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2023-03-04 03:45:20 +01:00
; ; Block.aii ; ; Heap block allocation and deallocation routines ; ; Copyright <20> 1989 Claris Corporation ; ; 1/25/89 Begun by Kevin A. Watts ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; Routines: all operate on the current heap ; ; H_NewBlock(Size:xy): Index:ax ; allocate a new block and index ; H_DisposeBlock(Index:xy) ; dispose of a block ; H_ResizeBlock(Index:l,DataSize:xy): Ptr:ax ; resize a block ; H_CopyBlock(OldIndex:xy): Index:ax, Ptr:l ; copy a block ; H_GetBlockPtr(Index:xy): Ptr:ax ; get pointer to block ; H_GetBlockSize(Index:xy): Size:ax ; get size of block ; H_TruncHeap() ; shrink the heap to its minimum size ; ; NewIndex() ; allocate a new index ; DisposeIndex() ; dispose of an index ; NewBlock() ; allocate a new block ; DisposeBlock() ; dispose of a block ; CompactMoveBlock() ; move a block in SqueezeHeap or CompactSegment ; SqueezeHeap(DisposeFlag:x) ; squeeze the heap into as few segments as possible ; CompactSegment() ; compact a data segment ; NewDataSegment() ; create and initialize a new data segment ; VerifyIndex() ; verify the index in Index ;-------------------------------------------------------------- PRINT PUSH PRINT OFF LOAD 'Macros.Dump' gblc &__FILE__ &__FILE__ setc 'Block' include 'Heap.mac' include 'HeapPrivate.equ' include 'm16.profile' include 'Driver.equ' ENTRY H_NewBlock ENTRY H_DisposeBlock ENTRY H_ResizeBlock ENTRY H_CopyBlock ENTRY H_GetBlockPtr ENTRY H_GetBlockSize ENTRY H_TruncHeap ENTRY NewIndex ENTRY DisposeIndex ENTRY NewBlock ENTRY DisposeBlock IF Squeezing THEN ENTRY SqueezeHeap ENDIF ENTRY CompactSegment ENTRY NewDataSegment IF ErrorCheck THEN ENTRY VerifyIndex ENDIF PRINT POP ;<3B>;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; H_NewBlock(DataSize:xy): Index:ax, NewBlockPtr:l ; error status returned in y, with x used to indicate ; error in index (-1) or block (0) allocation ; ; Allocate a new block of the specified size in the current heap. ; NewBlockPtr and Index are invalid if any error occurs. ; Zpage variables modified: ; DataSize ; NewIndex() ; NewBlock() ; DisposeIndex() H_NewBlock PROC EXPORT BeginZ NewBlockPtr equ 6 ; stack frame w/offsets: ; 1: return address (3 bytes) ; 4: saved direct page (2 bytes) ; 6: space for returned pointer (4 bytes) MoveLong xy,DataSize ; save the requested block size jsr NewIndex bcs noIndex IF UseLastResort THEN stz SkipLastResort ENDIF jsr NewBlock bcs noBlock sta NewBlockPtr,s txa sta NewBlockPtr+2,s MoveLong Index,ax ;ldy #0 - y = 0 after NewBlock without error ReturnZ noIndex IF VerboseErrors THEN phy Call D_AlertBox,in=(#OkBox:w,#NoIndexMesg:l),out=(a:w) ply sec DEBRK3 ENDIF ldx #-1 ReturnZ noBlock phy jsr DisposeIndex IF VerboseErrors THEN Call D_AlertBox,in=(#OkBox:w,#NoBlockMesg:l),out=(a:w) DEBRK3 ENDIF ply ldx #0 sec ReturnZ IF VerboseErrors THEN NoIndexMesg str 'H_NewBlock: Unable to allocate index' NoBlockMesg str 'H_NewBlock: Unable to allocate block' ENDIF ENDP ;<3B>;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; H_DisposeBlock(Index:xy) ; no error status is returned ; ; Dispose of the specified block in the current heap. ; Zpage variables modified: ; Index ; ISegPtr ; DisposeBlock() ; DisposeIndex() H_DisposeBlock PROC EXPORT BeginZ MoveLong xy,Index ; save the index tya beq disposeZeroError IF Profile THEN ProfileIn 9,_H ldx Index ENDIF ; get ptr to index segment lda [H_ISegPtrHi],y sta ISegPtr+2 lda [H_ISegPtrLo],y sta ISegPtr jsr DisposeBlock jsr DisposeIndex ProfileOut 9,_H IF (ErrorCheck = 0) THEN disposeZeroError ENDIF ReturnZ IF ErrorCheck THEN disposeZeroError SpaceWord PushWord #OkBox PushLong #dzMesg jsl D_AlertBox pla DEBRK2 ReturnZ dzMesg str 'H_DisposeBlock: Attempt to dispose of index $00xx!' ENDIF ; ErrorCheck ENDP ;<3B>;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; H_ResizeBlock(Index:l,DataSize:xy): Ptr:ax ; error status returned in y ; ; Resize the specified blo