// // ui.c // a2sudoku // // Created by Jeremy Rand on 2015-07-15. // Copyright (c) 2015 Jeremy Rand. All rights reserved. // #include #include #include #include #include #include "game.h" #include "ui.h" #include "mouseWrapper.h" #include "drivers/a2_hires_drv.h" #pragma code-name ("LOWCODE") // Macros and defines #define SQUARE_WIDTH 28 #define SQUARE_HEIGHT 19 #define THICK_LINE_WIDTH 4 #define THIN_LINE_WIDTH 2 #define THICK_LINE_HEIGHT 3 #define THIN_LINE_HEIGHT 1 #define TEXT_OFFSET_X 19 #define TEXT_OFFSET_Y 6 #define TEXT_UNDERLINE_OFFSET_X -9 #define TEXT_UNDERLINE_OFFSET_Y 9 #define TEXT_UNDERLINE_WIDTH 8 #define TOTAL_WIDTH ((BOARD_SIZE * SQUARE_WIDTH) + \ ((BOARD_SIZE + 1) * THIN_LINE_WIDTH) + \ (((BOARD_SIZE / SUBSQUARE_SIZE) + 1) * (THICK_LINE_WIDTH - THIN_LINE_WIDTH))) #define TOTAL_HEIGHT ((BOARD_SIZE * SQUARE_HEIGHT) + \ ((BOARD_SIZE + 1) * THIN_LINE_HEIGHT) + \ (((BOARD_SIZE / SUBSQUARE_SIZE) + 1) * (THICK_LINE_HEIGHT - THIN_LINE_HEIGHT))) #define SCRATCH_WIDTH 9 #define SCRATCH_HEIGHT 6 // Typedefs typedef struct tOptions { tDifficulty difficulty; bool showInvalid; bool showWrong; } tOptions; // Globals; tPos cursorX, cursorY; int screenSquaresX[BOARD_SIZE]; int screenSquaresY[BOARD_SIZE]; tOptions gameOptions = { DIFFICULTY_EASY, true, true }; // Implementation char *difficultyString(tDifficulty difficulty) { if (difficulty == DIFFICULTY_EASY) return "Easy"; else if (difficulty == DIFFICULTY_MEDIUM) return "Medium"; return "Hard"; } void drawGrid(void) { tPos pos; int xPos = 0; int yPos = 0; tgi_clear(); tgi_setcolor(TGI_COLOR_WHITE); for (pos = 0; pos <= BOARD_SIZE; pos++) { if ((pos % SUBSQUARE_SIZE) == 0) { tgi_bar(xPos, 0, xPos + THICK_LINE_WIDTH - 1, TOTAL_HEIGHT - 1); xPos += THICK_LINE_WIDTH; tgi_bar(0, yPos, TOTAL_WIDTH - 1, yPos + THICK_LINE_HEIGHT - 1); yPos += THICK_LINE_HEIGHT; } else { tgi_bar(xPos, 0, xPos + THIN_LINE_WIDTH - 1, TOTAL_HEIGHT - 1); xPos += THIN_LINE_WIDTH; tgi_bar(0, yPos, TOTAL_WIDTH - 1, yPos + THIN_LINE_HEIGHT - 1); yPos += THIN_LINE_HEIGHT; } if (pos < BOARD_SIZE) { screenSquaresX[pos] = xPos; screenSquaresY[pos] = yPos; } xPos += SQUARE_WIDTH; yPos += SQUARE_HEIGHT; } } void setCursorPos(tPos newX, tPos newY) { tPos oldX = cursorX; tPos oldY = cursorY; if (newX >= BOARD_SIZE) newX = BOARD_SIZE - 1; if (newY >= BOARD_SIZE) newY = BOARD_SIZE - 1; if ((cursorX == newX) && (cursorY == newY)) return; cursorX = newX; cursorY = newY; refreshPos(cursorX, cursorY); refreshPos(oldX, oldY); moveMouseToPos(cursorX, cursorY); } void initUI(void) { static bool tgi_inited = false; if (tgi_inited) return; // Install drivers tgi_install(&a2_hires_drv); tgi_init(); tgi_inited = true; initMouse(setCursorPos); } void loadOptions(void) { static bool optionsLoaded = false; FILE *optionsFile; if (optionsLoaded) return; optionsFile = fopen("a2sudoku.opts", "rb"); if (optionsFile != NULL) { fread(&gameOptions, sizeof(gameOptions), 1, optionsFile); fclose(optionsFile); } optionsLoaded = true; } void saveOptions(void) { FILE *optionsFile; optionsFile = fopen("a2sudoku.opts", "wb"); if (optionsFile != NULL) { fwrite(&gameOptions, sizeof(gameOptions), 1, optionsFile); fclose(optionsFile); } } void shutdownUI(void) { // Uninstall drivers tgi_uninstall(); shutdownMouse(); } void textMode(void) { clrscr(); asm volatile ("STA %w", 0xc051); } void graphicsMode(void) { asm volatile ("STA %w", 0xc050); } bool setOptions(void) { bool shouldUpdate = false; bool keepLooping = true; bool shouldSave = false; while (keepLooping) { clrscr(); // 1111111111222222222233333333334 // 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 printf( " Apple // Sudoku\n" " By Jeremy Rand\n" "\n" "Options:\n" " Difficulty : %s\n" " Show invalid values : %s\n" " Show wrong values : %s\n" "\n" "Press D to change difficulty.\n" "Press I to %sshow invalid values.\n" "Press W to %sshow wrong values.\n" "\n" "Press any other key to return.\n", difficultyString(gameOptions.difficulty), (gameOptions.showInvalid ? "On" : "Off"), (gameOptions.showWrong ? "On" : "Off"), (gameOptions.showInvalid ? "not " : ""), (gameOptions.showWrong ? "not " : "")); switch (cgetc()) { case 'd': case 'D': if (gameOptions.difficulty == DIFFICULTY_HARD) gameOptions.difficulty = DIFFICULTY_EASY; else gameOptions.difficulty++; shouldSave = true; break; case 'i': case 'I': gameOptions.showInvalid = !gameOptions.showInvalid; shouldSave = true; shouldUpdate = true; break; case 'w': case 'W': gameOptions.showWrong = !gameOptions.showWrong; shouldSave = true; shouldUpdate = true; break; default: keepLooping = false; break; } } if (shouldSave) { printf("\n\nSaving options..."); saveOptions(); } return shouldUpdate; } void displayInstructions(void) { int seed = 0; char ch; loadOptions(); clrscr(); // 1111111111222222222233333333334 // 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 printf( " Apple // Sudoku\n" " By Jeremy Rand\n" "\n" "The goal is to get the numbers from 1 to" "9 uniquely in each column, row and 3x3\n" "subsquare. Move the cursor with arrow\n" "keys, IJKM or mouse. Press a number key" "to enter a value. Press a number key\n" "while holding shift or open apple to\n" "toggle a scratch value. Press 0 to\n" "clear a square. Play ends when the\n" "puzzle is solved.\n" " Difficulty : %s\n" " Show invalid values : %s\n" " Show wrong values : %s\n" "\n" "Press escape or Q to quit at any time.\n" "Press O to change options.\n" "Press R to restart the current game.\n" "Press N to start a new game.\n" "Press H to see this info again.\n" "Press U to undo your last move.\n" " Press O to change options now or any\n" " other key to start", difficultyString(gameOptions.difficulty), (gameOptions.showInvalid ? "On" : "Off"), (gameOptions.showWrong ? "On" : "Off")); // The amount of time the user waits to read the in while (!kbhit()) seed++; ch = cgetc(); srand(seed); if ((ch == 'o') || (ch == 'O')) setOptions(); clrscr(); } void drawOne(int screenX, int screenY) { tgi_line(screenX + 2, screenY, screenX + 2, screenY + 3); tgi_line(screenX + 1, screenY + 4, screenX + 3, screenY + 4); tgi_setpixel(screenX + 1, screenY + 1); } void drawTwo(int screenX, int screenY) { tgi_setpixel(screenX, screenY + 1); tgi_line(screenX + 1, screenY, screenX + 3, screenY); tgi_line(screenX + 4, screenY + 1, screenX, screenY + 4); tgi_lineto(screenX + 4, screenY + 4); } void drawThree(int screenX, int screenY) { tgi_line(screenX + 1, screenY, screenX + 3, screenY); tgi_line(screenX + 1, screenY + 2, screenX + 3, screenY + 2); tgi_line(screenX + 1, screenY + 4, screenX + 3, screenY + 4); tgi_setpixel(screenX + 4, screenY + 1); tgi_setpixel(screenX + 4, screenY + 3); } void drawFour(int screenX, int screenY) { tgi_line(screenX, screenY + 1, screenX, screenY + 2); tgi_lineto(screenX + 4, screenY + 2); tgi_line(screenX + 3, screenY, screenX + 3, screenY + 4); } void drawFive(int screenX, int screenY) { tgi_line(screenX + 4, screenY, screenX, screenY); tgi_lineto(screenX, screenY + 2); tgi_lineto(screenX + 3, screenY + 2); tgi_line(screenX, screenY + 4, screenX + 3, screenY + 4); tgi_setpixel(screenX + 4, screenY + 3); } void drawSix(int screenX, int screenY) { tgi_line(screenX + 3, screenY, screenX, screenY + 3); tgi_line(screenX + 1, screenY + 4, screenX + 3, screenY + 4); tgi_line(screenX + 1, screenY + 2, screenX + 3, screenY + 2); tgi_setpixel(screenX + 4, screenY + 3); } void drawSeven(int screenX, int screenY) { tgi_line(screenX, screenY, screenX + 4, screenY); tgi_line(screenX + 4, screenY + 1, screenX + 1, screenY + 4); } void drawEight(int screenX, int screenY) { tgi_line(screenX + 1, screenY, screenX + 3, screenY); tgi_line(screenX + 1, screenY + 2, screenX + 3, screenY + 2); tgi_line(screenX + 1, screenY + 4, screenX + 3, screenY + 4); tgi_setpixel(screenX, screenY + 1); tgi_setpixel(screenX, screenY + 3); tgi_setpixel(screenX + 4, screenY + 1); tgi_setpixel(screenX + 4, screenY + 3); } void drawNine(int screenX, int screenY) { tgi_line(screenX + 1, screenY, screenX + 3, screenY); tgi_line(screenX + 1, screenY + 2, screenX + 3, screenY + 2); tgi_line(screenX + 4, screenY + 1, screenX + 4, screenY + 4); tgi_setpixel(screenX, screenY + 1); } void drawScratch(tPos x, tPos y, tScratchValues scratch) { int screenX = screenSquaresX[x] + 1; int screenY = screenSquaresY[y] + 1; if (SCRATCH_TEST(scratch, 1)) { drawOne(screenX, screenY); } screenX += SCRATCH_WIDTH; if (SCRATCH_TEST(scratch, 2)) { drawTwo(screenX, screenY); } screenX += SCRATCH_WIDTH; if (SCRATCH_TEST(scratch, 3)) { drawThree(screenX, screenY); } screenX = screenSquaresX[x] + 1; screenY += SCRATCH_HEIGHT; if (SCRATCH_TEST(scratch, 4)) { drawFour(screenX, screenY); } screenX += SCRATCH_WIDTH; if (SCRATCH_TEST(scratch, 5)) { drawFive(screenX, screenY); } screenX += SCRATCH_WIDTH; if (SCRATCH_TEST(scratch, 6)) { drawSix(screenX, screenY); } screenX = screenSquaresX[x] + 1; screenY += SCRATCH_HEIGHT; if (SCRATCH_TEST(scratch, 7)) { drawSeven(screenX, screenY); } screenX += SCRATCH_WIDTH; if (SCRATCH_TEST(scratch, 8)) { drawEight(screenX, screenY); } screenX += SCRATCH_WIDTH; if (SCRATCH_TEST(scratch, 9)) { drawNine(screenX, screenY); } tgi_setcolor(TGI_COLOR_WHITE); } void updatePos(tPos x, tPos y, tSquareVal val, tScratchValues scratch, bool correct, bool invalid, bool knownAtStart) { int screenX = screenSquaresX[x]; int screenY = screenSquaresY[y]; int edgeX = screenX + SQUARE_WIDTH - 1; int edgeY = screenY + SQUARE_HEIGHT - 1; char buffer[2]; tgi_setcolor(TGI_COLOR_BLACK); tgi_bar(screenX, screenY, edgeX, edgeY); tgi_setcolor(TGI_COLOR_WHITE); if (val != EMPTY_SQUARE) { buffer[0] = '0' + val; buffer[1] = '\0'; tgi_outtextxy(screenX + TEXT_OFFSET_X, screenY + TEXT_OFFSET_Y, buffer); if (knownAtStart) { tgi_line(screenX + TEXT_OFFSET_X + TEXT_UNDERLINE_OFFSET_X, screenY + TEXT_OFFSET_Y + TEXT_UNDERLINE_OFFSET_Y, screenX + TEXT_OFFSET_X + TEXT_UNDERLINE_OFFSET_X + TEXT_UNDERLINE_WIDTH, screenY + TEXT_OFFSET_Y + TEXT_UNDERLINE_OFFSET_Y); } if ((gameOptions.showWrong) && (!correct)) tgi_line(screenX, edgeY, edgeX, screenY); if ((gameOptions.showInvalid) && (invalid)) tgi_line(screenX, edgeY, edgeX, screenY); } else if (scratch != 0) { drawScratch(x, y, scratch); } if ((cursorX == x) && (cursorY == y)) { tgi_line(screenX, screenY, edgeX, screenY); tgi_lineto(edgeX, edgeY); tgi_lineto(screenX, edgeY); tgi_lineto(screenX, screenY); } } void youWon(void) { int line1Width; int line2Width; int wonWidth; int wonHeight; int wonX; int wonY; static char line1[80]; char *line2 = "Press any key"; time_t solutionTime = timeToSolve(); int textHeight = 7; if (solutionTime == 0xffffffff) { snprintf(line1, sizeof(line1), "You solved it!"); } else { snprintf(line1, sizeof(line1), "You solved it in %lu minutes!", solutionTime / 60); } line1Width = strlen(line1) * 6; line2Width = strlen(line2) * 6; wonHeight = textHeight * 7; wonWidth = line1Width; if (wonWidth < line2Width) wonWidth = line2Width; wonWidth += 20; wonX = (TOTAL_WIDTH - wonWidth) / 2; wonY = (TOTAL_HEIGHT - wonHeight) / 2; tgi_setcolor(TGI_COLOR_BLACK); tgi_bar(wonX, wonY, wonX + wonWidth, wonY + wonHeight); tgi_setcolor(TGI_COLOR_WHITE); tgi_outtextxy((TOTAL_WIDTH - line1Width) / 2, wonY + (textHeight * 2), line1); tgi_outtextxy((TOTAL_WIDTH - line2Width) / 2, wonY + (textHeight * 4), line2); cgetc(); } bool playGame(void) { static bool firstGame = true; bool shouldSave = false; bool gameLoaded = false; char ch; uint8_t *button0 = (uint8_t *)0xc061; // Address of button #0 or open apple initUI(); textMode(); if (firstGame) { firstGame = false; printf("\n\nChecking for a saved puzzle..."); if (loadGame(updatePos)) { bool gotAnswer = false; printf("\n\nYou have a saved puzzle!\n Would you like to continue it (Y/N)"); while (!gotAnswer) { ch = cgetc(); switch (ch) { case 'y': case 'Y': printf("\n\nLoading your saved puzzle"); gameLoaded = true; gotAnswer = true; shouldSave = true; break; case 'n': case 'N': gotAnswer = true; break; default: printf("\007"); break; } } } } cursorX = 0; cursorY = 0; if (!gameLoaded) { clrscr(); printf("\n\nLoading a new puzzle for you\n Please be patient..."); startGame(gameOptions.difficulty, updatePos); } drawGrid(); refreshAllPos(); graphicsMode(); while (true) { pollMouse(); if (kbhit()) { bool shouldNotBeep = true; ch = cgetc(); switch (ch) { case 'h': case 'H': textMode(); displayInstructions(); graphicsMode(); break; case 'o': case 'O': textMode(); if (setOptions()) refreshAllPos(); graphicsMode(); break; case 'r': case 'R': shouldSave = false; restartGame(); break; case 'n': case 'N': return true; case 'q': case 'Q': case CH_ESC: shutdownUI(); if (shouldSave) { clrscr(); printf("\n\nSaving your puzzle so you can continue\n later..."); saveGame(); } return false; case 'i': case 'I': case 0x0B: // Only defined with apple2enh targts, CH_CURS_UP: if (cursorY != 0) { setCursorPos(cursorX, cursorY - 1); } else { setCursorPos(cursorX, BOARD_SIZE - 1); } break; case 'j': case 'J': case CH_CURS_LEFT: if (cursorX != 0) { setCursorPos(cursorX - 1, cursorY); } else { setCursorPos(BOARD_SIZE - 1, cursorY); } break; case 'k': case 'K': case CH_CURS_RIGHT: if (cursorX < BOARD_SIZE - 1) { setCursorPos(cursorX + 1, cursorY); } else { setCursorPos(0, cursorY); } break; case 'm': case 'M': case 0x0A: // Only defined with apple2enh targts, CH_CURS_DOWN: if (cursorY < BOARD_SIZE - 1) { setCursorPos(cursorX, cursorY + 1); } else { setCursorPos(cursorX, 0); } break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if (*button0 > 127) shouldNotBeep = toggleScratchValueAtPos(cursorX, cursorY, ch - '0'); else shouldNotBeep = setValueAtPos(cursorX, cursorY, ch - '0'); if (shouldNotBeep) shouldSave = true; break; case '!': shouldNotBeep = toggleScratchValueAtPos(cursorX, cursorY, 1); if (shouldNotBeep) shouldSave = true; break; case '@': shouldNotBeep = toggleScratchValueAtPos(cursorX, cursorY, 2); if (shouldNotBeep) shouldSave = true; break; case '#': shouldNotBeep = toggleScratchValueAtPos(cursorX, cursorY, 3); if (shouldNotBeep) shouldSave = true; break; case '$': shouldNotBeep = toggleScratchValueAtPos(cursorX, cursorY, 4); if (shouldNotBeep) shouldSave = true; break; case '%': shouldNotBeep = toggleScratchValueAtPos(cursorX, cursorY, 5); if (shouldNotBeep) shouldSave = true; break; case '^': shouldNotBeep = toggleScratchValueAtPos(cursorX, cursorY, 6); if (shouldNotBeep) shouldSave = true; break; case '&': shouldNotBeep = toggleScratchValueAtPos(cursorX, cursorY, 7); if (shouldNotBeep) shouldSave = true; break; case '*': shouldNotBeep = toggleScratchValueAtPos(cursorX, cursorY, 8); if (shouldNotBeep) shouldSave = true; break; case '(': shouldNotBeep = toggleScratchValueAtPos(cursorX, cursorY, 9); if (shouldNotBeep) shouldSave = true; break; case 'u': case 'U': shouldNotBeep = undoLastMove(); break; default: shouldNotBeep = false; break; } if (!shouldNotBeep) { printf("\007"); } if (isPuzzleSolved()) { youWon(); return true; } } } return false; }