## A2SERVER To set up A2SERVER, follow these steps: * Download and install [VirtualBox][1]. It\'s free. (If you prefer different virtual machine software, [you can instead use the A2SERVER installer script](a2server_installer.md).) * Download the [A2SERVER virtual machine](files/A2SERVER.ova) (~750 MB), or the [A2SERVER+A2CLOUD virtual machine](files/A2SERVER_A2CLOUD.ova) (~1.7 GB). * Open VirtualBox, and choose \"Import Appliance...\" from the File menu. Select the file you downloaded (A2SERVER.ova). * Leave the \"Reinitialize the MAC address of all network cards\" box unchecked. Click Import. * When it\'s done importing, click A2SERVER, then click Settings, then click Network. * Ensure that \"Attached To:\" is set to \"Bridged Adapter\". * Set \"Name:\" to a _wired_ network interface on your computer. If you don\'t have one, use a USB-to-Ethernet adapter. (A2SERVER won\'t work over Wi-Fi in a virtual machine.) * Click OK. You\'re all set up. For next steps, check out the links on the [A2SERVER home page](index.md). SHA-1 for A2SERVER VM: d6c60b0ab14f14ddd49b7e5cdac39503db96a903 SHA-1 for A2SERVER+A2CLOUD VM: 69df7c28fa21e4e4cc01b106398936f23559a64b [1]: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads