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2023-03-04 03:45:20 +01:00
LOAD 'Macros.dump' INCLUDE 'M16.Profile' INCLUDE 'SS.equ' ; INCLUDE 'Driver.equ' INCLUDE 'Heap.aii.i' INCLUDE 'Eval.aii.i' ;----------------------------------------------- ; ; Imported addresses ; ;----------------------------------------------- IMPORT S_AcceptCell IMPORT S_AddCellToChangedList IMPORT S_BuildTrashUndo IMPORT S_DeltaMove IMPORT S_DependHomeCell IMPORT S_FixDependList IMPORT S_GetCellTableEntry IMPORT S_GetRealCell IMPORT S_GetRefCell IMPORT S_InRange IMPORT S_MoveCell IMPORT S_MoveDestBR IMPORT S_MoveDestTL IMPORT S_MoveOldCell IMPORT S_MoveSrcTL IMPORT S_NormalizeRange IMPORT S_OrigTransDestBR IMPORT S_OrigTransDestTL IMPORT S_RemoveRangeDep IMPORT S_ResetCircularity IMPORT S_SetCellTableEntry IMPORT S_SetCircularBits IMPORT S_SplitDependList IMPORT S_SwapCell IMPORT S_TraverseDependFormulas IMPORT S_TraverseRange ;----------------------------------------------- ; ; Forward addresses and entries ; ;----------------------------------------------- ENTRY S_TrashFormula ENTRY S_TrashFormula2 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; S_TrashCell PROC EXPORT ;Using S_CurrentData ;Using S_MoveData input Cell:l,CellTableEntry:l local DependList:l,DependPtr:l local CellPtr:l,FakeCellFlag:w local SingleList:l,RangeList:l local RangeStart:l,RangeSize:l error ErrFlag BEGIN ProfileIn 1 stz ErrFlag ; We know that there is something at this location. If it is only ; a depend list, we can skip the first part of this routine. lda CellTableEntry+2 and #S_CellTableFlags sta FakeCellFlag bne doTrashTraverse ; If a user-cell exists, we will first remove the cell (as if with ; a delete key). This will clean up any depend ptrs to this cell as ; well as fix up any pad cells. ldx #S_CellTypeEmpty in Cell:l,x:w,x:w,x:w,x:w out :l,:l XCall S_AcceptCell,err=ErrFlag pla plx cpx S_MoveDestBR+2 blt chkLeft1 stx S_MoveDestBR+2 chkLeft1 pla plx cpx S_MoveDestTL+2 bge getIndex stx S_MoveDestTL+2 getIndex lda ErrFlag jne Exit ; Now if there are any depend ptrs left at this location, we need to ; 'trash' the formulas that refer to this cell. First get the depend list. ; Call S_GetCellTableEntry,in=(Cell:l),out=(CellTableEntry:l) ora CellTableEntry jeq Exit lda CellTableEntry+2 and #S_CellTableFlags sta FakeCellFlag ; This will traverse the depend list and trash any cells that refer ; to this cell. doTrashTraverse MoveLong Cell,S_MoveOldCell in Cell:l,CellTableEntry:l,#S_TrashFormula:l,#S_TrashFormula2:l XCall S_TraverseDependFormulas,err=ErrFlag jcs Exit ; Get the DependList again. It could have changed, because trashing an ; endpt of a range will modify depend lists. lda FakeCellFlag beq doRealCell Call S_GetCellTableEntry,in=(Cell:l),out=(DependList:l) bra gotDepList doRealCell H_GetBlockPtr CellTableEntry,CellPtr MoveWord [CellPtr]:#S_CellDependOnMe,DependList MoveWord [CellPtr]:#S_CellDependOnMe+2,DependList+2 ; If nothing left, quit. gotDepList ora DependList bne gotDepList2 bra Exit ; Else, keep only the range part of the list. To do this we need ; to split up the list and Save the range part at the cell. We'll ; throw away the single part. gotDepList2 in DependList:l out SingleList:l,RangeList:l XCall S_SplitDependList,err=ErrFlag bcs Exit ; Save the range part. lda FakeCellFlag beq doPadCell2 Call S_SetCellTableEntry,in=(Cell:l,RangeList:l) bra depListSet doPadCell2 H_GetBlockPtr CellTableEntry,CellPtr MoveWord RangeList,[CellPtr]:#S_CellDependOnMe MoveWord RangeList+2,[CellPtr]:#S_CellDependOnMe+2 ; Throw away the single part. depListSet lda SingleList+2 bmi Exit and #$FFFF-S_CellTableFlags sta SingleList+2 ora SingleList beq Exit H_DisposeBlock SingleList Exit ProfileOut 1 RETURN ENDP ;---------