@echo off rem rem Anti-M Makefile for Windows rem assembles source code, optionally builds a disk image rem rem a qkumba monstrosity from 2019-04-11 rem set BUILDDISK=build\anti-m set VOLUME=ANTI.M rem third-party tools required to build (must be in path) rem https://sourceforge.net/projects/acme-crossass/ set ACME=acme rem https://www.brutaldeluxe.fr/products/crossdevtools/cadius/ rem https://github.com/mach-kernel/cadius set CADIUS=cadius if "%1" equ "asm" ( :asm 2>nul md build %ACME% -r build\anti-m.lst src\anti-m.a 1>nul copy /y res\work.bin "%BUILDDISK%.po" 1>nul copy /y res\_FileInformation.txt build\ >>build\log %CADIUS% ADDFILE "%BUILDDISK%.po" "/%VOLUME%/" "build\ANTI.M.SYSTEM" >>build\log %ACME% -r build\proboot.lst src\proboot.a cscript /nologo bin/changebootloader.js "%BUILDDISK%.po" build\proboot cscript /nologo bin/po2do.js build\ build\ 2>nul del "%BUILDDISK%.po" goto :EOF ) if "%1" equ "clean" ( :clean echo y|1>nul 2>nul rd build /s goto :EOF ) echo usage: %0 clean / asm