minor bug fixes and tweaks; Ubuntu support removed; branches unified 1.2.8: Dec 2015: can specify alternate host for binaries and external files; [unannounced] 64-bit Debian precompiled binaries; move /media/A2SHARED/* to /srv/A2SERVER; internet access (MacIP support); 1.2.9: Jan 2016: cppo supports ShrinkIt, DOS 3.3, DSK, 2MG; MountIt fully [unannounced] installed; nulib2 fixes handling empty forks (thanks Andy); -c installer option compiles all software (no binaries) 1.3.0: Jan 2016: Marinetti 3.0b8 installed, with preconfigured MacIP [unannounced] 1.3.1: Jan 2016: patch Prodos 8 Thunderclock year table based on current date [unannounced] 1.3.2: Jan 2016: install SAFE2, SAM2, and SNAP, configured for Apple II sites; [unannounced] -i installer option reinstalls A2SERVER 1.5.0: Jan 2016: defaults to GitHub for location of installer scripts [unannounced] 1.5.1: May 2016: changed URLs from rawgit.com to raw.githubusercontent.com to resolve https problems during install