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450 lines
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* A simple DGR driver
* (c) 2016, Brutal Deluxe Software
* http://www.brutaldeluxe.fr/
* Use them at your own risk ;-)
mx %11
org $1800
lst off
*---------- Some info
* The DGR page is similar to the 80-col screen
* Even columns on aux RAM, odd ones on main RAM
* There are two pixels per byte:
* - four high bits for the first pixel
* - four low bits for the second pixel
* - and so on...
* So, we have 80x48 pixels and 16 colors
* The routines are not optimized!
* There can be a second DGR page for
* flipping, use TXTPAGE1 or TXTPAGE2
* I did not code them here, sorry ;-)
*---------- Entry point
jmp DGROn ; Turn DGR on
jmp DGROff ; Turn DGR off
jmp DGRClear ; Clear screen
jmp DGRPutPixel ; Draw a pixel on screen
jmp DGRPutPixel2 ; Alt draw a pixel on screen
jmp DGRGetPixel ; Get the color of a pixel on screen
jmp DGRGetPixel2 ; Alt get the color of a pixel on screen
jmp DGRSetColor ; Set the pen color
jmp DGRSetXY ; Set X1/Y1 coordinates
jmp DGRSetXY2 ; Set X2/Y2 coordinates
jmp DGRSetPage ; Set page1/page2 data
jmp DGRDrawHLine ; Draw an horizontal line
jmp DGRDrawHLine2 ; Alt draw an horizontal line
jmp DGRDrawVLine ; Draw a vertical line
jmp DGRDrawVLine2 ; Alt draw a vertical line
*---------- Information
asc 8d
asc "DGR routines v1.0"8d
asc "(c) 2016, Brutal Deluxe"
asc 8d
*---------- Equates
maskHIGH = %11110000 ; Get high bits
maskLOW = %00001111 ; Get low bits
page1 = $04 ; High RAM ptr of DGR page 1 ($400..$7FF)
page2 = $08 ; same for page 2 ($800..$BFF)
dpSCREEN = $fe ; My usage of the zero page ;-)
minX = 0 ; 80px wide
maxX = 80
minY = 0 ; 48px height
maxY = 48
*--- Values
theCOLOR ds 1 ; color of
theCOLORHIGH ds 1 ; color for high bits (2 pixels per byte)
theCOLORFULL ds 1 ; 8-bit color (ORA of the two previous)
theX1 ds 1 ; where to draw a point
theY1 ds 1 ; again
theX2 ds 1 ; same for H and V lines
theY2 ds 1
thePAGE ds 1 ; may contain $04 (page 1) or $08 (page 2)
*--- Softswitches
KBD = $c000 ; the first softswitch
CLR80COL = $c000
SET80COL = $c001
SETSTDZP = $c008
SETALTZP = $c009
CLR80VID = $c00c
SET80VID = $c00d
TXTCLR = $c050
TXTSET = $c051
MIXCLR = $c052
MIXSET = $c053
TXTPAGE1 = $c054
TXTPAGE2 = $c055
LORES = $c056
HIRES = $c057
SETAN0 = $c058
CLRAN0 = $c059
SETAN1 = $c05a
CLRAN1 = $c05b
SETAN2 = $c05c
CLRAN2 = $c05d
SETAN3 = $c05e
CLRAN3 = $c05f
*---------- Tables
ptrSCRl hex 0080008000800080
hex 28a828a828a828a8
hex 50d050d050d050d0
ptrSCRh hex 0404050506060707
hex 0404050506060707
hex 0404050506060707
* Turn the DGR screen on
* Current video conf is not saved
DGROn = *
sta TXTCLR ; switch in graphics (not text)
sta MIXCLR ; clear mixed mode
sta TXTPAGE1 ; page 1
sta LORES ; low-resolution graphics
ldx #2
]lp sta SET80COL ; enable 80 column store
sta CLRAN2 ; set annunciator 2
sta CLR80VID ; disable 80 column hardware
sta SETAN3 ; clear annunciator 3
sta CLRAN3 ; set annunciator 3
sta SET80VID ; enable 80 column hardware
sta SETAN3 ; clear annunciator 3
bne ]lp
* DGROff
* Turn the DGR screen off
* Previous video conf is not restored
DGROff = *
sta CLRAN3 ; set annunciator 3
sta TXTPAGE1 ; switch in text page 1
sta MIXSET ; set mixed mode (4 lines text)
sta TXTSET ; switch in text (not graphics)
sta CLR80VID ; disable 80-column hardware
sta CLR80COL ; disable 80-column store
* DGRClear
* Clear the entire DGR screen
* with color A (ie. HOME)
* We assume we are on main RAM
* We erase in two passes
* to preserve the text holes
* - $0x00..$0x77
* - $0x80..$0xF7
DGRClear = *
jsr DGRSetColor ; set the colors
* lda #$00 ; point to the first page
* sta dpSCREEN ; of the DGR screen
*clear1 lda #$04 ; on PAGE1 or PAGE2
* sta dpSCREEN+1
lda #0
sta clearX+1
sta clearY+1
clear1 lda #4
sta clearX+2
sta clearY+2
lda theCOLORFULL ; get the full 8-bit color
ldx #4-1 ; number of pages to clear
clear2 ldy #127-8 ; we clear the main RAM page
clearX sta $bdbd,y
bpl clearX
sta WRCARDRAM ; we clear the aux RAM page
ldy #127-8
clearY sta $bdbd,y
bpl clearY
sta WRMAINRAM ; go back to main RAM
inc clearX+2 ; next page
inc clearY+2
dex ; until the
bpl clear2 ; four are done
lda clearX+1 ; check if we have done
bmi clear3 ; the second pass
lda #$80 ; no, so prepare it
sta clearX+1 ; and...
sta clearY+1
bne clear1 ; ...loop
clear3 rts ; we're done
* DGRPutPixel / DGRPutPixel2
* Draw a pixel on screen
* of color A and coords X,Y
DGRPutPixel = *
jsr DGRSetColor ; Save color
stx theX1 ; and coordinates
sty theY1
DGRPutPixel2 = *
lda theY1 ; Set the RAM pointer
lsr ; of the Y line
php ; save the carry!
lda ptrSCRl,x
sta dpSCREEN
lda ptrSCRh,x
* clc
* adc thePAGE ; don't forget the page
sta dpSCREEN+1
*--- Put a pixel in main or aux RAM?
lda theX1 ; Now, determine where
lsr ; to put the pixel
bcs putpixel1 ; odd means main RAM
sta TXTPAGE2 ; we want aux RAM
putpixel1 plp ; we restore the carry to
bcc putpixel2 ; determine where to put the pixel
*--- Put in low bits
lda (dpSCREEN),y ; get the pixel
and #maskHIGH ; keep high bits
ora theCOLOR ; add the color
sta (dpSCREEN),y ; put the pixel
sta TXTPAGE1 ; back in main RAM
*--- Put in high bits
putpixel2 lda (dpSCREEN),y ; get the pixel
and #maskLOW ; keep low bits
ora theCOLORHIGH ; add the color
sta (dpSCREEN),y ; put the color
sta TXTPAGE1 ; back in main RAM
* DGRGetPixel / DGRGetPixel2
* Get the color of a pixel
* at coords X,Y and return
* it in the Accumulator
DGRGetPixel = *
stx theX1
sty theY1
DGRGetPixel2 = *
lda theY1 ; Set the RAM pointer
lsr ; of the Y line
php ; save the carry!
lda ptrSCRl,x
sta dpSCREEN
lda ptrSCRh,x
* clc
* adc thePAGE ; don't forget the page
sta dpSCREEN+1
*--- Get a pixel from main or aux RAM?
lda theX1 ; Now, determine where
lsr ; to put the pixel
bcs getpixel1 ; odd means main RAM
sta TXTPAGE2 ; we want aux RAM
getpixel1 plp ; we restore the carry to
bcc getpixel2 ; determine where to put the pixel
*--- Get in low bits
lda (dpSCREEN),y ; get the pixel
and #maskLOW ; keep high bits
sta TXTPAGE1 ; back in main RAM
*--- Get in high bits
getpixel2 lda (dpSCREEN),y ; get the pixel
and #maskHIGH ; keep high bits
lsr ; and return
sta TXTPAGE1 ; back in main RAM
* DGRSetColor
* Define the pen color
* provided in the Accumulator
DGRSetColor = *
and #maskLOW ; keep low 4 bits
sta theCOLOR ; save color
asl ; calculate
asl ; color for
asl ; other pixel
asl ; in the same byte
sta theCOLORHIGH ; save it
ora theCOLOR ; add lower color
sta theCOLORFULL ; save the full one
* Set X/Y coords for all actions
* through registers X and Y
DGRSetXY = *
stx theX1
sty theY1
* Set X2/Y2 coords for line drawing
* through registers X and Y
DGRSetXY2 = *
stx theX2
sty theY2
* DGRSetPage
* Set PAGE1 or PAGE2
* as the default DGR screen
* The routine does not force
* the page, it sets a value only
DGRSetPage = *
sta thePAGE
* DGRDrawHLine / DGRDrawHLine2
* Draw a line of color A
* from X1/Y1 to coords in registers X/Y
* Incorrect coordinates are NOT checked
DGRDrawHLine = *
jsr DGRSetColor
stx theX2
sty theY2
DGRDrawHLine2 = *
lda theY1 ; are Y the same?
cmp theY2
beq drawh1
sec ; error
drawh1 lda theX2 ; X2>X1?
cmp theX1
bcs drawh2 ; OK
ldx theX1 ; exchange
stx theX2 ; the two
sta theX1 ; X coords
drawh2 jsr DGRPutPixel2 ; put a pixel
inc theX1 ; next X
lda theX1
cmp theX2 ; until the last
bcc drawh2
beq drawh2
* DGRDrawVLine / DGRDrawVLine2
* Draw a line of color A
* from X1/Y1 to coords in registers X/Y
* Incorrect coordinates are NOT checked
DGRDrawVLine = *
jsr DGRSetColor
stx theX2
sty theY2
DGRDrawVLine2 = *
lda theX1 ; are X the same?
cmp theX2
beq drawv1
sec ; error
drawv1 lda theY2 ; Y2>Y1?
cmp theY1
bcs drawv2 ; OK
ldx theY1 ; exchange
stx theY2 ; the two
sta theY1 ; Y coords
drawv2 jsr DGRPutPixel2 ; put a pixel
inc theY1 ; next Y
lda theY1
cmp theY2 ; until the last
bcc drawv2
beq drawv2
*--- End of code
ds \