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synced 2025-02-14 13:31:54 +00:00
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148 KiB
Executable File
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148 KiB
Executable File
; File: AIIGSRecords.aii
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
Str255 RECORD 0 ; Types
length DS.B 1 ; Byte -
text DS.B 255 ; char[255] -
Str32 RECORD 0 ; Types
length DS.B 1 ; Byte -
text DS.B 32 ; char[32] -
Point RECORD 0 ; Types
v DS.B 2 ; Integer -
h DS.B 2 ; Integer -
Rect RECORD 0 ; Types
v1 DS.B 2 ; Integer -
h1 DS.B 2 ; Integer -
v2 DS.B 2 ; Integer -
h2 DS.B 2 ; Integer -
TimeRec RECORD 0 ; Types
second DS.B 1 ; Byte -
minute DS.B 1 ; Byte -
hour DS.B 1 ; Byte -
year DS.B 1 ; Byte -
day DS.B 1 ; Byte -
month DS.B 1 ; Byte -
extra DS.B 1 ; Byte -
weekDay DS.B 1 ; Byte -
Cursor RECORD 0 ; Quickdraw
cursorHeight DS.B 2 ; Word - size in bytes
cursorWidth DS.B 2 ; Word - enclosing rectangle
cursorData DS.B 2 ; Word[1] -
cursorMask DS.B 2 ; Word[1] -
cursorHotSpot DS Point ; Point -
Region RECORD 0 ; Quickdraw
rgnSize DS.B 2 ; word - size in bytes
rgnBBox DS Rect ; Rect - enclosing rectangle
BufDimRec RECORD 0 ; Quickdraw
maxWidth DS.B 2 ; Word -
textBufHeight DS.B 2 ; Word -
textBufferWords DS.B 2 ; Word -
fontWidth DS.B 2 ; Word -
Font RECORD 0 ; Quickdraw
offseToMF DS.B 2 ; Word - fully defined front of the Font record.
family DS.B 2 ; Word -
style DS.B 2 ; TextStyle -
size DS.B 2 ; Word -
version DS.B 2 ; Word -
fbrExtent DS.B 2 ; Word -
FontGlobalsRecord RECORD 0 ; Quickdraw
fgFontID DS.B 2 ; Word - currently 12 bytes long, but may be expanded
fgStyle DS.B 2 ; TextStyle -
fgSize DS.B 2 ; Word -
fgVersion DS.B 2 ; Word -
fgWidMax DS.B 2 ; Word -
fgFBRExtent DS.B 2 ; Word -
FontID RECORD 0 ; Quickdraw
famNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
fontStyle DS.B 1 ; Byte -
fontSize DS.B 1 ; Byte -
FontInfoRecord RECORD 0 ; Quickdraw
ascent DS.B 2 ; integer -
descent DS.B 2 ; integer -
widMax DS.B 2 ; integer -
leading DS.B 2 ; integer -
LocInfo RECORD 0 ; Quickdraw
portSCB DS.B 2 ; Word - SCBByte in low byte
ptrToPixImage DS.B 4 ; Pointer - ImageRef
width DS.B 2 ; Word - Width
boundsRect DS Rect ; Rect - BoundsRect
QDProcs RECORD 0 ; Quickdraw
stdText DS.B 4 ; VoidProcPtr -
stdLine DS.B 4 ; VoidProcPtr -
stdRect DS.B 4 ; VoidProcPtr -
stdRRect DS.B 4 ; VoidProcPtr -
stdOval DS.B 4 ; VoidProcPtr -
stdArc DS.B 4 ; VoidProcPtr -
stdPoly DS.B 4 ; VoidProcPtr -
stdRgn DS.B 4 ; VoidProcPtr -
stdPixels DS.B 4 ; VoidProcPtr -
stdComment DS.B 4 ; VoidProcPtr -
stdTxMeas DS.B 4 ; VoidProcPtr -
stdTxBnds DS.B 4 ; VoidProcPtr -
stdGetPic DS.B 4 ; VoidProcPtr -
stdPutPic DS.B 4 ; VoidProcPtr -
GrafPort RECORD 0 ; Quickdraw
portInfo DS LocInfo ; LocInfo -
portRect DS Rect ; Rect - PortRect
clipRgn DS.B 4 ; RgnHandle - Clip Rgn. Pointer
visRgn DS.B 4 ; RgnHandle - Vis. Rgn. Pointer
bkPat DS.B 32 ; Pattern - BackGround Pattern
pnLoc DS Point ; Point - Pen Location
pnSize DS Point ; Point - Pen Size
pnMode DS.B 2 ; Word - Pen Mode
pnPat DS.B 32 ; Pattern - Pen Pattern
pnMask DS.B 8 ; Mask - Pen Mask
pnVis DS.B 2 ; Word - Pen Visable
fontHandle DS.B 4 ; FontHndl -
fontID DS FontID ; FontID - Font ID
fontFlags DS.B 2 ; Word - FontFlags
txSize DS.B 2 ; Integer - Text Size
txFace DS.B 2 ; TextStyle - Text Face
txMode DS.B 2 ; Word - Text Mode
spExtra DS.B 4 ; Fixed - Fixed Point Value
chExtra DS.B 4 ; Fixed - Fixed Point Value
fgColor DS.B 2 ; Word - ForeGround Color
bgColor DS.B 2 ; Word - BackGround Color
picSave DS.B 4 ; Handle - PicSave
rgnSave DS.B 4 ; Handle - RgnSave
polySave DS.B 4 ; Handle - PolySave
grafProcs DS.B 4 ; QDProcsPtr -
arcRot DS.B 2 ; Integer - ArcRot
userField DS.B 4 ; Longint - UserField
sysField DS.B 4 ; Longint - SysField
PaintParam RECORD 0 ; Quickdraw
ptrToSourceLocInfo DS.B 4 ; LocInfoPtr -
ptrToDestLocInfo DS.B 4 ; LocInfoPtr -
ptrToSourceRect DS.B 4 ; RectPtr -
ptrToDestPoint DS.B 4 ; PointPtr -
mode DS.B 2 ; Word -
maskHandle DS.B 4 ; Handle - clip region
PenState RECORD 0 ; Quickdraw
psPnSize DS Point ; Point -
psPnMode DS.B 2 ; Word -
psPnPat DS.B 32 ; Pattern -
psPnMask DS.B 8 ; Mask -
RomFontRec RECORD 0 ; Quickdraw
rfFamNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
rfFamStyle DS.B 2 ; Word -
rfSize DS.B 2 ; Word -
rfFontHandle DS.B 4 ; FontHndl -
rfNamePtr DS.B 4 ; Pointer -
rfFBRExtent DS.B 2 ; Word -
ColorTable RECORD 0 ; Quickdraw
entries DS.B 32 ; Word[16] -
ClampRec RECORD 0 ; MiscTool
yMaxClamp DS.B 2 ; Word -
yMinClamp DS.B 2 ; Word -
xMaxClamp DS.B 2 ; Word -
xMinClamp DS.B 2 ; Word -
FWRec RECORD 0 ; MiscTool
yRegExit DS.B 2 ; Word -
xRegExit DS.B 2 ; Word -
aRegExit DS.B 2 ; Word -
status DS.B 2 ; Word -
MouseRec RECORD 0 ; MiscTool
mouseMode DS.B 1 ; Byte -
mouseStatus DS.B 1 ; Byte -
yPos DS.B 2 ; Word -
xPos DS.B 2 ; Word -
InterruptStateRec RECORD 0 ; MiscTool
irq_A DS.B 2 ; Word -
irq_X DS.B 2 ; Word -
irq_Y DS.B 2 ; Word -
irq_S DS.B 2 ; Word -
irq_D DS.B 2 ; Word -
irq_P DS.B 1 ; Byte -
irq_DB DS.B 1 ; Byte -
irq_e DS.B 1 ; Byte -
irq_K DS.B 1 ; Byte -
irq_PC DS.B 2 ; Word -
irq_state DS.B 1 ; Byte -
irq_shadow DS.B 2 ; Word -
irq_mslot DS.B 1 ; Byte -
EventRecord RECORD 0 ; Event
what DS.B 2 ; Word - event code
message DS.B 4 ; Long - event message
when DS.B 4 ; Long - ticks since startup
where DS Point ; Point - mouse location
modifiers DS.B 2 ; Word - modifier flags
wmTaskData DS.B 4 ; Long -
wmTaskMask DS.B 4 ; Long -
wmLastClickTick DS.B 4 ; Long -
wmClickCount DS.B 2 ; Word -
wmTaskData2 DS.B 4 ; Long -
wmTaskData3 DS.B 4 ; Long -
wmTaskData4 DS.B 4 ; Long -
wmLastClickPt DS Point ; Point -
BarColors RECORD 0 ; Control
barOutline DS.B 2 ; Word - color for outlining bar, arrows, and thumb
barNorArrow DS.B 2 ; Word - color of arrows when not highlighted
barSelArrow DS.B 2 ; Word - color of arrows when highlighted
barArrowBack DS.B 2 ; Word - color of arrow box's background
barNorThumb DS.B 2 ; Word - color of thumb's background when not highlighted
barSelThumb DS.B 2 ; Word - color of thumb's background when highlighted
barPageRgn DS.B 2 ; Word - color and pattern page region: high byte - 1= dither, 0 = solid
barInactive DS.B 2 ; Word - color of scroll bar's interior when inactive
BoxColors RECORD 0 ; Control
boxReserved DS.B 2 ; Word - reserved
boxNor DS.B 2 ; Word - color of box when not checked
boxSel DS.B 2 ; Word - color of box when checked
boxTitle DS.B 2 ; Word - color of check box's title
BttnColors RECORD 0 ; Control
bttnOutline DS.B 2 ; Word - color of outline
bttnNorBack DS.B 2 ; Word - color of background when not selected
bttnSelBack DS.B 2 ; Word - color of background when selected
bttnNorText DS.B 2 ; Word - color of title's text when not selected
bttnSelText DS.B 2 ; Word - color of title's text when selected
CtlRec RECORD 0 ; Control
ctlNext DS.B 4 ; CtlRecHndl - Handle of next control.
ctlOwner DS.B 4 ; WindowPtr - Pointer to control's window.
ctlRect DS Rect ; Rect - Enclosing rectangle.
ctlFlag DS.B 1 ; Byte - Bit flags.
ctlHilite DS.B 1 ; Byte - Highlighted part.
ctlValue DS.B 2 ; Integer - Control's value.
ctlProc DS.B 4 ; LongProcPtr - Control's definition procedure.
ctlAction DS.B 4 ; LongProcPtr - Control's action procedure.
ctlData DS.B 4 ; Longint - Reserved for CtrlProc's use.
ctlRefCon DS.B 4 ; Longint - Reserved for application's use.
ctlColor DS.B 4 ; Pointer - Pointer to appropriate color table.
ctlReserved DS.B 16 ; Byte[16] - Reserved for future expansion
ctlID DS.B 4 ; Long -
ctlMoreFlags DS.B 2 ; Word -
ctlVersion DS.B 2 ; Word -
LimitBlk RECORD 0 ; Control
boundRect DS Rect ; Rect - Drag bounds.
slopRect DS Rect ; Rect - Cursor bounds.
axisParam DS.B 2 ; Word - Movement constrains.
dragPatt DS.B 4 ; Pointer - Pointer to 32 byte Pattern for drag outline.
RadioColors RECORD 0 ; Control
radReserved DS.B 2 ; Word - reserved
radNor DS.B 2 ; Word - color of radio button when off
radSel DS.B 2 ; Word - color of radio button when on
radTitle DS.B 2 ; Word - color of radio button's title text
WindColor RECORD 0 ; Window
frameColor DS.B 2 ; Word - Color of window frame.
titleColor DS.B 2 ; Word - Color of title and bar.
tBarColor DS.B 2 ; Word - Color/pattern of title bar.
growColor DS.B 2 ; Word - Color of grow box.
infoColor DS.B 2 ; Word - Color of information bar.
WindRec RECORD 0 ; Window
port DS GrafPort ; GrafPort - Window's port
wDefProc DS.B 4 ; ProcPtr -
wRefCon DS.B 4 ; Long -
wContDraw DS.B 4 ; ProcPtr -
wReserved DS.B 4 ; Long - Space for future expansion
wStrucRgn DS.B 4 ; RgnHandle - Region of frame plus content.
wContRgn DS.B 4 ; RgnHandle - Content region.
wUpdateRgn DS.B 4 ; RgnHandle - Update region.
wControls DS.B 4 ; CtlRecHndl - Window's control list.
wFrameCtrls DS.B 4 ; CtlRecHndl - Window frame's control list.
wFrame DS.B 2 ; Word -
WindowChain RECORD 0 ; Window
wNext DS.B 4 ; WindowChainPtr -
theWindow DS WindRec ; WindRec -
ParamList RECORD 0 ; Window
paramLength DS.B 2 ; Word - Parameter to NewWindow.
wFrameBits DS.B 2 ; Word - Parameter to NewWindow.
wTitle DS.B 4 ; Pointer - Parameter to NewWindow.
wRefCon DS.B 4 ; Long - Parameter to NewWindow.
wZoom DS Rect ; Rect - Parameter to NewWindow.
wColor DS.B 4 ; WindColorPtr - Parameter to NewWindow.
wYOrigin DS.B 2 ; Word - Parameter to NewWindow.
wXOrigin DS.B 2 ; Word - Parameter to NewWindow.
wDataH DS.B 2 ; Word - Parameter to NewWindow.
wDataW DS.B 2 ; Word - Parameter to NewWindow.
wMaxH DS.B 2 ; Word - Parameter to NewWindow.
wMaxW DS.B 2 ; Word - Parameter to NewWindow.
wScrollVer DS.B 2 ; Word - Parameter to NewWindow.
wScrollHor DS.B 2 ; Word - Parameter to NewWindow.
wPageVer DS.B 2 ; Word - Parameter to NewWindow.
wPageHor DS.B 2 ; Word - Parameter to NewWindow.
wInfoRefCon DS.B 4 ; Long - Parameter to NewWindow.
wInfoHeight DS.B 2 ; Word - height of information bar
wFrameDefProc DS.B 4 ; LongProcPtr - Parameter to NewWindow.
wInfoDefProc DS.B 4 ; VoidProcPtr - Parameter to NewWindow.
wContDefProc DS.B 4 ; VoidProcPtr - Parameter to NewWindow.
wPosition DS Rect ; Rect - Parameter to NewWindow.
wPlane DS.B 4 ; WindowPtr - Parameter to NewWindow.
wStorage DS.B 4 ; WindowChainPtr - Parameter to NewWindow.
DeskMessageRecord RECORD 0 ; Window
reserved DS.B 4 ; Long -
messageType DS.B 2 ; Word -
drawType DS.B 2 ; Word -
LERec RECORD 0 ; LineEdit
leLineHandle DS.B 4 ; Handle -
leLength DS.B 2 ; unsigned Integer -
leMaxLength DS.B 2 ; unsigned Integer -
leDestRect DS Rect ; Rect -
leViewRect DS Rect ; Rect -
lePort DS.B 4 ; GrafPortPtr -
leLineHite DS.B 2 ; unsigned Integer -
leBaseHite DS.B 2 ; unsigned Integer -
leSelStart DS.B 2 ; unsigned Integer -
leSelEnd DS.B 2 ; unsigned Integer -
leActFlg DS.B 2 ; Word -
leCarAct DS.B 2 ; Word -
leCarOn DS.B 2 ; Word -
leCarTime DS.B 4 ; unsigned Longint -
leHiliteHook DS.B 4 ; VoidProcPtr -
leCaretHook DS.B 4 ; VoidProcPtr -
leJust DS.B 2 ; Word -
lePWChar DS.B 2 ; Word -
ItemTemplate RECORD 0 ; Dialog
itemID DS.B 2 ; Word -
itemRect DS Rect ; Rect -
itemType DS.B 2 ; Word -
itemDescr DS.B 4 ; Pointer -
itemValue DS.B 2 ; Word -
itemFlag DS.B 2 ; Word -
itemColor DS.B 4 ; Pointer - pointer to appropriate type of color table
AlertTemplate RECORD 0 ; Dialog
atBoundsRect DS Rect ; Rect -
atAlertID DS.B 2 ; Word -
atStage1 DS.B 1 ; Byte -
atStage2 DS.B 1 ; Byte -
atStage3 DS.B 1 ; Byte -
atStage4 DS.B 1 ; Byte -
atItemList DS.B 4 ; ItemTempPtr[1] - Null terminated array
DialogTemplate RECORD 0 ; Dialog
dtBoundsRect DS Rect ; Rect -
dtVisible DS.B 2 ; Boolean -
dtRefCon DS.B 4 ; Longint -
dtItemList DS.B 4 ; ItemTempPtr[1] - Null terminated array
IconRecord RECORD 0 ; Dialog
iconRect DS Rect ; Rect -
iconImage DS.B 1 ; Byte[1] -
UserCtlItemPB RECORD 0 ; Dialog
defProcParm DS.B 4 ; Longint - ? should this be a LongProcPtr?
titleParm DS.B 4 ; Pointer -
param2 DS.B 2 ; Word -
param1 DS.B 2 ; Word -
PrPrinterSpecRec RECORD 0 ; Print
prPrinterType DS.B 2 ; Word -
prCharacteristics DS.B 2 ; Word -
PrInfoRec RECORD 0 ; Print
iDev DS.B 2 ; Word - reserved for internal use
iVRes DS.B 2 ; Word - vertical resolution of printer
iHRes DS.B 2 ; Word - horizontal resolution of printer
rPage DS Rect ; Rect - defining page rectangle
PrJobRec RECORD 0 ; Print
iFstPage DS.B 2 ; Word - first page to print
iLstPage DS.B 2 ; Word - last page to print
iCopies DS.B 2 ; Word - number of copies
bJDocLoop DS.B 1 ; Byte - printing method
fFromUser DS.B 1 ; Byte - used internally
pIdleProc DS.B 4 ; WordProcPtr - background procedure
pFileName DS.B 4 ; Pointer - spool file name
iFileVol DS.B 2 ; Word - spool file volume reference number
bFileVers DS.B 1 ; Byte - spool file version number
bJobX DS.B 1 ; Byte - used internally
PrStyleRec RECORD 0 ; Print
wDev DS.B 2 ; Word - output quality information
internA DS.B 6 ; Word[3] - for internal use
feed DS.B 2 ; Word - paper feed type
paperType DS.B 2 ; Word - paper type
crWidth DS.B 2 ; Word - carriage Width for image writer or vertical sizing for lazer writer
reduction DS.B 2 ; Word - % reduction, laser writer only
internB DS.B 2 ; Word - for internal use
PrRec RECORD 0 ; Print
prVersion DS.B 2 ; Word - print manager version
prInfo DS PrInfoRec ; PrInfoRec - printer infomation subrecord
rPaper DS Rect ; Rect - Defining paper rectangle
prStl DS PrStyleRec ; PrStyleRec - style subrecord
prInfoPT DS.B 14 ; Byte[14] - reserved for internal use
prXInfo DS.B 24 ; Byte[24] - reserved for internal use
prJob DS PrJobRec ; PrJobRec - job subrecord
printX DS.B 38 ; Byte[38] - reserved for future use
iReserved DS.B 2 ; Word - reserved for internal use
PrStatusRec RECORD 0 ; Print
iTotPages DS.B 2 ; Word - number of pages in spool file
iCurPage DS.B 2 ; Word - page being printed
iTotCopies DS.B 2 ; Word - number of copies requested
iCurCopy DS.B 2 ; Word - copy being printed
iTotBands DS.B 2 ; Word - reserved for internal use
iCurBand DS.B 2 ; Word - reserved for internal use
fPgDirty DS.B 2 ; Word - TRUE if started printing page
fImaging DS.B 2 ; Word - reserved for internal use
hPrint DS.B 4 ; PrRecHndl - handle of print record
pPrPort DS.B 4 ; GrafPortPtr - pointer to grafport being use for printing
hPic DS.B 4 ; Long - reserved for internal use
ReadConfigRec RECORD 0 ; ADB
rcRepeatDelay DS.B 1 ; Byte - Output Byte: Repeat / Delay
rcLayoutOrLang DS.B 1 ; Byte - Output Byte: Layout / Language
rcADBAddr DS.B 1 ; Byte - Output Byte: ADB address - keyboard and mouse
SetConfigRec RECORD 0 ; ADB
scADBAddr DS.B 1 ; Byte - keyboard and mouse
scLayoutOrLang DS.B 1 ; Byte -
scRepeatDelay DS.B 1 ; Byte -
SynchRec RECORD 0 ; ADB
synchMode DS.B 1 ; Byte -
synchKybdMouseAddr DS.B 1 ; Byte -
synchLayoutOrLang DS.B 1 ; Byte -
synchRepeatDelay DS.B 1 ; Byte -
ScaleRec RECORD 0 ; ADB
xDivide DS.B 2 ; Word -
yDivide DS.B 2 ; Word -
xOffset DS.B 2 ; Word -
yOffset DS.B 2 ; Word -
xMultiply DS.B 2 ; Word -
yMultiply DS.B 2 ; Word -
FontStatRec RECORD 0 ; Font
resultID DS FontID ; FontID -
resultStats DS.B 2 ; Word -
GSString255 RECORD 0 ; GSOS
length DS.B 2 ; Word - Number of Chars in text field
text DS.B 255 ; char[255] -
GSString32 RECORD 0 ; GSOS
length DS.B 2 ; Word - Number of characters in text field
text DS.B 32 ; char[32] -
ResultBuf255 RECORD 0 ; GSOS
bufSize DS.B 2 ; Word -
bufString DS GSString255 ; GSString255 -
ResultBuf32 RECORD 0 ; GSOS
bufSize DS.B 2 ; Word -
bufString DS GSString32 ; GSString32 -
ChangePathRecGS RECORD 0 ; GSOS
pCount DS.B 2 ; Word -
pathname DS.B 4 ; GSString255Ptr -
newPathname DS.B 4 ; GSString255Ptr -
pCount DS.B 2 ; Word -
pathname DS.B 4 ; GSString255Ptr -
access DS.B 2 ; Word -
fileType DS.B 2 ; Word -
auxType DS.B 4 ; Long -
storageType DS.B 2 ; Word -
eof DS.B 4 ; Long -
resourceEOF DS.B 4 ; Long -
pCount DS.B 2 ; Word -
devNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
code DS.B 2 ; Word -
list DS.B 4 ; Pointer -
requestCount DS.B 4 ; Long -
transferCount DS.B 4 ; Long -
pCount DS.B 2 ; Word -
devName DS.B 4 ; GSString255Ptr -
devNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
pCount DS.B 2 ; Word - minimum = 2
devNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
devName DS.B 4 ; GSString32Ptr -
characteristics DS.B 2 ; Word -
totalBlocks DS.B 4 ; Long -
slotNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
unitNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
version DS.B 2 ; Word -
deviceID DS.B 2 ; Word -
headLink DS.B 2 ; Word -
forwardLink DS.B 2 ; Word -
extendedDIBptr DS.B 4 ; Long -
pCount DS.B 2 ; Word -
devNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
buffer DS.B 4 ; Pointer -
requestCount DS.B 4 ; Long -
startingBlock DS.B 4 ; Long -
blockSize DS.B 2 ; Word -
transferCount DS.B 4 ; Long -
pCount DS.B 2 ; Word -
refNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
flags DS.B 2 ; Word -
base DS.B 2 ; Word -
displacement DS.B 2 ; Word -
name DS.B 4 ; Pointer -
entryNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
fileType DS.B 2 ; Word -
eof DS.B 4 ; Longint -
blockCount DS.B 4 ; Long -
createDateTime DS TimeRec ; TimeRec -
modDateTime DS TimeRec ; TimeRec -
access DS.B 2 ; Word -
auxType DS.B 4 ; Long -
fileSysID DS.B 2 ; Word -
optionList DS.B 4 ; ResultBuf255Ptr -
resourceEOF DS.B 4 ; Long -
resourceBlocks DS.B 4 ; Long -
ExpandPathRecGS RECORD 0 ; GSOS
pCount DS.B 2 ; Word -
inputPath DS.B 4 ; GSString255Ptr -
outputPath DS.B 4 ; ResultBuf255Ptr -
flags DS.B 2 ; Word -
pCount DS.B 2 ; Word -
pathname DS.B 4 ; GSString255Ptr -
access DS.B 2 ; Word -
fileType DS.B 2 ; Word -
auxType DS.B 4 ; Long -
storageType DS.B 2 ; Word - must be 0 for SetFileInfo
createDateTime DS TimeRec ; TimeRec -
modDateTime DS TimeRec ; TimeRec -
optionList DS.B 4 ; Long -
eof DS.B 4 ; Long -
blocksUsed DS.B 4 ; Long - must be 0 for SetFileInfo
resourceEOF DS.B 4 ; Long - must be 0 for SetFileInfo
resourceBlocks DS.B 4 ; Long - must be 0 for SetFileInfo
pCount DS.B 2 ; Word -
devName DS.B 4 ; GSString32Ptr - device name pointer
volName DS.B 4 ; GSString32Ptr - volume name pointer
fileSysID DS.B 2 ; Word - file system ID
reqFileSysID DS.B 2 ; Word - in;
pCount DS.B 2 ; Word -
fstNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
fileSysId DS.B 2 ; Word -
fstName DS.B 4 ; ResultBuf255Ptr -
version DS.B 2 ; Word -
attributes DS.B 2 ; Word -
blockSize DS.B 2 ; Word -
maxVolSize DS.B 4 ; Long -
maxFileSize DS.B 4 ; Long -
InterruptRecGS RECORD 0 ; GSOS
pCount DS.B 2 ; Word -
intNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
vrn DS.B 2 ; Word - used only by BindInt
intCode DS.B 4 ; Long - used only by BindInt
pCount DS.B 2 ; Word -
refNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
dataBuffer DS.B 4 ; Pointer -
requestCount DS.B 4 ; Long -
transferCount DS.B 4 ; Long -
cachePriority DS.B 2 ; Word -
pCount DS.B 2 ; Word -
level DS.B 2 ; Word -
pCount DS.B 2 ; Word -
pathname DS.B 4 ; GSString255Ptr - full pathname or a filename depending on call
NewlineRecGS RECORD 0 ; GSOS
pCount DS.B 2 ; Word -
refNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
enableMask DS.B 2 ; Word -
numChars DS.B 2 ; Word -
newlineTable DS.B 4 ; Pointer -
pCount DS.B 2 ; Word -
refNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
pathname DS.B 4 ; GSString255Ptr -
requestAccess DS.B 2 ; Word -
resourceNumber DS.B 2 ; Word - For extended files: dataFork/resourceFork
access DS.B 2 ; Word - Value of file's access attribute
fileType DS.B 2 ; Word - Value of file's fileType attribute
auxType DS.B 4 ; Long -
storageType DS.B 2 ; Word -
createDateTime DS TimeRec ; TimeRec -
modDateTime DS TimeRec ; TimeRec -
optionList DS.B 4 ; WordPtr -
eof DS.B 4 ; Long -
blocksUsed DS.B 4 ; Long -
resourceEOF DS.B 4 ; Long -
resourceBlocks DS.B 4 ; Long -
pCount DS.B 2 ; Word - in
shutdownFlag DS.B 2 ; Word - in
PositionRecGS RECORD 0 ; GSOS
pCount DS.B 2 ; Word -
refNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
position DS.B 4 ; Long -
pCount DS.B 2 ; Word -
refNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
eof DS.B 4 ; Long -
pCount DS.B 2 ; Word -
pathname DS.B 4 ; GSString255Ptr - pathname of next app to run
flags DS.B 2 ; Word -
pCount DS.B 2 ; Word -
refNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
SessionStatusRecGS RECORD 0 ; GSOS
pCount DS.B 2 ; Word - in: min = 1
status DS.B 2 ; Word - out:
SetPositionRecGS RECORD 0 ; GSOS
pCount DS.B 2 ; Word -
refNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
base DS.B 2 ; Word -
displacement DS.B 4 ; Long -
pCount DS.B 2 ; Word -
preferences DS.B 2 ; Word -
VersionRecGS RECORD 0 ; GSOS
pCount DS.B 2 ; Word -
version DS.B 2 ; Word -
pCount DS.B 2 ; Word -
devName DS.B 4 ; GSString32Ptr -
volName DS.B 4 ; ResultBuf255Ptr -
totalBlocks DS.B 4 ; Long -
freeBlocks DS.B 4 ; Long -
fileSysID DS.B 2 ; Word -
blockSize DS.B 2 ; Word -
IntDivRec RECORD 0 ; IntMath
quotient DS.B 2 ; Integer - quotient from SDivide
remainder DS.B 2 ; Integer - remainder from SDivide
LongDivRec RECORD 0 ; IntMath
quotient DS.B 4 ; Longint - Quotient from LongDiv
remainder DS.B 4 ; Longint - remainder from LongDiv
LongMulRec RECORD 0 ; IntMath
lsResult DS.B 4 ; Longint - low 2 words of product
msResult DS.B 4 ; Longint - High 2 words of product
WordDivRec RECORD 0 ; IntMath
quotient DS.B 2 ; Word - Quotient from UDivide
remainder DS.B 2 ; Word - remainder from UDivide
LColorTable RECORD 0 ; List
listFrameClr DS.B 2 ; Word - Frame color
listNorTextClr DS.B 2 ; Word - Unhighlighted text color
listSelTextClr DS.B 2 ; Word - Highlighted text color
listNorBackClr DS.B 2 ; Word - Unhighlighted background color
listSelBackClr DS.B 2 ; Word - Highlighted backgraound color
MemRec RECORD 0 ; List
memPtr DS.B 4 ; Pointer - Pointer to string, or custom
memFlag DS.B 1 ; Byte - Bit Flag
ListCtlRec RECORD 0 ; List
ctlNext DS.B 4 ; CtlRecHndl - Handle of Next Control
ctlOwner DS.B 4 ; GrafPortPtr - Window owner
ctlRect DS Rect ; Rect - Enclosing Rect
ctlFlag DS.B 1 ; Byte - Bit 7 visible, Bit 0 string type, Bit 1 multiple
ctlHilite DS.B 1 ; Byte - (not used)
ctlValue DS.B 2 ; Word - First member in display
ctlProc DS.B 4 ; LongProcPtr - Address of list definition procedure
ctlAction DS.B 4 ; LongProcPtr - Address of list action procedure
ctlData DS.B 4 ; Long - Low = view size, High = total members
ctlRefCon DS.B 4 ; Long - Not used
ctlColor DS.B 4 ; LColorTablePtr - Null for default colors
ctlMemDraw DS.B 4 ; VoidProcPtr - Address of routine to draw members
ctlMemHeight DS.B 2 ; Word - Member's Height in Pixels
ctlMemSize DS.B 2 ; Word - Bytes in member record
ctlList DS.B 4 ; MemRecPtr - Adress of first member record in array
ctlListBar DS.B 4 ; CtlRecHndl - Handle of list contrlo's scroll bar control
ListRec RECORD 0 ; List
listRect DS Rect ; Rect - Enclosing Rectangle
listSize DS.B 2 ; Word - Number of List Members
listView DS.B 2 ; Word - Max Viewable members
listType DS.B 2 ; Word - Bit Flag
listStart DS.B 2 ; Word - First member in view
listCtl DS.B 4 ; CtlRecHndl - List control's handle
listDraw DS.B 4 ; VoidProcPtr - Address of Custom drawing routine
listMemHeight DS.B 2 ; Word - Height of list members
listMemSize DS.B 2 ; Word - Size of Member Records
listPointer DS.B 4 ; MemRecPtr - Pointer to first element in MemRec array
listRefCon DS.B 4 ; Long - becomes Control's refCon
listScrollClr DS.B 4 ; BarColorsPtr - Color table for list's scroll bar
InitialLoadOutputRec RECORD 0 ; Loader
userID DS.B 2 ; Word -
startAddr DS.B 4 ; Pointer -
dPageAddr DS.B 2 ; Word -
buffSize DS.B 2 ; Word -
RestartOutRec RECORD 0 ; Loader
userID DS.B 2 ; Word -
startAddr DS.B 4 ; Pointer -
dPageAddr DS.B 2 ; Word -
buffSize DS.B 2 ; Word -
LoadSegNameOut RECORD 0 ; Loader
segAddr DS.B 4 ; Pointer -
fileNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
segNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
UnloadSegOutRec RECORD 0 ; Loader
userID DS.B 2 ; Word -
fileNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
segNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
QDIconRecord RECORD 0 ; QDAux
iconType DS.B 2 ; Word -
iconSize DS.B 2 ; Word -
iconHeight DS.B 2 ; Word -
iconWidth DS.B 2 ; Word -
iconImage DS.B 1 ; Byte[1] -
iconMask DS.B 1 ; Byte[1] -
MessageRec RECORD 0 ; Locator
messageNext DS.B 4 ; MessageRecHndl -
messageType DS.B 2 ; Integer -
messageData DS.B 2 ; Integer -
fileNames DS.B 100 ; Str255[1] -
ToolSpec RECORD 0 ; Locator
toolNumber DS.B 2 ; Word -
minVersion DS.B 2 ; Word -
StartStopRecord RECORD 0 ; Locator
flags DS.B 2 ; Word -
videoMode DS.B 2 ; Word -
resFileID DS.B 2 ; Word -
dPageHandle DS.B 4 ; Handle -
numTools DS.B 2 ; Word -
MenuRec RECORD 0 ; Menu
menuID DS.B 2 ; Word - Menu's ID number
menuWidth DS.B 2 ; Word - Width of menu
menuHeight DS.B 2 ; Word - Height of menu
menuProc DS.B 4 ; WordProcPtr - Menu's definition procedure
menuFlag DS.B 1 ; Byte - Bit flags
menuRes DS.B 1 ; Byte -
firstItem DS.B 1 ; Byte -
numOfItems DS.B 1 ; Byte -
titleWidth DS.B 2 ; Word - Width of menu's title
titleName DS.B 4 ; Pointer - Menu's title
MiBufInfo RECORD 0 ; Midi
bufSize DS.B 2 ; Word - size of buffer (0 for default)
address DS.B 4 ; Pointer - address of buffer (0 for auto-allocation)
MiDriverInfo RECORD 0 ; Midi
slot DS.B 2 ; Word - device slot
external DS.B 2 ; Word - slot internal (=0) / external (=1)
pathname DS.B 65 ; Byte[65] - device driver pathname
LocRec RECORD 0 ; NoteSeq
curPhraseItem DS.B 2 ; Word -
curPattItem DS.B 2 ; Word -
curLevel DS.B 2 ; Word -
Envelope RECORD 0 ; Notesyn
st1BkPt DS.B 1 ; Byte -
st1Increment DS.B 2 ; Word -
st2BkPt DS.B 1 ; Byte -
st2Increment DS.B 2 ; Word -
st3BkPt DS.B 1 ; Byte -
st3Increment DS.B 2 ; Word -
st4BkPt DS.B 1 ; Byte -
st4Increment DS.B 2 ; Word -
st5BkPt DS.B 1 ; Byte -
st5Increment DS.B 2 ; Word -
st6BkPt DS.B 1 ; Byte -
st6Increment DS.B 2 ; Word -
st7BkPt DS.B 1 ; Byte -
st7Increment DS.B 2 ; Word -
st8BkPt DS.B 1 ; Byte -
st8Increment DS.B 2 ; Word -
WaveForm RECORD 0 ; Notesyn
wfTopKey DS.B 1 ; Byte -
wfWaveAddress DS.B 1 ; Byte -
wfWaveSize DS.B 1 ; Byte -
wfDocMode DS.B 1 ; Byte -
wfRelPitch DS.B 2 ; Word -
Instrument RECORD 0 ; Notesyn
theEnvelope DS Envelope ; Envelope -
releaseSegment DS.B 1 ; Byte -
priorityIncrement DS.B 1 ; Byte -
pitchBendRange DS.B 1 ; Byte -
vibratoDepth DS.B 1 ; Byte -
vibratoSpeed DS.B 1 ; Byte -
inSpare DS.B 1 ; Byte -
aWaveCount DS.B 1 ; Byte -
bWaveCount DS.B 1 ; Byte -
aWaveList DS.B 6 ; WaveForm[1] -
bWaveList DS.B 6 ; WaveForm[1] -
BlockRec RECORD 0 ; ProDOS
blockDevNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
blockDataBuffer DS.B 4 ; Ptr -
blockNum DS.B 4 ; Longint -
DevNumRec RECORD 0 ; ProDOS
devName DS.B 4 ; Ptr -
devNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
DInfoRec RECORD 0 ; ProDOS
devNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
devName DS.B 4 ; Ptr -
DirEntryRec RECORD 0 ; ProDOS
refNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
reserved DS.B 2 ; Word -
base DS.B 2 ; Word -
displacement DS.B 2 ; Word -
nameBuffer DS.B 4 ; Pointer -
entryNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
fileType DS.B 2 ; Word -
endOfFile DS.B 4 ; Longint -
blockCount DS.B 4 ; Long -
createTime DS TimeRec ; TimeRec -
modTime DS TimeRec ; TimeRec -
access DS.B 2 ; Word -
auxType DS.B 4 ; Long -
fileSysID DS.B 2 ; Word -
eofRefNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
eofPosition DS.B 4 ; Longint -
fileRefNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
dataBuffer DS.B 4 ; Ptr -
requestCount DS.B 4 ; Longint -
transferCount DS.B 4 ; Longint -
FileRec RECORD 0 ; ProDOS
pathname DS.B 4 ; Ptr -
fAccess DS.B 2 ; Word -
fileType DS.B 2 ; Word -
auxType DS.B 4 ; Longint -
storageType DS.B 2 ; Word -
createDate DS.B 2 ; Word -
createTime DS.B 2 ; Word -
modDate DS.B 2 ; Word -
modTime DS.B 2 ; Word -
blocksUsed DS.B 4 ; Longint -
FormatRec RECORD 0 ; ProDOS
devName DS.B 4 ; Ptr - device name pointer
volName DS.B 4 ; Ptr - device name pointer
fileSysID DS.B 2 ; Word - file system ID
EraseDiskRec RECORD 0 ; ProDOS
devName DS.B 4 ; Ptr - device name pointer
volName DS.B 4 ; Ptr - device name pointer
fileSysID DS.B 2 ; Word - file system ID
InterruptRec RECORD 0 ; ProDOS
intNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
intCode DS.B 4 ; Ptr -
MarkRec RECORD 0 ; ProDOS
markRefNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
position DS.B 4 ; Long -
NewLineRec RECORD 0 ; ProDOS
newLRefNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
enableMask DS.B 2 ; Word -
newlineChar DS.B 2 ; Word -
OpenRec RECORD 0 ; ProDOS
openRefNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
openPathname DS.B 4 ; Ptr -
ioBuffer DS.B 4 ; Handle -
PathNameRec RECORD 0 ; ProDOS
pathname DS.B 4 ; Ptr -
newPathname DS.B 4 ; Ptr -
PrefixRec RECORD 0 ; ProDOS
prefixNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
prefix DS.B 4 ; Ptr -
QuitRec RECORD 0 ; ProDOS
quitPathname DS.B 4 ; Ptr -
flags DS.B 2 ; Word -
VolumeRec RECORD 0 ; ProDOS
deviceName DS.B 4 ; Ptr -
volName DS.B 4 ; Ptr -
totalBlocks DS.B 4 ; Long -
freeBlocks DS.B 4 ; Long -
fileSysID DS.B 2 ; Word -
ExpandPathRec RECORD 0 ; ProDOS
inputPath DS.B 4 ; StringPtr -
outputPath DS.B 4 ; StringPtr -
flags DS.B 2 ; Word -
ResHeaderRec RECORD 0 ; Resources
rFileVersion DS.B 4 ; Long - Format version of resource fork
rFileToMap DS.B 4 ; Long - Offset from start to resource map record
rFileMapSize DS.B 4 ; Long - Number of bytes map occupies in file
rFileMemo DS.B 128 ; byte[128] - Reserved space for application
rFileRecSize DS.B 4 ; Long - Size of ResHeaderRec Record
FreeBlockRec RECORD 0 ; Resources
blkOffset DS.B 4 ; Long -
blkSize DS.B 4 ; Long -
ResMap RECORD 0 ; Resources
mapNext DS.B 40 ; ResMapHandle - Handle to next resource map
mapFlag DS.B 2 ; Word - Bit Flags
mapOffset DS.B 4 ; Long - Map's file position
mapSize DS.B 4 ; Long - Number of bytes map occupies in file
mapToIndex DS.B 2 ; Word -
mapFileNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
mapID DS.B 2 ; Word -
mapIndexSize DS.B 4 ; Long -
mapIndexUsed DS.B 4 ; Long -
mapFreeListSize DS.B 2 ; Word -
mapFreeListUsed DS.B 2 ; Word - n bytes (array of free block records)
mapFreeList DS.B 8 ; FreeBlockRec[1] -
ResRefRec RECORD 0 ; Resources
resType DS.B 2 ; ResType -
resID DS.B 4 ; ResID -
resOffset DS.B 4 ; Long -
resAttr DS.B 2 ; ResAttr -
resSize DS.B 4 ; Long -
resHandle DS.B 4 ; Handle -
ResourceSpec RECORD 0 ; Resources
resourceType DS.B 2 ; ResType -
resourceID DS.B 4 ; ResID -
ResNameEntry RECORD 0 ; Resources
namedResID DS.B 4 ; ResID -
resName DS Str255 ; Str255 -
ResNameRecord RECORD 0 ; Resources
version DS.B 2 ; word -
nameCount DS.B 4 ; long -
resNameEntries DS.B 4 ; ResNameEntry[1] -
GetLInfoPB RECORD 0 ; Shell
sfile DS.B 4 ; Ptr - address of source file name
dfile DS.B 4 ; Ptr - address of output file name
parms DS.B 4 ; Ptr - address of parameter list
lstring DS.B 4 ; Ptr - address of language specific input string
merr DS.B 1 ; Byte - max error level allowed
merrf DS.B 1 ; Byte - max error level found
lops DS.B 1 ; Byte - operations flag
kflag DS.B 1 ; Byte - KEEP flag
mflags DS.B 4 ; unsigned long - set of letters selected with '-'
pflags DS.B 4 ; unsigned long - set of letters selected with '+'
org DS.B 4 ; unsigned long - abs start address of non-relloc load file
SoundParamBlock RECORD 0 ; Sound
waveStart DS.B 4 ; Pointer - starting address of wave
waveSize DS.B 2 ; Word - waveform size in pages
freqOffset DS.B 2 ; Word - ? formula to be provided
docBuffer DS.B 2 ; Word - DOC buffer start address, low byte = 0
bufferSize DS.B 2 ; Word - DOC buffer start address, low byte = 0
nextWavePtr DS.B 4 ; SoundPBPtr - Pointer to start of next wave's parameter block
volSetting DS.B 2 ; Word - DOC volume setting. High byte = 0
DocRegParamBlk RECORD 0 ; Sound
oscGenType DS.B 2 ; Word -
freqLow1 DS.B 1 ; Byte -
freqHigh1 DS.B 1 ; Byte -
vol1 DS.B 1 ; Byte -
tablePtr1 DS.B 1 ; Byte -
control1 DS.B 1 ; Byte -
tableSize1 DS.B 1 ; Byte -
freqLow2 DS.B 1 ; Byte -
freqHigh2 DS.B 1 ; Byte -
vol2 DS.B 1 ; Byte -
tablePtr2 DS.B 1 ; Byte -
control2 DS.B 1 ; Byte -
tableSize2 DS.B 1 ; Byte -
SFReplyRec RECORD 0 ; StdFile
good DS.B 2 ; Boolean - TRUE for open; FALSE for cancel
fileType DS.B 2 ; Word - ProDOS file type
auxFileType DS.B 2 ; Word - ProDOS aux file type
filename DS.B 16 ; char[16] - length byte - Name of file in prefix 0
fullPathname DS.B 129 ; char[129] - length byte - The full pathname of the selected file.
SFReplyRec2 RECORD 0 ; StdFile
good DS.B 2 ; Boolean -
filetype DS.B 2 ; Word -
auxType DS.B 4 ; Long -
nameDesc DS.B 2 ; RefDescriptor -
nameRef DS.B 4 ; Ref -
pathDesc DS.B 2 ; RefDescriptor -
pathRef DS.B 4 ; Ref -
multiReplyRecord RECORD 0 ; StdFile
good DS.B 2 ; Word -
namesHandle DS.B 4 ; Handle -
SFTypeList RECORD 0 ; StdFile
numEntries DS.B 1 ; byte -
fileTypeEntries DS.B 5 ; byte[5] -
TypeSelector2 RECORD 0 ; StdFile
flags DS.B 2 ; Word -
fileType DS.B 2 ; Word -
auxType DS.B 4 ; Long -
SFTypeList2 RECORD 0 ; StdFile
numEntries DS.B 2 ; Word -
fileTypeEntries DS.B 40 ; TypeSelector2[5] -
TEColorTable RECORD 0 ; TextEdit
contentColor DS.B 2 ; word -
outlineColor DS.B 2 ; word -
pageBoundaryColor DS.B 2 ; word -
hiliteForeColor DS.B 2 ; word -
hiliteBackColor DS.B 2 ; word -
vertColorDescriptor DS.B 2 ; word -
vertColorRef DS.B 4 ; long -
horzColorDescriptor DS.B 2 ; word -
horzColorRef DS.B 4 ; long -
growColorDescriptor DS.B 2 ; word -
growColorRef DS.B 4 ; long -
TERecord RECORD 0 ; TextEdit
ctlNext DS.B 4 ; CtlRecHndl -
ctlOwner DS.B 4 ; WindowPtr -
ctlRect DS Rect ; Rect -
ctlFlag DS.B 1 ; Byte -
ctlHilite DS.B 1 ; Byte -
ctlValue DS.B 2 ; Word -
ctlProc DS.B 4 ; ProcPtr -
ctlAction DS.B 4 ; ProcPtr -
ctlData DS.B 4 ; Long -
ctlRefCon DS.B 4 ; Long -
ctlColorRef DS.B 4 ; TEColorTablePtr -
reserved DS.B 16 ; byte[16] -
ctlID DS.B 4 ; long -
ctlMoreFlags DS.B 2 ; Word -
ctlVersion DS.B 2 ; Word -
theChar DS.B 2 ; Word -
theModifiers DS.B 2 ; Word -
extendFlag DS.B 2 ; Word -
moveByWord DS.B 2 ; Word -
inputPtr DS.B 4 ; Ptr -
inputLength DS.B 4 ; Long -
theRect DS Rect ; Rect -
TETabItem RECORD 0 ; TextEdit
tabKind DS.B 2 ; Word -
tabData DS.B 2 ; Word -
TERuler RECORD 0 ; TextEdit
leftMargin DS.B 2 ; Word -
leftIndent DS.B 2 ; Word -
rightMargin DS.B 2 ; Word -
just DS.B 2 ; Word -
extraLS DS.B 2 ; Word -
flags DS.B 2 ; Word -
userData DS.B 2 ; Word -
tabType DS.B 2 ; Word -
tabs DS.B 4 ; TETabItem[1] -
tabTerminator DS.B 2 ; Word -
TEStyle RECORD 0 ; TextEdit
teFont DS FontID ; FontID -
foreColor DS.B 2 ; Word -
backColor DS.B 2 ; Word -
reserved DS.B 4 ; Long -
TEStyleGroup RECORD 0 ; TextEdit
count DS.B 2 ; word -
styles DS.B 12 ; TEStyle[1] -
TEStyleItem RECORD 0 ; TextEdit
length DS.B 4 ; long -
offset DS.B 4 ; long -
TEFormat RECORD 0 ; TextEdit
version DS.B 2 ; word -
rulerListLength DS.B 4 ; long -
theRulerList DS.B 22 ; TERuler[1] -
styleListLength DS.B 4 ; long -
theStyleList DS.B 12 ; TEStyle[1] -
numberOfStyles DS.B 4 ; long -
theStyles DS.B 8 ; TEStyleItem[1] -
TEInfoRec RECORD 0 ; TextEdit
charCount DS.B 4 ; long -
lineCount DS.B 4 ; long -
formatMemory DS.B 4 ; long -
totalMemory DS.B 4 ; long -
styleCount DS.B 4 ; long -
rulerCount DS.B 4 ; long -
TEHooks RECORD 0 ; TextEdit
charFilter DS.B 4 ; ProcPtr -
wordWrap DS.B 4 ; ProcPtr -
wordBreak DS.B 4 ; ProcPtr -
drawText DS.B 4 ; ProcPtr -
eraseText DS.B 4 ; ProcPtr -
DeviceRec RECORD 0 ; TextTool
ptrOrSlot DS.B 4 ; Long - slot number or jump table ptr
deviceType DS.B 2 ; Word - type of input device
TxtMaskRec RECORD 0 ; TextTool
orMask DS.B 2 ; Word -
andMask DS.B 2 ; Word -
Async_Flag DS.B 1 ; Byte -
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte -
Result_Code DS.B 2 ; Word -
Completion_Rtn_Return DS.B 4 ; Long -
This_Net DS.B 2 ; Word -
A_Bridge DS.B 1 ; Byte -
Hardware_ID DS.B 1 ; Byte -
ROM_Version DS.B 2 ; Word -
Node_Number DS.B 1 ; Byte -
Async_Flag DS.B 1 ; Byte -
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte -
Result_Code DS.B 2 ; Word -
Buffer_Pointer DS.B 4 ; Long -
LAP_Destination_Node DS.B 1 ; Byte -
LAP_Source_Node DS.B 1 ; Byte -
LAP_Type DS.B 1 ; Byte -
Hop_Count_DL DS.B 1 ; Byte -
Datagram_Length DS.B 1 ; Byte -
DDP_Checksum DS.B 2 ; Word -
Destination_Network DS.B 2 ; Word -
Source_Network DS.B 2 ; Word -
Destination_Node DS.B 1 ; Byte -
Source_Node DS.B 1 ; Byte -
Destination_Socket DS.B 1 ; Byte -
Source_Socket DS.B 1 ; Byte -
DDP_Type DS.B 1 ; Byte -
Packet_Length DS.B 2 ; Word -
Async_Flag DS.B 1 ; Byte -
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte -
Result_Code DS.B 2 ; Word -
Completion_Rtn_Return DS.B 4 ; Long -
Running_Tick_Count DS.B 2 ; Word -
Ticks_to_Complete DS.B 2 ; Word -
Reserved DS.B 4 ; Pointer -
Async_Flag DS.B 1 ; Byte -
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte -
Result_Code DS.B 2 ; Word -
Reserved DS.B 12 ; Byte[12] -
Async_Flag DS.B 1 ; Byte -
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte -
Result_Code DS.B 2 ; Word -
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - PAP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from a PAP operation
MaxCmdSize DS.B 2 ; Word -
MaxDataSize DS.B 2 ; Word -
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - PAP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from a PAP operation
completionPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the completion routine
SLSNet DS.B 2 ; Word - SLS Network Number
SLSNode DS.B 1 ; Byte - SLS Node Number
SLSSocket DS.B 1 ; Byte - SLS Socket Number
BufferLen DS.B 2 ; Word - Buffer Length
BufferAddr DS.B 4 ; Long - Buffer Address
DataLen DS.B 2 ; Word - Length of Status Data
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - PAP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from a PAP operation
completionPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the completion routine
SLSNet DS.B 2 ; Word - SLS Network Number
SLSNode DS.B 1 ; Byte - SLS Node Number
SLSSocket DS.B 1 ; Byte - SLS Socket Number
AttnRtnAddr DS.B 4 ; Long - Attention Routine Addr
RefNum DS.B 1 ; Byte - Session Reference Number
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - PAP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from a PAP operation
completionPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the completion routine
RefNum DS.B 1 ; Byte - Session Reference Number
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - PAP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from a PAP operation
completionPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the completion routine
RefNum DS.B 1 ; Byte - Session Reference Number
CmdBlkLen DS.B 2 ; Word - Command Block Length
CmdBlkAddr DS.B 4 ; Long - Command Block Address
ReplyBufLen DS.B 2 ; Word - Reply Buffer Length
ReplyBufAddr DS.B 4 ; Long - Reply Buffer Address
CmdResult DS.B 4 ; Long - Command Result
ReplyLen DS.B 2 ; Word - Reply Length
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - PAP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from a PAP operation
completionPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the completion routine
RefNum DS.B 1 ; Byte - Session Reference Number
CmdBlkLen DS.B 2 ; Word - Command Block Length
CmdBlkAddr DS.B 4 ; Long - Command Block Address
WriteDataLen DS.B 2 ; Word - Write Data Length
WriteDataAddr DS.B 4 ; Long - Write Data Address
ReplyBufLen DS.B 2 ; Word - Reply Buffer Length
ReplyBufAddr DS.B 4 ; Long - Reply Buffer Address
CmdResult DS.B 4 ; Long - Command Result
WrittenLen DS.B 2 ; Word - Written Length
ReplyLen DS.B 2 ; Word - Reply Length
ServerName DS.B 4 ; Pointer - Pointer to a Server Entity
Net DS.B 2 ; Word - Net of the server
Node DS.B 1 ; Byte - Node of the server
Socket DS.B 1 ; Byte - Socket number of the server
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - ATP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from the ATP operation
completionPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the completion routine
socketID DS.B 1 ; Byte - dynamic socket number
destNetID DS.B 2 ; Word - destination network #
destNodeID DS.B 1 ; Byte - destination node #
destSocketID DS.B 1 ; Byte - destination socket #
transactionID DS.B 2 ; Word - transaction ID #
reqBuffLen DS.B 2 ; Word - request buffer length
reqBuffPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the request buffer
userBytes DS.B 4 ; Long - user BYTEs
numberRespBuffs DS.B 1 ; Byte - number of response buffers
respBuffPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the response buffer
atpFlags DS.B 1 ; Byte - flags for ATP transaction
rinterval DS.B 1 ; Byte - timeout before retrying
rcount DS.B 1 ; Byte - number of retries to attempt
bitMap DS.B 1 ; Byte - bitmap indicating for packet reception
responseRcv DS.B 1 ; Byte - number of responses received
reserved DS.B 1 ; Byte - reserved for future use
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - ATP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from ATP operation
transactionID DS.B 2 ; Word - transaction ID #
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - ATP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from the ATP operation
socketID DS.B 1 ; Byte - socket number to open
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - ATP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from ATP operation
socketID DS.B 1 ; Byte - socket number for closing
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - ATP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from ATP operation
completionPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the completion routine
respSocketID DS.B 1 ; Byte - response socket #
networkID DS.B 2 ; Word - source network #
nodeID DS.B 1 ; Byte - source node #
socketID DS.B 1 ; Byte - source socket #
transactionID DS.B 2 ; Word - ATP transaction ID
reqBuffLen DS.B 2 ; Word - request buffer length
reqBuffPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to request buffer
userBytes DS.B 4 ; Long - user BYTEs
requestLen DS.B 2 ; Word - actual request length
atpFlags DS.B 1 ; Byte - ATP operation flags
bitmap DS.B 1 ; Byte - bitmap for packet reception
reserved DS.B 4 ; Long - reserved for future use
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - ATP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - result to the ATP operation
completionPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the completion routine
socketID DS.B 1 ; Byte - response socket #
destNetID DS.B 2 ; Word - destination network #
destNodeID DS.B 1 ; Byte - destination node #
destSocketID DS.B 1 ; Byte - destination socket #
transactionID DS.B 2 ; Word - transaction ID #
numRespBuffers DS.B 1 ; Byte - number of response buffers
totalPackets DS.B 1 ; Byte - total ATP packets
respBDSPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the BDS buffer
atpFlags DS.B 1 ; Byte - ATP operation flags
bitmap DS.B 1 ; Byte - bitmap for packet reception
addRoutinePtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to a routine to call when packets have been released
stsFlag DS.B 1 ; Byte - Flag indicating the use of STS servicing
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - ATP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result to the ATP operation
socketID DS.B 1 ; Byte - response socket #
destNetID DS.B 2 ; Word - destination network #
destNodeID DS.B 1 ; Byte - destination node #
destSocketID DS.B 1 ; Byte - destination socket #
transactionID DS.B 2 ; Word - ATP transaction ID #
respBuffLen DS.B 2 ; Word - length of the response buffer
respBuffPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the response buffer
userBytes DS.B 4 ; Long - user BYTEs
atpFlags DS.B 1 ; Byte - ATP operation flag
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - ATP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result to the ATP operation
socketID DS.B 1 ; Byte - response socket #
destNetID DS.B 2 ; Word - destination network #
destNodeID DS.B 1 ; Byte - destination node #
destSocketID DS.B 1 ; Byte - destination socket #
transactionID DS.B 2 ; Word - ATP transaction ID
BufferLength DS.B 2 ; Word -
BufferPtr DS.B 4 ; Long -
UserBytes DS.B 4 ; Long -
ActualLength DS.B 2 ; Word -
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - DDP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from DDP operation
socketNumber DS.B 1 ; Byte - socket number opened
clientAddr DS.B 4 ; Long - client address
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - DDP commnd to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from DDP operation
socketNumber DS.B 1 ; Byte - socket # to close
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - DDP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from DDP operation
checksum DS.B 1 ; Byte - calculated checksum
destNet DS.B 2 ; Word - destination network #
destNode DS.B 1 ; Byte - destination node #
destSocket DS.B 1 ; Byte - destination socket #
sourceSocket DS.B 1 ; Byte - DDP socket to send from
ddpType DS.B 1 ; Byte - DDP protocol type
BDSPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the DDP BDS buffer
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - lap command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - lap error result code
destNode DS.B 1 ; Byte - destination node to send packet to
lapType DS.B 1 ; Byte - lap protocol type to send
lapBDSPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the lap BDS buffer
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - LAP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result of the LAP operation
requestCount DS.B 2 ; Word - how many BYTEs to transfer
bufferPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to a buffer to store info
purge DS.B 1 ; Byte - flag for purging the buffer if wrong size
amountTransfered DS.B 2 ; Word - actual amount transfered
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - LAP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result of LAP operation
protType DS.B 1 ; Byte - protocol type specifing the LAP type
protAddr DS.B 4 ; Long - protocol address specifing the LAP handler
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - LAP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result of LAP operation
protType DS.B 1 ; Byte - protocol type specifing the LAP type
BDS RECORD 0 ; AppleTalk
BufLen DS.B 2 ; Word -
BufPtr DS.B 4 ; Long -
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - NBP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from NBP operation
completionPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the completion routine
namePtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the entityType
rinterval DS.B 1 ; Byte - timeOut period before retrying
rcount DS.B 1 ; Byte - number of retries to attempt
reserved DS.B 2 ; Word - reserved for future use
socketNumber DS.B 1 ; Byte - socket listner being registered
checkFlag DS.B 1 ; Byte - flag for checking duplicate names
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - NBP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from NBP operation
entityPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the entity entityType
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - NBP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from NBP operation
completionPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the completion routine
entityPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the entity entityType
rinterval DS.B 1 ; Byte - timeout interval before retrying
rcount DS.B 1 ; Byte - number of retries to attempt
reserved DS.B 2 ; Word - reserved for future use
bufferLength DS.B 2 ; Word - length of the user buffer
bufferPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the user buffer
maxMatch DS.B 1 ; Byte - maxiumn number of name matches
actualMatch DS.B 1 ; Byte - actual number of matches
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - NBP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from NBP operation
completionPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the completion routine
entityPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the entity name
rinterval DS.B 1 ; Byte - timeout interval before retrying
rcount DS.B 1 ; Byte - number of retries to attempt
reserved DS.B 2 ; Word - reserved for future use
networkID DS.B 2 ; Word - network number for confirmation
nodeID DS.B 1 ; Byte - node number for confirmation
socketID DS.B 1 ; Byte - socket number for confirmation
actualSocketID DS.B 1 ; Byte - actual socket number confirmed
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - PAP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from a PAP operation
completionPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the completion routine
printerNamePtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the printer name
statusBuffPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the status buffer
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - PAP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from a PAP operation
completionPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the completion routine
sessRefID DS.B 1 ; Byte - session reference number
printerNamePtr DS.B 4 ; Long - printer name pointer
flowQuantum DS.B 1 ; Byte - number of ATP packets to be sent
statusBuffPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the status buffer
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - PAP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from a PAP operation
completionPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the completion routine
sessRefID DS.B 1 ; Byte - session referance number
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - PAP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from a PAP operation
completionPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the completion routine
sessRefID DS.B 1 ; Byte - session reference #
buffLength DS.B 2 ; Word - length of the user buffer
buffPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the user buffer
papEOF DS.B 1 ; Byte - end of file flag
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - PAP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from a PAP operation
completionPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the completion routine
sessRefID DS.B 1 ; Byte - session reference #
dataLength DS.B 2 ; Word - data length
buffPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the buffer
papEOF DS.B 1 ; Byte - end of file flag
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - PAP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from a PAP operation
completionPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the completion routine
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - PFI command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from PFI operation
DirectionFlag DS.B 1 ; Byte - high bit set to point to by User Pointer is stored in PFI
UserNamePtr DS.B 2 ; Word - name pointed to my User Mane Pointer
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - PFI command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from PFI operation
networkID DS.B 2 ; Word - network number for confirmation
nodeID DS.B 1 ; Byte - node number for confirmation
socketID DS.B 1 ; Byte - socket number for confirmation
cmdbufferLength DS.B 2 ; Word - length of the user command buffer
cmdbufferPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the user command buffer
rplybufferLength DS.B 2 ; Word - length of the reply buffer
rplybufferPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the reply buffer
sessRefID DS.B 1 ; Byte - session reference number
AttnRtnAddr DS.B 4 ; Long -
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - PFI command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from PFI operation
sessRefID DS.B 1 ; Byte - session reference number
cmdbufferLength DS.B 2 ; Word - length of the user command buffer
cmdbufferPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the user command buffer
rplybufferLength DS.B 2 ; Word - length of the reply buffer
rplybufferPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the reply buffer
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - PFI command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from PFI operation
sessRefID DS.B 1 ; Byte - session reference number
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - PFI command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from PFI operation
sessRefID DS.B 1 ; Byte - session reference number
mountflag DS.B 1 ; Byte - mount flag field specifies whether the vol is to be mounted
volNamePtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the volume that will be pseudo-mounted
volID DS.B 2 ; Word - volume ID returned by AFP
slotDrive DS.B 1 ; Byte - the slot/drive in ProDOS format into which the volume was pseudo-mounted
passwordPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to password for the pseudo-mounted volume
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - PFI command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from PFI operation
buffLength DS.B 2 ; Word - length of the user buffer
buffPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the user buffer
entriesRtn DS.B 1 ; Byte - contains the number of entries returned from the list of current sessions */ being maintained through the PFI and any volumes mounted for those sessions
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - PFI command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from PFI operation
timeFlag DS.B 1 ; Byte - depending on bit set of the time falg field indicates whether the time should be added to or subtracted from the time zone selected
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - PFI command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from PFI operation
buffPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the user buffer where the pathname will be placed
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - PFI command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from PFI operation
directionalFlag DS.B 1 ; Byte - if bit 7 of the directional flag is set, the access is being set
accessRights DS.B 4 ; Long - access rights in AFP format
pathnamePtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer the path name containing that volume
creatorNamePtr DS.B 4 ; Long - if bit 6 of the directional flag is set, the creator's name will be dealt with
groupNamePtr DS.B 4 ; Long - if bit 5 of the directional flag is set, the group name will be dealt with
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - PFI command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from PFI operation
directionalFlag DS.B 1 ; Byte - if bit 7 of the directional flag is set, the naming convention is being set
namingconvFlag DS.B 1 ; Byte - if bit 7 of the naming convention flag is set, the naming convention becomes AFP format
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - PFI command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from PFI operation
formatFlag DS.B 1 ; Byte - if the format flag is set to 0, then from date time is AFP format if the format flag is set to 1, then from date time is ProDOS format
fromDateTime DS.B 4 ; Long - this field contains the From DATE/Time data (values) to convert, not pointers
toDateTime DS.B 4 ; Long - this field contains the TO DATE/Time data (values) to convert, not pointers
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - PFI command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from PFI operation
DirFlag DS.B 1 ; Byte - $00 or $80
BufLen DS.B 2 ; Word - Buffer Length
BufPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - if the format flag is set to 0, then from date time is AFP format
RefNum DS.B 1 ; Byte -
SlotDrive DS.B 1 ; Byte -
VolName DS.B 28 ; char[28] -
VolID DS.B 2 ; Word -
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - PM command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error code returned from a PM operation
entityPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the entity name
PMFlags DS.B 1 ; Byte - PM operation flags
flushInterval DS.B 2 ; Word - flush interval
timeOut DS.B 2 ; Word - timeOut
numberbuff DS.B 2 ; Word - nubmer of buffers allocated
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - ZIP Command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from a ZIP operation
completionPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - Pointer to the completion routine
buffPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointe to the buffer
timeOut DS.B 1 ; Byte - timeout interval for retrying
retry DS.B 1 ; Byte - number of retries to attempt
reserved DS.B 2 ; Word - reserved for future use
async DS.B 1 ; Byte - asyncronous flag
Command DS.B 1 ; Byte - ZIP command to execute
Result DS.B 2 ; Word - error result from a ZIP operation
completionPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the completion routine
buffLength DS.B 2 ; Word - length of the user buffer
buffPtr DS.B 4 ; Long - pointer to the user buffer
bridgeNodeID DS.B 1 ; Byte - bridge node number
startIndex DS.B 2 ; Word - starting index of the buffer
timeOut DS.B 1 ; Byte - timeout interval for retrying
retry DS.B 1 ; Byte - number of retries to attempt
zonesFound DS.B 2 ; Word - number of zones found
reserved DS.B 2 ; Word - reserved for future use (not clear in manual)
CmdLen DS.B 2 ; Word - AFP Command Length
CmdBlkAddr DS.B 4 ; Pointer - Address of AFP Command
ReplyLen DS.B 2 ; Word - Size of Reply Buffer
ReplyBuf DS.B 4 ; Pointer - Address of Reply Buffer
WriteLen DS.B 2 ; Word - Size of Data to be written
WriteBuf DS.B 4 ; Pointer - Address of Write Buffer
; File: E16.ACE
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
aceNoError EQU $0
aceIsActive EQU $1D01
aceBadDP EQU $1D02
aceNotActive EQU $1D03 ; Error -
aceNoSuchParam EQU $1D04
aceBadMethod EQU $1D05
aceBadSrc EQU $1D06
aceBadDest EQU $1D07
aceDatatOverlap EQU $1D08
aceNotImplemented EQU $1DFF
; File: E16.ADB
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
cmndIncomplete EQU $0910 ; error - Command not completed.
cantSync EQU $0911 ; error - Can't synchronize
adbBusy EQU $0982 ; error - Busy (command pending)
devNotAtAddr EQU $0983 ; error - Device not present at address
srqListFull EQU $0984 ; error - List full
readModes EQU $000A
readConfig EQU $000B
readADBError EQU $000C
readVersionNum EQU $000D
readAvailCharSet EQU $000E
readAvailLayout EQU $000F
readMicroMem EQU $0009
ADBabort EQU $0001 ; SendInfo - command
resetKbd EQU $0002 ; SendInfo - command
flushKbd EQU $0003 ; SendInfo - command
setModes EQU $0004 ; SendInfo - 2nd param is pointer to mode byte
clearModes EQU $0005 ; SendInfo - 2nd param is pointer to mode Byte
setConfig EQU $0006 ; SendInfo - 2nd param is pointer to SetConfigRec
synch EQU $0007 ; SendInfo - 2nd param is pointer to SynchRec
writeMicroMem EQU $0008 ; SendInfo - 2nd param is pointer to MicroControlMemRec
resetSys EQU $0010 ; SendInfo - command
keyCode EQU $0011 ; SendInfo - 2nd param is pointer to key code byte.
resetADB EQU $0040 ; SendInfo - command
transmitADBBytes EQU $0047 ; SendInfo - add number of bytes to this
enableSRQ EQU $0050 ; SendInfo - command - ADB address in low nibble
flushADBDevBuf EQU $0060 ; SendInfo - command - ADB address in low nibble
disableSRQ EQU $0070 ; SendInfo - command - ADB address in low nibble
transmit2ADBBytes EQU $0080 ; SendInfo - add ADB address to this
listen EQU $0080 ; SendInfo - adbCommand = listen + ( 16 * reg) + (adb address)
talk EQU $00C0 ; SendInfo - adbCommand = talk + ( 16 * reg) + (adb address)
; offset constants for ReadConfigRec
orcRepeatDelay EQU 0
orcLayoutOrLang EQU 1
orcADBAddr EQU 2
; offset constants for SetConfigRec
oscADBAddr EQU 0
oscLayoutOrLang EQU 1
oscRepeatDelay EQU 2
; offset constants for SynchRec
osynchMode EQU 0
osynchKybdMouseAddr EQU 1
osynchLayoutOrLang EQU 2
osynchRepeatDelay EQU 3
; offset constants for ScaleRec
oxDivide EQU 0
oyDivide EQU 2
oxOffset EQU 4
oyOffset EQU 6
oxMultiply EQU 8
oyMultiply EQU 10
; File: E16.AppleTalk
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
atGetInfoCommand EQU $02
atGetGlobalCommand EQU $03
atInstallTimerCommand EQU $04
atRemoveTimerCommand EQU $05
atBootCommand EQU $06
atLapWriteCommand EQU $07
atReadBufferCommand EQU $08
atAttachProtCommand EQU $09
atRemoveProtCommand EQU $0a
atOpenSocketCommand EQU $0b
atCloseSocketCommand EQU $0c
atSendDatagramCommand EQU $0d
atRegisterNameCommand EQU $0e
atRemoveNameCommand EQU $0f
atLookupNameCommand EQU $10
atConfirmNameCommand EQU $11
atSendATPReqCommand EQU $12
atCancelATPReqCommand EQU $13
atOpenATPSocketCommand EQU $14
atCloseATPSocketCommand EQU $15
atGetATPReqCommand EQU $16
atSendATPRespCommand EQU $17
atAddATPRespCommand EQU $18
atRelATPCBCommand EQU $19
atGetMyZoneCommand EQU $1a
atGetZoneListCommand EQU $1b
atSPGetParmsCommand EQU $1c
atSPGetStatusCommand EQU $1d
atSPOpenSessionCommand EQU $1e
atSPCloseSessionCommand EQU $1f
atSPCommandCommand EQU $20
atSPWriteCommand EQU $21
atPAPStatusCommand EQU $22
atPAPOpenCommand EQU $23
atPAPCloseCommand EQU $24
atPAPReadCommand EQU $25
atPAPWriteCommand EQU $26
atPAPUnloadCommand EQU $27
atPMSetPrinterCommand EQU $28
atFIUserPrefixCommand EQU $2a
atFILoginCommand EQU $2b
atFILoginContCommand EQU $2c
atFILogOutCommand EQU $2d
atFIMountVolCommand EQU $2e
atFIListSessionsCommand EQU $2f
atFITimeZoneCommand EQU $30
atFIGetSrcPathCommand EQU $31
atFIAccessCommand EQU $32
atFINamingCommand EQU $33
atConvertTimeCommand EQU $34
atFISetBufferCommand EQU $36
atinvalidCmdErr EQU $101 ; Error - Invalid command
atmemoryErr EQU $102 ; Error - Heap/memory management error
attimerErr EQU $103 ; Error - No timer installed error
atsyncErr EQU $104 ; Error - Syncronous only call
attooManyTimes EQU $105 ; Error - Too many times
atlapNoPacketErr EQU $201 ; LAP Error - No packet in buffer
atlapEOBErr EQU $202 ; LAP Error - End of buffer
atlapLenErr EQU $203 ; LAP Error - LAP data too large
atlapFailedErr EQU $204 ; LAP Error - Retry count exhausted
atlapTypeErr EQU $205 ; LAP Error - Illegal LAP type
atlapDuplicateErr EQU $206 ; LAP Error - Duplicate LAP type
atlapProtocolErr EQU $207 ; LAP Error - Too many protocols
atlapTypeFoundErr EQU $208 ; LAP Error - Type not found
atlapDataLostErr EQU $209 ; LAP Error - Data lost in Purge
atddpSktNumErr EQU $301 ; DDP Error - Too many sockets open
atddpSktErr EQU $302 ; DDP Error - Socket not open
atddpSktOpenErr EQU $303 ; DDP Error - Socket already open
atddpSktTypeErr EQU $304 ; DDP Error - Invalid Socket Type
atddpLenErr EQU $305 ; DDP Error - DDP length error
atddpBridgeErr EQU $306 ; DDP Error - No bridge available
atnbpNameNumberErr EQU $401 ; NBP Error - Too many names
atnbpNameExistErr EQU $402 ; NBP Error - Name already exists
atnbpNameFoundErr EQU $403 ; NBP Error - Name not found
atnbpBufferErr EQU $404 ; NBP Error - User buffer full
atnbpWildcardErr EQU $405 ; NBP Error - Wildcard not allowed
atnbpNameErr EQU $406 ; NBP Error - Invalid name format
atnbpAddressErr EQU $407 ; NBP Error - Incorrect address
atnbpProcessErr EQU $408 ; NBP Error - Too many NBP processes
atatpDataLenErr EQU $501 ; ATP Error - ATP data too large
atatpSocketErr EQU $502 ; ATP Error - Invalid ATP socket
atatpControlBlkErr EQU $503 ; ATP Error - ATP control block not found
atatpProcessErr EQU $504 ; ATP Error - Too many active ATP calls
atatpReleaseErr EQU $505 ; ATP Error - No release received
atatpNoRespActive EQU $506 ; ATP Error - No response active
atatpRespErr EQU $507 ; ATP Error - No send response active
atatpReqErr EQU $508 ; ATP Error - ATP send request aborted
atatpSktClosedErr EQU $509 ; ATP Error - socket closed error
atatpTooManySkts EQU $50A ; ATP Error - Too many ATP sockets
atatpTooManyResp EQU $50B ; ATP Error - Too many responses expected
atatpDDPSktErr EQU $50C ; ATP Error - Unable to open DDP socket
atatpSndRespRelErr EQU $50D ; ATP Error - ATP Send Response was released
atzipNetworkErr EQU $601 ; ZIP Error - Network error
atzipOverflow EQU $602 ; ZIP Error - ZIP overflow
atzipNotFound EQU $603 ; ZIP Error - ZIP not found
ataspNetworkErr EQU $701 ; ASP Error - Network error
ataspSessNumErr EQU $702 ; ASP Error - Too many sessions
ataspRefErr EQU $703 ; ASP Error - Invalid reference number
ataspSizeErr EQU $704 ; ASP Error - Size error
ataspBufErr EQU $705 ; ASP Error - Buffer error
ataspNoRespErr EQU $706 ; ASP Error - No response from server
ataspBadVersion EQU $707 ; ASP Error - Bad version number
ataspTooManySessions EQU $708 ; ASP Error - Too many sessions
ataspServBusyErr EQU $709 ; ASP Error - Server busy
ataspSessionClosed EQU $70A ; ASP Error - Session closed
atpapSessNumErr EQU $801 ; PAP error - Too many sessions
atpapRefErr EQU $802 ; PAP error - Invalid Reference
atpapQuantumErr EQU $803 ; PAP error - Quantum Error
atpapCommandErr EQU $804 ; PAP error - Too many commands
atpapNameErr EQU $805 ; PAP error - Name not found
atpapSessionErr EQU $806 ; PAP error - Session closed
atpapNetworkErr EQU $807 ; PAP error - Network error
atpapServRespErr EQU $808 ; PAP error - Server not responding
atpapServBusyErr EQU $809 ; PAP error - Server busy
atpapBuffSizeErr EQU $80A ; PAP error - Buffer size error
atpapInUseErr EQU $80B ; PAP error - PAP in use
atpfiTooManySessErr EQU $A01 ; PFI error - Too many sessions
atpfiUnableOpenSessErr EQU $A02 ; PFI error - Unable to open session
atpfiNoRespFrmSrvrErr EQU $A03 ; PFI error - No response from server
atpfiLoginContErr EQU $A04 ; PFI error - Login continue
atpfiInvalidNameErr EQU $A05 ; PFI error - Invalid name
atpfiInvalidSessNumErr EQU $A06 ; PFI error - Invalid Sess reference # or unknown volume
atpfiUnableOpenVolErr EQU $A07 ; PFI error - Unable to open volume
atpfiTooManyVolsOpenErr EQU $A08 ; PFI error - Too many mounted volumes
atpfiVolNotMountedErr EQU $A09 ; PFI error - Volume Not Mounted
atpfiBufferToSmallErr EQU $A0B ; PFI error - Buffer to small
atpfiTimeFlagErr EQU $A0C ; PFI error - Time flag error
atpfiUnableTSetGroupErr EQU $A0D ; PFI error - Unable to set creator
atpfiDirNotFoundErr EQU $A0E ; PFI error - Directory not found
atpfiAccessDeniedErr EQU $A0F ; PFI error - Access denied
atpfiMiscellaneousErr EQU $A10 ; PFI error - Miscellaneous error
atpfiVolAlreadyMntedErr EQU $A11 ; PFI error - Volume already mounted
atpfiUnableGetCrtrErr EQU $A12 ; PFI error - Unable to get creator
atpfiAlrdyLggedOnSrvrErr EQU $A13 ; PFI error - Already logged onto server
atpfiTimeError EQU $A14 ; PFI error - Time error
atpfiUserNotAuthorizedErr EQU $A15 ; PFI error - User not authorized
atpfiParamterErr EQU $A16 ; PFI error - Parameter error
atpfiSrvrGoingDownErr EQU $A17 ; PFI error - Server going down
atpfiBadUAMErr EQU $A18 ; PFI error - Bad UAM
atpfiBadVersionNumErr EQU $A19 ; PFI error - Bad version number
; File: E16.Control
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
wmNotStartedUp EQU $1001 ; error - Window manager was not started first.
noConstraint EQU $0000 ; Axis Parameter - No constraint on movement.
hAxisOnly EQU $0001 ; Axis Parameter - Horizontal axis only.
vAxisOnly EQU $0002 ; Axis Parameter - Vertical axis only.
simpRound EQU $0000 ; CtlFlag - Simple button flag
upFlag EQU $0001 ; CtlFlag - Scroll bar flag.
boldButton EQU $0001 ; CtlFlag - Bold round cornered outlined button.
simpBRound EQU $0001 ; CtlFlag - Simple button flag
downFlag EQU $0002 ; CtlFlag - Scroll bar flag.
simpSquare EQU $0002 ; CtlFlag - Simple button flag
simpDropSquare EQU $0003 ; CtlFlag - Simple button flag
leftFlag EQU $0004 ; CtlFlag - Scroll bar flag.
rightFlag EQU $0008 ; CtlFlag - Scroll bar flag.
dirScroll EQU $0010 ; CtlFlag - Scroll bar flag.
horScroll EQU $0010 ; CtlFlag - Scroll bar flag.
family EQU $007F ; CtlFlag - Mask for radio button family number
ctlInVis EQU $0080 ; CtlFlag - invisible mask for any type of control
inListBox EQU $88
simpleProc EQU $00000000
checkProc EQU $02000000
radioProc EQU $04000000
scrollProc EQU $06000000
growProc EQU $08000000
drawCtl EQU $0000 ; DefProc - Draw control command.
calcCRect EQU $0001 ; DefProc - Compute drag RECT command.
testCtl EQU $0002 ; DefProc - Hit test command.
initCtl EQU $0003 ; DefProc - Initialize command.
dispCtl EQU $0004 ; DefProc - Dispose command.
posCtl EQU $0005 ; DefProc - Move indicator command.
thumbCtl EQU $0006 ; DefProc - Compute drag parameters command.
dragCtl EQU $0007 ; DefProc - Drag command.
autoTrack EQU $0008 ; DefProc - Action command.
newValue EQU $0009 ; DefProc - Set new value command.
setParams EQU $000A ; DefProc - Set new parameters command.
moveCtl EQU $000B ; DefProc - Move command.
recSize EQU $000C ; DefProc - Return record size command.
noHilite EQU $0000 ; hiliteState - Param to HiliteControl
inactiveHilite EQU $00FF ; hiliteState - Param to HiliteControl
noPart EQU $0000
simpleButton EQU $0002
checkBox EQU $0003
radioButton EQU $0004
upArrow EQU $0005
downArrow EQU $0006
pageUp EQU $0007
pageDown EQU $0008
growBox EQU $000A
thumb EQU $0081
fCtlTarget EQU $8000 ; CtlRec.ctlMoreFlags - is current target of typing commands
fCtlCanBeTarget EQU $4000 ; CtlRec.ctlMoreFlags - can be made the target control
fCtlWantEvents EQU $2000 ; CtlRec.ctlMoreFlags - control can be called view SendEventToCtl
fCtlProcRefNotPtr EQU $1000 ; CtlRec.ctlMoreFlags - set = ID of defproc, clear = pointer to defproc
fCtlTellAboutSize EQU $0800 ; CtlRec.ctlMoreFlags - set if ctl needs notification when size of owning window changes
fCtlIsMultiPar EQU $0400 ; CtlRec.ctlMoreFlags - set if ctl needs notification to be hidden
titleIsPtr EQU $00
titleIsHandle EQU $01
titleIsResource EQU $02
colorTableIsPtr EQU $00
colorTableIsHandle EQU $04
colorTableIsResource EQU $08
ctlHandleEvent EQU $0D
ctlChangeTarget EQU $0E
ctlChangeBounds EQU $0F
ctlWindChangeSize EQU $10
ctlHandleTab EQU $11
ctlHideCtl EQU $12
singlePtr EQU $0000
singleHandle EQU $0001
singleResource EQU $0002
ptrToPtr EQU $0003
ptrToHandle EQU $0004
ptrToResource EQU $0005
handleToPtr EQU $0006
handleToHandle EQU $0007
handleToResource EQU $0008
resourceToResource EQU $0009
simpleButtonControl EQU $80000000
checkControl EQU $82000000
radioControl EQU $84000000
scrollBarControl EQU $86000000
growControl EQU $88000000
statTextControl EQU $81000000
editLineControl EQU $83000000
editTextControl EQU $85000000
popUpControl EQU $87000000
listControl EQU $89000000
iconButtonControl EQU $07FF0001
pictureControl EQU $8D000000
noCtlError EQU $1004 ; Error - no controls in window
noSuperCtlError EQU $1005 ; Error - no super controls in window
noCtlTargetError EQU $1006 ; Error - no target super control
notSuperCtlError EQU $1007 ; Error - action can only be done on super control
canNotBeTargetError EQU $1008 ; Error - conrol cannot be made target
noSuchIDError EQU $1009 ; Error - specified ID cannot be found
tooFewParmsError EQU $100A ; Error - not enough params specified
noCtlToBeTargetError EQU $100B ; Error - NextCtl call, no ctl could be target
noWind_Err EQU $100C ; Error - there is no front window
; offset constants for BarColors
obarOutline EQU 0
obarNorArrow EQU 2
obarSelArrow EQU 4
obarArrowBack EQU 6
obarNorThumb EQU 8
obarSelThumb EQU 10
obarPageRgn EQU 12
obarInactive EQU 14
; offset constants for BoxColors
oboxReserved EQU 0
oboxNor EQU 2
oboxSel EQU 4
oboxTitle EQU 6
; offset constants for BttnColors
obttnOutline EQU 0
obttnNorBack EQU 2
obttnSelBack EQU 4
obttnNorText EQU 6
obttnSelText EQU 8
; offset constants for CtlRec
octlNext EQU 0
octlOwner EQU 4
octlRect EQU 8
octlFlag EQU 16
octlHilite EQU 17
octlValue EQU 18
octlProc EQU 20
octlAction EQU 24
octlData EQU 28
octlRefCon EQU 32
octlColor EQU 36
octlReserved EQU 40
octlID EQU 56
octlMoreFlags EQU 60
octlVersion EQU 62
; offset constants for LimitBlk
oboundRect EQU 0
oslopRect EQU 8
oaxisParam EQU 16
odragPatt EQU 18
; offset constants for RadioColors
oradReserved EQU 0
oradNor EQU 2
oradSel EQU 4
oradTitle EQU 6
; File: E16.Desk
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
daNotFound EQU $0510 ; error - desk accessory not found
notSysWindow EQU $0511 ; error - not the system window
eventAction EQU $0001
runAction EQU $0002
undoAction EQU $0005
cutAction EQU $0006
copyAction EQU $0007
pasteAction EQU $0008
clearAction EQU $0009
cursorAction EQU $0003
undo EQU $0001 ; System Edit - edit type
cut EQU $0002 ; System Edit - edit type
copy EQU $0003 ; System Edit - edit type
paste EQU $0004 ; System Edit - edit type
clear EQU $0005 ; System Edit - edit type
; File: E16.Dialog
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
badItemType EQU $150A
newItemFailed EQU $150B
itemNotFound EQU $150C
notModalDialog EQU $150D
getInitView EQU $0001
getInitTotal EQU $0002
getInitValue EQU $0003
scrollLineUp EQU $0004
scrollLineDown EQU $0005
scrollPageUp EQU $0006
scrollPageDown EQU $0007
scrollThumb EQU $0008
buttonItem EQU $000A
checkItem EQU $000B
radioItem EQU $000C
scrollBarItem EQU $000D
userCtlItem EQU $000E
statText EQU $000F
longStatText EQU $0010
editLine EQU $0011
iconItem EQU $0012
picItem EQU $0013
userItem EQU $0014
userCtlItem2 EQU $0015
longStatText2 EQU $0016
itemDisable EQU $8000
minItemType EQU $000A
maxItemType EQU $0016
ok EQU $0001
cancel EQU $0002
inButton EQU $0002 ; ModalDialog2 - Part code
inCheckBox EQU $0003 ; ModalDialog2 - Part code
inRadioButton EQU $0004 ; ModalDialog2 - Part code
inUpArrow EQU $0005 ; ModalDialog2 - Part code
inDownArrow EQU $0006 ; ModalDialog2 - Part code
inPageUp EQU $0007 ; ModalDialog2 - Part code
inPageDown EQU $0008 ; ModalDialog2 - Part code
inStatText EQU $0009 ; ModalDialog2 - Part code
inGrow EQU $000A ; ModalDialog2 - Part code
inEditLine EQU $000B ; ModalDialog2 - Part code
inUserItem EQU $000C ; ModalDialog2 - Part code
inLongStatText EQU $000D ; ModalDialog2 - Part code
inIconItem EQU $000E ; ModalDialog2 - Part code
inLongStatText2 EQU $000F
inThumb EQU $0081 ; ModalDialog2 - Part code
okDefault EQU $0000
cancelDefault EQU $0040
alertDrawn EQU $0080
; offset constants for ItemTemplate
oitemID EQU 0
oitemRect EQU 2
oitemType EQU 10
oitemDescr EQU 12
oitemValue EQU 16
oitemFlag EQU 18
oitemColor EQU 20
; offset constants for AlertTemplate
oatBoundsRect EQU 0
oatAlertID EQU 8
oatStage1 EQU 10
oatStage2 EQU 11
oatStage3 EQU 12
oatStage4 EQU 13
oatItemList EQU 14
; offset constants for DialogTemplate
odtBoundsRect EQU 0
odtVisible EQU 8
odtRefCon EQU 10
odtItemList EQU 14
; offset constants for IconRecord
oiconRect EQU 0
oiconImage EQU 8
; offset constants for UserCtlItemPB
odefProcParm EQU 0
otitleParm EQU 4
oparam2 EQU 8
oparam1 EQU 10
; File: E16.Event
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
emDupStrtUpErr EQU $0601 ; error - duplicate EMStartup Call
emResetErr EQU $0602 ; error - can't reset error the Event Manager
emNotActErr EQU $0603 ; error - event manager not active
emBadEvtCodeErr EQU $0604 ; error - illegal event code
emBadBttnNoErr EQU $0605 ; error - illegal button number
emQSiz2LrgErr EQU $0606 ; error - queue size too large
emNoMemQueueErr EQU $0607 ; error - not enough memory for queue
emBadEvtQErr EQU $0681 ; error - fatal sys error - event queue damaged
emBadQHndlErr EQU $0682 ; error - fatal sys error - queue handle damaged
nullEvt EQU $0000
mouseDownEvt EQU $0001
mouseUpEvt EQU $0002
keyDownEvt EQU $0003
autoKeyEvt EQU $0005
updateEvt EQU $0006
activateEvt EQU $0008
switchEvt EQU $0009
deskAccEvt EQU $000A
driverEvt EQU $000B
app1Evt EQU $000C
app2Evt EQU $000D
app3Evt EQU $000E
app4Evt EQU $000F
mDownMask EQU $0002
mUpMask EQU $0004
keyDownMask EQU $0008
autoKeyMask EQU $0020
updateMask EQU $0040
activeMask EQU $0100
switchMask EQU $0200
deskAccMask EQU $0400
driverMask EQU $0800
app1Mask EQU $1000
app2Mask EQU $2000
app3Mask EQU $4000
app4Mask EQU $8000
everyEvent EQU $FFFF
jcTickCount EQU $00 ; Journal Code - TickCount call
jcGetMouse EQU $01 ; Journal Code - GetMouse call
jcButton EQU $02 ; Journal Code - Button call
jcEvent EQU $04 ; Journal Code - GetNextEvent and EventAvail calls
activeFlag EQU $0001 ; Modifier Flags - set if window being activated
changeFlag EQU $0002 ; Modifier Flags - set if active wind. changed state
btn1State EQU $0040 ; Modifier Flags - set if button 1 up
btn0State EQU $0080 ; Modifier Flags - set if button 0 up
appleKey EQU $0100 ; Modifier Flags - set if Apple key down
shiftKey EQU $0200 ; Modifier Flags - set if shift key down
capsLock EQU $0400 ; Modifier Flags - set if caps lock key down
optionKey EQU $0800 ; Modifier Flags - set if option key down
controlKey EQU $1000 ; Modifier Flags - set if Control key down
keyPad EQU $2000 ; Modifier Flags - set if keypress from key pad
; offset constants for EventRecord
owhat EQU 0
omessage EQU 2
owhen EQU 6
owhere EQU 10
omodifiers EQU 14
owmTaskData EQU 16
owmTaskMask EQU 20
owmLastClickTick EQU 24
owmClickCount EQU 28
owmTaskData2 EQU 30
owmTaskData3 EQU 34
owmTaskData4 EQU 38
owmLastClickPt EQU 42
; File: E16.Font
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
fmDupStartUpErr EQU $1B01 ; error - duplicate FMStartUp call
fmResetErr EQU $1B02 ; error - can't reset the Font Manager
fmNotActiveErr EQU $1B03 ; error - Font Manager not active
fmFamNotFndErr EQU $1B04 ; error - family not found
fmFontNtFndErr EQU $1B05 ; error - font not found
fmFontMemErr EQU $1B06 ; error - font not in memory
fmSysFontErr EQU $1B07 ; error - system font cannot be purgeable
fmBadFamNumErr EQU $1B08 ; error - illegal family number
fmBadSizeErr EQU $1B09 ; error - illegal size
fmBadNameErr EQU $1B0A ; error - illegal name length
fmMenuErr EQU $1B0B ; error - fix font menu never called
fmScaleSizeErr EQU $1B0C ; error - scaled size of font exeeds limits
newYork EQU $0002
geneva EQU $0003
monaco EQU $0004
venice EQU $0005
london EQU $0006
athens EQU $0007
sanFran EQU $0008
toronto EQU $0009
cairo EQU $000B
losAngeles EQU $000C
times EQU $0014
helvetica EQU $0015
courier EQU $0016
symbol EQU $0017
taliesin EQU $0018
shaston EQU $FFFE
baseOnlyBit EQU $0020
notBaseBit EQU $0020
memOnlyBit EQU $0001
realOnlyBit EQU $0002
anyFamBit EQU $0004
anyStyleBit EQU $0008
anySizeBit EQU $0010
memBit EQU $0001
unrealBit EQU $0002
apFamBit EQU $0004
apVarBit EQU $0008
purgeBit EQU $0010
notDiskBit EQU $0020
notFoundBit EQU $8000
dontScaleBit EQU $0001
; offset constants for FontStatRec
oresultID EQU 0
oresultStats EQU 4
; File: E16.GSOS
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
readEnable EQU $0001 ; access - read enable bit: CreateRec, OpenRec access and requestAccess fields
writeEnable EQU $0002 ; access - write enable bit: CreateRec, OpenRec access and requestAccess fields
fileInvisible EQU $0004 ; access - Invisible bit
backupNeeded EQU $0020 ; access - backup needed bit: CreateRec, OpenRec access field. (Must be 0 in requestAccess field )
renameEnable EQU $0040 ; access - rename enable bit: CreateRec, OpenRec access and requestAccess fields
destroyEnable EQU $0080 ; access - destroy enable bit: CreateRec, OpenRec access and requestAccess fields
startPlus EQU $0000 ; base - > setMark = displacement
eofMinus EQU $0001 ; base - > setMark = eof - displacement
markPlus EQU $0002 ; base - > setMark = mark + displacement
markMinus EQU $0003 ; base - > setMark = mark - displacement
cacheOff EQU $0000 ; cachePriority - do not cache blocks invloved in this read
cacheOn EQU $0001 ; cachePriority - cache blocks invloved in this read if possible
badSystemCall EQU $0001 ; error - bad system call number
invalidPcount EQU $0004 ; error - invalid parameter count
gsosActive EQU $07 ; error - GS/OS already active
IF &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'DEVNOTFOUND')=0 AND &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'devnotfound')=0 THEN ; error - device not found
devNotFound EQU $10
invalidDevNum EQU $11 ; error - invalid device number
drvrBadReq EQU $20 ; error - bad request or command
drvrBadCode EQU $0021 ; error - bad control or status code
drvrBadParm EQU $0022 ; error - bad call parameter
drvrNotOpen EQU $0023 ; error - character device not open
drvrPriorOpen EQU $0024 ; error - character device already open
irqTableFull EQU $0025 ; error - interrupt table full
drvrNoResrc EQU $0026 ; error - resources not available
drvrIOError EQU $0027 ; error - I/O error
drvrNoDevice EQU $0028 ; error - device not connected
drvrBusy EQU $0029 ; error - call aborted, driver is busy
drvrWrtProt EQU $002B ; error - device is write protected
drvrBadCount EQU $002C ; error - invalid byte count
drvrBadBlock EQU $002D ; error - invalid block address
drvrDiskSwitch EQU $002E ; error - disk has been switched
drvrOffLine EQU $002F ; error - device off line/ no media present
badPathSyntax EQU $0040 ; error - invalid pathname syntax
invalidRefNum EQU $0043 ; error - invalid reference number
IF &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'PATHNOTFOUND')=0 AND &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'pathnotfound')=0 THEN ; error - subdirectory does not exist
pathNotFound EQU $44
volNotFound EQU $0045 ; error - volume not found
IF &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'FILENOTFOUND')=0 AND &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'filenotfound')=0 THEN ; error - file not found
fileNotFound EQU $0046
dupPathname EQU $0047 ; error - create or rename with existing name
volumeFull EQU $0048 ; error - volume full error
volDirFull EQU $0049 ; error - volume directory full
badFileFormat EQU $004A ; error - version error (incompatible file format)
IF &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'BADSTORETYPE')=0 AND &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'badstoretype')=0 THEN ; error - unsupported (or incorrect) storage type
badStoreType EQU $004B
IF &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'EOFENCOUNTERED')=0 AND &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'eofencountered')=0 THEN ; error - end-of-file encountered
eofEncountered EQU $004C
outOfRange EQU $004D ; error - position out of range
invalidAccess EQU $004E ; error - access not allowed
buffTooSmall EQU $004F ; error - buffer too small
fileBusy EQU $0050 ; error - file is already open
dirError EQU $0051 ; error - directory error
unknownVol EQU $0052 ; error - unknown volume type
IF &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'PARAMRANGEERR')=0 AND &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'paramrangeerr')=0 THEN ; error - parameter out of range
paramRangeErr EQU $0053
outOfMem EQU $0054 ; error - out of memory
dupVolume EQU $0057 ; error - duplicate volume name
notBlockDev EQU $0058 ; error - not a block device
IF &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'INVALIDLEVEL')=0 AND &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'invalidlevel')=0 THEN ; error - specifield level outside legal range
invalidLevel EQU $0059
damagedBitMap EQU $005A ; error - block number too large
badPathNames EQU $005B ; error - invalid pathnames for ChangePath
notSystemFile EQU $005C ; error - not an executable file
osUnsupported EQU $005D ; error - Operating System not supported
IF &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'STACKOVERFLOW')=0 AND &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'stackoverflow')=0 THEN ; error - too many applications on stack
stackOverflow EQU $005F
dataUnavail EQU $0060 ; error - Data unavailable
endOfDir EQU $0061 ; error - end of directory has been reached
invalidClass EQU $0062 ; error - invalid FST call class
resForkNotFound EQU $0063 ; error - file does not contain required resource
invalidFSTID EQU $0064 ; error - error - FST ID is invalid
ProDOSFSID EQU $0001 ; fileSysID - ProDOS/SOS
dos33FSID EQU $0002 ; fileSysID - DOS 3.3
dos32FSID EQU $0003 ; fileSysID - DOS 3.2
dos31FSID EQU $0003 ; fileSysID - DOS 3.1
appleIIPascalFSID EQU $0004 ; fileSysID - Apple II Pascal
mfsFSID EQU $0005 ; fileSysID - Macintosh (flat file system)
hfsFSID EQU $0006 ; fileSysID - Macintosh (hierarchical file system)
lisaFSID EQU $0007 ; fileSysID - Lisa file system
appleCPMFSID EQU $0008 ; fileSysID - Apple CP/M
charFSTFSID EQU $0009 ; fileSysID - Character FST
msDOSFSID EQU $000A ; fileSysID - MS/DOS
highSierraFSID EQU $000B ; fileSysID - High Sierra
ISO9660FSID EQU $000C ; fileSysID - ISO 9660
characterFST EQU $4000 ; FSTInfo.attributes - character FST
ucFST EQU $8000 ; FSTInfo.attributes - SCM should upper case pathnames before passing them to the FST
onStack EQU $8000 ; QuitRec.flags - place state information about quitting program on the quit return stack
restartable EQU $4000 ; QuitRec.flags - the quitting program is capable of being restarted from its dormant memory
seedling EQU $0001 ; storageType - standard file with seedling structure
standardFile EQU $0001 ; storageType - standard file type (no resource fork)
sapling EQU $0002 ; storageType - standard file with sapling structure
tree EQU $0003 ; storageType - standard file with tree structure
pascalRegion EQU $0004 ; storageType - UCSD Pascal region on a partitioned disk
extendedFile EQU $0005 ; storageType - extended file type (with resource fork)
directoryFile EQU $000D ; storageType - volume directory or subdirectory file
minorRelNumMask EQU $00FF ; version - minor release number
majorRelNumMask EQU $7F00 ; version - major release number
finalRelNumMask EQU $8000 ; version - final release number
isFileExtended EQU $8000
pCount DS.B 2 ; Word -
prefixNum DS.B 2 ; Word -
prefix DS.B 4 ; ResultBuf255Ptr or GSString255Ptr -
; File: E16.IntMath
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
imBadInptParam EQU $0B01 ; error - bad input parameter
imIllegalChar EQU $0B02 ; error - Illegal character in string
imOverflow EQU $0B03 ; error - integer or long integer overflow
imStrOverflow EQU $0B04 ; error - string overflow
minLongint EQU $80000000 ; Limit - minimum negative signed long integer
minFrac EQU $80000000 ; Limit - pinned value for negative Frac overflow
minFixed EQU $80000000 ; Limit - pinned value for negative Fixed overflow
minInt EQU $8000 ; Limit - Minimum negative signed integer
maxInt EQU $7FFF ; Limit - Maximum positive signed integer
maxUInt EQU $FFFF ; Limit - Maximum positive unsigned integer
maxLongint EQU $7FFFFFFF ; Limit - maximum positive signed Longint
maxFrac EQU $7FFFFFFF ; Limit - pinned value for positive Frac overflow
maxFixed EQU $7FFFFFFF ; Limit - pinned value for positive Fixed overflow
maxULong EQU $FFFFFFFF ; Limit - maximum unsigned Long
unsignedFlag EQU $0000
signedFlag EQU $0001
; offset constants for IntDivRec
oidquotient EQU 0
oidremainder EQU 2
; offset constants for LongDivRec
oldquotient EQU 0
oldremainder EQU 4
; offset constants for LongMulRec
olsResult EQU 0
omsResult EQU 4
; offset constants for WordDivRec
owdquotient EQU 0
owdremainder EQU 2
; File: E16.LineEdit
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
leDupStrtUpErr EQU $1401 ; error - duplicate LEStartup call
leResetErr EQU $1402 ; error - can't reset Line Edit
leNotActiveErr EQU $1403 ; error - Line Edit not active
leScrapErr EQU $1404 ; error - desk scrap too big to copy
leJustLeft EQU $0000
leJustCenter EQU $0001
leJustFill EQU $0002
leJustRight EQU $FFFF
; offset constants for LERec
oleLineHandle EQU 0
oleLength EQU 4
oleMaxLength EQU 6
oleDestRect EQU 8
oleViewRect EQU 16
olePort EQU 24
oleLineHite EQU 28
oleBaseHite EQU 30
oleSelStart EQU 32
oleSelEnd EQU 34
oleActFlg EQU 36
oleCarAct EQU 38
oleCarOn EQU 40
oleCarTime EQU 42
oleHiliteHook EQU 46
oleCaretHook EQU 50
oleJust EQU 54
olePWChar EQU 56
; File: E16.List
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
cString EQU $0001 ; ListType bit mask - null terminated string type
LIST_STRG EQU $0001 ; ListType bit mask - null terminated string type
selectOnlyOne EQU $0002 ; ListType bit mask - only one selection allowed
LIST_SELECT EQU $0002 ; ListType bit mask - single selection only
memDisabled EQU $40 ; memFlag - Sets member flag to disabled
memSelected EQU $80 ; memFlag - Sets member flag to selected
; offset constants for LColorTable
olistFrameClr EQU 0
olistNorTextClr EQU 2
olistSelTextClr EQU 4
olistNorBackClr EQU 6
olistSelBackClr EQU 8
; offset constants for MemRec
omemPtr EQU 0
omemFlag EQU 4
; Front of ListCtlRec matches CtlRec
octlMemDraw EQU 40
octlMemHeight EQU 44
octlMemSize EQU 46
octlList EQU 48
octlListBar EQU 52
; offset constants for ListRec
olistRect EQU 0
olistSize EQU 8
olistView EQU 10
olistType EQU 12
olistStart EQU 14
olistCtl EQU 16
olistDraw EQU 20
olistMemHeight EQU 24
olistMemSize EQU 26
olistPointer EQU 28
olistRefCon EQU 32
olistScrollClr EQU 36
; File: E16.Loader
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
idNotFound EQU $1101 ; error - segment/application/entry not found
idNotLoadFile EQU $1104 ; error - file is not a load file
idBusyErr EQU $1105 ; error - system loader is busy
idFilVersErr EQU $1107 ; error - file version error
idUserIDErr EQU $1108 ; error - user ID error
idSequenceErr EQU $1109 ; error - segnum out of sequence
idBadRecordErr EQU $110A ; error - illegal load record found
idForeignSegErr EQU $110B ; error - segment is foreign
; offset constants for InitialLoadOutputRec
ouserID EQU 0
ostartAddr EQU 2
odPageAddr EQU 6
obuffSize EQU 8
; offset constants for RestartOutRec
orouserID EQU 0
orostartAddr EQU 2
orodPageAddr EQU 6
orobuffSize EQU 8
; offset constants for LoadSegNameOut
osegAddr EQU 0
ofileNum EQU 4
osegNum EQU 6
; offset constants for UnloadSegOutRec
oususerID EQU 0
ousfileNum EQU 2
oussegNum EQU 4
; File: E16.Locator
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
toolNotFoundErr EQU $0001
funcNotFoundErr EQU $0002
toolVersionErr EQU $0110
sysStrtMtErr EQU $0100 ; error - can't mount system startup volume
messNotFoundErr EQU $0111
fileInfoType EQU $0001 ; MessageCenter - Message type parameter
addMessage EQU $0001 ; MessageCenter - action parameter
getMessage EQU $0002 ; MessageCenter - action parameter
deleteMessage EQU $0003 ; MessageCenter - action parameter
mvReturn EQU $0001 ; TLMountVolume - like ok for dialogs
mvEscape EQU $0002 ; TLMountVolume - like cancel for dialogs
sysTool EQU $0000
userTool EQU $8000
; offset constants for MessageRec
omessageNext EQU 0
omessageType EQU 4
omessageData EQU 6
ofileNames EQU 8
; offset constants for ToolSpec
otoolNumber EQU 0
ominVersion EQU 2
; offset constants for StartStopRecord
ossflags EQU 0
ossvideoMode EQU 2
ossresFileID EQU 4
ossdPageHandle EQU 6
ossnumTools EQU 10
; File: E16.Memory
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
memErr EQU $0201 ; error - unable to allocate block
emptyErr EQU $0202 ; error - illegal operation, empty handle
notEmptyErr EQU $0203 ; error - an empty handle was expected for this operation
lockErr EQU $0204 ; error - illegal operation on a locked block
purgeErr EQU $0205 ; error - attempt to purge an unpurgable block
handleErr EQU $0206 ; error - an invalid handle was given
idErr EQU $0207 ; error - an invalid owner ID was given
attrErr EQU $0208 ; error - operation illegal on block with given attributes
attrNoPurge EQU $0000 ; Handle Attribute Bits - Not purgeable
attrBank EQU $0001 ; Handle Attribute Bits - fixed bank
attrAddr EQU $0002 ; Handle Attribute Bits - fixed address
attrPage EQU $0004
attrNoSpec EQU $0008
attrNoCross EQU $0010
attrPurge1 EQU $0100 ; Handle Attribute Bits - Purge level 1
attrPurge2 EQU $0200 ; Handle Attribute Bits - Purge level 2
attrPurge3 EQU $0300 ; Handle Attribute Bits - Purge level 3
attrPurge EQU $0300
attrHandle EQU $1000 ; Handle Attribute Bits - block of master pointers
attrSystem EQU $2000 ; Handle Attribute Bits - system handle
attrFixed EQU $4000 ; Handle Attribute Bits - not movable
attrLocked EQU $8000 ; Handle Attribute Bits - locked
; File: E16.Menu
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
mDrawMsg EQU $0000
mChooseMsg EQU $0001
mSizeMsg EQU $0002
mDrawTitle EQU $0003
mDrawMItem EQU $0004
mGetMItemID EQU $0005
mInvis EQU $0004
mCustom EQU $0010
mXor EQU $0020
mSelected EQU $0040
mDisabled EQU $0080
customMenu EQU $0010
xorMItemHilite EQU $0020
xorTitleHilite EQU $0020
underMItem EQU $0040
disableItem EQU $0080
disableMenu EQU $0080
enableItem EQU $FF7F
enableMenu EQU $FF7F
noUnderMItem EQU $FFBF
colorMItemHilite EQU $FFDF
colorTitleHilite EQU $FFDF
colorReplace EQU $FFDF
standardMenu EQU $FFEF
; offset constants for MenuRec
omenuID EQU 0
omenuWidth EQU 2
omenuHeight EQU 4
omenuProc EQU 6
omenuFlag EQU 10
omenuRes EQU 11
ofirstItem EQU 12
onumOfItems EQU 13
otitleWidth EQU 14
otitleName EQU 16
; File: E16.Midi
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
miToolNum EQU $0020
miDrvrFileType EQU $00BB
miNSVer EQU $0102
miSTVer EQU $0203
miDrvrAuxType EQU $0300
miStartUpErr EQU $2000
miPacketErr EQU $2001
miArrayErr EQU $2002
miFullBufErr EQU $2003
miToolsErr EQU $2004
miOutOffErr EQU $2005
miNoBufErr EQU $2007
miDriverErr EQU $2008
miBadFreqErr EQU $2009
miClockErr EQU $200A
miConflictErr EQU $200B
miNoDevErr EQU $200C
miDevNotAvail EQU $2080
miDevSlotBusy EQU $2081
miDevBusy EQU $2082
miDevOverrun EQU $2083
miDevNoConnect EQU $2084
miDevReadErr EQU $2085
miDevVersion EQU $2086
miDevIntHndlr EQU $2087
miSetClock EQU $0000
miStartClock EQU $0001
miStopClock EQU $0002
miSetFreq EQU $0003
miRawMode EQU $00000000
miSetRTVec EQU $0000
miPacketMode EQU $00000001
miSetErrVec EQU $0001
miStandardMode EQU $00000002
miSetInBuf EQU $0002
miSetOutBuf EQU $0003
miStartInput EQU $0004
miStartOutput EQU $0005
miStopInput EQU $0006
miStopOutput EQU $0007
miFlushInput EQU $0008
miFlushOutput EQU $0009
miFlushPacket EQU $000A
miWaitOutput EQU $000B
miSetInMode EQU $000C
miSetOutMode EQU $000D
miClrNotePad EQU $000E
miSetDelay EQU $000F
miOutputStat EQU $0010
miIgnoreSysEx EQU $0011
miSelectDrvr EQU $0000
miLoadDrvr EQU $0001
miUnloadDrvr EQU $0002
miNextPktLen EQU $0
miInputChars EQU $0001
miOutputChars EQU $0002
miMaxInChars EQU $0003
miMaxOutChars EQU $0004
miRecordAddr EQU $0005
miPlayAddr EQU $0006
miClockValue EQU $0007
miClockFreq EQU $0008
midiInputPoll EQU $00E101B2 ; MidiInputChannel - vector to poll MIDI input channel
; offset constants for MiBufInfo
obufSize EQU 0
oaddress EQU 2
; offset constants for MiDriverInfo
oslot EQU 0
oexternal EQU 2
opathname EQU 4
; File: E16.MiscTool
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
badInputErr EQU $0301 ; error - bad input parameter
noDevParamErr EQU $0302 ; error - no device for input parameter
taskInstlErr EQU $0303 ; error - task already installed error
noSigTaskErr EQU $0304 ; error - no signature in task header
queueDmgdErr EQU $0305 ; error - queue has been damaged error
taskNtFdErr EQU $0306 ; error - task was not found error
firmTaskErr EQU $0307 ; error - firmware task was unsuccessful
hbQueueBadErr EQU $0308 ; error - heartbeat queue damaged
unCnctdDevErr EQU $0309 ; error - attempted to dispatch to unconnected device
idTagNtAvlErr EQU $030B ; error - ID tag not available
pdosUnClmdIntErr EQU $0001 ; System Fail - ProDOS unclaimed interrupt error
divByZeroErr EQU $0004 ; System Fail - divide by zero error
pdosVCBErr EQU $000A ; System Fail - ProDOS VCB unusable
pdosFCBErr EQU $000B ; System Fail - ProDOS FCB unusable
pdosBlk0Err EQU $000C ; System Fail - ProDOS block zero allocated illegally
pdosIntShdwErr EQU $000D ; System Fail - ProDOS interrupt w/ shadowing off
segLoader1Err EQU $0015 ; System Fail - segment loader error
sPackage0Err EQU $0017 ; System Fail - can't load a package
package1Err EQU $0018 ; System Fail - can't load a package
package2Err EQU $0019 ; System Fail - can't load a package
package3Err EQU $001A ; System Fail - can't load a package
package4Err EQU $001B ; System Fail - can't load a package
package5Err EQU $001C ; System Fail - can't load a package
package6Err EQU $001D ; System Fail - can't load a package
package7Err EQU $001E ; System Fail - can't load a package
package8Err EQU $0020 ; System Fail - can't load a package
package9Err EQU $0021 ; System Fail - can't load a package
package10Err EQU $0022 ; System Fail - can't load a package
package11Err EQU $0023 ; System Fail - can't load a package
package12Err EQU $0024 ; System Fail - can't load a package
outOfMemErr EQU $0025 ; System Fail - out of memory error
segLoader2Err EQU $0026 ; System Fail - segment loader error
fMapTrshdErr EQU $0027 ; System Fail - file map trashed
stkOvrFlwErr EQU $0028 ; System Fail - stack overflow error
psInstDiskErr EQU $0030 ; System Fail - Please Insert Disk (file manager alert)
memMgr1Err EQU $0032 ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr2Err EQU $0033 ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr3Err EQU $0034 ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr4Err EQU $0035 ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr5Err EQU $0036 ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr6Err EQU $0037 ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr7Err EQU $0038 ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr8Err EQU $0039 ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr9Err EQU $003A ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr10Err EQU $003B ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr11Err EQU $003C ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr12Err EQU $003D ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr13Err EQU $003E ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr14Err EQU $003F ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr15Err EQU $0040 ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr16Err EQU $0041 ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr17Err EQU $0042 ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr18Err EQU $0043 ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr19Err EQU $0044 ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr20Err EQU $0045 ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr21Err EQU $0046 ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr22Err EQU $0047 ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr23Err EQU $0048 ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr24Err EQU $0049 ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr25Err EQU $004A ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr26Err EQU $004B ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr27Err EQU $004C ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr28Err EQU $004D ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr29Err EQU $004E ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr30Err EQU $004F ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr31Err EQU $0050 ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr32Err EQU $0051 ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr33Err EQU $0052 ; System Fail - memory manager error
memMgr34Err EQU $0053 ; System Fail - memory manager error
stupVolMntErr EQU $0100 ; System Fail - can't mount system startup volume
p1PrntModem EQU $0000
p1LineLnth EQU $0001
p1DelLine EQU $0002
p1AddLine EQU $0003
p1Echo EQU $0004
p1Buffer EQU $0005
p1Baud EQU $0006
p1DtStpBits EQU $0007
p1Parity EQU $0008
p1DCDHndShk EQU $0009
p1DSRHndShk EQU $000A
p1XnfHndShk EQU $000B
p2PrntModem EQU $000C
p2LineLnth EQU $000D
p2DelLine EQU $000E
p2AddLine EQU $000F
p2Echo EQU $0010
p2Buffer EQU $0011
p2Baud EQU $0012
p2DtStpBits EQU $0013
p2Parity EQU $0014
p2DCDHndShk EQU $0015
p2DSRHndShk EQU $0016
p2XnfHndShk EQU $0017
dspColMono EQU $0018
dsp40or80 EQU $0019
dspTxtColor EQU $001A
dspBckColor EQU $001B
dspBrdColor EQU $001C
hrtz50or60 EQU $001D
userVolume EQU $001E
bellVolume EQU $001F
sysSpeed EQU $0020
slt1intExt EQU $0021
slt2intExt EQU $0022
slt3intExt EQU $0023
slt4intExt EQU $0024
slt5intExt EQU $0025
slt6intExt EQU $0026
slt7intExt EQU $0027
startupSlt EQU $0028
txtDspLang EQU $0029
kybdLang EQU $002A
kyBdBuffer EQU $002B
kyBdRepSpd EQU $002C
kyBdRepDel EQU $002D
dblClkTime EQU $002E
flashRate EQU $002F
shftCpsLCas EQU $0030
fstSpDelKey EQU $0031
dualSpeed EQU $0032
hiMouseRes EQU $0033
dateFormat EQU $0034
clockFormat EQU $0035
rdMinRam EQU $0036
rdMaxRam EQU $0037
langCount EQU $0038
lang1 EQU $0039
lang2 EQU $003A
lang3 EQU $003B
lang4 EQU $003C
lang5 EQU $003D
lang6 EQU $003E
lang7 EQU $003F
lang8 EQU $0040
layoutCount EQU $0041
layout1 EQU $0042
layout2 EQU $0043
layout3 EQU $0044
layout4 EQU $0045
layout5 EQU $0046
layout6 EQU $0047
layout7 EQU $0048
layout8 EQU $0049
layout9 EQU $004A
layout10 EQU $004B
layout11 EQU $004C
layout12 EQU $004D
layout13 EQU $004E
layout14 EQU $004F
layout15 EQU $0050
layout16 EQU $0051
aTalkNodeNo EQU $0080
irqIntFlag EQU $0000
irqDataReg EQU $0001
irqSerial1 EQU $0002
irqSerial2 EQU $0003
irqAplTlkHi EQU $0004
tickCnt EQU $0005
irqVolume EQU $0006
irqActive EQU $0007
irqSndData EQU $0008
brkVar EQU $0009
evMgrData EQU $000A
mouseSlot EQU $000B
mouseClamps EQU $000C
absClamps EQU $000D
sccIntFlag EQU $000E
extVGCInt EQU $0001 ; Hardware Interrupt Status - Returned by GetIRQEnable
scanLineInt EQU $0002 ; Hardware Interrupt Status - Returned by GetIRQEnable
adbDataInt EQU $0004 ; Hardware Interrupt Status - Returned by GetIRQEnable
oneSecInt EQU $0010 ; Hardware Interrupt Status - Returned by GetIRQEnable
quartSecInt EQU $0020 ; Hardware Interrupt Status - Returned by GetIRQEnable
vbInt EQU $0040 ; Hardware Interrupt Status - Returned by GetIRQEnable
kbdInt EQU $0080 ; Hardware Interrupt Status - Returned by GetIRQEnable
kybdEnable EQU $0000 ; Interrupt Ref Number - Parameter to IntSource
kybdDisable EQU $0001 ; Interrupt Ref Number - Parameter to IntSource
vblEnable EQU $0002 ; Interrupt Ref Number - Parameter to IntSource
vblDisable EQU $0003 ; Interrupt Ref Number - Parameter to IntSource
qSecEnable EQU $0004 ; Interrupt Ref Number - Parameter to IntSource
qSecDisable EQU $0005 ; Interrupt Ref Number - Parameter to IntSource
oSecEnable EQU $0006 ; Interrupt Ref Number - Parameter to IntSource
oSecDisable EQU $0007 ; Interrupt Ref Number - Parameter to IntSource
adbEnable EQU $000A ; Interrupt Ref Number - Parameter to IntSource
adbDisable EQU $000B ; Interrupt Ref Number - Parameter to IntSource
scLnEnable EQU $000C ; Interrupt Ref Number - Parameter to IntSource
scLnDisable EQU $000D ; Interrupt Ref Number - Parameter to IntSource
exVCGEnable EQU $000E ; Interrupt Ref Number - Parameter to IntSource
exVCGDisable EQU $000F ; Interrupt Ref Number - Parameter to IntSource
mouseOff EQU $0000
transparent EQU $0001
transParnt EQU $0001 ; Mouse Mode Value - (old name)
moveIntrpt EQU $0003
bttnIntrpt EQU $0005
bttnOrMove EQU $0007
mouseOffVI EQU $0008
transParntVI EQU $0009 ; Mouse Mode Value - (old name)
transparentVI EQU $0009
moveIntrptVI EQU $000B
bttnIntrptVI EQU $000D
bttnOrMoveVI EQU $000F
toolLoc1 EQU $0000
toolLoc2 EQU $0001
usrTLoc1 EQU $0002
usrTLoc2 EQU $0003
intrptMgr EQU $0004
copMgr EQU $0005
abortMgr EQU $0006
_sysFailMgr EQU $0007
aTalkIntHnd EQU $0008
sccIntHnd EQU $0009
scLnIntHnd EQU $000A
sndIntHnd EQU $000B
vblIntHnd EQU $000C
mouseIntHnd EQU $000D
qSecIntHnd EQU $000E
kybdIntHnd EQU $000F
adbRBIHnd EQU $0010
adbSRQHnd EQU $0011
deskAccHnd EQU $0012
flshBufHnd EQU $0013
kybdMicHnd EQU $0014
oneSecHnd EQU $0015
extVCGHnd EQU $0016
otherIntHnd EQU $0017
crsrUpdtHnd EQU $0018
incBsyFlag EQU $0019
decBsyFlag EQU $001A
bellVector EQU $001B
breakVector EQU $001C
traceVector EQU $001D
stepVector EQU $001E
ctlYVector EQU $0028
proDOSVctr EQU $002A
osVector EQU $002B
msgPtrVctr EQU $002C
; offset constants for ClampRec
oyMaxClamp EQU 0
oyMinClamp EQU 2
oxMaxClamp EQU 4
oxMinClamp EQU 6
; offset constants for FWRec
oyRegExit EQU 0
oxRegExit EQU 2
oaRegExit EQU 4
ostatus EQU 6
; offset constants for MouseRec
omouseMode EQU 0
omouseStatus EQU 1
oyPos EQU 2
oxPos EQU 4
; offset constants for InterruptStateRec
oirq_A EQU 0
oirq_X EQU 2
oirq_Y EQU 4
oirq_S EQU 6
oirq_D EQU 8
oirq_P EQU 10
oirq_DB EQU 11
oirq_e EQU 12
oirq_K EQU 13
oirq_PC EQU 14
oirq_state EQU 16
oirq_shadow EQU 17
oirq_mslot EQU 19
; File: E16.NoteSeq
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
pitchBend EQU $0
tempo EQU $00000001
turnNotesOff EQU $00000002
jump EQU $00000003
setVibratoDepth EQU $00000004
programChange EQU $00000005
setRegister EQU $00000006
ifGo EQU $00000007
incRegister EQU $00000008
decRegister EQU $00000009
midiNoteOff EQU $0000000A
midiNoteOn EQU $0000000B
midiPolyKey EQU $0000000C
midiCtlChange EQU $0000000D
midiProgChange EQU $0000000E
midiChnlPress EQU $0000000F
midiPitchBend EQU $00000010
midiSelChnlMode EQU $00000011
midiSysExclusive EQU $00000012
midiSysCommon EQU $00000013
midiSysRealTime EQU $00000014
midiSetSysExl EQU $00000015
commandMask EQU $0000007F
volumeMask EQU $0000007F
chord EQU $00000080
val1Mask EQU $00007F00
toneMask EQU $00007F00
noteMask EQU $00008000
lByte EQU $00FF0000 ; Command - meaning depends on midi command
durationMask EQU $07FF0000
trackMask EQU $78000000
delayMask EQU $80000000
hByte EQU $FF000000
noRoomMidiErr EQU $1A00
noCommandErr EQU $1A01 ; error - can't understand the current SeqItem
noRoomErr EQU $1A02 ; error - sequence is more than twelve levels deep
startedErr EQU $1A03 ; error - Note Sequencer is already started
noNoteErr EQU $1A04 ; error - can't find the note to be turned off by the current SeqItem
noStartErr EQU $1A05 ; error - Note Sequencer not started yet
instBndsErr EQU $1A06 ; error - Instrument number out of Instrument boundary range
nsWrongVer EQU $1A07 ; error - incompatible versions of NoteSequencer and NoteSynthesizer
; offset constants for LocRec
ocurPhraseItem EQU 0
ocurPattItem EQU 2
ocurLevel EQU 4
; File: E16.NoteSyn
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
nsAlreadyInit EQU $1901 ; error - Note Syn already initialized
nsSndNotInit EQU $1902 ; error - Sound Tools not initialized
nsNotAvail EQU $1921 ; error - generator not available
nsBadGenNum EQU $1922 ; error - bad generator number
nsNotInit EQU $1923 ; error - Note Syn not initialized
nsGenAlreadyOn EQU $1924 ; error - generator already on
soundWrongVer EQU $1925 ; error - incompatible versions of Sound and NoteSyn
; offset constants for Envelope
ost1BkPt EQU 0
ost1Increment EQU 1
ost2BkPt EQU 3
ost2Increment EQU 4
ost3BkPt EQU 6
ost3Increment EQU 7
ost4BkPt EQU 9
ost4Increment EQU 10
ost5BkPt EQU 12
ost5Increment EQU 13
ost6BkPt EQU 15
ost6Increment EQU 16
ost7BkPt EQU 18
ost7Increment EQU 19
ost8BkPt EQU 21
ost8Increment EQU 22
; offset constants for WaveForm
owfTopKey EQU 0
owfWaveAddress EQU 1
owfWaveSize EQU 2
owfDocMode EQU 3
owfRelPitch EQU 4
; offset constants for Instrument
otheEnvelope EQU 0
oreleaseSegment EQU 24
opriorityIncrement EQU 25
opitchBendRange EQU 26
ovibratoDepth EQU 27
ovibratoSpeed EQU 28
oinSpare EQU 29
oaWaveCount EQU 30
obWaveCount EQU 31
oaWaveList EQU 32
obWaveList EQU 32
; File: E16.Print
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
pntrConFailed EQU $1308 ; error - connection to the printer failed
memFullErr EQU $FF80
ioAbort EQU $FFE5
prAbort EQU $0080
missingDriver EQU $1301 ; errors - specified driver not in system/drivers
portNotOn EQU $1302 ; errors - specified port not selected in ctl panel
noPrintRecord EQU $1303 ; errors - no print record was given
badLaserPrep EQU $1304 ; errors - laser prep in laser writer incompatible
badLPFile EQU $1305 ; errors - laser prep in system/drivers incompatible
papConnNotOpen EQU $1306 ; errors - cannot connect to laser writer
papReadWriteErr EQU $1307 ; errors - apple talk PAPRead or PAPWrite error
startUpAlreadyMade EQU $1321 ; errors - low level startup already made
invalidCtlVal EQU $1322 ; errors - invalid control value had been spec'd
reset EQU $0001 ; LLDControl - Printer control value - reset printer
formFeed EQU $0002 ; LLDControl - Printer control value - form feed
lineFeed EQU $0003 ; LLDControl - Printer control value - line feed
bothDrivers EQU $0 ; whichDriver - input to PMLoadDriver and PMUnloadDriver
printerDriver EQU $0001 ; whichDriver - input to PMLoadDriver and PMUnloadDriver
portDriver EQU $0002 ; whichDriver - input to PMLoadDriver and PMUnloadDriver
PrPortrait EQU $0000
prLandscape EQU $0001
prImageWriter EQU $0001
prImageWriterLQ EQU $0002
prLaserWriter EQU $0003
prEpson EQU $0004
prBlackWhite EQU $0001
prColor EQU $0002
bDraftLoop EQU $0000
bSpoolLoop EQU $0080
; offset constants for PrPrinterSpecRec
oprPrinterType EQU 0
oprCharacteristics EQU 2
; offset constants for PrInfoRec
oiDev EQU 0
oiVRes EQU 2
oiHRes EQU 4
orPage EQU 6
; offset constants for PrJobRec
oiFstPage EQU 0
oiLstPage EQU 2
oiCopies EQU 4
obJDocLoop EQU 6
ofFromUser EQU 7
opIdleProc EQU 8
opFileName EQU 12
oiFileVol EQU 16
obFileVers EQU 18
obJobX EQU 19
; offset constants for PrStyleRec
owDev EQU 0
ointernA EQU 2
ofeed EQU 8
opaperType EQU 10
ocrWidth EQU 12
oreduction EQU 14
ointernB EQU 16
; offset constants for PrRec
oprVersion EQU $0
oprInfo EQU $2
orPaper EQU $10
oprStl EQU $18
oprInfoPT EQU $2A
oprXInfo EQU $38
oprJob EQU $50
oprintX EQU $64
oiReserved EQU $8A
; offset constants for PrStatusRec
oiTotPages EQU 0
oiCurPage EQU 2
oiTotCopies EQU 4
oiCurCopy EQU 6
oiTotBands EQU 8
oiCurBand EQU 10
ofPgDirty EQU 12
ofImaging EQU 14
ohPrint EQU 16
opPrPort EQU 20
ohPic EQU 24
; File: E16.ProDOS
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
invalidCallNum EQU $0001 ; error - invalid call number
unclaimedIntErr EQU $01 ; error - fatal error - unclaimed interrupt
badPBlockPtr EQU $05 ; error - call pointer out of bounds
pdosActiveErr EQU $06 ; error - ProDOS is active
pdosBusyErr EQU $07 ; error - ProDOS is busy
vcbUnusable EQU $0A ; error - fatal error - VCB unusable
fcbUnusable EQU $0B ; error - fatal error - FCB unusable
badBlockZero EQU $0C ; error - fatal error - block zero allocated illegally
shdwInterruptErr EQU $0D ; error - fatal error - interrupt occured while I/O shadowing off
IF &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'DEVNOTFOUND')=0 AND &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'devnotfound')=0 THEN ; error - device not found
devNotFound EQU $10
badDevRefNum EQU $11 ; error - invalid device reference number
osVersionErr EQU $11 ; error - Wrong OS version
badReqCode EQU $20 ; error - invalid request code
intTableFull EQU $25 ; error - interrupt table full
invalidOperation EQU $26 ; error - invalid operation
ioError EQU $27 ; error - I/O error
noDevConnect EQU $28 ; error - no device connected
writeProtectErr EQU $2B ; error - write protect error
diskSwitchErr EQU $2E ; error - disk switched error
devOffLine EQU $002F ; error - device off line/ no media present
badPathname EQU $40 ; error - invalid pathname syntax
fcbFullErr EQU $42 ; error - FCB full error
badFileRefNum EQU $43 ; error - invalid file reference number
IF &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'PATHNOTFOUND')=0 AND &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'pathnotfound')=0 THEN ; error - path not found
pathNotFound EQU $44
volumeNotFound EQU $45 ; error - volume not found
IF &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'FILENOTFOUND')=0 AND &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'filenotfound')=0 THEN ; error - file not found
fileNotFound EQU $46
dupFileName EQU $47 ; error - duplicate file name
volumeFullErr EQU $48 ; error - volume full error
dirFullErr EQU $49 ; error - directory full error
versionErr EQU $4A ; error - version error (incompatible file format)
IF &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'BADSTORETYPE')=0 AND &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'badstoretype')=0 THEN ; error - unsupported (or incorrect) storage type
badStoreType EQU $4B
IF &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'EOFENCOUNTERED')=0 AND &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'eofencountered')=0 THEN ; error - end-of-file encountered
eofEncountered EQU $4C
positionRangeErr EQU $4D ; error - position out of range
accessErr EQU $4E ; error - access not allowed
fileOpenErr EQU $50 ; error - file is open
dirDamaged EQU $51 ; error - directory structure is damaged
badVolType EQU $52 ; error - unsupported volume type
IF &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'PARAMRANGEERR')=0 AND &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'paramrangeerr')=0 THEN ; error - parameter out of range
paramRangeErr EQU $53
memoryFullErr EQU $54 ; error - out of memory
vcbFullErr EQU $55 ; error - VCB full error
dupVolumeErr EQU $57 ; error - duplicate volume error
notBlkDevErr EQU $58 ; error - not a blocked device
IF &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'INVALIDLEVEL')=0 AND &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'invalidlevel')=0 THEN ; error - invalid level
invalidLevel EQU $59
blkNumRangeErr EQU $5A ; error - block number out of range
notSameVolErr EQU $5B ; error - different volumes found on ChangePath call
notExecSysFile EQU $5C ; error - not an executable system file
osUnavailable EQU $5D ; error - Operating System/file system not available
deallocateRamErr EQU $5E ; error - Cannot deallocate /RAM
IF &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'STACKOVERFLOW')=0 AND &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'stackoverflow')=0 THEN ; error - Return stack overflow
stackOverflow EQU $5F
dataUnavailable EQU $60 ; error - Data unavailable
endofDirectory EQU $0061
; offset constants for BlockRec
oblockDevNum EQU 0
oblockDataBuffer EQU 2
oblockNum EQU 6
; offset constants for DevNumRec
odevName EQU 0
odevNum EQU 4
; offset constants for DInfoRec
odidevNum EQU 0
odidevName EQU 2
; offset constants for DirEntryRec
oderefNum EQU 0
odereserved EQU 2
odebase EQU 4
odedisplacement EQU 6
odenameBuffer EQU 8
odeentryNum EQU 12
odefileType EQU 14
odeendOfFile EQU 16
odeblockCount EQU 20
odecreateTime EQU 24
odemodTime EQU 32
odeaccess EQU 40
odeauxType EQU 42
odefileSysID EQU 46
; offset constants for EOFRec
oeofRefNum EQU 0
oeofPosition EQU 2
; offset constants for FileIORec
ofileRefNum EQU 0
odataBuffer EQU 2
orequestCount EQU 6
otransferCount EQU 10
; offset constants for FileRec
ofrpathname EQU 0
ofrfAccess EQU 4
ofrfileType EQU 6
ofrauxType EQU 8
ofrstorageType EQU 12
ofrcreateDate EQU 14
ofrcreateTime EQU 16
ofrmodDate EQU 18
ofrmodTime EQU 20
ofrblocksUsed EQU 22
; offset constants for EraseDiskRec
;odevName EQU 0
ovolName EQU 4
ofileSysID EQU 8
; offset constants for InterruptRec
ointNum EQU 0
ointCode EQU 2
; offset constants for MarkRec
omarkRefNum EQU 0
oposition EQU 2
; offset constants for NewLineRec
onewLRefNum EQU 0
oenableMask EQU 2
onewlineChar EQU 4
; offset constants for OpenRec
oopenRefNum EQU 0
oopenPathname EQU 2
oioBuffer EQU 6
; offset constants for PathNameRec
;opathname EQU 0
onewPathname EQU 4
; offset constants for PrefixRec
oprefixNum EQU 0
oprefix EQU 2
; offset constants for QuitRec
oqrquitPathname EQU 0
oqrflags EQU 4
; offset constants for VolumeRec
ovrdeviceName EQU 0
ovrvolName EQU 4
ovrtotalBlocks EQU 8
ovrfreeBlocks EQU 12
ovrfileSysID EQU 16
; File: E16.QDAux
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
; offset constants for QDIconRecord
oqdiconType EQU 0
oqdiconSize EQU 2
oqdiconHeight EQU 4
oqdiconWidth EQU 6
oqdiconImage EQU 8
oqdiconMask EQU 9
; File: E16.Quickdraw
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
alreadyInitialized EQU $0401 ; error - Quickdraw already initialized
cannotReset EQU $0402 ; error - never used
notInitialized EQU $0403 ; error - Quickdraw not initialized
screenReserved EQU $0410 ; error - screen reserved
badRect EQU $0411 ; error - bad rectangle
notEqualChunkiness EQU $0420 ; error - Chunkiness is not equal
rgnAlreadyOpen EQU $0430 ; error - region is already open
rgnNotOpen EQU $0431 ; error - region is not open
rgnScanOverflow EQU $0432 ; error - region scan overflow
rgnFull EQU $0433 ; error - region is full
polyAlreadyOpen EQU $0440 ; error - poly is already open
polyNotOpen EQU $0441 ; error - poly is not open
polyTooBig EQU $0442 ; error - poly is too big
badTableNum EQU $0450 ; error - bad table number
badColorNum EQU $0451 ; error - bad color number
badScanLine EQU $0452 ; error - bad scan line
notImplemented EQU $04FF ; error - not implemented
tsNumber EQU $04
_colorTable EQU $0F ; AnSCBByte - Mask for SCB color table
scbReserved EQU $10 ; AnSCBByte - Mask for SCB reserved bit
scbFill EQU $20 ; AnSCBByte - Mask for SCB fill bit
scbInterrupt EQU $40 ; AnSCBByte - Mask for SCB interrupt bit
scbColorMode EQU $80 ; AnSCBByte - Mask for SCB color mode bit
table320 EQU $32 ; ColorData - (val=size)
table640 EQU $32 ; ColorData - (val=size)
blueMask EQU $000F ; ColorValue - Mask for Blue nibble
greenMask EQU $00F0 ; ColorValue - Mask for green nibble
redMask EQU $0F00 ; ColorValue - Mask for red nibble
widMaxSize EQU $0001
zeroSize EQU $0002
maskSize EQU $08 ; GrafPort - Mask Size (val=size)
locSize EQU $10 ; GrafPort - Loc Size (val=size)
patsize EQU $20 ; GrafPort - Pattern Size (val=size)
pnStateSize EQU $32 ; GrafPort - Pen State Size (Val=size)
portSize EQU $AA ; GrafPort - Size of GrafPort
black EQU $000 ; MasterColors - These work in 320 and 640 mode
blue EQU $00F ; MasterColors - These work in 320 and 640 mode
darkGreen320 EQU $080 ; MasterColors - These work in 320 mode
green320 EQU $0E0 ; MasterColors - These work in 320 mode
green640 EQU $0F0 ; MasterColors - These work in 640 mode
lightBlue320 EQU $4DF ; MasterColors - These work in 320 mode
purple320 EQU $72C ; MasterColors - These work in 320 mode
darkGray320 EQU $777 ; MasterColors - These work in 320 mode
periwinkleBlue320 EQU $78F ; MasterColors - These work in 320 mode
brown320 EQU $841 ; MasterColors - These work in 320 mode
lightGray320 EQU $0CCC ; MasterColors - These work in 320 mode
red320 EQU $0D00 ; MasterColors - These work in 320 mode
lilac320 EQU $0DAF ; MasterColors - These work in 320 mode
red640 EQU $0F00 ; MasterColors - These work in 640 mode
orange320 EQU $0F70 ; MasterColors - These work in 320 mode
flesh320 EQU $0FA9 ; MasterColors - These work in 320 mode
yellow EQU $0FF0 ; MasterColors - These work in 320 and 640 mode
white EQU $0FFF ; MasterColors - These work in 320 and 640 mode
modeCopy EQU $0000
modeOR EQU $0001
modeXOR EQU $0002
modeBIC EQU $0003
modeForeCopy EQU $0004
modeForeOR EQU $0005
modeForeXOR EQU $0006
modeForeBIC EQU $0007
modeNOT EQU $8000
notCopy EQU $8000
notOR EQU $8001
notXOR EQU $8002
notBIC EQU $8003
notForeCOPY EQU $8004
notForeOR EQU $8005
notForeXOR EQU $8006
notForeBIC EQU $8007
frameVerb EQU $00 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picNop EQU $00 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
drawCharVerb EQU $00 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
paintVerb EQU $01 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picClipRgn EQU $01 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
drawTextVerb EQU $01 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
eraseVerb EQU $02 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picBkPat EQU $02 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
drawCStrVerb EQU $02 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
invertVerb EQU $03 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picTxFont EQU $03 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
fillVerb EQU $04 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picTxFace EQU $04 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picTxMode EQU $05 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picSpExtra EQU $06 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picPnSize EQU $07 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picPnMode EQU $08 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picPnPat EQU $09 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picThePat EQU $0A ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picOvSize EQU $0B ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picOrigin EQU $0C ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picTxSize EQU $0D ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picFGColor EQU $0E ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picBGColor EQU $0F ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picTxRatio EQU $10 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picVersion EQU $11 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
lineNoun EQU $20 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picLine EQU $20 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picLineFrom EQU $21 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picShortL EQU $22 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picShortLFrom EQU $23 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picLongText EQU $28 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picDHText EQU $29 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picDVText EQU $2A ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picDVDHText EQU $2B ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
rectNoun EQU $30 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
rRectNoun EQU $40 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
ovalNoun EQU $50 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
arcNoun EQU $60 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
polyNoun EQU $70 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
rgnNoun EQU $80 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
mapNoun EQU $90 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picBitsRect EQU $90 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picBitsRgn EQU $91 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picPBitsRect EQU $98 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picPBitsRgn EQU $99 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picShortComment EQU $A0 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picLongComment EQU $A1 ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
picEnd EQU $FF ; PicInfo - PRIVATE - for reference only
mode320 EQU $0000 ; QDStartup - Argument to QDStartup
mode640 EQU $0080 ; QDStartup - Argument to QDStartup
flagUseShadowing EQU $8000 ; QDStartup - Argument to QDStartup
flagFastPortAware EQU $4000 ; QDStartup - Argument to QDStartup
boldMask EQU $0001 ; TextStyle - Mask for bold bit
italicMask EQU $0002 ; TextStyle - Mask for italic bit
underlineMask EQU $0004 ; TextStyle - Mask for underline bit
outlineMask EQU $0008 ; TextStyle - Mask for outline bit
shadowMask EQU $0010 ; TextStyle - Mask for shadow bit
; offset constants for Cursor
ocursorHeight EQU 0
ocursorWidth EQU 2
ocursorData EQU 4
ocursorMask EQU 6
ocursorHotSpot EQU 8
; offset constants for Region
orgnSize EQU 0
orgnBBox EQU 2
; offset constants for BufDimRec
omaxWidth EQU 0
otextBufHeight EQU 2
otextBufferWords EQU 4
ofontWidth EQU 6
; offset constants for Font
ooffseToMF EQU 0
ofamily EQU 2
ostyle EQU 4
osize EQU 6
oversion EQU 8
ofbrExtent EQU 10
; offset constants for FontGlobalsRecord
ofgFontID EQU 0
ofgStyle EQU 2
ofgSize EQU 4
ofgVersion EQU 6
ofgWidMax EQU 8
ofgFBRExtent EQU 10
; offset constants for FontID
ofamNum EQU 0
ofontStyle EQU 2
ofontSize EQU 3
; offset constants for FontInfoRecord
oascent EQU 0
odescent EQU 2
owidMax EQU 4
oleading EQU 6
; offset constants for LocInfo
oportSCB EQU 0
optrToPixImage EQU 2
owidth EQU 6
oboundsRect EQU 8
; offset constants for QDProcs
ostdText EQU 0
ostdLine EQU 4
ostdRect EQU 8
ostdRRect EQU 12
ostdOval EQU 16
ostdArc EQU 20
ostdPoly EQU 24
ostdRgn EQU 28
ostdPixels EQU 32
ostdComment EQU 36
ostdTxMeas EQU 40
ostdTxBnds EQU 44
ostdGetPic EQU 48
ostdPutPic EQU 52
; offset constants for GrafPort
oportInfo EQU 0
oportRect EQU 16
oclipRgn EQU 24
ovisRgn EQU 28
obkPat EQU 32
opnLoc EQU 64
opnSize EQU 68
opnMode EQU 72
opnPat EQU 74
opnMask EQU 106
opnVis EQU 114
ofontHandle EQU 116
ofontID EQU 120
ofontFlags EQU 124
otxSize EQU 126
otxFace EQU 128
otxMode EQU 130
ospExtra EQU 132
ochExtra EQU 136
ofgColor EQU 140
obgColor EQU 142
opicSave EQU 144
orgnSave EQU 148
opolySave EQU 152
ografProcs EQU 156
oarcRot EQU 160
ouserField EQU 162
osysField EQU 166
; offset constants for PaintParam
optrToSourceLocInfo EQU 0
optrToDestLocInfo EQU 4
optrToSourceRect EQU 8
optrToDestPoint EQU 12
omode EQU 16
omaskHandle EQU 18
; offset constants for PenState
opsPnSize EQU 0
opsPnMode EQU 4
opsPnPat EQU 6
opsPnMask EQU 38
; offset constants for RomFontRec
orfFamNum EQU 0
orfFamStyle EQU 2
orfSize EQU 4
orfFontHandle EQU 6
orfNamePtr EQU 10
orfFBRExtent EQU 14
; offset constants for ColorTable
oentries EQU 0
; File: E16.Resources
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
resLogOut EQU $0
resLogIn EQU $1
resLogApp EQU $0
resLogSys EQU $2
resForkUsed EQU $1E01 ; Error - Resource fork not empty
resBadFormat EQU $1E02 ; Error - Format of resource fork is unknown
resForkEmpty EQU $1E03 ; Error - Resource fork is empty
resNoCurFile EQU $1E04 ; Error - there are no current open resource files
resDupID EQU $1E05 ; Error - ID is already used
IF &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'RESNOTFOUND')=0 AND &FINDSYM(&SYSGLOBAL,'resnotfound')=0 THEN ; Error - resource was not found
resNotFound EQU $1E06
resFileNotFound EQU $1E07 ; Error - resource file not found
resBadAppID EQU $1E08 ; Error - User ID not found, please call ResourceStartup
resNoUniqueID EQU $1E09 ; Error - a unique ID was not found
resBadAttr EQU $1E0A ; Error - reseved bits in attributes word are not zero
resHashGone EQU $1E0B ; Error - the hash count table is no longer valid
resIndexRange EQU $1E0D ; Error - index is out of range
resNoCurApp EQU $1E0E ; Error - no current application, please call ResourceStartup
resChanged EQU $0020
resPreLoad EQU $0040
resProtected EQU $0080
resAbsLoad EQU $0400
resConverter EQU $0800
resMemAttr EQU $C3F1
systemMap EQU $0001
mapChanged EQU $0002
romMap EQU $0004
resNameOffset EQU $10000
resNameVersion EQU $0001
rIcon EQU $8001 ; Resources - resource type holding names
rPicture EQU $8002 ; Resources - resource type holding names
rControlList EQU $8003 ; Resources - resource type holding names
rControlTemplate EQU $8004 ; Resources - resource type holding names
rWindow EQU $8005 ; Resources - resource type holding names
rString EQU $8006 ; Resources - resource type holding names
rStringList EQU $8007 ; Resources - resource type holding names
rMenuBar EQU $8008 ; Resources - resource type holding names
rMenu EQU $8009 ; Resources - resource type holding names
rMenuItem EQU $800A ; Resources - resource type holding names
rTextForLETextBox2 EQU $800B ; Resources - resource type holding names
rCtlDefProc EQU $800C ; Resources - resource type holding names
rCtlColorTbl EQU $800D ; Resources - resource type holding names
rWindParam1 EQU $800E ; Resources - resource type holding names
rWindParam2 EQU $800F ; Resources - resource type holding names
rWindColor EQU $8010 ; Resources - resource type holding names
rResName EQU $8014 ; Resources - resource type holding names
; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1986-88
; All Rights Reserved
; These equates give assembly language access to 65816 SANE.
; Tool Set and Function Numbers.
SANEtsNum equ $A ; SANE tool set number
FPNum equ $9 ; Function number for Arithmetic
DecStrNum equ $A ; Function number for Scanner/Formatter
ElemNum equ $B ; Function no. for Elementary functions
; Operation code masks.
FOADD equ $00 ; add
FOSUB equ $02 ; subtract
FOMUL equ $04 ; multiply
FODIV equ $06 ; divide
FOCMP equ $08 ; compare, no exception from unordered
FOCPX equ $0A ; compare, signal invalid if unordered
FOREM equ $0C ; remainder
FOZ2X equ $0E ; convert to extended
FOX2Z equ $10 ; convert from extended
FOSQRT equ $12 ; square root
FORTI equ $14 ; round to integral value
FOTTI equ $16 ; truncate to integral value
FOSCALB equ $18 ; binary scale
FOLOGB equ $1A ; binary log
FOCLASS equ $1C ; classify
FONEXT equ $1E ; next-after
FOSETENV equ $01 ; set environment
FOGETENV equ $03 ; get environment
FOSETHV equ $05 ; set halt vector
FOGETHV equ $07 ; get halt vector
FOD2B equ $09 ; convert decimal to binary
FOB2D equ $0B ; convert binary to decimal
FONEG equ $0D ; negate
FOABS equ $0F ; absolute value
FOCPYSGN equ $11 ; copy sign
; UNDEFINED equ $13
FOSETXCP equ $15 ; set exception
FOPROCENTRY equ $17 ; procedure-entry
FOPROCEXIT equ $19 ; procedure-exit
FOTESTXCP equ $1B ; test exception
; Operand format masks.
FFEXT equ $000 ; extended -- 80-bit float
FFDBL equ $100 ; double -- 64-bit float
FFSGL equ $200 ; single -- 32-bit float
FFLNG equ $300 ; longint -- 32-bit integer
FFINT equ $400 ; integer -- 16-bit integer
FFCOMP equ $500 ; comp -- 64-bit integer
; UNDEFINED equ $600
; UNDEFINED equ $700
; Class and sign inquiries.
FCSNAN equ $FC ; -4: signaling NAN
FCQNAN equ $FD ; -3: quiet NAN
FCINF equ $FE ; -2: infinite
FCZERO equ $FF ; -1: zero
FCNORM equ $00 ; 0: normal
FCDENORM equ $01 ; 1: denormal
; Exceptions.
FBUFLOW equ $2
FBOFLOW equ $4
; Elementary function operation code masks.
FOLNX equ $00 ; base-e log
FOLOG2X equ $02 ; base-2 log
FOLN1X equ $04 ; ln (1 + x)
FOLOG21X equ $06 ; log2 (1 + x)
FOEXPX equ $08 ; base-e exponential
FOEXP2X equ $0A ; base-2 exponential
FOEXP1X equ $0C ; exp (x) - 1
FOEXP21X equ $0E ; exp2 (x) - 1
FOXPWRI equ $10 ; integer exponentiation
FOXPWRY equ $12 ; general exponentiation
FOCOMPOUND equ $14 ; compound
FOANNUITY equ $16 ; annuity
FOATANX equ $18 ; arctangent
FOSINX equ $1A ; sine
FOCOSX equ $1C ; cosine
FOTANX equ $1E ; tangent
FORANDX equ $20 ; random
; Scanner and formatter operation code masks.
FOPSTR2DEC equ 0 ; Pascal string to decimal record
FOCSTR2DEC equ 2 ; C string (char stream) to dec. record
FODEC2STR equ 1 ; decimal record to (Pascal) string
; NaN codes.
NANSQRT equ 1 ; Invalid square root such as sqrt(-1)
NANADD equ 2 ; Invalid addition such as +INF - +INF
NANDIV equ 4 ; Invalid division such as 0/0
NANMUL equ 8 ; Invalid multiply such as 0 * INF
NANREM equ 9 ; Invalid rem or mod such as x REM 0
NANASCBIN equ 17 ; Conversion of invalid ASCII string
NANCOMP equ 20 ; Comp NaN converted to floating
NANZERO equ 21 ; Attempt to create a NaN with zero code
NANTRIG equ 33 ; Invalid argument to trig routine
NANINVTRIG equ 34 ; Invalid arg to inverse trig routine
NANLOG equ 36 ; Invalid argument to log routine
NANPOWER equ 37 ; Invalid argument to x^i or x^y routine
NANFINAN equ 38 ; Invalid argument to financial function
; File: E16.Scheduler
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
; File: E16.Scrap
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
badScrapType EQU $1610 ; error - No scrap of this type.
textScrap EQU $0000
picScrap EQU $0001
; File: E16.Shell
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
; offset constants for GetLInfoPB
osfile EQU 0
odfile EQU 4
oparms EQU 8
olstring EQU 12
omerr EQU 16
omerrf EQU 17
olops EQU 18
okflag EQU 19
omflags EQU 20
opflags EQU 24
oorg EQU 28
; File: E16.Sound
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
noDOCFndErr EQU $0810 ; error - no DOC chip found
docAddrRngErr EQU $0811 ; error - DOC address range error
noSAppInitErr EQU $0812 ; error - no SAppInit call made
invalGenNumErr EQU $0813 ; error - invalid generator number
synthModeErr EQU $0814 ; error - synthesizer mode error
genBusyErr EQU $0815 ; error - generator busy error
mstrIRQNotAssgnErr EQU $0817 ; error - master IRQ not assigned
sndAlreadyStrtErr EQU $0818 ; error - sound tools already started
unclaimedSndIntErr EQU $08FF ; error - sound tools already started
ffSynthMode EQU $0001 ; channelGenMode - Free form synthesizer mode
noteSynthMode EQU $0002 ; channelGenMode - Note synthesizer mode.
gen0off EQU $0001 ; genMask - param to FFStopSound
gen1off EQU $0002 ; genMask - param to FFStopSound
gen2off EQU $0004 ; genMask - param to FFStopSound
gen3off EQU $0008 ; genMask - param to FFStopSound
gen4off EQU $0010 ; genMask - param to FFStopSound
gen5off EQU $0020 ; genMask - param to FFStopSound
gen6off EQU $0040 ; genMask - param to FFStopSound
gen7off EQU $0080 ; genMask - param to FFStopSound
gen8off EQU $0100 ; genMask - param to FFStopSound
gen9off EQU $0200 ; genMask - param to FFStopSound
gen10off EQU $0400 ; genMask - param to FFStopSound
gen11off EQU $0800 ; genMask - param to FFStopSound
gen12off EQU $1000 ; genMask - param to FFStopSound
gen13off EQU $2000 ; genMask - param to FFStopSound
gen14off EQU $4000 ; genMask - param to FFStopSound
genAvail EQU $0000 ; genStatus - Generator available status
ffSynth EQU $0100 ; genStatus - Free Form Synthesizer status
noteSynth EQU $0200 ; genStatus - Note Synthesizer status
lastBlock EQU $8000 ; genStatus - Last block of wave
smReadRegister EQU $00 ; Jump Table Offset - Read Register routine
smWriteRegister EQU $04 ; Jump Table Offset - Write Register routine
smReadRam EQU $08 ; Jump Table Offset - Read Ram routine
smWriteRam EQU $0C ; Jump Table Offset - Write Ram routine
smReadNext EQU $10 ; Jump Table Offset - Read Next routine
smWriteNext EQU $14 ; Jump Table Offset - Write Next routine
smOscTable EQU $18 ; Jump Table Offset - Pointer to Oscillator table
smGenTable EQU $1C ; Jump Table Offset - Pointer to generator table
smGcbAddrTable EQU $20 ; Jump Table Offset - Pointer to GCB address table
smDisableInc EQU $24 ; Jump Table Offset - Disable Increment routine
; offset constants for SoundParamBlock
owaveStart EQU 0
owaveSize EQU 4
ofreqOffset EQU 6
odocBuffer EQU 8
obufferSize EQU 10
onextWavePtr EQU 12
ovolSetting EQU 16
; offset constants for DocRegParamBlk
ooscGenType EQU 0
ofreqLow1 EQU 2
ofreqHigh1 EQU 3
ovol1 EQU 4
otablePtr1 EQU 5
ocontrol1 EQU 6
otableSize1 EQU 7
ofreqLow2 EQU 8
ofreqHigh2 EQU 9
ovol2 EQU 10
otablePtr2 EQU 11
ocontrol2 EQU 12
otableSize2 EQU 13
; File: E16.StdFile
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
noDisplay EQU $0000 ; filterProc result - file not to be displayed
noSelect EQU $0001 ; filterProc result - file displayed, but not selectable
displaySelect EQU $0002 ; filterProc result - file displayed and selectable
sfMatchFileType EQU $8000
sfMatchAuxType EQU $4000
sfDisplayGrey EQU $2000
; offset constants for SFReplyRec
ogood EQU 0
ofileType EQU 2
oauxFileType EQU 4
ofilename EQU 6
ofullPathname EQU 22
;offset constants for SFReplyRec2
;ogood EQU 0
;ofileType EQU 2
oauxType EQU 4
onameDesc EQU 8
onameRef EQU 10
opathDesc EQU 14
opathRef EQU 16
; File: E16.TextEdit
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
teAlreadyStarted EQU $2201
teNotStarted EQU $2202
teInvalidHandle EQU $2203
teInvalidVerb EQU $2204
teInvalidFlag EQU $2205
teInvalidPCount EQU $2206
teInvalidRect EQU $2207
teBufferOverflow EQU $2208
teInvalidLine EQU $2209
teInvalidCall EQU $220A
NullVerb EQU $0
PStringVerb EQU $0001
CStringVerb EQU $0002
C1InputVerb EQU $0003
C1OutputVerb EQU $0004
HandleVerb EQU $0005
PointerVerb EQU $0006
NewPStringVerb EQU $0007
fEqualLineSpacing EQU $8000
fShowInvisibles EQU $4000
teInvalidDescriptor EQU $2204
teInvalidParameter EQU $220B
teInvalidTextBox2 EQU $220C
teEqualLineSpacing EQU $8000
teShowInvisibles EQU $4000
teJustLeft EQU $0
teJustRight EQU $1
teJustCenter EQU $2
teJustFull EQU $3
teNoTabs EQU $0
teColumnTabs EQU $1
teAbsoluteTabs EQU $2
teLeftTab EQU $0
teCenterTab EQU $1
teRightTab EQU $2
teDecimalTab EQU $3
teInvis EQU $4000
teCtlColorIsPtr EQU $0000
teCtlColorIsHandle EQU $0004
teCtlColorIsResource EQU $0008
teCtlStyleIsPtr EQU $0000
teCtlStyleIsHandle EQU $0001
teCtlStyleIsResource EQU $0002
teNotControl EQU $80000000
teSingleFormat EQU $40000000
teSingleStyle EQU $20000000
teNoWordWrap EQU $10000000
teNoScroll EQU $08000000
teReadOnly EQU $04000000
teSmartCutPaste EQU $02000000
teTabSwitch EQU $01000000
teDrawBounds EQU $00800000
teColorHilite EQU $00400000
teRefIsPtr EQU $0000
teRefIsHandle EQU $0001
teRefIsResource EQU $0002
teRefIsNewHandle EQU $0003
teDataIsPString EQU $0000
teDataIsCString EQU $0001
teDataIsC1Input EQU $0002
teDataIsC1Output EQU $0003
teDataIsTextBox2 EQU $0004
teDataIsTextBlock EQU $0005
teTextIsPtr EQU $0000
teTextIsHandle EQU $0008
teTextIsResource EQU $0010
teTextIsNewHandle EQU $0018
tePartialLines EQU $8000
teDontDraw EQU $4000
teUseFont EQU $0020
teUseSize EQU $0010
teUseForeColor EQU $0008
teUseBackColor EQU $0004
teUseUserData EQU $0002
teUseAttributes EQU $0001
teReplaceFont EQU $0040
teReplaceSize EQU $0020
teReplaceForeColor EQU $0010
teReplaceBackColor EQU $0008
teReplaceUserField EQU $0004
teReplaceAttributes EQU $0002
teSwitchAttributes EQU $0001
teEraseRect EQU $0001
teEraseBuffer EQU $0002
teRectChanged EQU $0003
TEParamBlock RECORD 0 ; TextEdit
pCount DS.B 2 ; word -
controlID DS.B 4 ; long -
boundsRect DS Rect ; Rect -
procRef DS.B 4 ; long -
flags DS.B 2 ; word -
moreflags DS.B 2 ; word -
refCon DS.B 4 ; long -
textFlags DS.B 4 ; long -
indentRect DS Rect ; Rect -
vertBar DS.B 4 ; CtlRecHndl -
vertScroll DS.B 2 ; word -
horzBar DS.B 4 ; CtlRecHndl -
horzScroll DS.B 2 ; word -
styleRef DS.B 4 ; TEStyleRef -
textDescriptor DS.B 2 ; Word -
textRef DS.B 4 ; TETextRef -
textLength DS.B 4 ; long -
maxChars DS.B 4 ; long -
maxLines DS.B 4 ; long -
maxHeight DS.B 2 ; word -
pageHeight DS.B 2 ; word -
headerHeight DS.B 2 ; word -
footerHeight DS.B 2 ; word -
pageBoundary DS.B 2 ; word -
colorRef DS.B 4 ; long -
drawMode DS.B 2 ; word -
filterProcPtr DS.B 4 ; ProcPtr -
; File: E16.TextTool
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
badDevType EQU $0C01 ; error - not implemented
badDevNum EQU $0C02 ; error - Illegal device number.
badMode EQU $0C03 ; error - Bad mode: illegal operation.
unDefHW EQU $0C04 ; error - Undefined hardware error
lostDev EQU $0C05 ; error - Lost device: Device no longer on line
lostFile EQU $0C06 ; error - File no longer in diskette directory
badTitle EQU $0C07 ; error - Illegal Filename
textNoRoom EQU $0C08 ; error - Insufficient space on specified diskette
noDevice EQU $0C09 ; error - Volume not online
noFile EQU $0C0A ; error - File not in specifiled directory
dupFile EQU $0C0B ; error - Filename already exists
notClosed EQU $0C0C ; error - Attempt to open an open file
notOpen EQU $0C0D ; error - Attempt to close closed file
textBadFormat EQU $0C0E ; error - error reading real or integer
ringBuffOFlo EQU $0C0F ; error - Chars arriving too fast
writeProtected EQU $0C10
devErr EQU $0C40 ; error - Read or Write failed
input EQU $0000
output EQU $0001
errorOutput EQU $0002
basicType EQU $0000
pascalType EQU $0001
ramBased EQU $0002
textNoEcho EQU $0000
textEcho EQU $0001
; File: E16.Types
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
refIsPointer EQU $0000
refIsHandle EQU $0001
refIsResource EQU $0002
refIsNewHandle EQU $0003
; offset constants for Point
ov EQU 0
oh EQU 2
; offset constants for Rect
ov1 EQU 0
oh1 EQU 2
ov2 EQU 4
oh2 EQU 6
; offset constants for TimeRec
osecond EQU 0
ominute EQU 1
ohour EQU 2
oyear EQU 3
oday EQU 4
omonth EQU 5
oextra EQU 6
oweekDay EQU 7
; File: E16.Video
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
vdVideoOverlay EQU $01
vdFrameGrabber EQU $02
vdInVStandards EQU $03
vdOutVStandards EQU $04
vdKeyDissLevels EQU $05
vdNKeyDissLevels EQU $06
vdAdjSideEffect EQU $07
vdKeyColorBits EQU $08
vdInHueAdj EQU $09
vdInSatAdj EQU $0A
vdInContrastAdj EQU $0B
vdInBrightAdj EQU $0C
vdOutSetup EQU $0D
vdOutChromaFilter EQU $0E
vdOutExtBlank EQU $0F
vdKeyEnhDiss EQU $10
vdLineInterrupt EQU $11
vdGGBus EQU $12
vdDualOut EQU $13
vdTextMonoOver EQU $14
vdGenlock EQU $32
vdVideoDetect EQU $33
vdGenlocked EQU $34
vdAdjInc EQU $50
vdAdjDec EQU $51
vdAdjSave EQU $52
vdAvail EQU $01
vdNotAvail EQU $00
vdYes EQU $01
vdNo EQU $00
vdOn EQU $01
vdOff EQU $00
vdKColorEnable EQU $64
vdVerticalBlank EQU $82
vdMainPageLin EQU $C8
vdRAMPageSel EQU $C9
vdVBLInterrupt EQU $CA
vdInterlaceMode EQU $CB
vdClearVBLInt EQU $CC
vdClearLineInt EQU $CD
vdDisplayField EQU $CE
vdVBLIntRequest EQU $CF
vdLineIntRequest EQU $D0
vdNone EQU $00
vdNTSC EQU $01
vdPAL EQU $02
vdSPAL EQU $10
vdRGB60 EQU $40
vdRGB50 EQU $80
vdAux EQU $00
vdMain EQU $10
vdInterlace EQU $30
vdField1 EQU $01
vdField0 EQU $00
vdEnable EQU $01
vdDisable EQU $00
vdExternal EQU $00
vdGraphics EQU $01
vdVBlank EQU $01
vdActiveVideo EQU $00
vdNoVideoDevice EQU $2110 ; Error - no video device was found
vdAlreadyStarted EQU $2111 ; Error - Video tool set already started
vdInvalidSelector EQU $2112 ; Error - an invalid selector was specified
vdInvalidParam EQU $2113 ; Error - an invalid parameter was specified
vdUnImplemented EQU $21FF ; Error - an unimplemented tool set routine was called
; File: E16.Window
; Copyright Apple computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
paramLenErr EQU $0E01 ; error - first word of parameter list is the wrong size
allocateErr EQU $0E02 ; error - unable to allocate window record
taskMaskErr EQU $0E03 ; error - bits 12-15 are not clear in WmTaskMask field of EventRecord
wNoConstraint EQU $0000 ; Axis parameter - No constraint on movement.
wHAxisOnly EQU $0001 ; Axis parameter - Horizontal axis only.
wVAxisOnly EQU $0002 ; Axis parameter - Vertical axis only.
FromDesk EQU $00 ; Desktop Command - Subtract region from desktop
ToDesk EQU $1 ; Desktop Command - Add region to desktop
GetDesktop EQU $2 ; Desktop Command - Get Handle of Desktop region
SetDesktop EQU $3 ; Desktop Command - Set Handle of Desktop region
GetDeskPat EQU $4 ; Desktop command - Address of pattern or drawing routine
SetDeskPat EQU $5 ; Desktop command - Change Address of pattern or drawing routine
GetVisDesktop EQU $6 ; Desktop command - Get destop region less visible windows.
BackGroundRgn EQU $7 ; Desktop command - For drawing directly on desktop.
toBottom EQU $FFFFFFFE ; SendBehind value - To send window to bottom.
topMost EQU $FFFFFFFF ; SendBehind value - To make window top.
bottomMost EQU $0000 ; SendBehind value - To make window bottom.
tmMenuKey EQU $0001
tmUpdate EQU $0002
tmFindW EQU $0004
tmMenuSel EQU $0008
tmOpenNDA EQU $0010
tmSysClick EQU $0020
tmDragW EQU $0040
tmContent EQU $0080
tmClose EQU $0100
tmZoom EQU $0200
tmGrow EQU $0400
tmScroll EQU $0800
tmSpecial EQU $1000
tmCRedraw EQU $2000
tmInactive EQU $4000
tmInfo EQU $8000
wNoHit EQU $0000 ; TaskMaster codes - retained for back compatibility.
inNull EQU $0000 ; TaskMaster codes - retained for back compatibility
inKey EQU $0003 ; TaskMaster codes - retained for back compatibility
inButtDwn EQU $0001 ; TaskMaster codes - retained for back compatibility
inUpdate EQU $0006 ; TaskMaster codes - retained for back compatibility
wInDesk EQU $0010 ; TaskMaster codes - On Desktop
wInMenuBar EQU $0011 ; TaskMaster codes - On system menu bar
wClickCalled EQU $0012 ; TaskMaster codes - system click called
wInContent EQU $0013 ; TaskMaster codes - In content region
wInDrag EQU $0014 ; TaskMaster codes - In drag region
wInGrow EQU $0015 ; TaskMaster codes - In grow region, active window only
wInGoAway EQU $0016 ; TaskMaster codes - In go-away region, active window only
wInZoom EQU $0017 ; TaskMaster codes - In zoom region, active window only
wInInfo EQU $0018 ; TaskMaster codes - In information bar
wInSpecial EQU $0019 ; TaskMaster codes - Item ID selected was 250 - 255
wInDeskItem EQU $001A ; TaskMaster codes - Item ID selected was 1 - 249
wInFrame EQU $1B ; TaskMaster codes - in Frame, but not on anything else
wInactMenu EQU $1C ; TaskMaster codes - "selection" of inactive menu item
wClosedNDA EQU $001D ; TaskMaster codes - desk accessory closed
wCalledSysEdit EQU $001E ; TaskMaster codes - inactive menu item selected
wInSysWindow EQU $8000 ; TaskMaster codes - hi bit set for system windows
wDraw EQU $00 ; VarCode - Draw window frame command.
wHit EQU $01 ; VarCode - Hit test command.
wCalcRgns EQU $02 ; VarCode - Compute regions command.
wNew EQU $03 ; VarCode - Initialization command.
wDispose EQU $04 ; VarCode - Dispose command.
fHilited EQU $0001 ; WFrame - Window is highlighted.
fZoomed EQU $0002 ; WFrame - Window is zoomed.
fAllocated EQU $0004 ; WFrame - Window record was allocated.
fCtlTie EQU $0008 ; WFrame - Window state tied to controls.
fInfo EQU $0010 ; WFrame - Window has an information bar.
fVis EQU $0020 ; WFrame - Window is visible.
fQContent EQU $0040
fMove EQU $0080 ; WFrame - Window is movable.
fZoom EQU $0100 ; WFrame - Window is zoomable.
fFlex EQU $0200
fGrow EQU $0400 ; WFrame - Window has grow box.
fBScroll EQU $0800 ; WFrame - Window has horizontal scroll bar.
fRScroll EQU $1000 ; WFrame - Window has vertical scroll bar.
fAlert EQU $2000
fClose EQU $4000 ; WFrame - Window has a close box.
fTitle EQU $8000 ; WFrame - Window has a title bar.
windSize EQU $145 ; WindRec - Size of WindRec.
wmTaskRecSize EQU $0046 ; WmTaskRec - Size of WmTaskRec.
wTrackZoom EQU $001F
wHitFrame EQU $0020
wInControl EQU $0021
; offset constants for WindColor
oframeColor EQU 0
otitleColor EQU 2
otBarColor EQU 4
ogrowColor EQU 6
oinfoColor EQU 8
; offset constants for WindRec
oport EQU 0
owDefProc EQU 170
owrRefCon EQU 174
owContDraw EQU 178
owReserved EQU 182
owStrucRgn EQU 186
owContRgn EQU 190
owUpdateRgn EQU 194
owControls EQU 198
owFrameCtrls EQU 202
owFrame EQU 206
; offset constants for WindowChain
owNext EQU 0
otheWindow EQU 4
; offset constants for ParamList
oparamLength EQU 0
owFrameBits EQU 2
owTitle EQU 4
owRefCon EQU 8
owZoom EQU 12
owColor EQU 20
owYOrigin EQU 24
owXOrigin EQU 26
owDataH EQU 28
owDataW EQU 30
owMaxH EQU 32
owMaxW EQU 34
owScrollVer EQU 36
owScrollHor EQU 38
owPageVer EQU 40
owPageHor EQU 42
owInfoRefCon EQU 44
owInfoHeight EQU 48
owFrameDefProc EQU 50
owInfoDefProc EQU 54
owContDefProc EQU 58
owPosition EQU 62
owPlane EQU 70
owStorage EQU 74
; offset constants for DeskMessageRecord
odmreserved EQU 0
odmmessageType EQU 4
odmdrawType EQU 6