## A2SERVER So you got a [Raspberry Pi][1]. Congratulations! Are you ready to turn it into a file server for your Apple II? Here's how. _Starting fresh:_ If you haven't already started working with a Raspberry Pi, then [download Raspple II][2], a distribution of the Raspbian operating system which includes A2SERVER, [A2CLOUD][3], and David Schmenk's [Apple II Pi][4]. Expand the RasppleII.zip file, and copy all of its files to a 4 GB or larger SD card. Then put the SD card in your Pi, and attach power. The operating system will automatically install, which will take about 20 minutes. When it's done, your Pi will reboot into Raspbian. If you don't have a screen attached, you'll know when it's done when the ACT/OK lamp on the Raspberry Pi board stops flickering. (If you are starting over with the same SD card, or want to ensure the card is formatted correctly, you can use the official [SD Formatter][5] utility -- carefully! -- before copying the files.) If you wish to log in (you don't need to to use A2SERVER), the username is "pi" and password "apple2". (If you do not have a screen and keyboard attached to your Raspberry Pi, read about [logging into a Raspberry Pi from another computer](a2server_raspberrypi_login.md), including an Apple II.) If you wish to change any configuration options, type `raspi-config`. For next steps, check out the links on the [A2SERVER home page](index.md). _Already using a Raspberry Pi?_ If you're already using Raspbian, you can install A2SERVER by typing at a Linux prompt: `wget appleii.ivanx.com/a2server/setup; source setup` The process is straightforward -- just respond to the prompts. For next steps, check out the links on the [A2SERVER home page](index.md). [1]: http://www.raspberrypi.org [2]: http://appleii.ivanx.com/rasppleii/ [3]: http://appleii.ivanx.com/a2cloud [4]: http://schmenk.is-a-geek.com/wordpress [5]: https://www.sdcard.org/downloads/formatter_4/