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2021-07-03 03:02:31 +00:00
; Focus3
; .TITLE "Apple /// Focus Drive Driver"
.PROC Focus3
.setcpu "6502"
DriverVersion = $005B ; Version number
DriverMfgr = $4453 ; Driver Manufacturer - DS
DriverType = $E1 ; No formatter present for the time being
DriverSubtype = $02 ;
InitialSlot = $02 ; Slot number to assume we're in
; SOS Equates
ExtPG = $1401 ; Driver extended bank address offset
AllocSIR = $1913 ; Allocate system internal resource
SELC800 = $1922 ; Enable Expansion Rom Space
DeAlcSIR = $1916 ; De-allocate system internal resource
SysErr = $1928 ; Report error to system
EReg = $FFDF ; Environment register
; SOS Zero page parameters
ReqCode = $C0 ; Request code
SOS_Unit = $C1 ; Unit number
SosBuf = $C2 ; SOS buffer pointer
ReqCnt = $C4 ; Requested byte count
CtlStat = $C2 ; Control/status code
CSList = $C3 ; Control/status list pointer
SosBlk = $C6 ; Starting block number
QtyRead = $C8 ; Bytes read return by D_READ
; Focus Hardware
ATOffset = $8F ; Base offset for $C0FF,X addressing
ATData8 = $C080-ATOffset+8 ; 8 bit data port
ATError = $C081-ATOffset+8 ; Error flags
ATSectorCount = $C082-ATOffset+8 ; Number of sectors to process
ATSectorNumber = $C083-ATOffset+8 ; Sector number requested
ATCylL = $C084-ATOffset+8 ; Cylinder # Low
ATCylH = $C085-ATOffset+8 ; Cylinder # High
ATHead = $C086-ATOffset+8 ; Head #
ATStatus = $C087-ATOffset+8 ; (R) Status of drive
ATCommand = $C087-ATOffset+8 ; (W) Issue a command
ATData16 = $C088-ATOffset-8 ; 16 bit data port, accessed with MSlot16 index value
ATReset = $C08B-ATOffset-8 ; (W) Reset the drive
ATAltStatus = $C08E-ATOffset-8 ; (R) Status of drive (Don't clear)
ATDigOut = $C08E-ATOffset-8 ; (W) Reset
ATDriveAdr = $C08F-ATOffset-8 ; (R) Drive address
; Parameter block specific to current SOS request
Num_Blks = $D2 ; Number of blocks requested (we'll never ever have > 128 blocks)
Count = $D3 ; 2 bytes lb,hb
; Focus zero page
Track = $D6 ; (3) Current track / ProDOS block
Head = $D9 ; (1) Current head
Sector = $DA ; (1) Current sector
Temp = $DB ; (2) Timer temp
RetryCount = $DD ; (1) Number of read retries
OkFlag = $DE ; (1) Compare byte for return value
ProCommand = $DF ; (1) 0=Status,1=Read,2=Write,3=Format
Ytemp = $E1 ; (1) Temp space for Y
ProBlock = $E2 ; (3) Block # to work with
; SOS Error Codes
XDNFERR = $10 ; Device not found
XBADDNUM = $11 ; Invalid device number
XREQCODE = $20 ; Invalid request code
XCTLCODE = $21 ; Invalid control/status code
XCTLPARAM = $22 ; Invalid control/status parameter
XNORESRC = $25 ; Resource not available
XBADOP = $26 ; Invalid operation
XIOERROR = $27 ; I/O error
XNODRIVE = $28 ; Drive not connected
XBYTECNT = $2C ; Byte count not a multiple of 512
XBLKNUM = $2D ; Block number to large
XDISKSW = $2E ; Disk switched
XDCMDERR = $31 ; device command ABORTED error occurred
XCKDEVER = $32 ; Check device readiness routine failed
XNORESET = $33 ; Device reset failed
XNODEVIC = $38 ; Device not connected
; Switch Macro
.MACRO SWITCH index,bounds,adrs_table,noexec ; See SOS Reference
.IFNBLANK index ; If PARM1 is present,
lda index ; load A with switch index
.IFNBLANK bounds ; If PARM2 is present,
cmp #bounds+1 ; perform bounds checking
bcs @110 ; on switch index
asl A ; Multiply by 2 for table index
lda adrs_table+1,y ; Get switch address from table
pha ; and push onto Stack
lda adrs_table,y
.IFBLANK noexec
rts ; Exit to code
; Comment Field of driver
.word $FFFF ; Signal that we have a comment
COMMENT: .byte "Apple /// Focus Driver - by David Schmidt 2019"
; Device identification Block (DIB) - Volume #0
DIB_0: .word DIB_1 ; Link pointer
.word Entry ; Entry pointer
.byte $08 ; Name length byte
.byte ".FOCUSD1 "; Device name
.byte $80 ; Active, no page alignment
DIB0_Slot: .byte InitialSlot ; Slot number
.byte $00 ; Unit number
.byte DriverType ; Type
.byte DriverSubtype ; Subtype
.byte $00 ; Filler
DIB0_Blks: .word $0000 ; # Blocks in device
.word DriverMfgr ; Manufacturer
.word DriverVersion ; Driver version
.word $0000 ; DCB length followed by DCB
; Device identification Block (DIB) - Volume #1
; Page alignment begins here
DIB_1: .word DIB_2 ; Link pointer
.word Entry ; Entry pointer
.byte $08 ; Name length byte
.byte ".FOCUSD2 "; Device name
.byte $80 ; Active
DIB1_Slot: .byte InitialSlot ; Slot number
.byte $01 ; Unit number
.byte DriverType ; Type
.byte DriverSubtype ; Subtype
.byte $00 ; Filler
DIB1_Blks: .word $0000 ; # Blocks in device
.word DriverMfgr ; Driver manufacturer
.word DriverVersion ; Driver version
.word $0000 ; DCB length followed by DCB
; Device identification Block (DIB) - Volume #2
DIB_2: .word DIB_3 ; Link pointer
.word Entry ; Entry pointer
.byte $08 ; Name length byte
.byte ".FOCUSD3 "; Device name
.byte $80 ; Active
DIB2_Slot: .byte InitialSlot ; Slot number
.byte $02 ; Unit number
.byte DriverType ; Type
.byte DriverSubtype ; Subtype
.byte $00 ; Filler
DIB2_Blks: .word $0000 ; # Blocks in device
.word DriverMfgr ; Driver manufacturer
.word DriverVersion ; Driver version
.word $0000 ; DCB length followed by DCB
; Device identification Block (DIB) - Volume #3
DIB_3: .word DIB_4 ; Link pointer
.word Entry ; Entry pointer
.byte $08 ; Name length byte
.byte ".FOCUSD4 "; Device name
.byte $80 ; Active
DIB3_Slot: .byte InitialSlot ; Slot number
.byte $03 ; Unit number
.byte DriverType ; Type
.byte DriverSubtype ; Subtype
.byte $00 ; Filler
DIB3_Blks: .word $0000 ; # Blocks in device
.word DriverMfgr ; Driver manufacturer
.word DriverVersion ; Driver version
.word $0000 ; DCB length followed by DCB
; Device identification Block (DIB) - Volume #4
DIB_4: .word DIB_5 ; Link pointer
.word Entry ; Entry pointer
.byte $08 ; Name length byte
.byte ".FOCUSD5 "; Device name
.byte $00 ; Inactive
DIB4_Slot: .byte InitialSlot ; Slot number
.byte $04 ; Unit number
.byte DriverType ; Type
.byte DriverSubtype ; Subtype
.byte $00 ; Filler
DIB4_Blks: .word $0000 ; # Blocks in device
.word DriverMfgr ; Driver manufacturer
.word DriverVersion ; Driver version
.word $0000 ; DCB length followed by DCB
; Device identification Block (DIB) - Volume #5
DIB_5: .word DIB_6 ; Link pointer
.word Entry ; Entry pointer
.byte $08 ; Name length byte
.byte ".FOCUSD6 "; Device name
.byte $00 ; Inactive
DIB5_Slot: .byte InitialSlot ; Slot number
.byte $05 ; Unit number
.byte DriverType ; Type
.byte DriverSubtype ; Subtype
.byte $00 ; Filler
DIB5_Blks: .word $0000 ; # Blocks in device
.word DriverMfgr ; Driver manufacturer
.word DriverVersion ; Driver version
.word $0000 ; DCB length followed by DCB
; Device identification Block (DIB) - Volume #6
DIB_6: .word DIB_7 ; Link pointer
.word Entry ; Entry pointer
.byte $08 ; Name length byte
.byte ".FOCUSD7 "; Device name
.byte $00 ; Inactive
DIB6_Slot: .byte InitialSlot ; Slot number
.byte $06 ; Unit number
.byte DriverType ; Type
.byte DriverSubtype ; Subtype
.byte $00 ; Filler
DIB6_Blks: .word $0000 ; # Blocks in device
.word DriverMfgr ; Driver manufacturer
.word DriverVersion ; Driver version
.word $0000 ; DCB length followed by DCB
; Device identification Block (DIB) - Volume #7
DIB_7: .word $0000 ; Link pointer
.word Entry ; Entry pointer
.byte $08 ; Name length byte
.byte ".FOCUSD8 "; Device name
.byte $00 ; Inactive
DIB7_Slot: .byte InitialSlot ; Slot number
.byte $07 ; Unit number
.byte DriverType ; Type
.byte DriverSubtype ; Subtype
.byte $00 ; Filler
DIB7_Blks: .word $0000 ; # Blocks in device
.word DriverMfgr ; Driver manufacturer
.word DriverVersion ; Driver version
.word $0000 ; DCB length followed by DCB
; Local storage locations
LastOP: .res $08, $FF ; Last operation for D_REPEAT calls
SIR_Addr: .word SIR_Tbl
SIR_Tbl: .res $05, $00
SIR_Len = *-SIR_Tbl
RdBlk_Proc: .word $0000
WrBlk_Proc: .word $0000
MaxUnits: .byte $08 ; The maximum number of units
DriveType: .byte $00 ; Type of drive
DCB_Idx: .byte $00 ; DCB 0's blocks
.byte DIB1_Blks-DIB0_Blks ; DCB 1's blocks
.byte DIB2_Blks-DIB0_Blks ; DCB 2's blocks
.byte DIB3_Blks-DIB0_Blks ; DCB 3's blocks
.byte DIB4_Blks-DIB0_Blks ; DCB 4's blocks
.byte DIB5_Blks-DIB0_Blks ; DCB 5's blocks
.byte DIB6_Blks-DIB0_Blks ; DCB 6's blocks
.byte DIB7_Blks-DIB0_Blks ; DCB 7's blocks
SigFocus: .byte "Parsons Engin." ; Focus card signature in memory
CardIsOK: .byte $00 ; Have we found the Focus card yet?
LastError: .byte $00 ; Recent error RC from Focus
StatusBlks: .word $0000 ; Temp storage for number of blocks
; Storage items from Focus ROM
; Partition sizes for max of 8 partitions
PartLo: .res $08, $00 ; Partition start block
PartMd: .res $08, $00 ; wait for it...
PartHi: .res $08, $00 ; 24 bit!
; Temps
PartSizeLo1: .byte $00
PartSizeMid1: .byte $00
PartSizeHi1: .byte $00
SmartFlag: .byte $00
MSlot16: .byte $00 ; Offset to hardware port based on slot
; Driver request handlers
lda DIB0_Slot ; Slot we're in (all DIBx_Slot values are the same)
jsr SELC800 ; Turn on C800 ROM space from our slot
jsr GoSlow
jsr Dispatch ; Call the dispatcher
jsr GoFast
ldx SOS_Unit ; Get drive number for this unit
lda ReqCode ; Keep request around for D_REPEAT
sta LastOP,x ; Keep track of last operation
lda #$00
jsr SELC800 ; Unselect C800 ROM space
; The Dispatcher. Note that if we came in on a D_INIT call,
; we do a branch to Dispatch normally.
; Dispatch is called as a subroutine!
DoTable: .word DRead-1 ; 0 Read request
.word DWrite-1 ; 1 Write request
.word DStatus-1 ; 2 Status request
.word DControl-1 ; 3 Control request
.word BadReq-1 ; 4 Unused
.word BadReq-1 ; 5 Unused
.word BadOp-1 ; 6 Open - valid for character devices
.word BadOp-1 ; 7 Close - valid for character devices
.word DInit-1 ; 8 Init request
.word DRepeat-1 ; 9 Repeat last read or write request
Dispatch: SWITCH ReqCode,9,DoTable ; Serve the request
; Dispatch errors
BadReq: lda #XREQCODE ; Bad request code!
jsr SysErr ; Return to SOS with error in A
BadOp: lda #XBADOP ; Invalid operation!
jsr SysErr ; Return to SOS with error in A
; D_REPEAT - repeat the last D_READ or D_WRITE call
DRepeat: ldx SOS_Unit
lda LastOP,x ; Recall the last thing we did
cmp #$02 ; Looking for operation < 2
bcs BadOp ; Can only repeat a read or write
sta ReqCode
jmp Dispatch
NoDevice: lda #XDNFERR ; Device not found
jsr SysErr ; Return to SOS with error in A
; D_INIT call processing - called once each for all volumes.
lda SOS_Unit ; Check if we're initting the zeroeth unit
cmp #$00
bne DInitDone ; No - then skip the signature check
CheckSig: lda #$08 ; Prepare MSlot16 slot address calculation
adc DIB0_Slot ; A is now $08+slot#
asl ; A is now $80+(slot#*16) in the high nibble, $0 in low
adc #$0F ; A is now $9F through $CF depending on slot
sta MSlot16 ; Hang on to this for MSlot16 math
lda #$C0 ; Form a $CsED address, where s = slot #
ora DIB0_Slot ; Add in slot number
sta Count+1
lda #$ED ; $CxED is where "Parsons Engin." string lives
sta Count
ldy #$0D
@1: lda (Count),y
cmp SigFocus,y ; Check for 'Parsons Engin.' signature in our slot
bne NoDevice ; No device if all bytes don't match
bpl @1
lda DIB0_Slot ; Found a Focus!
ora #$10 ; SIR = $10+slot#
sta SIR_Tbl
sta CardIsOK ; Remember that we found the card
lda #SIR_Len
ldx SIR_Addr
ldy SIR_Addr+1
jsr AllocSIR ; Claim SIR
bcs NoDevice
lda #$00 ; 0=status
sta ProCommand ; Command for Focus
jsr InitDrive ; Hit the hardware, load up defaults
bcs NoDevice
lda CardIsOK ; Did we previously find a card?
bne :+
jmp NoDevice ; If not... then bail
: clc
; D_READ call processing
lda CardIsOK ; Did we previously find a card?
bne DReadGo
jmp NoDevice ; If not... then bail
jsr CkCnt ; Checks for validity, aborts if not
jsr CkUnit ; Checks for unit below unit max
lda #$00 ; Zero # bytes read
sta Count ; Local count of bytes read
sta Count+1
sta ProBlock+2
sta QtyRead ; Userland count of bytes read
sta QtyRead+1 ; Msb of userland bytes read
lda Num_Blks ; Check for block count greater than zero
beq ReadExit
jsr FixUp ; Correct for addressing anomalies
lda #$01 ; 1=read
sta ProCommand ; Prepare to read a block
lda SosBlk
sta ProBlock
lda SosBlk+1
sta ProBlock+1
ReadOne: jsr ReadBlock
bcs IO_Error
inc ProBlock
bne SkipReadMSBIncrement
inc ProBlock+1
inc SosBuf+1 ; Go get the next block in the buffer
jsr BumpSosBuf ; ...512 bytes in, and check the pointer
dec Num_Blks
bne ReadOne
lda Count ; Local count of bytes read
sta QtyRead ; Update # of bytes actually read
lda Count+1
sta QtyRead+1
rts ; Exit read routines
IO_Error: lda #XIOERROR ; I/O error
jsr SysErr ; Return to SOS with error in A
; D_WRITE call processing
lda CardIsOK ; Did we previously find a card?
bne DWriteGo
jmp NoDevice ; If not... then bail
jsr CkCnt ; Checks for validity, aborts if not
jsr CkUnit ; Checks for unit below unit max
lda #$00 ; 0=Status
lda Num_Blks ; Check for block count greater than zero
beq WriteExit
jsr FixUp ; Correct for addressing anomalies
lda #$02 ; 2=write
sta ProCommand
lda SosBlk
sta ProBlock
lda SosBlk+1
sta ProBlock+1
lda #$00
sta ProBlock+2
WriteOne: jsr WriteBlock
bcs IO_Error
inc ProBlock ; Bump the block number
bne SkipWriteMSBIncrement
inc ProBlock+1
inc SosBuf+1 ; Go get the next block in the buffer
jsr BumpSosBuf ; ...512 bytes in, and check the pointer
dec Num_Blks
bne WriteOne
; D_STATUS call processing
; $00 = Driver Status
; $FE = Return preferred bitmap location ($FFFF)
lda CardIsOK ; Did we previously find a card?
bne DStatusGo
jmp NoDevice ; If not... then bail
lda CtlStat ; Which status code to run?
bne DS0
DS0: cmp #$FE
bne DSWhat
ldy #$00 ; Return preferred bit map locations.
lda #$FF ; We return FFFF, don't care
sta (CSList),Y
sta (CSList),Y
DSWhat: lda #XCTLCODE ; Control/status code no good
jsr SysErr ; Return to SOS with error in A
; D_CONTROL call processing
; $00 = Reset device
LDA CardIsOK ; Did we previously find a card?
JMP NoDevice ; If not... then bail
DContGo: LDA CtlStat ; Control command
BEQ CReset
JMP DCWhat ; Control code no good!
CReset: clc ; No-op
DCDone: rts
DCWhat: lda #XCTLCODE ; Control/status code no good
jsr SysErr ; Return to SOS with error in A
; Utility routines
; Check ReqCnt to ensure it is a multiple of 512.
CkCnt: lda ReqCnt ; Look at the lsb of bytes requested
bne @1 ; No good! lsb should be 00
lda ReqCnt+1 ; Look at the msb
lsr A ; Put bottom bit into carry, 0 into top
sta Num_Blks ; Convert bytes to number of blks to xfer
bcc CvtBlk ; Carry is set from LSR to mark error.
@1: lda #XBYTECNT
jsr SysErr ; Return to SOS with error in A
; Test for valid block number; abort on error
ldx SOS_Unit
ldy DCB_Idx,x
lda DIB0_Blks+1,y ; Blocks on unit msb
sbc SosBlk+1 ; User requested block number msb
bvs BlkErr ; Not enough blocks on device for request
beq @1 ; Equal msb; check lsb.
rts ; Greater msb; we're ok.
@1: lda DIB0_Blks,y ; Blocks on unit lsb
sbc SosBlk ; User requested block number lsb
bvs BlkErr ; Not enough blocks on device for request
rts ; Equal or greater msb; we're ok.
BlkErr: lda #XBLKNUM
jsr SysErr ; Return to SOS with error in A
BumpSosBuf: inc SosBuf+1 ; Increment SosBuf MSB
; fallthrough to FixUp
; Fix up the buffer pointer to correct for addressing
; anomalies. We just need to do the initial checking
; for two cases:
; 00xx bank N -> 80xx bank N-1
; 20xx bank 8F if N was 0
; FDxx bank N -> 7Dxx bank N+1
; If pointer is adjusted, return with carry set
FixUp: lda SosBuf+1 ; Look at msb
beq @1 ; That's one!
cmp #$FD ; Is it the other one?
bcs @2 ; Yep. fix it!
rts ; Pointer unchanged, return carry clear.
@1: lda #$80 ; 00xx -> 80xx
sta SosBuf+1
dec SosBuf+ExtPG ; Bank N -> band N-1
lda SosBuf+ExtPG ; See if it was bank 0
cmp #$7F ; (80) before the DEC.
bne @3 ; Nope! all fixed.
lda #$20 ; If it was, change both
sta SosBuf+1 ; Msb of address and
lda #$8F
sta SosBuf+ExtPG ; Bank number for bank 8F
rts ; Return carry set
@2: and #$7F ; Strip off high bit
sta SosBuf+1 ; FDxx ->7Dxx
INC SosBuf+ExtPG ; Bank N -> bank N+1
@3: rts ; Return carry set
CkUnit: lda SOS_Unit ; Checks for unit below unit max
cmp MaxUnits
bmi UnitOk
NoUnit: lda XBADDNUM ; Report no unit to SOS
jsr SysErr
UnitOk: clc
; Throttle back to 1 MHz
GoSlow: pha
lda EReg
ora #$80
sta EReg
; Throttle up to 2 MHz
CGoFast: clc
GoFast: pha
lda EReg
and #$7F
sta EReg
; Gorp copied from ROM
.word $0012
.word $001B,$001B,$001B,$0021
.word $0021,$0021,$0021,$001F
.word $002B,$0011,$0011,$0018
.word $0011,$0026,$002B,$002B
.word $0023,$0026
DHeads: .word $0004,$0003,$0002,$0002
.word $0004,$0006,$0008,$0004
.word $0002,$0004,$0005,$0004
.word $0005,$0004,$0004,$0004
.word $0003,$0008
.word $030E,$030E,$030E,$0536
.word $0536,$0536,$0536,$029E
.word $03D1,$0266,$FFFF,$0368
.word $03D1,$0223,$03D1,$03CD
.word $0317,$0224
DPark: .word $035D,$035D,$035D,$0537
.word $0537,$0537,$0537,$029E
.word $03DE,$0276,$FFFF,$0369
.word $03D4,$0228,$03DE,$03DE
.word $0320,$0224
.word $006C,$0051,$0036,$0042
.word $0084,$00C6,$0108,$007C
.word $0056,$0044,$0055,$0060
.word $0055,$0098,$00AC,$00AC
.word $0069,$0130
lda #$01
lda #$08
bne DoCheck
lda #$00
DoCheck: sta OkFlag
lda #$00
sta Temp
lda #$F1
sta Temp+1
ldx MSlot16
@B: ldy #$00
@A: lda ATStatus,x
and #$88
cmp OkFlag
beq OK1
bne @A
inc Temp
bne @B
inc Temp+1
bne @B
OK1: clc
jsr SetUpDefaults
bcs Err2
lda #$00
jsr ReadPartition ; Read partition data
lda #$27
bcs LocalRTS ; Didn't work
ldx MSlot16
lda ATData16,x ; 0x00
sta Track
lda ATData16+1,x ; 0x01 'Pa' (Parsons Tech)
sta Track+1
ldy #$06 ; Index to sectors/Heads
jsr KillYWords ; 0x02..0x0d killed
lda ATData16,x ; 0x0e wasteage
lda ATData16+1,x ; 0x0f get # active partitions
and #$7f ; Sanitize: strip off high bit
cmp #$08 ; We support at most 8
bmi :+
lda #$08 ; If they have > 8... they have 8
: sta MaxUnits
ldy #$06 ; Index to sectors/Heads
jsr KillYWords ; 0x10..0x1b killed
lda ATData16,x ; 0x1c Get drive type (ignore 0x1d)
asl a
sta DriveType
ldy #$01 ; Index to zeroeth partition start
@A: jsr KillYWords ; 0x1e..0x1f killed
; Note: y is now 0x00
lda ATData16,x ; (Part*0x10)+0x20 get start block 1 of 4
sta PartLo,y ; Save Volume size data
lda ATData16+1,x ; (Part*0x10)+0x21 get start block 2 of 4
sta PartMd,y
lda ATData16,x ; (Part*0x10)+0x22 get start block 3 of 4
sta PartHi,y
lda ATData16+1,x ; (Part*0x10)+0x23 discard start block 4 of 4
lda ATData16,x ; (Part*0x10)+0x24 get block count 1 of 4
sta PartSizeLo1
lda ATData16+1,x ; (Part*0x10)+0x25 get block count 2 of 4
sta PartSizeMid1
lda ATData16,x ; (Part*0x10)+0x26 get block count 3 of 4 (ignore 4 of 4)
sta PartSizeHi1
lda ATData16,x ; (Part*0x10)+0x28 get write protect flag (ignore 2 of 2)
sty Ytemp ; Stash current partition number
ldy #$03 ; Kill File system ID, end of part
jsr KillYWords ; (Part*0x10)+0x2a..0x2f killed
ldx Ytemp ; X now holds partition number
ldy DCB_Idx,x ; Y now holds offset to DIBx_Blks of this partition/unit
lda PartSizeLo1
sta DIB0_Blks,y
lda PartSizeMid1
sta DIB0_Blks+1,y
lda PartSizeHi1
cmp #$01 ; Do we have 65536 (or more) blocks?
bne :+
lda #$FF ; Then we really only have 65535 blocks.
sta DIB0_Blks,y
sta DIB0_Blks+1,y
: ldx MSlot16 ; Reload X with MSlot16
ldy Ytemp
cpy MaxUnits
bne PartStart
; Now we need to burn the rest of the partition table
jsr KillToDRQ ; Kill the rest of the sector
jsr WaitStatus ; Exit (Return Carry Clear/Set)
bcs Err1
ldx Track
cpx #$50 ; 'P'
bne Invalid
ldx Track+1
cpx #$61 ; 'a'
bne Invalid
ldy DriveType
ldx MSlot16
lda DHeads,y
sbc #$01
ora #$A0
sta ATHead,x
lda DSectors,y
sta ATSectorCount,x
lda #$91 ; Setup size command
sta ATCommand,x
jsr WaitStatus ; Wait for ack
bcc NoErr2
Err1: lda #$28
NoErr2: lda #$00
lda #$00
sta MaxUnits
lda #$28
lda #$02
sta RetryCount
TryRead: lda #$00
sta Track
sta Track+1
sta Head
sta Sector
bcc VERR
dec RetryCount
beq VERR
jsr RecalDrive
jmp TryRead
TRYME: lda #$20 ; Send a read command (But don't actually read yet)
jsr SendPacket
jmp WaitDataIn ; Wait for readiness
VERR: rts
ldx MSlot16
lda #$00
sta ATReset,x
lda #$80
sta ATReset,x
lda #$10
jsr SendPacket
jmp WaitStatus
ldx MSlot16
ldy #$00
sty Temp
lda #$F1
sta Temp+1
@A: lda ATStatus,x
bpl NotBusy
bne @A
inc Temp
bne @A
inc Temp+1
bne @A
IOErr: lda #$27
NotBusy: and #$01
bne IOErr
; Remove y*2 bytes (y words) from port (Note that this will only retain the low 8 bits!)
lda ATStatus,x
and #$08
beq KillYWords
lda ATData16,x
bne KillYWords
; Remove all bytes from port until the Data Transfer Requested bit is off
lda ATData16,x
lda ATStatus,x
and #$08
bne KillToDRQ
WriteBlock: jsr FindBlock
lda #$04
sta RetryCount
OneTry: lda ProCommand
lsr a
bcs DoRead
jsr Write1Block
bcs Retry
NoErr1: lda #$00
DoRead: jsr Read1Block
bcc NoErr1
Retry: jsr RecalDrive
dec RetryCount
bne OneTry
IOError: sec
lda #$27
lda #$2B
ldx #$00
ldy #$00
lda #$20
jsr SendPacket
jsr WaitDataIn
bcs OhWell
ldx MSlot16
ldy #$00
@1: lda ATData16,x
sta (SosBuf),y
lda ATData16+1,x
sta (SosBuf),y
bne @1
jsr BumpSosBuf
@2: lda ATData16,x
sta (SosBuf),y
lda ATData16+1,x
sta (SosBuf),y
bne @2
dec SosBuf+1
jmp WaitStatus
OhWell: sec
lda #$30
jsr SendPacket
jsr WaitDataOut
ldy #$00
ldx MSlot16
lda (SosBuf),y
sta ATData16,x ; C090=S1,C0A0=S2,C0B0=S3,C0C0=S4
lda (SosBuf),y
sta ATData16+1,x
bne WriteSector
jsr BumpSosBuf
lda (SosBuf),y
sta ATData16,x
lda (SosBuf),y
sta ATData16+1,x
bne Local
dec SosBuf+1
jmp WaitStatus ; Return through WaitStatus
ldx MSlot16
lda Head
ora #$A0
sta ATHead,x
lda #$01
sta ATSectorCount,x
adc Sector
sta ATSectorNumber,x
lda Track
sta ATCylL,x
lda Track+1
sta ATCylH,x
sta ATCommand,x
; Locate the drive block number given SOS_Unit, ProBlock(+1+2)
; Sets Track, Sector, Head
ldy SOS_Unit
lda PartLo,y
adc ProBlock
sta Track
lda PartMd,y
adc ProBlock+1
sta Track+1
lda PartHi,y
adc ProBlock+2
sta Track+2
ldx DriveType
lda DHeadCyl,x
sta Head
lda DHeadCyl+1,x
sta Sector
ldx #$00
stx Temp
stx Temp+1
ldy #$18
lda Track+2
bne Do24Bit
lda Track+1
beq Do8Bit
sta Track+2
lda Track
sta Track+1
ldy #$10
bne Do16Bit
Do8Bit: lda Track
sta Track+2
ldy #$08
stx Track+1
Do16Bit: stx Track
Do24Bit: asl Track
rol Track+1
rol Track+2
rol Temp
rol Temp+1
lda Temp
sbc Head
lda Temp+1
sbc Sector
bcc @A
stx Temp
sta Temp+1
inc Track
@A: dey
bne Do24Bit
sty Head
ldx DriveType
@B: sec
lda Temp
sbc DSectors,x
lda Temp+1
sbc DSectors+1,x
bcc CF
sty Temp
sta Temp+1
inc Head
bne @B
CF: lda Temp
sta Sector