* * La Belle Zohra * * (c) 1992, François Coulon * (c) 2023, Antoine Vignau & Olivier Zardini * mx %00 *----------------------------------- Macros use 4/Ctl.Macs use 4/Desk.Macs use 4/Event.Macs use 4/Font.Macs use 4/Int.Macs use 4/Line.Macs use 4/Locator.Macs use 4/Mem.Macs use 4/Menu.Macs use 4/MIDISyn.Macs use 4/Misc.Macs use 4/Print.Macs use 4/Qd.Macs use 4/QdAux.Macs use 4/Resource.Macs use 4/Scrap.Macs use 4/Sound.Macs use 4/Std.Macs use 4/TextEdit.Macs use 4/Util.Macs use 4/Window.Macs *----------------------- * macros *----------------------- @loadfile mac lda ]1 ldx ]2+2 ldy ]2 jsr loadFILE eom @fadein mac lda ]2 ldx ]1+2 ldy ]1 jsr fadeIN eom *----------------------------------- Constantes *-------------- Softswitches KBD = $e0c000 KBDSTROBE = $e0c010 RDVBLBAR = $e0c019 GSOS = $e100a8 *-------------- GUI wMAIN = 1 alertQUIT = $0100 alertRESTART = $0200 refIsPointer = 0 refIsHandle = 1 refIsResource = 2 appleKey = $0100 mouseDownEvt = $0001 mouseUpEvt = $0002 keyDownEvt = $0003 chrRET = $0d chrESC = $1b *-------------- dpFROM = $80 dpTO = dpFROM+4 dpTEXTES = dpTO+4 ; pointeur vers les TEXTES Debut = dpTEXTES+4 Arrivee = Debut+4 Second = Arrivee+4 *--- mode_320 = $00 mode_640 = $80 screen_320 = 320 screen_640 = 640 ptr012000 = $012000 ptrE12000 = $e12000 *--- TRUE = 255 FALSE = 0 fgLOAD = 1 ; flags for choix_aventure fgRESTART = 2 *----------------------------------- Entry point phk plb clc xce rep #$30 _TLStartUp pha _MMStartUp pla sta mainID ora #$0100 sta myID tdc sta myDP lda #MES_DONNEES stal $300 lda #^MES_DONNEES stal $302 *--- Version du systeme jsl GSOS dw $202a adrl proVERS lda proVERS+2 and #%01111111_11111111 cmp #$0402 bcs okVERS pha PushLong #verSTR1 PushLong #verSTR2 PushLong #errSTR1 PushLong #errSTR2 _TLTextMountVolume pla brl meQUIT1 *--- Compacte la mémoire okVERS PushLong #0 PushLong #$8fffff PushWord myID PushWord #%11000000_00000000 PushLong #0 _NewHandle _DisposeHandle _CompactMem *--- 64K pour les images des scènes jsr make64KB bcc okMEM1 koMEM pha PushLong #memSTR1 PushLong #errSTR2 PushLong #errSTR1 PushLong #errSTR2 _TLTextMountVolume pla brl meQUIT1 okMEM1 sty ptrIMAGE stx ptrIMAGE+2 stx ptrBACKGND+2 *--- 64K pour les images du jeu jsr make64KB bcs koMEM sty ptrFOND stx ptrFOND+2 stx ptrICONES+2 stx fondToSourceLocInfo+4 ; fond stx iconToSourceLocInfo+4 ; icon *--- 64K pour les images compressees jsr make64KB bcs koMEM sty ptrUNPACK stx ptrUNPACK+2 *--- Chargement des outils pha pha PushWord mainID PushWord #refIsResource PushLong #1 _StartUpTools PullLong SStopREC bcc okTOOL pha PushLong #tolSTR1 PushLong #errSTR2 PushLong #errSTR1 PushLong #errSTR2 _TLTextMountVolume pla brl meQUIT0 *--- Test default shadowing... okTOOL PushWord #0 _GetMasterSCB pla bmi okSHADOW ; shadowing is on if bit 15 is set lda #^ptrE12000 ; shadowing is off, use slow RAM sta ptrSCREEN+2 sta iconToDestLocInfo+4 *--- Et la musique... okSHADOW pha _SoundToolStatus pla bne noSOUND lda #1 sta fgSND noSOUND _HideMenuBar PushWord #0 PushWord #%11111111_11111111 PushWord #0 _FlushEvents pla _InitCursor PushLong #0 PushWord #5 ; SetDeskPat PushWord #$4000 PushWord #$0000 _Desktop pla pla pha pha PushLong #0 PushLong #wMAIN PushLong #PAINTMAIN PushLong #0 PushWord #refIsResource PushLong #wMAIN PushWord #$800e _NewWindow2 PullLong wiMAIN *---------------------------------------- * INITIALISATIONS *---------------------------------------- entryPOINT jsr TWILIGHToff jsr set_language jsr init jsr antoine ; on change ! jsr init2 *----------------------- * MAIN *----------------------- @fadein ptrFOND;#TRUE mainLOOP jsr test_fin jsr test_objets *---------------------------------------- * TASK MASTER *---------------------------------------- taskLOOP inc VBLCounter0 PushWord #0 PushWord #0 PushWord #$c000 PushWord #0 _HandleDiskInsert pla pla * jsr checkREPLAY PushWord #0 PushWord #%11111111_11111111 PushLong #taskREC _TaskMaster pla beq taskLOOP asl tax jsr (taskTBL,x) bra taskLOOP * lda escape ; on a une condition de sortie * cmp #FALSE * bne main * * lda deplacement ; si on doit bouger, on fait un... * ora fgSUITEFORCEE * cmp #TRUE * beq mainLOOP ; ...grand saut * bne taskLOOP ; ...sinon on attend *----------------------------------- Gestion du keyDown * on gère les open-apple-qqch doKEYDOWN lda taskMODIFIERS and #appleKey cmp #appleKey beq doOPENAPPLE rts *--- gère les open-apple-qqch doOPENAPPLE ldx #-1 sep #$20 ]lp inx lda tblKEYVALUE,x ; get key cmp #$ff ; end of table beq doOPENAPPLE99 ; so exit cmp taskMESSAGE ; same as pressed key? bne ]lp ; no, loop rep #$20 txa asl tax jmp (tblKEYADDRESS,x) doOPENAPPLE99 doNOT rep #$20 rts *--- tblKEYVALUE asc 'QqOoSs' asc 'Rr' asc 'Zz' asc '*' hex ff tblKEYADDRESS da doQUIT,doQUIT,doLOAD,doLOAD,doSAVE,doSAVE da doRESTART,doRESTART da doMUSIK,doMUSIK da monitor doMUSIK rts *----------------------------------- Gestion du mouseUp * on compare les coordonnées avec celles du incontent * si dans le même rectangle, on traite doMOUSEUP lda objet_selectionne ; on a déjà un objet, saute bne domu_2 * 1. vérifie si on a cliqué dans un objet jsr test_objet ; on teste bcc domu_1 ; on a clique dans un objet rts domu_1 jmp test_peches ; on a clique dans un objet, affiche les peches qui correspondent * 2. on a déjà un objet, a-t-on cliqué dans un péché ? domu_2 lda peche_selectionne ; on a aussi déjà un péché, saute bne domu_4 jsr test_peche ; on teste bcc domu_3 rts domu_3 jmp aiguillage ; choisit le texte correspondant domu_4 rts *----------------------------------- Gestion des controles doCONTROL lda taskREC+38 asl tax jmp (ctrlTBL,x) *---------------------------------------- * FENETRES *---------------------------------------- PAINTMAIN PushLong wiMAIN _DrawControls rtl *----------------------------------- * AUTRES ROUTINES *----------------------------------- *----------------------------------- Open doLOAD * jsr suspendMUSIC ; NTP off jsr saveBACK PushWord #30 PushWord #43 PushLong #strLOADFILE PushLong #0 PushLong #typeLIST PushLong #replyPTR _SFGetFile jsr loadBACK lda replyPTR bne doLOAD1 * jsr resumeMUSIC ; NTP on rts doLOAD1 jsr copyPATH jsr loadALL bcc doLOAD2 rts doLOAD2 rts *----------------------------------- Save doSAVE * jsr suspendMUSIC ; NTP off jsr saveBACK PushWord #25 PushWord #36 PushLong #strSAVEFILE PushLong #namePATH PushWord #15 PushLong #replyPTR _SFPutFile jsr loadBACK * jsr resumeMUSIC ; NTP on lda replyPTR bne doSAVE1 rts doSAVE1 jsr copyPATH jmp saveALL *--- Recopie le filename du fichier de sauvegarde copyPATH sep #$20 ldx #16-1 ]lp lda namePATH1,x sta pGAME+4,x dex bpl ]lp lda namePATH inc inc sta pGAME rep #$20 rts *--- Charge le fichier de sauvegarde en mémoire loadALL jsl GSOS dw $2010 adrl proOPENGAME bcs loadKO99 lda proOPENGAME+2 sta proREADGAME+2 sta proCLOSE+2 jsl GSOS dw $2012 adrl proREADGAME jsl GSOS dw $2014 adrl proCLOSE loadKO99 rts *--- Enregistre le fichier de sauvegarde saveALL jsl GSOS dw $2002 adrl proDESTROYGAME jsl GSOS dw $2001 adrl proCREATEGAME bcs saveKO99 jsl GSOS dw $2010 adrl proOPENGAME bcs saveKO99 lda proOPENGAME+2 sta proWRITEGAME+2 sta proCLOSE+2 jsl GSOS dw $2013 adrl proWRITEGAME jsl GSOS dw $2014 adrl proCLOSE saveKO99 rts *----------------------------------- Restart doRESTART * jsr suspendMUSIC ; NTP off jsr saveBACK PushWord #0 PushWord #5 PushLong #0 pea $0000 lda #alertRESTART ora saveLANGUAGE pha _AlertWindow jsr loadBACK pla beq re1 * jmp resumeMUSIC ; NTP on re1 * jsr fin_aventure * jsr initialisation_absolue * lda #fgRESTART * sta escape rts *----------------------------------- Quit doQUIT * jsr suspendMUSIC ; NTP off jsr saveBACK PushWord #0 PushWord #5 PushLong #0 pea $0000 lda #alertQUIT ora saveLANGUAGE pha _AlertWindow jsr loadBACK * jsr resumeMUSIC ; NTP on pla beq meQUIT rts *----------------------------------- Quit meQUIT * jsr stopNTP jsr TWILIGHTon meQUIT0 PushWord #refIsHandle PushLong SStopREC _ShutDownTools meQUIT1 PushWord myID _DisposeAll PushWord mainID _DisposeAll PushWord mainID _MMShutDown _TLShutDown jsl GSOS dw $2029 adrl proQUIT monitor brk $bd *---------------------------------------- * TWILIGHT *---------------------------------------- *---------------------------- * TWILIGHToff * Turns Twilight II off * * Entry: * n/a * * Exit: * n/a * *---------------------------- lenV1 = $49bf lenV2 = $539a offV1 = $117a offV2 = $154c TWILIGHToff ldal $e11600 sta Debut ldal $e11602 sta Debut+2 TWILIGHToff1 ldy #8 lda [Debut],y ldx #offV1 cmp #lenV1 beq TWILIGHToff2 ldx #offV2 cmp #lenV2 bne TWILIGHToff3 TWILIGHToff2 stx offTWILIGHT lda [Debut] sta Arrivee sta ptrTWILIGHT ldy #2 lda [Debut],y sta Arrivee+2 sta ptrTWILIGHT+2 txy lda [Arrivee],y cmp #$0ef0 bne TWILIGHToff3 lda #$0e80 sta [Arrivee],y inc fgTWILIGHT rts TWILIGHToff3 ldy #16 lda [Debut],y tax iny iny lda [Debut],y sta Debut+2 txa sta Debut lda Debut ora Debut+2 bne TWILIGHToff1 rts *---------------------------- * TWILIGHTon * Turns Twilight II on * * Entry: * n/a * * Exit: * n/a * *---------------------------- TWILIGHTon lda fgTWILIGHT bne TWILIGHTon1 rts TWILIGHTon1 lda ptrTWILIGHT sta Arrivee lda ptrTWILIGHT+2 sta Arrivee+2 ldy offTWILIGHT lda #$0ef0 sta [Arrivee],y rts *--- Twilight II ptrTWILIGHT ds 4 fgTWILIGHT ds 2 offTWILIGHT ds 2 *---------------------------------------- * MEMOIRE *---------------------------------------- make64KB pha pha PushLong #$010000 PushWord myID PushWord #%11000000_00011100 PushLong #0 _NewHandle phd tsc tcd lda [3] tax ; low in X ldy #2 lda [3],y txy ; low in Y tax ; high in X pld pla ; we do not keep track of the handle pla rts *---------------------------------------- * GFX *---------------------------------------- *-------------------------------------- nextVBL lda #75 pha ]lp ldal $e0c02e and #$7f cmp 1,s blt ]lp cmp #100 bge ]lp pla waitVBL ldal RDVBLBAR-1 bpl waitVBL rts waitKEY ldal KBD-1 bpl waitKEY stal KBDSTROBE-1 rts *--- On attend un clic ou une combinaison de touches waitEVENT inc VBLCounter0 PushWord #0 PushWord #%00000000_00001010 PushLong #taskREC _GetNextEvent pla beq waitEVENT lda taskREC cmp #mouseDownEvt beq we_1 rts we_1 inc VBLCounter0 PushWord #0 PushWord #0 _StillDown pla bne we_1 lda #mouseDownEvt rts *-------------------------------------- fadeIN pha sty Debut stx Debut+2 _HideCursor ldy #$2000 sty Arrivee ldx ptrSCREEN+2 stx Arrivee+2 ldy #$7e00 lda #0 ]lp sta [Arrivee],y iny iny bpl ]lp pla ; ne copie pas les données cmp #FALSE ; si à FALSE beq fadeIN1 ldy #$7dfe ]lp lda [Debut],y sta [Arrivee],y dey dey bpl ]lp fadeIN1 lda Debut clc adc #$7e00 sta Debut lda Debut+2 adc #0 sta Debut+2 lda Arrivee clc adc #$7e00 sta Arrivee lda Arrivee+2 adc #0 sta Arrivee+2 ldx #$000f fadeIN2 ldy #$01fe fadeIN3 lda [Arrivee],y and #$000f sta temp lda [Debut],y and #$000f cmp temp beq fadeIN4 lda [Arrivee],y clc adc #$0001 sta [Arrivee],y fadeIN4 lda [Arrivee],y and #$00f0 sta temp lda [Debut],y and #$00f0 cmp temp beq fadeIN5 lda [Arrivee],y clc adc #$0010 sta [Arrivee],y fadeIN5 lda [Arrivee],y and #$0f00 sta temp lda [Debut],y and #$0f00 cmp temp beq fadeIN6 lda [Arrivee],y clc adc #$0100 sta [Arrivee],y fadeIN6 dey dey bpl fadeIN3 jsr nextVBL dex bpl fadeIN2 _ShowCursor rts *--- fadeOUT lda #$9e00 sta Debut lda ptrSCREEN+2 sta Debut+2 _HideCursor ldx #$000f fadeOUT1 ldy #$01fe fadeOUT2 lda [Debut],y and #$000f beq fadeOUT3 lda [Debut],y sec sbc #$0001 sta [Debut],y fadeOUT3 lda [Debut],y and #$00f0 beq fadeOUT4 lda [Debut],y sec sbc #$0010 sta [Debut],y fadeOUT4 lda [Debut],y and #$0f00 beq fadeOUT5 lda [Debut],y sec sbc #$0100 sta [Debut],y fadeOUT5 dey dey bpl fadeOUT2 jsr nextVBL dex bpl fadeOUT1 _ShowCursor * jmp noircit_ecran rts *---------------------------- * unpackLZ4 * Unpacks a LZ4 file * Uses the two pointers: * - ptrUNPACK: packed img (MUST BE AT $0000) * - ptrIMAGE: temp unpack zone * * Entry: * A: packed data size * * Exit: * lenDATA: unpacked data size * *---------------------------- unpackLZ4 sta LZ4_Limit+1 * jsr suspendMUSIC sep #$20 *--- Source lda ptrUNPACK+2 sta LZ4_Literal_3+2 sta LZ4_ReadToken+3 sta LZ4_Match_1+3 sta LZ4_GetLength_1+3 *--- Destination lda ptrIMAGE+2 sta LZ4_Literal_3+1 sta LZ4_Match_5+1 sta LZ4_Match_5+2 rep #$20 * REP #$30 * STY LZ4_Limit+1 *-- ldy #0 ; Init Target unpacked Data offset ldx #16 ; Offset after header LZ4_ReadToken LDAL $AA0000,X ; Read Token Byte INX STA LZ4_Match_2+1 *---------------- LZ4_Literal AND #$00F0 ; >>> Process Literal Bytes <<< BEQ LZ4_Limit ; No Literal CMP #$00F0 BNE LZ4_Literal_1 JSR LZ4_GetLengthLit ; Compute Literal Length with next bytes BRA LZ4_Literal_2 LZ4_Literal_1 LSR ; Literal Length use the 4 bit LSR LSR LSR LZ4_Literal_2 DEC ; Copy A+1 Bytes LZ4_Literal_3 MVN $AA,$BB ; Copy Literal Bytes from packed data buffer PHK ; X and Y are auto incremented PLB *---------------- LZ4_Limit CPX #$AAAA ; End Of Packed Data buffer ? BEQ LZ4_End *---------------- LZ4_Match TYA ; >>> Process Match Bytes <<< SEC LZ4_Match_1 SBCL $AA0000,X ; Match Offset INX INX STA LZ4_Match_4+1 LZ4_Match_2 LDA #$0000 ; Current Token Value AND #$000F CMP #$000F BNE LZ4_Match_3 JSR LZ4_GetLengthMat ; Compute Match Length with next bytes LZ4_Match_3 CLC ADC #$0003 ; Minimum Match Length is 4 (-1 for the MVN) PHX LZ4_Match_4 LDX #$AAAA ; Match Byte Offset LZ4_Match_5 MVN $BB,$BB ; Copy Match Bytes from unpacked data buffer PHK ; X and Y are auto incremented PLB PLX BRA LZ4_ReadToken *---------------- LZ4_GetLengthLit LDA #$000F ; Compute Variable Length (Literal or Match) LZ4_GetLengthMat STA LZ4_GetLength_2+1 LZ4_GetLength_1 LDAL $AA0000,X ; Read Length Byte INX AND #$00FF CMP #$00FF BNE LZ4_GetLength_3 CLC LZ4_GetLength_2 ADC #$000F STA LZ4_GetLength_2+1 BRA LZ4_GetLength_1 LZ4_GetLength_3 ADC LZ4_GetLength_2+1 RTS *---------------- LZ4_End sty lenDATA ; Y = length of unpacked data * jmp resumeMUSIC *--- lenDATA ds 4 *----------------------------------- * SAVE THE SHR SCREEN *----------------------------------- saveBACK _HideCursor PushLong ptrSCREEN PushLong ptrBACKGND PushLong #32768 _BlockMove _ShowCursor rts *----------------------------------- * RESTORE THE SHR SCREEN *----------------------------------- loadBACK _HideCursor PushLong ptrBACKGND PushLong ptrSCREEN PushLong #32768 _BlockMove rts *--- Genere un nombre aleatoire Random ldal $e0c02e xba clc adc VBLCounter0 sta VBLCounter0 and #$ff rts VBLCounter0 ds 2 *---------------------------- * nowWAIT * Wait A seconds * * Entry: * A: nb of seconds to wait * * Exit: * A/X: scrambled * *---------------------------- nowWAIT dec tax lda #0 ]lp clc adc #60 cpx #0 beq nowWAIT1 dex bra ]lp nowWAIT1 pha ]lp ldal RDVBLBAR-1 bpl ]lp ]lp ldal RDVBLBAR-1 bmi ]lp pla dec bne nowWAIT1 sec rts *---------------------------------------- * DATA *---------------------------------------- *----------------------- Fenetres wiMAIN ds 4 *----------------------- Memory manager mainID ds 2 ; app ID myID ds 2 ; user ID myDP ds 2 SStopREC ds 4 ptrSCREEN adrl ptr012000 ; l'écran actif ptrIMAGE ds 4 ; $0000: where a scene image is loaded ptrBACKGND adrl $8000 ; $8000: where the screen is saved ptrFOND ds 4 ; $0000: fond de jeu ptrICONES adrl $8000 ; $0000: fond d'icônes du jeu ptrUNPACK ds 4 ; $0000: where the background picture is laoded ptrTEXTES ds 4 ; les pointeurs des textes haBEAT ds 4 ptrBEAT ds 4 haSND1 ds 4 haSND2 ds 4 haSND3 ds 4 haSND4 ds 4 haSND5 ds 4 haSND6 ds 4 haSND7 ds 4 haSND8 ds 4 haSND9 ds 4 ptrSND1 ds 4 ptrSND2 ds 4 ptrSND3 ds 4 ptrSND4 ds 4 ptrSND5 ds 4 ptrSND6 ds 4 ptrSND7 ds 4 ptrSND8 ds 4 ptrSND9 ds 4 temp ds 2 saveLANGUAGE ds 2 *----------------------------------- Quickdraw II palette320 dw $0000,$0777,$0841,$072C,$000F,$0080,$0F70,$0D00 dw $0FA9,$0FF0,$00E0,$04DF,$0DAF,$078F,$0CCC,$0FFF palette640 dw $0000,$000F,$00F0,$0FFF,$0000,$000F,$0FF0,$0FFF dw $0000,$0F00,$00F0,$0FFF,$0000,$000F,$0FF0,$0FFF blackPATTERN ds 32,$00 ds 32,$11 ds 32,$22 ds 32,$33 ds 32,$44 ds 32,$55 ds 32,$66 ds 32,$77 ds 32,$88 ds 32,$99 ds 32,$aa ds 32,$bb ds 32,$cc ds 32,$dd ds 32,$ee whitePATTERN ds 32,$ff checkeredPATTERN hex 0F0F0F0F hex F0F0F0F0 hex 0F0F0F0F hex F0F0F0F0 hex 0F0F0F0F hex F0F0F0F0 hex 0F0F0F0F hex F0F0F0F0 curPATTERN ds 32 curPENSIZE ds 4 *----------------------- Tool locator verSTR1 str 'System 6.0.1 Required!' verSTR2 str 'Press a key to quit' fntSTR1 str 'Courier.10 font missing' fntSTR2 str 'Please install it!' pgmSTR1 str 'Data parsing error' pgmSTR2 str 'Please report!' tolSTR1 str 'Error while loading tools' memSTR1 str 'Cannot allocate memory' filSTR1 str 'Cannot load file' errSTR1 str 'Quit' errSTR2 str '' errSTR3 str 'Continue' *----------------------- Window manager taskREC ds 2 ; wmWhat +0 taskMESSAGE ds 4 ; wmMessage +2 taskWHEN ds 4 ; wmWhen +6 taskWHERE ds 4 ; wmWhere +10 taskMODIFIERS ds 2 ; wmModifiers +14 taskDATA ds 4 ; wmTaskData +16 adrl $001fffff ; wmTaskMask +20 ds 4 ; wmLastClickTick +24 ds 2 ; wmClickCount +28 ds 4 ; wmTaskData2 +30 ds 4 ; wmTaskData3 +34 ds 4 ; wmTaskData4 +38 ds 4 ; wmLastClickPt +42 taskTBL da doNOT ; 0 Null da doNOT ; 1 mouseDownEvt da doMOUSEUP ; 2 mouseUpEvt da doKEYDOWN ; 3 keyDownEvt da doNOT da doNOT ; 5 autoKeyEvt da doNOT ; 6 updateEvt da doNOT da doNOT ; 8 activateEvt da doNOT ; 9 switchEvt da doNOT ; A deskAccEvt da doNOT ; B driverEvt da doNOT ; C app1Evt da doNOT ; D app2Evt da doNOT ; E app3Evt da doNOT ; F app4Evt da doNOT ; wInDesk da doNOT ; wInMenuBar da doNOT ; wCLickCalled da doNOT ; wInContent - was doCONTENT da doNOT ; wInDrag da doNOT ; wInGrow da doNOT ; wInGoAway da doNOT ; wInZoom da doNOT ; wInInfo da doNOT ; wInSpecial da doNOT ; wInDeskItem da doNOT ; wInFrame da doNOT ; wInactMenu da doNOT ; wInClosedNDA da doNOT ; wInCalledSysEdit da doNOT ; wInTrackZoom da doNOT ; wInHitFrame da doNOT ; wInControl da doNOT ; wInControlMenu ctrlTBL da doNOT da doNOT da doNOT da doNOT da doNOT da doNOT da doNOT da doNOT da doNOT da doNOT da doNOT da doNOT da doNOT da doNOT da doNOT da doNOT da doNOT da doNOT da doNOT da doNOT da doNOT da doNOT da doNOT da doNOT da doNOT da doNOT da doNOT da doNOT da doNOT da doNOT da doNOT *---------------------------------------- * STD FILE *---------------------------------------- *--- strLOADFILE str 'Charger quel jeu ?' strSAVEFILE str 'Enregistrer sous...' typeLIST hex 01 hex 5d ; Game/Edu files replyPTR ds 2 ; 0 good ds 2 ; 2 fileType ds 2 ; 4 auxFileType namePATH hex 06 ; 6 fileName namePATH1 asc 'Partie' ; 7 fileName (16 normally) ds 9 loadPATH ds 1 ; 22 fullPathname (string length) loadPATH1 ds 129 ; 23 fullPathname (128 normally) *---------------------------------------- * GS/OS *---------------------------------------- loadFILE sta proOPEN+4 ; filename sty proREAD+4 ; RAM pointer low stx proREAD+6 ; RAM pointer high loadFILE1 stz proERR jsl GSOS dw $2010 adrl proOPEN bcs loadERR lda proOPEN+2 sta proREAD+2 sta proCLOSE+2 lda proEOF sta proREAD+8 lda proEOF+2 sta proREAD+10 jsl GSOS dw $2012 adrl proREAD bcs loadERR loadFILE2 jsl GSOS dw $2014 adrl proCLOSE ldy proREAD+12 ; length read ldx proREAD+14 clc rts loadERR sta proERR jsr loadFILE2 ldy #0 tyx sec rts *--- GS/OS data proERR ds 2 *--- For the game party proCREATEGAME dw 7 ; pcount adrl pGAME ; pathname dw $c3 ; access_code dw $5d ; file_type adrl $8020 ; aux_type ds 2 ; storage_type ds 4 ; eof ds 4 ; resource_eof proDESTROYGAME dw 1 ; pcount adrl pGAME ; pathname proOPENGAME dw 2 ds 2 adrl pGAME proREADGAME dw 4 ; 0 - pcount ds 2 ; 2 - ref_num adrl DEBUT_DATA ; 4 - data_buffer adrl FIN_DATA-DEBUT_DATA ; 8 - request_count ds 4 ; C - transfer_count proWRITEGAME dw 5 ; 0 - pcount ds 2 ; 2 - ref_num adrl DEBUT_DATA ; 4 - data_buffer (we are in same bank) adrl FIN_DATA-DEBUT_DATA ; 8 - request_count ds 4 ; C - transfer_count dw 1 ; cache_priority *--- For the game images proOPEN dw 12 ds 2 adrl pIMAGE ds 2 ds 2 ds 2 ds 2 ds 4 ds 2 ds 8 ds 8 ds 4 proEOF ds 4 proREAD dw 4 ; 0 - nb parms ds 2 ; 2 - file id ds 4 ; 4 - pointer ds 4 ; 8 - length ds 4 ; C - length read proCLOSE dw 1 ds 2 proQUIT dw 2 ; pcount ds 4 ; pathname ds 2 ; flags proVERS dw 1 ; pcount ds 2 ; version *--- offset to image number is +19 *--- offset to language is +16 *--- offset to text number is +22 *--- offset to beat number is +22 *--- offset to sfxs number is +21 * 1 2 3 * 23456789012345678901234567890123456789 pIMAGE strl '1/data/images/PIC1.PIC' pFOND strl '1/data/images/PIC10.PIC' pICONES strl '1/data/images/PIC11.PIC' pTXT strl '1/data/textes/fr/TEXTES' pBEAT strl '1/data/musiques/BEAT1.SPL' pSND strl '1/data/musiques/SND10.SND' pGAME strl '0/ ' *---------------------------------------- * LES AUTRES FICHIERS *---------------------------------------- put data.s put game.s *--- asc 0d asc "----------------"0d asc " "0d asc " LA BELLE ZOHRA "0d asc " "0d asc " Antoine Vignau "0d asc "Olivier Zardini"0d asc " "0d asc " Noel 2023 "0d asc " "0d asc "----------------"0d