* * Tout a disparu * * (c) 1992, Franois Coulon * (c) 2022, Antoine Vignau & Olivier Zardini * mx %00 *----------------------- * CONSTANTES *----------------------- NB_INDICATEURS = 10 NB_MOTS = 25 ; on ne peut pas avoir plus de 25 mots par ecran NB_TEXTES = 160 ; nombre de textes du jeu *----------------------- * load_font *----------------------- load_font jsr font_it bcc lf_ok pha PushLong #fntSTR1 PushLong #fntSTR2 PushLong #errSTR3 PushLong #errSTR2 _TLTextMountVolume pla lf_ok rts *--- Really load the font font_it PushWord #$0A00 ; Taille 10 PushWord #$0016 ; Courier PushWord #0 _InstallFont rts *----------------------- * set_language *----------------------- set_language PushWord #0 PushWord #$29 _ReadBParam pla cmp #20 bcc st_ok rts * index * TEXTES : +16 st_ok jsr st_setit ; try IIgs language bcc st_ok99 lda #0 ; if not, try EN US jsr st_setit bcc st_ok99 lda #2 ; it not, force FR - It always exists jsr st_setit st_ok99 rts *--- st_setit ; set language code sta saveLANGUAGE asl tax lda tblLANG,x sta pINDEX+16 sta pTEXTES+16 lda #pINDEX ; check file exists sta proOPEN+4 jsl GSOS dw $2010 adrl proOPEN bcs st_setit99 lda proOPEN+2 sta proCLOSE+2 jsl GSOS dw $2014 adrl proCLOSE st_setit99 rts *--- tblLANG asc 'us' ; 0 asc 'uk' asc 'fr' ; 2 asc 'nl' asc 'es' ; 4 asc 'it' asc 'de' ; 6 asc 'se' asc 'us' asc 'ca' asc 'nl' asc 'he' asc 'jp' asc 'ar' asc 'gr' asc 'tr' asc 'fi' asc 'ta' asc 'hi' asc 'us' ; 19 *----------------------- * load_index *----------------------- load_index lda #pINDEX sta proOPEN+4 jsl GSOS dw $2010 adrl proOPEN bcs li_err2 lda proOPEN+2 sta proREAD+2 sta proCLOSE+2 lda ptrINDEX sta proREAD+4 lda ptrINDEX+2 sta proREAD+6 lda proEOF sta proREAD+8 lda proEOF+2 sta proREAD+10 jsl GSOS dw $2012 adrl proREAD bcs li_err jsl GSOS dw $2014 adrl proCLOSE rts li_err jsl GSOS dw $2014 adrl proCLOSE li_err2 pha PushLong #filSTR1 PushLong #errSTR2 PushLong #errSTR1 PushLong #errSTR2 _TLTextMountVolume pla brl meQUIT1 *----------------------- * next_index *----------------------- next_index inc dpINDEX bne ni_1 inc dpINDEX+2 ni_1 lda [dpINDEX] and #$ff rts *----------------------- * load_textes *----------------------- load_textes lda #pTEXTES sta proOPEN+4 jsl GSOS dw $2010 adrl proOPEN bcs lt_err2 lda proOPEN+2 sta proREAD+2 sta proCLOSE+2 lda ptrTEXTES sta proREAD+4 lda ptrTEXTES+2 sta proREAD+6 lda proEOF sta proREAD+8 lda proEOF+2 sta proREAD+10 jsl GSOS dw $2012 adrl proREAD bcs lt_err jsl GSOS dw $2014 adrl proCLOSE rts lt_err jsl GSOS dw $2014 adrl proCLOSE lt_err2 pha PushLong #filSTR1 PushLong #errSTR2 PushLong #errSTR1 PushLong #errSTR2 _TLTextMountVolume pla brl meQUIT1 *----------------------- * init_textes *----------------------- init_textes stz nbTEXTES ; 0 texts on entry lda proEOF ; is file empty? ora proEOF+2 bne it1 rts it1 lda ptrTEXTES sta dpFROM clc adc proEOF sta dpTO lda ptrTEXTES+2 sta dpFROM+2 adc proEOF+2 sta dpTO+2 *--- Nombre de textes en little endian lda [dpFROM] ; le premier word est le nombre de textes xba sta nbTEXTES2 ; pour comparer avec notre valeur lda dpFROM ; += 2 clc adc #2 sta dpFROM lda dpFROM+2 adc #0 sta dpFROM+2 *--- ldy #1 ; tell to store string it2 cpy #1 ; save string pointer? bne it3 ; nope lda nbTEXTES ; yes, save the address of the string asl asl tax lda dpFROM sta tblTEXTES,x lda dpFROM+2 sta tblTEXTES+2,x dey ; string is saved inc nbTEXTES ; increment the number of strings lda nbTEXTES ; into our limit cmp #NB_TEXTES bcc it3 rts it3 lda [dpFROM] ; is it the end of a string? and #$ff bne it4 ; nope iny ; yes, tell to store string it4 inc dpFROM bne it5 inc dpFROM+2 it5 lda dpFROM+2 ; did we reach the end of the file? cmp dpTO+2 bcc it2 lda dpFROM cmp dpTO bcc it2 rts ; we are done! *----------------------- * get_textes(textes%) *----------------------- get_textes cmp #0 beq get_textes1 cmp nbTEXTES bcc get_textes2 beq get_textes2 get_textes1 sec rts get_textes2 dec asl asl tax lda tblTEXTES,x sta dpTEXTES lda tblTEXTES+2,x sta dpTEXTES+2 clc rts *----------------------- * LE JEU *----------------------- *----------------------- * GENERIQUE - OK *----------------------- * generique generique jsr switch_640 jsr tag PushWord #0 _GetForeColor PushWord #0 _GetBackColor PushWord #15 _SetForeColor PushWord #0 _SetBackColor @cprint #gen_str1;8 @cprint #gen_str2;9 @cprint #gen_str3;10 @cprint #gen_str4;12 @cprint #gen_str7;14 ; Apple IIgs @cprint #gen_str8;15 ; version by nous :-) @cprint #gen_str5;17 @cprint #gen_str6;18 jsr waitEVENT _SetBackColor _SetForeColor jmp fadeOUT *----------- gen_str1 asc 'Un logiciel de Fran'8d'ois Coulon'00 gen_str2 asc '&'00 gen_str3 asc 'Sylvie Sarrat, Faustino Ribeiro, Laurent Cotton'00 gen_str4 asc 'Programmation : Pascal Piat - Noiz'27': Erik Ecqier'00 gen_str5 asc 'Les logiciels d'27'en face 1992'00 gen_str6 asc 'Reproduction, location et revente interdites'00 gen_str7 asc 'Version Apple IIgs par Brutal Deluxe Software'00 gen_str8 asc 'Antoine Vignau & Olivier Zardini'00 *----------------------- * TAG - OK *----------------------- * tag tag PushLong #old_pattern _GetPenPat PushLong #the_pattern ; blue pattern _SetPenPat ldx #0 ]lp phx lda tag_points,x cmp #$ffff beq tag_end and #$ff ; keep X clc adc #194 ; 40 center it sta tag_rect+2 clc adc #4 sta tag_rect+6 lda tag_points+1,x and #$ff ; keep Y sta tag_rect clc adc #4 sta tag_rect+4 PushLong #tag_rect _PaintOval tag_hop plx inx inx bra ]lp tag_end plx PushLong #old_pattern _SetPenPat rts *----------- old_pattern ds 32 the_pattern ds 32,$dd *----------- tag_rect ds 2 ; y0 ds 2 ; x0 ds 2 ; y1 ds 2 ; x1 *----------------------- * CHOIX_AVENTURE - OK *----------------------- * choix_aventure choix_aventure jsr switch_320 lda #pMENU ldx ptrUNPACK+2 ldy ptrUNPACK jsr loadFILE bcc ca_ok pha PushLong #filSTR1 PushLong #errSTR2 PushLong #errSTR1 PushLong #errSTR2 _TLTextMountVolume pla brl meQUIT ca_ok tya jsr unpackLZ4 PushLong ptrIMAGE PushLong ptrMENU PushLong #32768 _BlockMove ldx ptrMENU+2 ldy ptrMENU jsr fadeIN *--- On restaure les patterns PushLong #old_pattern _GetBackPat PushLong #black_pattern ; black pattern _SetBackPat jsr ca_choice ; choix de l'aventure sta aventure ; numro de l'aventure *--- Prpare le prfixe GS/OS 7 pour les images sep #$20 ; sauve ora #'0' sta pathIMAGES+25 rep #$20 jsl GSOS dw $2009 adrl proSETPFX *--- PushLong #old_pattern _GetBackPat lda #2 jsr nowWAIT jmp fadeOUT *----------- Wait for a click ca_choice jsr waitEVENT beq ca_choice lda taskREC+12 ; where did we click? cmp #106+1 bcc ca_clear23 cmp #212+1 bcc ca_clear13 *----------- Clear accordingly... ca_clear12 jsr ca_clear1 jsr ca_clear2 lda #3 rts ca_clear23 jsr ca_clear2 jsr ca_clear3 lda #1 rts ca_clear13 jsr ca_clear1 jsr ca_clear3 lda #2 rts ca_clear1 PushLong #ca_rect1 _EraseRect rts ca_clear2 PushLong #ca_rect2 _EraseRect rts ca_clear3 PushLong #ca_rect3 _EraseRect rts *----------- ca_rect1 dw 0,0,200,106 ca_rect2 dw 0,106,200,212 ca_rect3 dw 0,212,200,320 black_pattern ds 32,$00 *----------------------- * INITIALISATION_ABSOLUE - OK *----------------------- * initialisation_absolue initialisation_absolue jsr initialisation_resolution jsr noircit_ecran jsr initialisation_constantes jsr initialisation_fonte jsr initialisation_fond jmp initialisation_souris *----------------------- * INITIALISATION_CONSTANTES - OK *----------------------- * initialisation_constantes initialisation_constantes rts *----------------------- * INITIALISATION_RESOLUTION - OK *----------------------- * initialisation_resolution initialisation_resolution rts *----------------------- * INITIALISATION_FONTE - OK *----------------------- * initialisation_fonte initialisation_fonte rts *----------------------- * INITIALISATION_FOND - OK *----------------------- * initialisation_fond initialisation_fond lda #pFOND ldx ptrUNPACK+2 ldy ptrUNPACK jsr loadFILE bcc fo_ok pha PushLong #filSTR1 PushLong #errSTR2 PushLong #errSTR1 PushLong #errSTR2 _TLTextMountVolume pla brl meQUIT fo_ok tya jsr unpackLZ4 PushLong ptrIMAGE PushLong ptrFOND PushLong #32768 _BlockMove rts *----------------------- * INITIALISATION_SOURIS - OK *----------------------- * initialisation_souris initialisation_souris rts *----------------------- * INITALISATION_RELATIVE - OK *----------------------- * initialisation_relative initialisation_relative jsr initialisation_textes jsr initialisation_tableaux jsr initialisation_cache jmp debut_aventure *----------------------- * INITIALISATION_TEXTES - OK *----------------------- initialisation_textes sep #$20 ; put aventure value lda aventure ora #'0' sta pINDEX+25 sta pTEXTES+25 rep #$20 jsr load_textes jsr init_textes lda nbTEXTES dec sta nombre_scenes rts *----------------------- * INITIALISATION_TABLEAUX - OK *----------------------- instrSPACE = $20 instrDIESE = $23 instrECOMM = $26 instrPERCE = $25 *--- initialisation_tableaux jsr load_index ; exit if error lda ptrINDEX ; dbut du fichier IND sta dpINDEX lda ptrINDEX+2 sta dpINDEX+2 *--- Initialise les valeurs du jeu ldx #SUITE_DATA ; on efface tout ]lp stz |$0000,x inx cpx #FIN_DATA bcc ]lp *--- Initialise les valeurs RVB ldx #1 ; RVB par dfaut sep #$20 ]lp lda #4 sta rouge1-1,x lda #1 sta rouge2-1,x lda #7 sta vert1-1,x sta vert2-1,x stz bleu1-1,x stz bleu2-1,x inx cpx #NB_TEXTES bcc ]lp beq ]lp rep #$20 *--- Decode chaque ligne itab_loop lda [dpINDEX] ; read a byte and #$ff bne itab_1 rts ; we reached 0, we exit itab_1 cmp #instrECOMM bne itab_2 jsr doECOMM ; handle & - "image charger" bra itab_4 itab_2 cmp #instrPERCE bne itab_3 jsr doPERCE ; handle % - "couleur de fond du texte" bra itab_4 itab_3 cmp #instrDIESE bne itab_4 jsr doDIESE ; handle # - "mot clicable" *--- Next index itab_4 jsr next_index ; move to the first char of the next line bra itab_loop ; loop *--- Handle % - les valeurs RVB doPERCE jsr next_index dec tax ; la scene jsr next_index sep #$20 sec sbc #'0' sta rouge1,x rep #$20 jsr next_index sep #$20 sec sbc #'0' sta vert1,x rep #$20 jsr next_index sep #$20 sec sbc #'0' sta bleu1,x rep #$20 jsr next_index sep #$20 sec sbc #'0' sta rouge2,x rep #$20 jsr next_index sep #$20 sec sbc #'0' sta vert2,x rep #$20 jsr next_index sep #$20 sec sbc #'0' sta bleu2,x rep #$20 jmp next_index ; skip the final 0 *--- Handle & - une image charger doECOMM jsr next_index dec asl ; tableau de words tax ; index du nom de l'image jsr next_index ; pointe sur le nom du fichier lda dpINDEX ; sauve son adresse dans le tableau sta image_a_charger,x jmp next_index ; skip the final 0 *--- Handle # - les mots cliquables doDIESE jsr next_index dec sta localSCENE tax ; la scene sep #$20 ; un mot en plus inc pointeur_mots,x lda pointeur_mots,x dec sta localPOINT rep #$20 pha ; calcul l'index dans la dimension NB_MOTS pha phx ; index de scne PushWord #NB_MOTS ; taille d'une dimension _Multiply pla sta localOFFSET ; 0=>0, 1=>25, 2=>50 pla *-- fonction_mot$(scene|,pointeur_mots|(scene|))=MID$(ligne$,2,espace%-2) jsr next_index lda localOFFSET ; 0/25/50 => 0/50/100 asl pha lda localPOINT ; 0/1/2 => 0/2/4 asl clc adc 1,s ; += tax pla lda dpINDEX ; sauve l'offset du mot sta fonction_mots,x jsr next_index *--- Maintenant, on parcout le tableau jusqu' l'espace ]lp jsr next_index cmp #instrSPACE bne ]lp *--- condition&(scene|,pointeur_mots|(scene|)) = *--- ASC(MID$(ligne$,espace%+2,1))*VAL(MID$(ligne$,espace%+1,1)+"1") *--- Ici, on ne fait pas le calcul de la version Atari pour le moment jsr next_index lda localOFFSET ; 0/25/50 => 0/50/100 asl pha lda localPOINT ; 0/1/2 => 0/2/4 asl clc adc 1,s ; += tax pla lda [dpINDEX] ; prend le mot sur 16-bit sta condition,x jsr next_index *--- aiguillage|(scene|,pointeur_mots|(scene|))=ASC(MID$(ligne$,espace%+3)) jsr next_index lda localOFFSET ; 0/25/50 => 0/50/100 asl pha lda localPOINT ; 0/1/2 => 0/2/4 asl clc adc 1,s ; += tax pla lda [dpINDEX] ; prend le mot sur 16-bit sta condition,x jsr next_index *--- Local data localSCENE ds 2 ; index de la scene localOFFSET ds 2 ; offset de chaque range localPOINT ds 2 ; index du mot *----------------------- * INITIALISATION_CACHE - OK *----------------------- * initialisation_cache initialisation_cache rts *----------------------- * DEBUT_AVENTURE - OK *----------------------- * debut_aventure debut_aventure lda #1 sta scene_actuelle ldx #1 sep #$20 lda #FALSE ]lp sta scene_visitee-1,x inx cpx #NB_TEXTES bcc ]lp beq ]lp rep #$20 lda #TRUE sta deplacement rts *----------------------- * FIN_AVENTURE - OK *----------------------- * fin_aventure fin_aventure jsr noircit_ecran ldx #DEBUT_DATA ; on efface tout ]lp stz |$0000,x inx cpx #FIN_DATA bcc ]lp lda #FALSE sta escape rts *----------------------- * FIN - OK *----------------------- * fin fin rts *----------------------- * NOUVELLE_SCENE - OK *----------------------- * nouvelle_scene(scene charger) nouvelle_scene * ldx scene tax lda #TRUE sep #$20 sta scene_visitee,x rep #$20 lda #FALSE sta deplacement stz option_mot rts *----------------------- * SURLIGNER_MOT *----------------------- * surligner_mot(texte$,mot$,pointeur_mot%,cycles) surligner_mot rts *----------------------- * PRINT - OK *----------------------- * print(texte$,colonne&,ligne&,mode) * 1,s w return address * 3,s w mode * 5,s w Y * 7,s w X * 9,s l text pointer max_colonnes = 80 max_lignes = 20 largeur_caractere = 8 hauteur_caractere = 10 *--- print lda 11,s sta dpFROM+2 lda 9,s sta dpFROM lda 7,s sta printX lda 5,s sta printY lda 3,s sta printMODE printLOOP lda [dpFROM] and #$ff bne print1 printEXIT lda 1,s plx plx plx plx plx sta 1,s rts * 1- Get address of character in ptrFONT print1 pha lda printX asl tax lda x_coord,x pha lda printY asl tay lda y_coord,y pha _MoveTo _DrawChar * 4- next character inc dpFROM bne print2 inc dpFROM+2 * 5- next X/Y in SHR print2 inc printX lda printX cmp #max_colonnes bcc print3 lda 7,s ; reset X-coord sta printX inc printY lda printY cmp #max_lignes bcc print3 brl printEXIT ; out of SHR screen, we exit * 6- we loop print3 brl printLOOP *--- printMODE ds 2 printX ds 2 printY ds 2 *--- x_coord = * ]x = 0 ; Premire ligne lup max_colonnes dw ]x ]x = ]x+largeur_caractere --^ y_coord = * ]y = 0 ; Premire ligne lup max_lignes dw ]y ]y = ]y+hauteur_caractere --^ *----------------------- * CPRINT - OK *----------------------- * cprint(texte$,ligne&,mode) * A= ptr to string * Y= line index cprint pea ^cprint ; ptr to text pha pha ; X phy ; Y pea $0000 ; mode * pea $0000 ; space for result * pea ^cprint ; pointer to string * pha * _CStringWidth pea $0000 ; count nb of chars in the string sta dpFROM ldy #0 sep #$20 ]lp lda (dpFROM),y beq cprint1 iny bne ]lp cprint1 rep #$20 ; nb chars x 8 to get width tya asl asl asl sta 1,s *--- now, calculate where we should display it online lda mainWIDTH ; 320 or 640 sec sbc 1,s ; stringWidth in pixels plx ; free stack lsr ; /2 lsr ; /4 lsr ; /8 lsr ; /16 sta 5,s ; fill X from above jsr print rts ; must be RTS *----------------------- * ATTENTE - OK *----------------------- * attente jmp waitEVENT ; LoGo - check if we support keypresses as well *----------------------- * IMAGE - OK *----------------------- * image(scene charger) image asl tax lda image_a_charger,x beq image_1 image_ko lda #FALSE sta image_chargee rts *--- on copie le nom pIMAGE+2 image_1 sta Debut lda ptrINDEX+2 sta Debut+2 ldy #0 ; 1METRO.PI1 sep #$20 ; 01234567 ]lp lda [Debut],y sta pIMAGE+4,y iny cmp #'.' bne ]lp lda aventure ; 1->A ($41), 2->B ($42), 3->C ($43) ora #'A'-1 sta pIMAGE+4 ; 1METRO. -> AMETRO. lda #'l' ; lz4 sta pIMAGE+4,y iny ; 8 lda #'z' sta pIMAGE+4,y iny ; 9 lda #'4' sta pIMAGE+4,y tya clc adc #5 ; strl (2) + '7/' (2) + la correction sur la longueur de chane sta pIMAGE rep #$20 *--- et on charge l'image lda #pIMAGE ldx ptrUNPACK+2 ldy ptrUNPACK jsr loadFILE bcs image_ko tya jsr unpackLZ4 lda #TRUE sta image_chargee jmp affiche_image *----------------------- * CHARGEMENT_HARD - OK *----------------------- * chargement_hard(fichier$) chargement_hard rts *----------------------- * AFFICHE_IMAGE - OK *----------------------- * affiche_image(adresse_image%,palette$,fondu!) affiche_image lda image_chargee cmp #TRUE beq ai_1 rts ai_1 jsr switch_320 jsr noircit_ecran ldx ptrIMAGE+2 ldy ptrIMAGE jsr fadeIN jsr waitEVENT jsr fadeOUT ; noircit_ecran jmp switch_640 *----------------------- * CHARGE_IMAGE - OK *----------------------- * charge_image(fichier$) charge_image rts *----------------------- * IMAGE_ECRAN - OK *----------------------- * image_ecran(adresse_image%) image_ecran rts *----------------------- * FADEIN - OK *----------------------- * fadein(palette2$) rts *----------------------- * FADEOUT - OK *----------------------- * fadeout(palette2$) rts palette_320 hex 0000770741082C070F008000700F000D hex A90FF00FE000DF04AF0D8F07CC0CFF0F *----------------------- * FADEIN_MID - OK *----------------------- * fadein_mid fadein_mid rts *----------------------- * FADEOUT_MID - OK *----------------------- * fadeout_mid fadeout_mid rts *----------------------- * PALETTE_TEXTE - OK *----------------------- * palette_texte palette_texte rts *----------------------- * NOIRCIT_ECRAN - OK *----------------------- * noircit_ecran noircit_ecran PushWord #0 _ClearScreen rts *----------------------- * PALETTE - OK *----------------------- * palette(palette$) palette rts *----------------------- * HELP *----------------------- * help help lda mainWIDTH ; save current width sta oldWIDTH jsr saveBACK ; save background jsr switch_640 ; switch to 640 ldx ptrFOND+2 ldy ptrFOND jsr fadeIN PushLong #old_pattern ; save current pattern _GetPenPat * The frame PushLong #black_pattern ; black pattern _SetPenPat PushLong #helpRECT1 PushWord #10 PushWord #10 _FrameRRect * The rectangle PushLong #white_pattern ; white pattern _SetPenPat PushLong #helpRECT2 PushWord #10 PushWord #10 _PaintRRect lda aventure cmp #2 beq help2 cmp #3 beq help3 @cprint #help_str1_1;3 @cprint #help_str1_2;5 bra help4 help2 @cprint #help_str2_1;3 @cprint #help_str2_2;5 bra help4 help3 @cprint #help_str3_1;3 @cprint #help_str3_2;5 help4 @cprint #help_str8;8 @cprint #help_str9;9 @cprint #help_str11;11 @cprint #help_str12;12 @cprint #help_str13;13 @cprint #help_str14;14 @cprint #help_str16;16 help9 jsr waitEVENT *--- Restore all PushLong #old_pattern _SetPenPat jsr fadeOUT ; fade jsr loadBACK ; restore background lda oldWIDTH ; restore width sta mainWIDTH rts ; and exit *--- helpRECT1 dw 5,125,195,515 helpRECT2 dw 7,127,193,512 white_pattern ds 32,$ff help_str1_1 asc '1. 'd2' Heurts d'27'ouverture 'd300 help_str1_2 asc '- Fran'8d'ois Coulon et Sylvie Sarrat -'00 help_str2_1 asc '2. 'd2' Cheek to cheek & ashes to ashes 'd300 help_str2_2 asc '- Fran'8d'ois Coulon et Faustino Ribeiro -'00 help_str3_1 asc '3. 'd2' Un appel '88' la m'8e'moire 'd300 help_str3_2 asc '- Fran'8d'ois Coulon et Laurent Cotton -'00 help_str8 asc 'OA-S : sauver la situation'00 help_str9 asc 'OA-O : recharger une situation'00 help_str11 asc 'OA-Z : musique on/off'00 help_str12 asc 'OA-R : retour au d'8e'but de l'27'aventure'00 help_str13 asc 'ESC : retour au menu'00 help_str14 asc 'Toute autre touche : retour '88' l'27'aventure'00 help_str16 asc 'OA-Q : quitter le jeu'00 *----------------------- * MOTS_CLICABLES *----------------------- * mots_clicables(texte$) mots_clicables rts *----------------------- * MUSIQUE - OK *----------------------- * musique(module$) musique rts *----------------------- * FIN_MUSIQUE - OK *----------------------- * fin_musique fin_musique rts *----------------------- * TEXT ROUTINES *----------------------- *----------------------- * add_char *----------------------- * 5,s char to add * 3,s pointer to string * 1,s RTS add_char lda 3,s sta dpTO sep #$30 ; 02 AB lda (dpTO) ; cannot exceed 255 chars cmp #$ff bcs add_char1 inc ; 03 AB sta (dpTO) ; 03 tay lda 5,s ; C sta (dpTO),y ; 03 ABC add_char1 rep #$30 lda 1,s ; rcupre RTS plx ; dpile les paramtres plx sta 1,s ; remet le RTS rts *----------------------- * copy_string *----------------------- * 7,s number of chars to copy * 5,s pointer to source string * 3,s pointer to destination string * 1,s RTS copy_string lda 5,s sta dpFROM lda 3,s sta dpTO sep #$20 ldy #0 ]lp lda (dpFROM),y ; recopie les caractres sta (dpTO),y iny tya cmp 7,s bcc ]lp * beq ]lp rep #$20 lda 1,s ; rcupre RTS plx ; dpile les paramtres plx plx sta 1,s ; remet le RTS rts *----------------------- * charcmp *----------------------- * 5,s char to compare * 3,s pointer to string * 1,s RTS charcmp lda 3,s sta dpFROM ldx #FALSE ; default value, les chanes sont diffrentes sep #$20 lda (dpFROM) cmp 5,s ; compare strings bne charcmp1 ldx #TRUE ; mme chane charcmp1 rep #$20 lda 1,s ; rcupre RTS ply ; dpile les paramtres ply sta 1,s ; remet le RTS txa ; return value cmp #TRUE ; met les valeurs de comparaison rts *----------------------- * left *----------------------- * 7,s number of chars to copy * 5,s pointer to source string * 3,s pointer to destination string * 1,s RTS left lda 5,s sta dpFROM lda 3,s sta dpTO * check added length sep #$30 ; check length ldy #0 ]lp lda (dpFROM),y ; recopie les caractres sta (dpTO),y iny tya cmp 7,s bcc ]lp * beq ]lp rep #$30 lda 1,s ; rcupre RTS plx ; dpile les paramtres plx plx sta 1,s ; remet le RTS rts *----------------------- * val *----------------------- * 5,s string length * 3,s pointer to source string * 1,s RTS * on return, A = unsigned value val lda 3,s sta dpFROM sep #$20 ldy #0 tyx ]lp lda (dpFROM),y ; recopie les caractres cmp #' ' ; skip space char beq val1 sta val_temp,x ; save inx val1 iny tya cmp 5,s bcc ]lp * beq ]lp cpx #0 ; exit if len is still 0 beq val2 rep #$20 PushWord #0 ; wordspace PushLong #val_temp ; strPtr phx ; strLength pea $0000 ; signedFlag _Dec2Int plx ; intResult val2 rep #$20 lda 1,s ; rcupre RTS ply ; dpile les paramtres ply sta 1,s ; remet le RTS txa ; return value rts val_temp ds 8 ; longueur de la chane temporaire *----------------------- * instr *----------------------- * 7,s length of string to search * 5,s pointer to character to find * 3,s pointer to source string * 1,s RTS instr lda 3,s sta dpFROM sep #$20 ldy #0 ; AB ]lp lda (dpFROM),y iny cmp 5,s beq instr2 ; on a trouv le caractre tya cmp 7,s bcc ]lp * beq ]lp instr1 ldy #-1 ; on n'a pas trouv le caractre instr2 rep #$20 lda 1,s ; rcupre RTS plx ; dpile les paramtres plx plx sta 1,s ; remet le RTS tya ; return value rts *----------------------- * strcmp *----------------------- * 7,s length to compare * 5,s pointer to string 2 * 3,s pointer to string 1 * 1,s RTS strcmp lda 3,s sta dpFROM lda 5,s sta dpTO ldx #FALSE ; default value, les chanes sont diffrentes sep #$30 ldy #0 ; AB ]lp lda (dpFROM),y cmp (dpTO),y bne strcmp2 iny tya cmp 7,s bcc ]lp * beq ]lp strcmp1 ldx #TRUE ; mme chane strcmp2 rep #$30 lda 1,s ; rcupre RTS ply ; dpile les paramtres ply ply sta 1,s ; remet le RTS txa ; return value cmp #TRUE ; met les valeurs de comparaison rts