2023-03-04 03:45:20 +01:00

1 line
18 KiB
Executable File

load 'macros.dump'
include 'driver.equ'
include 'scrap.equ'
IMPORT D_FirstTime
IMPORT D_GrowHandle
IMPORT D_Message1
IMPORT D_MessageThere
IMPORT D_NeedHandle
; X_Load_Picture ( Source:Long ): PictHandle:Long
; This routine will convert the given file handle into a PICT using the
; file type information passed in the registers. A-reg = filetype and X,Y =
; the auxtype. BIN, $C0, and $C1 files are supported. BIN files are treated as
; unpacked bitmap files.
; The source handle is D_Read and processed into a PICT handle created with
; the driver D_NeedHand call.
; Possible Errors:
; $201 - Insufficient memory
; $02 - Bad file format
; $03 - Unsupported file type (auxtype).
X_ScLoad_Picture PROC EXPORT
;Using D_GlobalData
;Using D_OpenData
sta >lptype
sta >lpauxtype
sta >lpauxtype+2
input Source:l
output PictHandle:l
local SourcePtr:l,SourceLen:l,PictPtr:l,Index:w
local PictSize:l,BoundRect:r,SCB:w,Mode:w,X_Blocksize:l
local UnpackPtr:l,UnpackSize:l,bytesperscan:w,Ptr:l
local BufferSize:l,PalleteFlag:w,PalleteHandle:l
local Unpacked:l,Temp:w,SizeBefore:w,SizeAfter:w
local DirPtr:l,D_FirstTime:w
error err
begin +b
* Error codes.
* Clear pallete usage flag and get size of source handle.
lda #0
sta >D_MessageThere
stz err
stz PalleteFlag
stz D_FirstTime
pushlong Source
pulllong SourceLen
* Lock down source handle and get pointer to start of source block. Set default
* boundrect values and get current SCB value for screen mode.
oktodo jsr locksource ;
tool _GetMasterSCB,out=(SCB:w) ;
moveword #160,bytesperscan ; # of bytes in scan Q_Line
stzl BoundRect ;
moveword #200,BoundRect+4 ;
moveword #320,BoundRect+6 ;
lda SCB ; set right edge based on
beq bmchkbin ; current screen mode.
asl BoundRect+6 ;
* If file type is binary then must be screen dump of size 7d00 or 8000.
bmchkbin Cmpw lptype,#6
bne chkpaintgold
Cmpl SourceLen,#$7d00
beq makebm
Cmpl SourceLen,#$8000
beq makebm
moveword #X_lp_badformat,err
brl exit
* Treat binary file of size 7d00 or 8000 as unpacked picture $C1/$0000.
makebm moveword #$C1,lptype
moveword #$0000,lpauxtype
* PaintWorks gold 640 files have undocumented file auxtype of $8000. If auxtype
* is $8000 then set auxtype to 0 for PaintWorks 640 or 1 for old picts.
chkpaintgold lda lpauxtype
cmp #$8000
bne chkaux
lda #0
sta lpauxtype
lda lptype
cmp #$C1
bne chkaux
inc lpauxtype
* Only auxtypes 0..3 are currently supported any others treat as errors.
chkaux lda lpauxtype
cmp #3
blt chkunpack
lda #X_lp_unsupported
sta err
brl exit
* If file was unpacked format then branch to handler.
chkunpack lda lptype
cmp #$C1
bne chkpack
lda lpauxtype
asl a
jsr (UnpackedTable,x)
bra exit
* If file was packed format then branch to handler.
chkpack lda lpauxtype
asl a
jsr (PackedTable,x)
* D_UnLock source file.
exit pushlong Source
* If source handle used instead of creating D_New one return it to caller.
lda err
beq noerror
cmp #X_lp_usesource
bne exit2
movelong Source,PictHandle
* No error occured so check to see if pallete flag was set. If so D_Create
* handle to put pallete in.
noerror lda PalleteFlag
beq exit2
pushlong #32
pushword #$4000 ; fixed
jsl D_NeedHandle
; sta err ; Valid picture, no colors
bcs exit2
sta >D_Message1
sta PalleteHandle
sta >D_Message1+2
sta PalleteHandle+2
lda #3
sta >D_MessageThere
* Copy pallete into pallete handle.
movelong [PalleteHandle],Ptr
ldy #30
ploop1 lda lppallete,y
sta [Ptr],y
bpl ploop1
exit2 return
UnpackedTable DC.W DoBitmap
DC.W DoPict
DC.W DoPict
PackedTable DC.W DoPaintWorks
DC.W DoPackedBM
DC.W DoApple
; dc i'LoadPPict'
MainTxt DC.B 4
DC.W 0
lptype DS.B 2
lpauxtype DS.B 4
lppallete DS.B 32
; DoBitMap:
; Handle unpacked bitmap file by just appending header to bitmap and shrinking
; handle if necessary to not include color pallete type information.
DoBitMap movelong #$7D3A,PictSize ; size for pict.
* If source length of file was not $7D00 then assume screen dump included color
* tables @ $7E00. If $7D00 has high bit set then 640 mode (hopefully not mixed)
* so use color table 0.
bmchksize cmpl SourceLen,#$7D00
beq growbm
ldy #$7D00
lda [SourcePtr],y
bpl growbm
addlong SourcePtr,#$7E00,Ptr
jsr copypallete
* Resize source handle to include space for PICT header.
growbm pushlong Source
pushlong PictSize
pushlong Source
jsl D_GrowHandle
sta err
bcc okmembm
* Source resized to allow room for pict header. Lock down source and move
* bitmap up in memory to leave space for pict header.
okmembm jsr locksource
pushlong SourcePtr
addlong SourcePtr,#$3A,s
pushlong #$7D00
* Q_Point PictPtr to start of handle and setup pict header.
movelong SourcePtr,PictPtr
jsr setuppict
* PICT in original handle so fall through to DoPICT to set usesource err.
; DoPict
; Handle PICT file by just returning its handle with the usesource error
; set.
DoPict lda #X_lp_usesource
sta err
; DoPaintWorks
; Handle PaintWorks file by simply unpacking the packed picture into a large buffer, adding the
; PICT header, and resizing the handle down to its proper size.
; NOTE: 640 PaintWorks files do not have the correct color pallete so we don't support pallete
; importation for PaintWorks.
DoPaintWorks jsr createbuffer
bcc pw1
* Note: on return UnpackPtr will Q_Point past last unpacked byte, and Unpacked will contain number
* of bytes actually unpacked. PictHandle will have been resized to #$3A+Unpacked.
pw1 addwl #$222,SourcePtr
subwl #$222,SourceLen
addlong PictPtr,#$3A,UnpackPtr
sublong BufferSize,#$3A,UnpackSize
jsr Unpack
bcc pw2
* Successfully unpacked PaintWorks packed picture. Now need to adjust lower
* bounds of BoundRect for the number of scan lines D_Read in. (UnpackSize/160).
pw2 spacelong
pushlong Unpacked
pushlong #160
sta BoundRect+4
* PictPtr already points to start of unpack buffer. Setup PICT header. Then
* D_UnLock picture file before returning it.
makepict jsr setuppict
tool _HUnlock,in=(PictHandle:l)
* Make sure PICT size is valid.
pushword BoundRect+4
pushword bytesperscan
pulllong BufferSize
addwl #$3a,BufferSize
pushlong BufferSize
pushlong PictHandle
jsl D_GrowHandle
sta err
bcc paintrts
jmp disposebuffer
paintrts rts
; DoPackedBM
; Handle packed bitmap by simply unpacking the packed picture into a large
; buffer, adding the PICT header, and resizing the handle down to its proper
; size.
; NOTE: If the picture was originally 640 the color pallete will be preserved.
DoPackedBM jsr createbuffer
bcc pbm1
* Unpack source into unpack buffer.
pbm1 addlong PictPtr,#$3A,UnpackPtr
sublong BufferSize,#$3A,UnpackSize
jsr Unpack
bcc pbm2
* Check if 640 bitmap if so copy color table 0 into pallete.
pbm2 ldy #$7D3A
lda [SourcePtr],y
bpl pbm3
addlong PictPtr,#$7E3A,Ptr
jsr copypallete
* Setup pict header and D_UnLock file before exiting.
pbm3 brl makepict
; DoApple
; Handle apple preferred format by unpacking each scan Q_Line into buffer,
; adding the PICT header, and resizing the handle down to its proper size.
; NOTE: If 640 picture the color pallete will be preserved.
* Check if block name is Main if not go to next block.
DoApple short
ldx #0
ldy #4
txtloop lda MainTxt,x
beq getinfo
cmp [SourcePtr],y
bne next
bra txtloop
next long
* Check if another block exists in file if not return bad format error.
movelong [SourcePtr],X_Blocksize
cmpl X_Blocksize,SourceLen
blt nextexists
moveword #X_lp_badformat,err
* Advance pointer to next block in file.
nextexists sublong SourceLen,X_Blocksize,SourceLen
addlong SourcePtr,X_Blocksize,SourcePtr
bra doapple
* Get the mode for the APF file and the number of Q_Pixels per scan Q_Line.
* If # of Q_Pixels per scan Q_Line = 0 then return format error.
getinfo long
ldy #9
lda [SourcePtr],y
and #$80
sta mode
ldy #11
lda [SourcePtr],y
bne oknumpix
moveword #X_lp_badformat,err
* D_Save pixesl per scan Q_Line as right edge of bound Q_Rect. If 640 APF then check
* for existance of pallete, and if it exists copy it to the pallete array.
* Adjust number of Q_Pixels per scan Q_Line if 320 originally (twice as many now).
oknumpix sta BoundRect+6
lda mode
bne applepallete
asl BoundRect+6
bra skippalletes
applepallete ldy #13
lda [SourcePtr],y ; NumPalletes
beq skippalletes
addlong SourcePtr,#15,Ptr
jsr copypallete
* BytesPerScan will be determined from how long the first unpacked Q_Line is.
* Bump SourcePtr to past palletes in file and get # of scan lines in picture
* as bottom bounds.
skippalletes stz bytesperscan
ldy #13
lda [SourcePtr],y
asl a
asl a
asl a
asl a
asl a
adc #15 ; offset to palletes
adc SourcePtr ; size of palletes
sta SourcePtr ; leave pointing past palletes
bcc x1
inc SourcePtr+2
x1 lda [SourcePtr]
sta BoundRect+4
sta Index
* Setup DirPtr to start of scan Q_Line directory and SourcePtr to start of packed
* data. { SourceLen will be extracted from the directory for each Q_Line }.
addlong SourcePtr,#2,DirPtr
lda BoundRect+4
asl a
asl a
adc #2
adc SourcePtr
sta SourcePtr
bcc x2
inc SourcePtr+2
* D_Create buffer to unpack data into. Setup PictPtr & BufferSize.
x2 jsr createbuffer
bcc apple1
* Q_Point UnpackPtr to right after pict header and set UnpackSize.
apple1 addlong PictPtr,#$3A,UnpackPtr
sublong BufferSize,#$3A,UnpackSize
stzl Unpacked
stz SourceLen+2
* Ready to go. We will need to unpack each Q_Line individually { until Index
* number of lines unpacked }. Length of packed data in Directory.
appleloop moveword [DirPtr],SourceLen
addwl #4,DirPtr
* Adjust source pointer forward by amount unpacked and decrement length.
appleunpack jsr dounpack
beq appledone
sta temp
addwl temp,SourcePtr
subwl temp,SourceLen
* Adjust Unpacked count and amount of unpack space really left.
x3 lda SizeBefore
sbc SizeAfter
sta temp
addwl temp,Unpacked
subwl temp,UnpackSize
* If first Q_Line being unpacked then keep track of how many bytes per scan.
lda D_FirstTime
bne notfirst
lda bytesperscan
adc temp
sta bytesperscan
* If the amount of unpack space ever reaches 0 then treat as memory error.
* Revision 3/18/89: TJH
* Check for low memory by making sure that @ least $100 bytes still left
* in the unpack buffer.
notfirst cmpl UnpackSize,#$100
bge chkline
gomemerr brl unpackmemerr
* Check if Q_Line completely unpacked (SourceLen=0) if so then decrement Q_Line
* count, and branch if still lines to be unpacked. If through unpacking first
* Q_Line then set flag.
chkline lda SourceLen
bne appleunpack
lda #1
sta D_FirstTime
dec Index
bne appleloop
* Successfully unpacked packed picture image. Unpacked contains number of bytes
* actually unpacked and UnpackPtr points to byte after last byte unpacked. Now
* resize PictHandle so it includes only the PICT header and the unpacked bytes.
appledone stz err
brl makepict
* Lock down source handle and setup pointer to it.
locksource movelong Source,ax
jsl D_Deref
movelong ax,SourcePtr
; Allocate maxblock as buffer for finished picture. Return memory error if not @ least $100 in
; size. BufferSize will have size of handle allocated and PictHandle/PictPtr will be set correctly.
; 3/18/89: TJH
; Ask for 64k from driver first to compact and purge memory as needed.
; 3/29/89: SRP
; Ask for 3*64K. If we get it, then dipose and purge. (Bleah!) This makes sure that the memory
; is available for us and for QuagmireDraw.
createbuffer call D_NeedHand,in=(#$30000:l),out=(PictHandle:l)
bcs cbgo
tool _DisposeHandle,in=(PictHandle:l)
tool _PurgeHandle,in=(PictHandle:l)
cbgo tool _MaxBlock,out=(BufferSize:l)
cmpl BufferSize,#$100
bge cbok
lda #$201
sta err
cbok call D_NeedHand,in=(BufferSize:l),out=(PictHandle:l),err=err
bcs cbrts
gotit movelong PictHandle,ax
jsl D_Deref
movelong ax,PictPtr
cbrts rts
* Added PICT frame to picture handle for bitmap PICT.
setuppict lda SCB
ldy #$1A
sta [PictPtr]
sta [PictPtr],y
lda BoundRect
moveword a,[PictPtr]:#2
moveword a,[PictPtr]:#$10
moveword a,[PictPtr]:#$20
moveword a,[PictPtr]:#$28
moveword a,[PictPtr]:#$30
lda BoundRect+2
moveword a,[PictPtr]:#4
moveword a,[PictPtr]:#$12
moveword a,[PictPtr]:#$22
moveword a,[PictPtr]:#$2A
moveword a,[PictPtr]:#$32
lda BoundRect+4
moveword a,[PictPtr]:#6
moveword a,[PictPtr]:#$14
moveword a,[PictPtr]:#$24
moveword a,[PictPtr]:#$2C
moveword a,[PictPtr]:#$34
lda BoundRect+6
dec a ; revised 3/18/89: Testing...
moveword a,[PictPtr]:#8
moveword a,[PictPtr]:#$16
moveword a,[PictPtr]:#$26 ;
moveword a,[PictPtr]:#$2E
moveword a,[PictPtr]:#$36
moveword #$8211,[PictPtr]:#$0A ; version #
moveword #1,[PictPtr]:#$0C ; clip rgn opcode
moveword #$0A,[PictPtr]:#$0E ; ???
moveword #0,[PictPtr]:#$1C ; bw/color
moveword bytesperscan,[PictPtr]:#$1E ; width in bytes
moveword #0,[PictPtr]:#$38 ; draw mode (copy)
moveword #$90,[PictPtr]:#$18 ; pix Q_Rect opcode
* This routine will copy the pallete pointed to by Ptr into local space.
copypallete moveword #3,PalleteFlag
ldy #30
copyploop lda [Ptr],y
sta lppallete,y
bpl copyploop
; This routine will take care of unpacking the packed bitmap @ SourcePtr of size SourceLen into
; buffer @ UnpackPtr of size UnpackSize. If in the process of unpacking it is determined that the
; unpack buffer is too small then dispose of PictHandle and return out of memory error.
Unpack stzl Unpacked
* Since UnpackBytes expects the unpack buffer to be <= $FFFF in size we have to keep track of how
* much is left in the unpack buffer ourselves. We always tell UnpackBytes that the buffer is $FFFF
* unless it is actually smaller.
unpackloop jsr dounpack
beq DoneUnpack
* Adjust source pointer forward by amount unpacked and decrement length.
sta temp
addwl temp,SourcePtr
subwl temp,SourceLen
* Adjust Unpacked count and amount of unpack space really left.
lda SizeBefore
sbc SizeAfter
sta temp
addwl temp,Unpacked
subwl temp,UnpackSize
* If the amount of unpack space ever reaches 0 then treat as memory error.
* Revised 3/18/89: TJH
* Check unpack buffer to make sure that @ least $100 bytes are in it. If not then treat as
* memory error.
cmpl UnpackSize,#$100
bge unpackloop
unpackmemerr jsr disposebuffer
* Can't unpack any more; if still room in unpack buffer then we're ok; else
* if unpack buffer was filled and source still remains the memory error.
DoneUnpack lda UnpackSize+2
bne unpackok
lda UnpackSize
cmp #256
blt unpackmemerr
* Successfully unpacked packed picture image. Unpacked contains number of bytes
* actually unpacked and UnpackPtr points to byte after last byte unpacked. Now
* resize PictHandle so it includes only the PICT header and the unpacked bytes.
unpackok stz err
; This routine will D_UnLock PictHandle, dispose of it and return with an
; out of memory error.
disposebuffer pushlong PictHandle
pushlong PictHandle
lda #$201
sta err
* Since UnpackBytes expects the unpack buffer to be <= $FFFF in size we have
* to keep track of how much is left in the unpack buffer ourselves. We always
* tell UnpackBytes that the buffer is $FFFF unless it is actually smaller.
dounpack lda #$FFFF
ldx UnpackSize+2
bne puttemp
lda UnpackSize
puttemp sta SizeBefore
sta SizeAfter
* Unpack packed picture bytes.
PushLong SourcePtr
PushWord SourceLen
PushLong !UnpackPtr
PushLong !SizeAfter