* * DLLD * Let's play Dragon's Lair :-) * * (c) 2024, Brutal Deluxe Software * mx %11 org $2000 lst off use 4/Int.Macs use 4/Util.Macs *----------------------------------- * MACROS *----------------------------------- _sendSTRING mac ldx #>]1 ldy #<]1 jsr sendString eom *----------------------------------- * EQUATES *----------------------------------- SLOT = 2 N0 = SLOT*16 CN = SLOT!$C0 dpFROM = $fc dpTO = dpFROM+2 chrRETURN = $0d KBD = $c000 KBDSTROBE = $c010 HOME = $fc58 COUT = $fded *----------------------------------- * CODE *----------------------------------- jsr HOME jsr initSERIAL ; set the serial addresses jsr initPORT ; init the serial port for LD support jsr showFRAME ldx #>strSA ; start the player ldy #strRJ ; Set frame and search ldy #strFR ; Set frame and search ldy #strPL ; play the disc ldy #strST ; still me ldy #strDS ; on veut la frame number ldy #responseBUF ldy #