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synced 2025-03-12 22:30:07 +00:00
499 lines
17 KiB
Executable File
499 lines
17 KiB
Executable File
#! /bin/bash
# vim: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab filetype=sh:
# 2-25-11: tested on 10.6.5 and Ubuntu 10.10. Final.
# to do: allow hex offsets
# These bash functions perform single-byte dec-hex-character conversions
# and file read/write operations, and hopefully work identically across
# different platforms. Each can operate by itself without the presence
# of the others. They have been tested on Mac OS X 10.6 and
# Ubuntu Linux 10.10. Your mileage may vary.
# You provide parameters to the functions as arguments, or alternatively
# standard in (for the functions which accept characters). Examples:
# Write hex byte with value "F0" to offset 23 in file "myFile":
# writecharHex myFile 23 F0
# Write "ABCDE" to the beginning of file "myFile"
# echo "ABCDE" | writechars myFile
# For functions which output something (all but the write operations),
# you can call the functions with command substitution if you want to
# assign the output to a variable rather than display it. Examples:
# Convert decimal value 65 to its hexadecimal equivalent:
# val=$(decToHex 65)
# Get decimal value of the character/byte at offset 215 in "myFile":
# val=$(readcharDec "myFile" 215)
# For functions which convert to or from a character, 0-127 will be
# ASCII/UTF-8, while 128-255 will be system/locale/codepage dependent.
# In this context, a character is effectively the same as a byte.
# The functions return a non-zero exit status for invalid or missing
# arguments. If you don't need these checks, remove the lines
# above the comment "args are valid" (or as otherwise noted).
# The exit statuses are, generally:
# 0 = no error
# 8 = extraneous argument
# 9 = standard input is invalid
# 1x = missing required argument (e.g. 11 for missing argument 1)
# 2x = argument is invalid (e.g. 22 for invalid argument 2)
# any other exit status will originate from the final command in the
# function (e.g. dd, printf)
# For the functions which output chars (readchars, decToChar, and
# hexToChar), be aware that NUL (0) and trailing LF (10/0x0A) chars will
# be stripped when assigned to a variable, and cannot appear in an
# argument. To preserve them, pipe the output elsewhere, such as into
# charToDec, charToHex, writechars, or a command. (readcharDec and
# readcharHex handle these characters correctly.)
# questions/comments to ivan@ivanx.com
decToHex () {
# converts single-byte decimal value to hexadecimal equivalent
# arg: decimal value from 0-255
# out: two-digit hex value from 00-FF
#exit: 8=extraneous arg, 11=missing arg, 21=invalid arg
[[ $1 ]] || return 11
[[ $2 ]] && return 8
[[ ( $(printf %d "$1" 2> /dev/null) == $1 ) \
&& ( $1 -ge 0 ) && ( $1 -le 255 ) ]] || return 21
# args are valid
printf %02X "$1"
hexToDec () {
# converts single-byte hexadecimal value to decimal equivalent
# arg: two-digit hex value from 00-FF
# out: decimal value
#exit: 8=extraneous arg, 11=missing arg, 21=invalid arg
[[ $1 ]] || return 11
[[ $2 ]] && return 8
[[ ${#1} -eq 2 ]] || return 21
[[ $(printf %02X "0x$1" 2> /dev/null) == \
$(echo -n "$1" | tr [a-z] [A-Z]) ]] || return 21
# args are valid
printf %d "0x$1"
charToDec () {
# converts single character to corresponding decimal value
# stdin OR arg: one character
# [arg overrides stdin; stdin is required for NUL (0) or LF (0x0A)]
# out: decimal value from 0-255
#exit: 8=extraneous arg, 9=invalid stdin,
# 11=missing stdin/arg, 21=invalid arg
[[ ( ! -t 0 ) && $1 ]] && { cat > /dev/null; return 8; }
[[ ( -t 0 ) ]] && { [[ $2 ]] && return 8; [[ $1 ]] || return 11; }
# arg/stdin is potentially valid (additional check below)
charX="$1X"; [[ $1 ]] || charX="$(cat; echo -n 'X';)"
[[ ${#charX} -le 2 ]] || return $(( $([[ $1 ]]; echo $?) ? 9 : 21 ))
# above line verifies that arg/stdin is valid
[[ ${#charX} -ne 2 ]] && { echo -n 0; return 0; }
echo -n "${charX:0:1}" | od -t u1 | \
head -1 | sed 's/[0\ ]*//' | tr -d ' \n'
charToHex () {
# converts single character to corresponding hexadecimal value
# stdin OR arg: one character
# [arg overrides stdin; stdin is required for NUL (0) or LF (0x0A)]
# out: decimal value from 0-255
#exit: 8=extraneous arg, 9=invalid stdin,
# 11=missing stdin/arg, 21=invalid arg
[[ ( ! -t 0 ) && $1 ]] && { cat > /dev/null; return 8; }
[[ ( -t 0 ) ]] && { [[ $2 ]] && return 8; [[ $1 ]] || return 11; }
# arg/stdin is potentially valid (additional check below)
charX="$1X"; [[ $1 ]] || charX="$(cat; echo -n 'X';)"
[[ ${#charX} -le 2 ]] || return $(( $([[ $1 ]]; echo $?) ? 9 : 21 ))
# above line verifies that stdin/arg is valid
[[ ${#charX} -ne 2 ]] && { echo -n "00"; return 0; }
printf %02X $(echo -n "${charX:0:1}" | od -t u1 | \
head -1 | sed 's/[0\ ]*//' | tr -d ' \n')
decToChar () {
# converts single-byte decimal value to equivalent character
# arg: decimal number from 0-255
# out: one character
#exit: 8=extraneous arg, 11=missing arg, 21=invalid arg
[[ $1 ]] || return 11
[[ $2 ]] && return 8
[[ ( $(printf %d "$1" 2> /dev/null ) == $1 ) \
&& ( $1 -ge 0 ) && ( $1 -le 255 ) ]] || return 21
# args are valid
echo -n -e "\x$(printf %02X "$1")"
hexToChar () {
# converts single-byte hexadecimal value to corresponding character
# arg: two-digit hexadecimal number from 00-FF
# out: one character
#exit: 8=extraneous arg, 11=missing arg, 21=invalid arg
[[ $1 ]] || return 11
[[ $2 ]] && return 8
[[ ${#1} -eq 2 ]] || return 21
[[ $(printf %02X "0x$1" 2> /dev/null) == \
$(echo -n "$1" | tr [a-z] [A-Z]) ]] || return 21
# args are valid
echo -n -e "\x$1"
readchars () {
# read one or more characters from a file
# arg1: filename
# arg2: (optional) offset (# of bytes to skip before reading)
# arg3: (optional) # of chars to read (default is until end of file)
# out: sequence of characters
# exit: 8=extraneous arg, 11=missing arg1,
# 21=invalid arg1, 22=invalid arg2, 23=invalid arg3
[[ $1 ]] || return 11
[[ $4 ]] && return 8
[[ -f $1 ]] || return 21
[[ $2 ]] && { [[ ( $(printf %d "$2" 2> /dev/null) == $2 ) \
&& ( $2 -ge 0 ) ]] || return 22; }
[[ $3 ]] && { [[ ( $(printf %d "$3" 2> /dev/null) == $3 ) \
&& ( $3 -ge 0 ) ]] || return 23; }
# args are valid
dd if="$1" bs=1 skip=$(($2)) $([[ $3 ]] && echo -n "count=$3") \
2> /dev/null
readcharDec () {
# read one character from file & convert to equivalent decimal value
# arg1: filename
# arg2: (optional) offset (# of bytes to skip before reading)
# out: decimal value from 0-255
# exit: 8=extraneous arg, 11=missing arg1,
# 21=invalid arg1, 22=invalid arg2
[[ $1 ]] || return 11
[[ $3 ]] && return 8
[[ -f $1 ]] || return 21
[[ $2 ]] && { [[ ( $(printf %d "$2" 2> /dev/null) == $2 ) \
&& ( $2 -ge 0 ) ]] || return 22; }
# args are valid
charX="$(dd if="$1" bs=1 skip=$(($2)) \
count=1 2> /dev/null; echo -n X)"
[[ ${#charX} -gt 1 ]] || { echo -n 0; return 0; }
echo -n "${charX:0:1}" | od -t u1 | \
head -1 | sed 's/[0\ ]*//' | tr -d ' \n'
readcharHex () {
# read one character from file & convert to corresponding hex value
# arg1: filename
# arg2: (optional) offset (# of bytes to skip before reading)
# out: two-digit hex value from 00-FF
# exit: 8=extraneous arg, 11=missing arg1,
# 21=invalid arg1, 22=invalid arg2
[[ $1 ]] || return 11
[[ $3 ]] && return 8
[[ -f $1 ]] || return 21
[[ $2 ]] && { [[ ( $(printf %d "$2" 2> /dev/null) == $2 ) \
&& ( $2 -ge 0 ) ]] || return 22; }
# args are valid
charX="$(dd if="$1" bs=1 skip=$(($2)) \
count=1 2> /dev/null; echo -n X)"
[[ ${#charX} -gt 1 ]] || { echo -n "00"; return 0; }
printf %02X $(echo -n "${charX:0:1}" | od -t u1 | \
head -1 | sed 's/[0\ ]*//' | tr -d ' \n')
### 2-15-11 above tested on OS X and Linux
writechars () {
# write one or more characters (bytes) to file
# arg1: filename
# arg2: (optional) offset (# of bytes to skip before writing)
# arg3 OR stdin: sequence of characters
# [stdin required if writing NUL (0) or trailing LF (0x0A) chars]
# out: nothing
# exit: 8=extraneous arg, 11=missing arg1,
# 13=missing stdin/arg3, 22=invalid arg2
[[ $1 ]] || { [[ -t 0 ]] || cat > /dev/null; return 11; }
[[ $2 ]] && { [[ ( $(printf %d "$2" 2> /dev/null) == $2 ) && \
( $2 -ge 0 ) ]] || { [[ -t 0 ]] || cat > /dev/null; return 22; } }
[[ ( ! -t 0 ) && $3 ]] && { cat > /dev/null; return 8; }
[[ ( -t 0 ) ]] && { [[ $4 ]] && return 8; [[ $3 ]] || return 13; }
# args are valid
if [[ -t 0 ]]; then
echo -n "$3" | \
dd of="$1" bs=1 seek=$(($2)) conv=notrunc 2> /dev/null
dd of="$1" bs=1 seek=$(($2)) conv=notrunc 2> /dev/null
writecharDec () {
# write corresponding character of single-byte decimal value into file
# arg1: filename
# arg2: offset (# of bytes to skip before writing)
# arg3: decimal number from 0-255
# exit: 8=extraneous arg, 11=missing arg1, 12=missing arg2,
# 13=missing arg3, 22=invalid arg2, 23=invalid arg3
# out: nothing
[[ $1 ]] || return 11; [[ $2 ]] || return 12; [[ $3 ]] || return 13
[[ $4 ]] && return 8
[[ ( $(printf %d "$2" 2> /dev/null) == $2 ) \
&& ( $2 -ge 0 ) ]] || return 22
[[ ( $(printf %d "$3" 2> /dev/null) == $3 ) \
&& ( $3 -ge 0 ) && ( $3 -lt 255 ) ]] || return 23
# args are valid
echo -n -e "\x$(printf %02X "$3")" | \
dd of="$1" bs=1 seek=$(($2)) conv=notrunc 2> /dev/null
writecharHex () {
# write corresponding character of single-byte hex value into file
# arg1: filename
# arg2: offset (# of bytes to skip before writing)
# arg3: two-digit hexadecimal number from 00-FF
# out: nothing
# exit: 8=extraneous arg, 11=missing arg1, 12=missing arg2,
# 13=missing arg3, 22=invalid arg2, 23=invalid arg3
[[ $1 ]] || return 11; [[ $2 ]] || return 12; [[ $3 ]] || return 13
[[ $4 ]] && return 8
[[ ( $(printf %d "$2" 2> /dev/null) == $2 ) \
&& ( $2 -ge 0 ) ]] || return 22
[[ $(printf %02X "0x$3" 2> /dev/null) == \
$(echo -n "$3" | tr [a-z] [A-Z]) ]] || return 23
# args are valid
echo -n -e "\x$3" | \
dd of="$1" bs=1 seek=$2 conv=notrunc 2> /dev/null
# --- afptype is below this line
isHexByte () {
[[ $(printf %02X "0x$1" 2> /dev/null) == \
$(echo -n "$1" | tr [a-z] [A-Z]) ]] || return 1
# support 00 and 0A as filetype chars?
ptypes="04:TXT 06:BIN B3:S16 E0:SHK F9:P16 FA:INT FC:BAS FF:SYS"
quit () {
if [[ $2 && $debug ]]; then
echo "$1" "$2"
echo -e "Error: $1"
exit_usage () {
echo "Usage:"
echo "show types: afptype filename"
echo "set Mac OS: afptype [-t 'type'] [-c 'creator'] [-q] filename"
echo "set ProDOS: afptype [-p type] [-a auxtype] [-q] filename"
echo "Mac OS type or creator must be four characters; use \x plus"
echo " two hex digits for untypeables (note: use '\xZZ' for 00)."
echo "ProDOS type should be two hex digits, and auxtype should be four;"
echo " type can alternatively be BAS, BIN, INT, P16, S16, SHK, SYS, TXT."
echo "-q skips recheck of file (show types) after setting"
exit 1
lookupPdosType () {
# looks up ProDOS hex type from code in list 'ptypes'
# arg: three-character code
# out: two-digit hex value
#exit: 0=type found, 1=error, 2=type not found
ptypes="04:TXT 06:BIN B3:S16 E0:SHK F9:P16 FA:INT FC:BAS FF:SYS"
[[ $1 ]] || quit "lookupPdosType:" "no argument supplied ($1)"
[[ ${#1} -eq 3 ]] || return 1
arg=$(echo -n "$1" | tr [a-z] [A-Z])
for ptype in $ptypes; do
if [[ ${ptype:3:3} == $arg ]]; then
echo -n "${ptype:0:2}"
return 0
echo "$1"
return 1
verifyTC () {
[[ $1 ]] || return 1
tcX="$(echo -e -n "$1"X)"
[[ ${#tcX} -eq 5 ]] || return 1
echo "$tcX"
while [[ $1 && ( "${1:0:1}" == '-' ) ]]; do
if [[ $1 == "-p" ]]; then
[[ $p ]] && exit_usage
elif [[ $1 == "-a" ]]; then
[[ $a ]] && exit_usage
elif [[ $1 == "-t" ]]; then
[[ $t ]] && exit_usage
elif [[ $1 == "-c" ]]; then
[[ $c ]] && exit_usage
elif [[ $1 == "-q" ]]; then
[[ $q ]] && exit_usage
if [[ ( ( $p || $a ) && ( $t || $c ) ) || ( -z $1 ) ]]; then
for filename in $@; do
[[ ${#@} -gt 1 ]] && linestart="($filename) "
if [[ ! -f $filename ]]; then
echo "${linestart}Not found."
adname="$(dirname "$filename")/.AppleDouble/$(basename "$filename")"
[[ -f $adname ]] && filename=$adname
ADversion=$(readcharDec "$filename" 5)
if [[ ( ( $ADversion -ne 1 ) && ( $ADversion -ne 2 ) ) \
|| ( "$(readchars "$filename" 1 3)" != "$(echo -e -n "\x05\x16\x07")" ) \
|| ( $(readcharDec "$filename" 0) -ne 0 ) \
|| ( $(readcharDec "$filename" 4) -ne 0 ) \
|| ( $(readcharDec "$filename" 6) -ne 0 ) \
|| ( $(readcharDec "$filename" 7) -ne 0 ) ]]; then
echo "${linestart}Not an AppleDouble file."
entrycount=`readcharDec "$filename" 25`
while [[ $(readcharDec "$filename" $offset) -ne 9 ]]; do
(( entry = entry + 1 ))
if (( entry > entrycount )); then
echo "${linestart}Finder Info entry not found in AppleDouble file."
(( offset = (entry * 12 + 29) - 12 ))
(( entry > entrycount )) && continue
(( offset = offset + 3 ))
(( tposHi = $(readcharDec "$filename" $offset) * 256 ))
(( offset = offset + 1 ))
(( tpos = $(readcharDec "$filename" $offset) + tposHi ))
(( cpos = tpos + 4 ))
(( ppos = tpos + 1 ))
(( apos = tpos + 2 ))
if [[ $p || $a || $t || $c ]]; then # set
if [[ $p || $a ]]; then
if [[ $p ]]; then
[[ ${#p} -eq 3 ]] && { p=$(lookupPdosType $p) || quit "Invalid ProDOS type name ($p)."; }
isHexByte "$p" || quit "Invalid ProDOS file type ($p)."
writecharHex "$filename" $ppos "$p"
if [[ $a ]]; then
isHexByte "${a:0:2}" && isHexByte "${a:2:2}" || quit "Invalid ProDOS aux type ($a)."
writecharHex "$filename" $apos "${a:0:2}"
(( apos=apos+1 ))
writecharHex "$filename" $apos "${a:2:2}"
writechars "$filename" $tpos "p"
writechars "$filename" $cpos "pdos"
elif [[ $t || $c ]]; then
if [[ $t ]]; then
type=$(verifyTC "$t") || quit "$(echo -n "Invalid Mac file type ($t)."; [[ $t == *x* ]] && echo -n " Try quotes."; echo)"
writechars "$filename" $tpos "${type:0:4}"
if [[ $c ]]; then
creator=$(verifyTC "$c") || quit "$(echo -n "Invalid Mac file creator ($c)."; [[ $c == *x* ]] && echo -n " Try quotes."; echo)"
writechars "$filename" $cpos "${creator:0:4}"
[[ $q ]] || { echo -n "${linestart}File changed: "; "$0" "$filename"; }
else # show
[[ $q ]] && quit "Can only use -q when changing type."
type="$(readchars "$filename" $tpos 4)"
creator="$(readchars "$filename" $cpos 4)"
echo -n "$linestart"
if [[ $creator != "pdos" || ( ( $type != "TEXT" ) \
&& ( $type != "PSYS" ) && ( ${type:0:1} != "p" ) ) ]]; then
if [[ $creator || $type ]]; then
echo "Mac file. Type:$type Creator:$creator"
echo "This file has no Mac or ProDOS file type information."
if [[ $type == "TEXT" ]]; then
pdosType="\$04 [TXT]"
elif [[ $type == "PSYS" ]]; then
pdosType="\$FF [SYS]"
(( tpos=tpos+1 ))
pdosType=$(readcharHex "$filename" $tpos)
for ptype in $ptypes; do
if [[ "${ptype:0:2}" == "$pdosType" ]]; then
pdosType="$pdosType [${ptype:3:3}]"
(( tpos=tpos+1 ))
auxTypeHi=$(readcharHex "$filename" $tpos)
(( tpos=tpos+1 ))
auxTypeLo=$(readcharHex "$filename" $tpos)
echo "ProDOS file. Type:\$$pdosType AuxType:\$$pdosAuxType"
# 7-19-11
# quick ProDOS testing/fixing on Linux, needs more
# Mac Type testing not done yet, nor testing on a Mac
# test on lunix
# test inside and outside of AD directory, and from other dirs (both cases)
# finish conversion writebyte/readchar library
# consider return 2 for missing parameters for subroutines