Picnic Paranoia 0200..03FF CODE (AHEM) 0400..07FF GR GAME BACKGROUND 0800..087F TABLE 0880..1A8F CODE 1A90..1FFF TABLE 2000..3FFF HGR 4000..7FFF CODE 8000..9FFF GAME BACKGROUND A000..BFFF GAME TITLE PICNICPARANOIA SOURCE Source is built from the following files ANT@ E ANT@@ E whereas ANT@@ F should have been used (it inits TEMP3) CAN E CARRY E HFOOD E MAN E MASTER E MUSIC E PROTECT E SPIDER E SWTR E THE.END E VFOOD E WASP E and TABLES C at $1A90 until $1FFF the TABLES C file also includes the game background (useless) The BINARY executable contains the following files (to be disassembled) LORES $0400 which is the LORES background ,$0400 LOSTUFF. $0220 which is the lores display (but has parts of protection) ,$01C1 SETUP2. $220F which maps the PROTECT source code (not used) ,$009F CHECK' $02AF contains the protected code ,$0049 ALL!!!P $07FD the game (does not need to be disassembled) ,$7803 ends of $8000 then PICNICPARANOIA SOURCE OR TA ANT@@ F 1700 1080 10A0 10C0 10E0 5E8A CAN E 0C10 CARRY C 7500 HELLO BASIC HFOOD C 6950 6F00 MASTER E 7900 15BC 1A14 4E4A 5EB0 0F54 45BA 41FF SPIDER C 6000 SWTR E 4F00 TABLES C 1A90 (BIN FILE ONLY) VFOOD E 6EC0 7060 5F40 WASP C 5803 PICNICPARANOISAPPLEII it uses MASTER from disk PICNIC E as ALL!!!P has the entry point of $78FB which is located in the MASTER E file LORES 0400 LOSTUFF. 0220 SETUP2. 220F CHECK' 02AF ALL!!!P 07FD PICNIC E ANT@ E 10FD ANT@@ E 1700 1080 10A0 10C0 10E0 5E8A CARRY E 7340 1340 HFOOD E 6950 1950 6EC0 MAN E 10C0 10E0 4600 2600 MASTER E 78FB 28FB 15BC 1A14 4E4A 5EB0 0F54 45BA MUSIC E 08E6 18E6 0880 41A5 4202 0310 0950 PROTECT E 020F 220F 421E 6535 02AF SPIDER E 6000 2000 START UP BASIC VFOOD E 6EC0 1EC0 7060 2060 5F40 2F40 02F8 02F8 WASP E 5800 3800 PICNIC PP (A SCRATCH DISK SAYS THE HELLO PROGRAM) CAN E 0C00 0C00 THE END E 0A48 1A48 ------------------------------------ This is where everything should be ------------------------------------ OR ANT@ E 10FD x ANT@@ F 1700 x 1080 x 10A0 x 10C0 x 10E0 x 5E8A x CAN E 0C00 x CARRY E 7340 x HFOOD E 6950 x 6EC0 x MAN E 10C0 x can be removed 10E0 x can be removed 4600 x MASTER E 78FB x 15BC x 1A14 x 4E4A x 5EB0 x 0F54 x 45BA x MUSIC E 08E6 x 0880 x 41A5 x 4202 x 0310 x 0950 x PROTECT E 020F x 421E x 6535 x 02AF x SPIDER E 6000 x SWTR E 4F00 x TABLES C 1A90 x THE END E 0A48 x VFOOD E 6EC0 x can be removed 7060 x 5F40 x 02F8 x WASP E 5800 x