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**************************************************************** * * Init Sound DOC * **************************************************************** ProDOS gequ $e100a8 longa on longi on InitSound START ReggaeMan Using InstDef Using PictureBuffer Using SequenceNotes Using SeqEffects1 Using SeqEffects2 ldx #$00 lda #$8080 bcle sta >WaveBuffer,x ; 256 bytes buffer inx inx cpx #256 bne bcle sei PushLong #WaveBuffer ; Copy to DOC ram 256 $80 bytes PushWord #0 ; to make sure that there are no PushWord #256 ; $00 bytes that would stop the _WriteRamBlock ; oscilator. sep #$20 longa off bcleWait lda >$E1C03C bmi bcleWait ora #%00100000 and #%10111111 sta >$E1C03C lda #$40 sta >$E1C03E ; Set Volume Registers ldy #0 lda #0 ; Volume=0 bcleWrite1 sta >$E1C03D iny cpy #30 bne bcleWrite1 lda #$80 sta >$E1C03E ; Set Wavetable Pointer Registers ldy #0 lda #0 ; Wavetable Pointer register=0 bcleWrite2 sta >$E1C03D iny cpy #30 bne bcleWrite2 lda #$A0 sta >$E1C03E ; Set Control Registers ldy #0 bcleWrite3 lda #1 ; Control Byte=1 (osc. stopped) sta >$E1C03D iny cpy #30 bne bcleWrite3 lda #$C0 sta >$E1C03E ; Set Wavetable Size Registers ldy #0 bcleWrite4 lda #0 ; Size=0 sta >$E1C03D iny cpy #30 bne bcleWrite4 lda #$00 sta >$E1C03E lda #$FA sta >$E1C03D ; Frequency low 0=$7D =50Hz lda #$20 sta >$E1C03E lda #$0 sta >$E1C03D ; Frequency high 0=0 lda #$E1 sta >$E1C03E lda #60 sta >$E1C03D ; 30 osc. enabled lda #$A0 sta >$E1C03E lda #$8 sta >$E1C03D ; Osc 0 generates interrupts rep #$20 longa on cli rts **************************************************************** * * Load Music * **************************************************************** LoadMusic ENTRY Using SequenceNotes Using SeqEffects1 Using SeqEffects2 Using InstDef PushLong #Parmblock PushWord #$2010 ; Open jsl GSOS jsl ProDOSErrJSL lda parmblock+2 sta parmblock2+2 sta parmblock3+2 sta parmblock4+2 sta parmblock5+2 sta parmblock6+2 sta parmblock7+2 PushLong #Parmblock2 PushWord #$2012 ; Read Header jsl GSOS jsl ProDOSErrJSL ldx #44 ldy #0 bcleSetVolume lda >HeaderBuffer,x sta VolumeTable,y iny iny txa clc adc #30 tax cmp #470 bcc bcleSetVolume ReadFile lda >HeaderBuffer+6 sta Length sta Length2