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Antoine Vignau d29484938c Our SCSI-2 Audio Driver
What we wrote to make audio hearable on a SCSI-2 CD-ROM drive ;-)
2023-03-08 10:15:14 +01:00

1 line
38 KiB

; SCSI Driver Main Driver.
; Written by Matt Gulick. Started May 16,1988
; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1988,89
; This file contains the code segment that is called
; when a Device call comes in. This code is
; responsible for checking the validity of the
; command, setting the environment and parsing the
; call to the desired filter.
; Revision History:
; May 16, 1988 File started.
; May 17, 1988 DIB Record defined.
; June 6, 1988 Main Driver Written.
; Jun 10, 1988 Broke down files into links.
; Jun 20, 1988 Add comments concerning Registers to the
; routine headers. Also incorporate
; changes from code review.
; July 8, 1988 Added code to allocate Directpage area
; of $100 bytes.
; Oct 25, 1988 Modified the default DIB to reflect the
; changes in the SCSI Manager Interface.
; Also made changes in the code to account
; for this.
; Apr 10, 1989 Started code for character devices. The
; Scanner Driver in particular.
; *** 6.0.1 ***
; 15-Dec-92 DAL Changed default bitmap for CD device, to
; support Apple CD-300.
; 6-Mar-93 JCM Added the new "driver wasn't written by a bonehead" bit to the
; default_dib characteristics for all drivers.
; BD 201811 Added commands in the bitmap for the Apple CD
IMPORT startup
IMPORT Control
IMPORT Shutdown
IMPORT g_dib_ptr
ENTRY default_dib
ENTRY direct_page ;Driver Mgmt
ENTRY exit_dpage ;Driver Mgmt
ENTRY gsos_dpage ;Driver Mgmt
ENTRY lst_rslt_ec ;Status
ENTRY lst_rslt_id
ENTRY lst_rslt_stat
ENTRY lst_rslt_skey
ENTRY lst_rslt_info
ENTRY lst_rslt_rqlen
ENTRY lst_rslt_scode
ENTRY auto_sense_data ;Main Driver
INCLUDE 'scsihd.equates'
; This dummy Procedure is used to inform the loader.
; Drivers start with data but are not data segments.
; The loader may load what it thinks to be a data
; segment accross bank boundries. This is not good
; for code.
EXPORT dummy
dummy PROC
; Header as required by the device dispatcher for
; drivers.
EXPORT start
start PROC
dc.w default_dib-start
dc.w $0001
dc.w ctrl_list-start
ctrl_list dc.l null
dc.l null
; Main entry to the SCSI Driver code segment. The
; state of the machine at this point is:
; Acc = Call Number
; $0000 = Startup
; $0001 = Open
; $0002 = Read
; $0003 = Write
; $0004 = Close
; $0005 = Status
; $0006 = Control
; $0007 = Flush
; $0008 = Shutdown
; Y register = Unspecified
; X register = Unspecified
; P register = 0=M=X=e
; Direct Page = GS/OS Direct Page
; Data Bank = Unspecified
; Stack Pointer = GS/OS Stack
; System Speed = Fast
EXPORT drvr_main
drvr_main PROC
; Diagnostic Flag
; sta >$ff0500
; Preserve Callers Data Bank
; and set ours.
; Check to see if we have our own
; Direct Page. If so then copy first
; 'x' bytes to our temp, switch DP and
; copy it back to ours.
ldx |direct_page
beq @chk_startup ;No DP. This must be a startup call.
; Set our Direct Page with the first
; 'x' Bytes equal to the GS/OS DP
; settings.
clc ; Calculate Source Address of GS/OS
tdc ; Direct Page that we want.
sta |gsos_dpage ; Preserving GS/OS DP for later use.
adc #dev_num
pea $0000
clc ; Calculate Destination Address of
lda |direct_page ; our Direct Page that we want.
adc #dev_num
pea $0000
pushlong #dib_ptr+4 ;Length of the move
pushword #move_sinc_dinc
jsl move_info ;Move the data
; Set our Direct Page.
lda |direct_page
; Continue with call.
bra @do_command
; Validate for Startup Command.
@chk_startup cmp #cmd_start
bne @error1
; Convert call number in Acc
; to an index into our jmp table
@do_command cmp #max_d_cmd+1
bge @error
@do_cmd1 asl a
; If this is a status call $0005
; then don't clear these values.
; That's what they are trying to
; get.
cmp #cmd_status*2 ;Account for the ASL
bne @clear ;Not a status call
lda <stat_code ;Is it Code $0005?
cmp #$0005
beq @dont_clear ;Yes. Skip the clear code.
; Clear the data from the last call.
@clear lda <dev_num
sta |lst_rslt_id
; Check to see if device is still
; performing the last call isued.
@dont_clear ldy #dib.dvcflag
lda [dib_ptr],y
and #int_busy
beq @do_call
; Still Busy. Return Busy Error.
lda |gsos_dpage
lda #drvr_busy
bra @error2
@do_call jsr (@table,x)
; Clean Exit.
; Get our Direct Page with the first
; 'x' Bytes equal to the GS/OS DP
; settings and return them.
; Check to see if premature termination.
lda |exit_dpage
beq @purge_me ;Hurt Me! I Like it.
; No. Then Return Control of the
; Direct Page back to GS/OS.
clc ; Calculate Source Address of
adc #dev_num ; our Direct Page that we used.
pea $0000
clc ; Calculate Destination Address of
lda |gsos_dpage ; GS/OS Direct Page.
tcd ; Resetting it also at this time.
adc #dev_num ; Preserving GS/OS DP for later use.
pea $0000
pushlong #dib_ptr ;Length of the move
pushword #move_sinc_dinc
jsl move_info ;Return the data
; If Direct_page = 0 then this is
; the final exit and we need to also
; zero out the exit_dpage value.
lda |direct_page
bne @purge_me
stz |exit_dpage
@purge_me plp
bcs @yes_error
lda #null
; sta >$ff0502 ;*** Debug only
; Error Exit
; Reset GS/OS Direct Page.
@error lda |gsos_dpage
@error1 lda #drvr_bad_code
@error2 sec
; Save Error Code for Get Last
; Result Call
sta |lst_rslt_ec
; sta >$ff0502 ;*** Debug only
; Jump table and code.
@table dc.w startup
dc.w Open
dc.w Read
dc.w Write
dc.w Close
dc.w Status
dc.w Control
dc.w Flush
dc.w Shutdown
; Dispatcher Routing routine
EXPORT rout2_s_disp
rout2_s_disp pha
lda |direct_page ;If this is the first time, then
bne @use_ours
jsl s_dispatch
@use_ours lda |gsos_dpage
jsl s_dispatch
lda |direct_page
; The following statements are used to define the DIB
; structure. The structure contains the traditional
; DIB followed by an extension used for device
; maintainence. All together each DIB with the
; associated extensions will take one page of RAM.
; $00 ------------------------------------------------
; | |
; | Device Information Block Data (DIB) |
; $3F | |
; ------------------------------------------------
; $40 | Physical Block Number |
; | |
; $43 | that maps to logical block zero |
; ------------------------------------------------
; $44 | |
; | Head Pointer |
; $47 | |
; ------------------------------------------------
; $48 | |
; | Forward Pointer |
; $4B | |
; ------------------------------------------------
; $4C | Memory DIB Count |
; ------------------------------------------------
; $4E | Reserved |
; ------------------------------------------------
; $50 | |
; | Memory Manager Handle for this DIB |
; $53 | |
; ------------------------------------------------
; $54 | |
; | Block Size (Bytes) |
; $57 | |
; ------------------------------------------------
; $58 | Max SCSI Command for this Device |
; ------------------------------------------------
; $5A | |
; | Command Bitmap (See ERS for description) |
; $79 | |
; ------------------------------------------------
; $7A | SCSI Command Data |
; | and |
; $D9 | SCSI Manager Call Buffer Structures |
; ------------------------------------------------
; $DA | 'Busy' and other Flags |
; ------------------------------------------------
; $DC | |
; | Completion Vector with Code |
; $FF | |
; ------------------------------------------------
EXPORT default_dib
default_dib PROC
; Definition of DIB Structure.
dc.l $00000000 ; DIB Link Pointer (LONG)
dc.l drvr_main ; Pointer to Drvrs Main Entry (LONG)
IF scsi_dtype = direct_acc THEN
IF warm_ss_suprt = true THEN
dc.w restartable++\ ;Restartable from ram if Set (WORD)
speed_ind++\ ;Device is speed ind if Set
blk_device++\ ;Block Device if Set
write_allow++\ ;Write is Allowed if Set
read_allow++\ ;Read is Allowed if Set
format_allow++\ ;Format is Allowed if Set
driver_is_clean ;Follows guidelines if Set - 6-Mar-93 JCM
dc.w speed_ind++\ ;Device is speed ind if Set (WORD)
blk_device++\ ;Block Device if Set
write_allow++\ ;Write is Allowed if Set
read_allow++\ ;Read is Allowed if Set
format_allow++\ ;Format is Allowed if Set
driver_is_clean ;Follows guidelines if Set - 6-Mar-93 JCM
; Is it a Write-once Read-multiple Device.
IF scsi_dtype = apple_cd\
OR scsi_dtype = changer THEN
IF warm_ss_suprt = true THEN
dc.w restartable++\ ;Restartable from ram if Set (WORD)
speed_ind++\ ;Device is speed ind if Set
blk_device++\ ;Block Device if Set
read_allow++\ ;Read is Allowed if Set
removable++\ ;Removable Media if Set
driver_is_clean ;Follows guidelines if Set - 6-Mar-93 JCM
dc.w speed_ind++\ ;Device is speed ind if Set (WORD)
blk_device++\ ;Block Device if Set
read_allow++\ ;Read is Allowed if Set
removable++\ ;Removable Media if Set
driver_is_clean ;Follows guidelines if Set - 6-Mar-93 JCM
; Is it an MCD 40 Tape Drive
IF scsi_dtype = mcd_40 THEN
IF warm_ss_suprt = true THEN
dc.w restartable++\ ;Restartable from ram if Set (WORD)
speed_ind++\ ;Device is speed ind if Set
blk_device++\ ;Block Device if Set
write_allow++\ ;Write is Allowed if Set
read_allow++\ ;Read is Allowed if Set
format_allow++\ ;Format is Allowed if Set
removable++\ ;Removable Media if Set
driver_is_clean ;Follows guidelines if Set - 6-Mar-93 JCM
dc.w speed_ind++\ ;Device is speed ind if Set (WORD)
blk_device++\ ;Block Device if Set
write_allow++\ ;Write is Allowed if Set
read_allow++\ ;Read is Allowed if Set
format_allow++\ ;Format is Allowed if Set
removable++\ ;Removable Media if Set
driver_is_clean ;Follows guidelines if Set - 6-Mar-93 JCM
IF scsi_dtype = scanner THEN
; Is it a Scanner Device?
dc.w speed_ind++\ ;Device is speed ind if Set
read_allow++\ ;Read is Allowed if Set
driver_is_clean ;Follows guidelines if Set - 6-Mar-93 JCM
IF scsi_dtype = appl_laser THEN
; Is it a appl_laser Device?
dc.w speed_ind++\ ;Device is speed ind if Set
write_allow++\ ;Write is Allowed if Set
driver_is_clean ;Follows guidelines if Set - 6-Mar-93 JCM
dc.l $00000000 ; Block Count for this device (LONG)
; Set to default. This can change
; Length of Descriptive Name (PSTR)
; Followed by the Descriptive
; Name for the device. This
; is a conditional Assembly.
IF scsi_dtype = direct_acc THEN
; Is it a Direct-Access Device.
dc.b 'APPLESCSI.HD00.00'
IF scsi_dtype = seq_acc THEN
; Is it a Sequential-Access Device.
dc.b 'SCSI.TAPE00.00'
IF scsi_dtype = appl_laser THEN
; Is it a LaserWriter Device.
dc.b 'APPLESCSI.LW00.00'
IF scsi_dtype = proc_dvc THEN
; Is it a Processor Device.
dc.b 'APPLESCSI.PROC00.00'
IF scsi_dtype = worm_dvc THEN
; Is it a Write-once Read-multiple Device.
dc.b 'APPLESCSI.WORM00.00'
IF scsi_dtype = apple_cd THEN
; Is it a Read-only Direct-Access Device.
IF scsi_dtype = scanner THEN
; Is it a Scanner Device.
IF scsi_dtype = optic_mem THEN
; Is it a Optical Memory Device.
IF scsi_dtype = changer THEN
; Is it a Changer Device.
IF scsi_dtype = comm_dvc THEN
; Is it a Communication Device.
dc.b 'APPLESCSI.COM00.00'
IF scsi_dtype = mcd_40 THEN
; Is it a Direct Access Magnetic
; Tape Device.
dc.b 'APPLESCSI.TAPE00.00'
; Pad space to fill gap to next field.
dcb.b dib.slotnum+default_dib-*,$20
dc.w $8000 ; Device Slot Number from MGR. (WORD)
; By setting bit 15 in the slot
; number we can force the device
; dispatcher to keep it around.
; We will save this as a default
; dib. This will also allow us
; to remain loaded if there are
; no devices available at boot
; time.
dc.w $0000 ; Device Unit Number from MGR. (WORD)
dc.w drvr_vers ; Version Number for our Driver (WORD)
IF scsi_dtype = direct_acc THEN
dc.w $0005 ; ID of Device we talk to (WORD)
IF scsi_dtype = apple_cd THEN
dc.w $0007 ; ID of Device we talk to (WORD)
; BD 201811
IF scsi_dtype = changer THEN
dc.w $0021 ; ID of Device we talk to (WORD)
IF scsi_dtype = mcd_40 THEN
dc.w $0020 ; ID of Device we talk to (WORD)
IF scsi_dtype = scanner THEN
dc.w $001A ; ID of Device we talk to (WORD)
IF scsi_dtype = appl_laser THEN
dc.w $001C ; ID of Device we talk to (WORD)
dc.w $0000 ; Head Device Link (WORD)
dc.w $0000 ; Forward Device Link (WORD)
; Pointer to DIB Extension (LONG)
dc.l dib.start_blk+default_dib
dc.w $0000 ; DIB Device Number (WORD)
; The Starting Block Number for this device
; is maintained here. This is used to
; modify the requested block number from
; a logical to a physical number.
dc.l $00000000 ; Starting Physical Block Num. (LONG)
; These two pointers are the compliment
; to the links in the standard DIB and
; will point to the actual DIB referenced
; in the Head and Forward Device Links.
dc.l null ; Head Dvc Pointer (LONG)
dc.l null ; Forward Dvc Pointer (LONG)
dc.w null ; Number of active dibs in mem (WORD)
dc.w null ; Block containing partition (WORD)
; Memory Manager Handle
dc.l $00000000 ; (LONG)
; Block Size
dc.l block_size ; (LONG)
; Maximum SCSI Command supported by
; the device for this DIB.
dc.w $00FF ; (WORD)
; SCSI Command Group Bitmaps
IF scsi_dtype = direct_acc THEN
; It is a Direct-Access Device.
dc.B $D9,$B0,$27,$BE ; Group 0 (LONG)
dc.B $04,$A3,$1E,$FB ; Group 1 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$04,$21 ; Group 2 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 3 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 4 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 5 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 6 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 7 (LONG)
IF scsi_dtype = seq_acc THEN
; It is a Sequential-Access Device.
dc.B $D4,$B1,$FF,$FF ; Group 0 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$10,$08,$78 ; Group 1 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$04,$21 ; Group 2 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 3 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 4 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 5 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 6 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 7 (LONG)
IF scsi_dtype = appl_laser THEN
; It is a LaserWriter Device.
dc.B $FE,$20,$27,$20 ; Group 0 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 1 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 2 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 3 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 4 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 5 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 6 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 7 (LONG)
IF scsi_dtype = proc_dvc THEN
; It is a Processor Device.
dc.B $90,$A0,$20,$8C ; Group 0 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 1 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$04,$21 ; Group 2 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 3 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 4 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 5 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 6 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 7 (LONG)
IF scsi_dtype = worm_dvc THEN
; It is a Write-once Read-multiple Device.
dc.B $D1,$90,$27,$BE ; Group 0 (LONG)
dc.B $04,$03,$10,$60 ; Group 1 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$04,$21 ; Group 2 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 3 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 4 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 5 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 6 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 7 (LONG)
IF scsi_dtype = apple_cd\
OR scsi_dtype = changer THEN
; It is a Read-only Direct-Access Device.
; dc.B $D0,$90,$27,$BE ; Group 0 (LONG)
; dc.B $04,$01,$10,$60 ; Group 1 (LONG)
; dc.B $00,$00,$04,$21 ; Group 2 (LONG)
; dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 3 (LONG)
; dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 4 (LONG)
; dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 5 (LONG)
; dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 6 (LONG)
; dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 7 (LONG)
*** changed 15-Dec-92 DAL -- Hard-code capabilities of Apple CD-300
*** (page 18 of AppleCD 300 SCSI Spec v1.2)
dc.B $D0,$90,$27,$BE ; Group 0 ;00,01,03,08,0B,12,15-17,1A-1E
dc.B $04,$90,$00,$18 ; Group 1 ;25,28,2B,3B,3C
dc.B $3F,$90,$04,$20 ; Group 2 ;42-48,4B ! BD 201811 49 55 5A
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 3
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 4
dc.B $04,$C0,$00,$00 ; Group 5 ;A5,A8 ! BD 201811 A9
dc.B $00,$04,$00,$C1 ; Group 6 ;CD,D8,D9,DF
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 7
*** end 15-Dec-92
IF scsi_dtype = scanner THEN
; It is a Scanner Device.
dc.B $91,$82,$67,$BC ; Group 0 (LONG)
dc.B $0C,$A0,$48,$78 ; Group 1 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 2 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 3 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 4 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 5 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 6 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 7 (LONG)
IF scsi_dtype = optic_mem THEN
; It is a Optical Memory Device.
dc.B $D9,$B0,$27,$BE ; Group 0 (LONG)
dc.B $04,$0F,$1E,$FC ; Group 1 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$04,$21 ; Group 2 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 3 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 4 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$AF,$11,$04 ; Group 5 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 6 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 7 (LONG)
IF scsi_dtype = comm_dvc THEN
; It is a Communication Device.
dc.B $90,$A0,$24,$2C ; Group 0 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$18 ; Group 1 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 2 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 3 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 4 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 5 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 6 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 7 (LONG)
IF scsi_dtype = mcd_40 THEN
; It is a Direct Access Magnetic
; Tape Device.
dc.B $DF,$F7,$FF,$7C ; Group 0 (LONG)
dc.B $04,$B0,$01,$18 ; Group 1 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 2 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 3 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 4 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 5 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 6 (LONG)
dc.B $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Group 7 (LONG)
; SCSI Manager Call PList
dc.w $0000 ; Same as our Slot Number (WORD)
dc.w scsi_dtype ; Same as our Unit Number (WORD)
dc.w $0000 ; Version of call issued (WORD)
dc.w $0000 ; Flags from Command Table (WORD)
dc.w $0000 ; Time Out Factor * xxx ms (WORD)
; Completion Routine Pointer (LONG)
dc.l dib.complet\
; Pointer to Command Packet (LONG)
dc.l dib.scsicmd\
; Ptr to Send/R'cv Structure (LONG)
dc.l dib.trx_buff\
dc.l $00000000 ; Users Send/R'cv Length (LONG)
; Pointer to Status Structure (LONG)
dc.l auto_sense_data
dc.l $00000000 ; Reserved space 1 (LONG)
dc.l $00000000 ; Reserved space 2 (LONG)
; SCSI Command Packet
dcb.b 12,$00 ; Room for any SCSI Command (BYTES)
; SCSI Manager Device Send/R'cv Buffers List
dc.l $00000000 ; Users Send Buffer (LONG)
dc.l $00000000 ; Request cnt for this buffer (LONG)
dc.l $00000000 ; Offset for next pass (LONG)
dc.l $00000000 ; Null (LONG)
dc.l $00000000 ; Null (LONG)
dc.l $00000000 ; Null (LONG)
dc.l $00000000 ; Null (LONG)
dc.l $00000000 ; Null (LONG)
dcb.l 4,$00000000 ; Reserved Space * 4 for future (LONG)
; Device Busy and other Flags (WORD)
dc.w wait_mode++\ ; Wait Mode is default
cold_dib ; and they start cold.
; Completion Routine for this DIB.
; This takes the remaining space in
; the allocated RAM. Any routine can
; be placed here but must never go
; beyond offset $FF
jsl g_dib_ptr
pei scsi_zp0
pei scsi_zp1
stx <scsi_zp0
sty <scsi_zp1
ldy #dib.dvcflag
lda #int_busy--\
and [scsi_zp0],y
sta [scsi_zp0],y
sta <scsi_zp1
sta <scsi_zp0
lda #null
@end equ *
IF @end-default_dib = dib_size THEN
; Perfect Fit of DIB
IF @end-default_dib>dib_size THEN
; It's too long. Force an error
bad dib length
IF @end-default_dib<dib_size THEN
; Too Small. Pad to fit.
dcb.b default_dib+$100-@end,$00
; This area contains the format options for the device
; that this driver was written for. It's construction
; is as defined in the SCSI Device Driver ERS.
EXPORT format_options
format_options PROC
IF scsi_dtype = direct_acc THEN
EXPORT display_cnt
EXPORT current_fmt
EXPORT opt1_blk_cnt
EXPORT opt1_blk_siz
EXPORT opt1_interleave
EXPORT opt1_med_siz
EXPORT opt2_blk_cnt
EXPORT opt2_blk_siz
EXPORT opt2_interleave
EXPORT opt2_med_siz
EXPORT opt3_blk_cnt
EXPORT opt3_blk_siz
EXPORT opt3_interleave
EXPORT opt3_med_siz
; Direct Access Device format options.
dc.w $0003 ;Number of entries
display_cnt dc.w $0002 ;Number of display entries
dc.w $0001 ;Recommended Default entry
current_fmt dc.w $0001 ;Current Format
dc.w $0001 ;Refnum = Option #1
dc.w $0002 ;Linkref = Option #2
dc.w $0008 ;Universal format
;Size in megabytes
opt1_blk_cnt dc.l null ;Block Count Option #1
opt1_blk_siz dc.w $0200 ;Block Size Option #1
opt1_interleave dc.w $0001 ;Interleave = 1:1
opt1_med_siz dc.w null ;Media size in megabytes
dc.w $0002 ;Refnum = Option #2
dc.w $0000 ;Linkref = Option #0
dc.w $0008 ;Universal format
;Size in megabytes
opt2_blk_cnt dc.l null ;Block Count Option #2
opt2_blk_siz dc.w $0200 ;Block Size Option #2
opt2_interleave dc.w $0002 ;Interleave = 2:1
opt2_med_siz dc.w null ;Media size in megabytes
dc.w $0003 ;Refnum = Option #3
dc.w $0000 ;Linkref = Option #0
dc.w $0008 ;Universal format
;Size in megabytes
opt3_blk_cnt dc.l null ;Block Count Option #3
opt3_blk_siz dc.w $0214 ;Block Size Option #3
opt3_interleave dc.w $0005 ;Interleave = 5:1
opt3_med_siz dc.w null ;Media size in megabytes
; All the Data for this driver is maintained in this
; procedure. This is to allow easy future conversion
; to ROM code if that is ever needed. In order for
; this to work, the following should be changed to a
; RECORD structure and then the appropriate space
; requested from the memory manager and used as a
; temporary Direct Page space. The template created
; by changing this to a RECORD would then be used to
; overlay the RAM supplied by the memory manager.
EXPORT drvrdata
drvrdata PROC
EXPORT direct_page
direct_page dc.w null ;Our Direct Page Start Address
EXPORT exit_dpage
exit_dpage dc.w null ;Our Direct Page Start Address
EXPORT gsos_dpage
gsos_dpage dc.w null ;GS/OS Direct Page Start Address
EXPORT valid
valid dc.w null ;Saved ZP Validity flag
EXPORT saved_zp
saved_zp dcb.b end_our_zp-\ ;Saved GS/OS ZP Slept here
;Data for the GET LAST RESULT Call
EXPORT lst_rslt_ec
EXPORT lst_rslt_id
EXPORT lst_rslt_stat
EXPORT lst_rslt_info
EXPORT lst_rslt_rqlen
EXPORT lst_rslt_scode
lst_rslt_ec dc.w null ;GS/OS Error Code
lst_rslt_id dc.w null ;Device ID Number
lst_rslt_stat dc.w null ;Status Code
lst_rslt_skey dc.w null ;Sense Key
lst_rslt_info dc.l null ;Information Bytes
lst_rslt_rqlen dc.w null ;Data Length
lst_rslt_scode dc.w null ;Additional Sense Code
EXPORT master_uid
master_uid dc.w $0000 ;Master MM User ID
EXPORT scsi_uid
scsi_uid dc.w $0000 ;Our MM User ID
EXPORT page_cnt
page_cnt dc.w $0000 ;Page Count for Remaining free RAM.
EXPORT hndl_offset
hndl_offset dc.w $0000 ;Handle offset in new memory structure.
EXPORT buff_len
buff_len dc.w $0000 ;Length of Requested Memory
EXPORT scratch0
scratch0 dc.w $0000 ;Scratch Working Area
EXPORT scratch1
scratch1 dc.w $0000 ;Scratch Working Area
EXPORT scratch2
scratch2 dc.w $0000 ;Scratch Working Area
EXPORT scratch3
scratch3 dc.w $0000 ;Scratch Working Area
EXPORT call_type
call_type dc.w $0000 ;Current SCSI Command Type
EXPORT curr_hndl
curr_hndl dc.l $00000000
EXPORT main_caller
main_caller dc.w $0000
EXPORT ram_page_cnt
ram_page_cnt dc.w $0000
EXPORT tot_dib_cnt
tot_dib_cnt dc.w $0000
EXPORT active_starts
active_starts dc.w $0000
EXPORT t_dvc_blocks
t_dvc_blocks dc.l null ; Storage for the total block count
EXPORT dvc_ram ;Start of the device buffer plus
dvc_ram dc.l null ;the handle space
EXPORT format_data
format_data dc.l null
EXPORT sense_data
EXPORT ddm_data
sense_data dcb.b one_page*2,null
EXPORT auto_sense_data
auto_sense_data dcb.b one_page,null
EXPORT dvc_count ;Number of devices returned by the
dvc_count dc.w null ;SCSI Manager get devices call.
; Flag to indicate whether this call
; came as a STARTUP or a rebuild of
; the DIBs.
EXPORT rebuild
rebuild dc.w null
EXPORT stat_cont
stat_cont dc.w null
EXPORT dpi_overide
dpi_overide dc.w null
EXPORT trash_it
trash_it dc.w null
EXPORT part_num
part_num dc.w null
EXPORT vPart_cnt
vPart_cnt dc.w null
EXPORT part_cnt
part_cnt dc.w null
EXPORT first_time
first_time dc.w null
EXPORT only_one
only_one dc.w null
EXPORT result
result dc.l null ;Result of Divide routine
EXPORT divend
divend dc.l null ;Dividend for the division
EXPORT divsor
divsor dc.w null ;Divisor for the division
EXPORT max_blk_cnt
max_blk_cnt dc.l null ;Maximum Result allowed
EXPORT m_rslt
m_rslt dc.l null ;Result of Multiply routine
EXPORT m_blk_cnt
m_blk_cnt dc.l null ;Block Count for the Multiply
EXPORT m_blk_size
m_blk_size dc.w null ;Block Size for the Multiply
EXPORT timeout_flag
timeout_flag dc.w null ;Timeout based on block count flag
EXPORT time_cnt
time_cnt dc.l null ;Timeout Calculation Area.
; DIB Data Structure Pointer
EXPORT dib_data_struct
dib_data_struct dc.l null
; Data Chaining Flag
EXPORT uses_dc
uses_dc dc.w null
; Data Areas for the Main Driver.
EXPORT f_partition
f_partition dc.w null ;Get the partition call flag.
EXPORT internal ;Internally generated command if
internal dc.w null ;bit 15 is set.
EXPORT disk_switch ;Command requires a Disk Switch if
disk_switch dc.w null ;bit 15 is set.
EXPORT scsi_mgrnum
scsi_mgrnum dc.w null ;SCSI Manager Number for S_DISPATCH
EXPORT manager_cmd
manager_cmd dc.w null ;SCSI Manager Command Number
EXPORT cur_cmd
cur_cmd dc.w null ;Current SCSI Command Number 8 bits
EXPORT cur_cmd2
cur_cmd2 dc.w null ;Current SCSI Command Number 12 bits
EXPORT cur_group
cur_group dc.w null ;Current SCSI Command Group
EXPORT trans_src
trans_src dc.w null ;Source Command Data Offset
EXPORT trans_dest
trans_dest dc.w null ;Destination Command Data Offset
EXPORT p_block_num
p_block_num dc.l null ;Temp location for block offset.
EXPORT killer_blk
killer_blk dc.l null ;Temp location for block offset.
EXPORT temp_acc
temp_acc dc.w null ;Temporary Accumulator
EXPORT temp_x
temp_x dc.w null ;Temporary X Register
EXPORT temp_y
temp_y dc.w null ;Temporary Y Register
EXPORT temp_len
temp_len dc.w null ;Temporary Loop Length
EXPORT trans_flag
trans_flag dc.w null ;SCSI Translation Flags.
EXPORT new_dib
new_dib dc.w null ;Building a new dib flag.
EXPORT pdi_flag
pdi_flag dc.w null ;Post Driver Install is Active
EXPORT new_list
new_list dc.w null ;Post Driver List Active Flag
EXPORT new_dib_cnt
new_dib_cnt dc.l null ;Number of new devices to startup
EXPORT new_dib_list
;List of DIB ptrs for the new devices
new_dib_list dcb.l max_partitions,0