****************************************************************************************** * * Primary page controller. * ======================================================================================== * ****************************************************************************************** SetupPage jsr TEXT ; ensure we are out of graphics modes as application has some! jsr PRINT ; position cursor on bottom line dfb _HOME dfb 23,$8D dfb _CLREOL dfb $00 ldx #_init ; vector offset jsr _VCALL ror scrolling ; set flag based on C sty maxlines sta maxlines+1 stz topline stz topline+1 DrawPage jsr PRINT ; Clear and then draw the content area dfb _HOME,$8d,$8d,0 ; If we aren't scrolling, call _display vector ONCE and then handle keyboard. bit scrolling bpl :scroll lda #0 tay ldx #_display jsr _VCALL jmp KeyboardWait :scroll lda #0 :loop pha clc adc topline sta printline lda topline+1 adc #0 sta printline+1 cmp maxlines+1 blt :drwlin lda printline cmp maxlines bge :erase :drwlin lda printline+1 ldy printline ldx #_display jsr _VCALL bra :incr :erase jsr PRINT dfb _CLREOL,$8D,0 :incr pla inc cmp #PAGELEN blt :loop KeyboardWait lda KEYBOARD bpl KeyboardWait ; Uppercase the if it's A-Z cmp #"a" blt :goodky cmp #"z"+1 bge :goodky and #$df ; uppercase mask :goodky sta KEYCLEAR bit OpenApple bpl :normal ; OpenApple handler jsr SetScreen bcs :paging jsr CLRSCRN jmp SetupPage ; OA-Up :paging cmp #UpArrow bne :nPgUp ldy #15 :uploop jsr :up1 dey bne :uploop beq :back ; always ; OA-Down :nPgUp cmp #DownArrow bne :chkOAQ ldy #15 :dnloop jsr :down1 dey bne :dnloop beq :back ; always ; OA-Q :chkOAQ cmp #"Q" bne :chkOA7 jsr PRODOSMLI dfb _MLIQUIT da QUITPARM :back jmp DrawPage ; fall through and common return ; OA-* :chkOA7 cmp #"*" bne :back jsr PRINT asc _CLS,"Press CTRL-Y to re-enter AFScanner.",$8D,$00 jmp MONITOR ; Common keypress handler ; Up :normal cmp #UpArrow bne :notUp jsr :up1 jmp DrawPage ; Down :notUp cmp #DownArrow bne :pgKey jsr :down1 jmp DrawPage ; "Local" subroutines ; if topline+PAGELEN >= maxlines then return ; topline = topline + 1 :down1 clc lda topline adc #PAGELEN sta printline lda printline+1 adc #0 sta printline+1 cmp maxlines+1 bcc :minus1 lda printline cmp maxlines bge :rts :minus1 inc topline bne :rts inc topline+1 rts ; if topline = 0 then return ; topline = topline - 1 :up1 lda topline ora topline+1 beq :rts ; already = 0 sec lda topline sbc #1 sta topline lda topline+1 sbc #0 sta topline+1 :rts rts :pgKey ldx #_keypress ; Fall through and JMP to _keypress which takes control for local page keys * Simple vector call from ZP based on X register _VCALL jmp: ($00,x) ; Merlin32 needs to know 16 bit JMP * Handle screen change - both called by app init and normal keyboard handler SetScreen ldx #0 :next bit :data,x bpl :notf cmp :data,x beq :setup pha txa clc adc #7 tax pla bra :next :notf sec ; Not found rts :setup ldy #0 :copy inx lda :data,x sta _init,y iny cpy #6 bne :copy clc rts * * Data per page: Apple ASCII, Initialization, Display, Keypress (7 bytes) * * Definitions: * - BYTE = Character to match on, case insensitive * - ADDR = Initialize routine (load track, calculate lookup tables, etc). * Return: * A:Y for number of lines, * Carry: Set = no scrolling (graphics, form, etc), Clear = scrolling. * Note: Initialization should also display 24th line for the page. * (Cursor is there and line is clear.) * - ADDR = Display routine. Called with A:Y for line number. Should end with $8D and is * responsible for clearing the line. * - ADDR = Keypress handler. NOT A SUBROUTINE. This routine has a number of entry * points it might call. KeyboardWait for another keypress or SetupPage to * reinitialize and redraw. * :data dfb "A" da AboutInit, AboutDisplay, AboutKeypress dfb "F" da FieldInit, FieldDisplay, FieldKeypress dfb "B" da BrowseInit, BrowseDisplay, BrowseKeypress dfb "G" da HgrInit, HgrDisplay, HgrKeypress dfb "C" da CountInit, CountDisplay, CountKeypress dfb "T" da TestInit, TestDisplay, TestKeypress dfb 0 ; end