2023-03-04 03:45:20 +01:00

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5.0 KiB
Executable File

# Spell.make - Makefile for Spell
# Copyright © 1989, Claris Corporation.
# This is a sub-makefile, called recursively when ::AppleWorks.make is
# executed.
# All modules (including Driver, Scrap, Pict., SS, DB, etc.)
# should have similar makefiles in their respective folders.
# This makefile rebuilds the module object files as necessary and creates a
# file containing the necessary steps to link this module with the rest of
# AppleWorksGS. ::AppleWorks.make combines the link files from the modules
# into a script which it executes to create an executable.
# Variables
AsmIIGSOptions =
CIIGSOptions =
Segment2 = SP
Segment3 = TH
Segment4 = SPTH
Module = Spell
ModuleDir = {AWGS}{Module}:
SrcDir = {ModuleDir}Src:
IncDir = {ModuleDir}Inc:
ObjDir = {ModuleDir}Obj:
CLib = {AWGS}CLib:CLib
Linkfile = {ModuleDir}{Module}.link
Makefile = {ModuleDir}{Module}.make
GlobalIncludes =
GlobalMacros = {AWGS}Macros:Macros.dump
All_Objs = {Objs1} {Objs2} {Objs3} {Objs4}
Other_Objs = {Objs5}
DemoObjs = {ObjDir}spdemo.o
Objs = {Objs1} {Objs2} {Objs3} {Objs4}
Objs1 = {ObjDir}engphon.o ¶
Objs2 = {ObjDir}sp.o ¶
{ObjDir}spdlg.o ¶
{ObjDir}udedit.o ¶
{ObjDir}chartype.o ¶
{ObjDir}correct.o ¶
{ObjDir}corrphon.o ¶
{ObjDir}corrsubr.o ¶
{ObjDir}clx.o ¶
{ObjDir}lex.o ¶
{ObjDir}isword.o ¶
{ObjDir}spath.o ¶
{ObjDir}sCLib.o ¶
Objs3 = {ObjDir}thdlg.o ¶
{ObjDir}th.o ¶
{ObjDir}thes.o ¶
{ObjDir}thesutil.o ¶
{ObjDir}unflect.o ¶
{ObjDir}inflect.o ¶
{ObjDir}unfexc.o ¶
{ObjDir}dispunf.o ¶
{ObjDir}tlex.o ¶
Objs4 = {ObjDir}memory.o ¶
{ObjDir}zalloc.o ¶
{ObjDir}strdiff.o ¶
{ObjDir}move.o ¶
{ObjDir}strecpy.o ¶
{ObjDir}phon.o ¶
{ObjDir}proxzero.o ¶
{ObjDir}proxio.o ¶
Objs5 = {ObjDir}spint.o ¶
{ObjDir}cortheta.o ¶
{ObjDir}corasm.o ¶
{ObjDir}clxasm.o ¶
{ObjDir}lexasm.o ¶
{ObjDir}thint.o ¶
SP_H = {ObjDir}clam.o ¶
{ObjDir}clx.o ¶
{ObjDir}lex.o ¶
{ObjDir}memory.o ¶
{ObjDir}sp.o ¶
{ObjDir}spdemo.o ¶
{ObjDir}spdlg.o ¶
TH_H = {ObjDir}th.o ¶
{ObjDir}thdlg.o ¶
{ObjDir}thes.o ¶
{ObjDir}tlex.o ¶
ARRAYS = `suffixlist (@~arrays) {ALL_OBJS} {CLib}`
GLOBALS = `suffixlist (@~globals) {ALL_OBJS} {CLib}`
Objs1_main = `suffixlist (@main) {Objs1}`
Objs2_main = `suffixlist (@main) {Objs2}`
Objs3_main = `suffixlist (@main) {Objs3}`
Objs4_main = `suffixlist (@main) {Objs4}`
Demo_main = `suffixlist (@main) {DemoObjs}`
Demo_arrays = `suffixlist (@~arrays) {DemoObjs}`
Demo_globals = `suffixlist (@~globals) {DemoObjs}`
BobList = {AWGS}Driver:Obj:BL.Å
# Main target
{Linkfile} ÄÄ {Objs} {Makefile} {other_objs} {CLib}
@if "`newer {Makefile} {LinkFile}`";
@echo "# Creating {LinkFile} ¶É"
@echo " -lib {CLib} ¶¶" > {Targ}
@echo " -lseg {Segment1} {Objs1_main} ¶¶" >> {Targ}
@echo " {Objs5} ¶¶" >> {Targ}
@echo " {Arrays} ¶¶" >> {Targ}
@echo " {Globals} ¶¶" >> {Targ}
@echo " -lseg:dynamic {Segment2} {Objs2_main} ¶¶" >> {Targ}
@echo " -lseg:dynamic {Segment3} {Objs3_main} ¶¶" >> {Targ}
@echo " -lseg:dynamic {Segment4} {Objs4_main} ¶¶" >> {Targ}
@echo " {CLib}(@main) ¶¶" >> {Targ}
@touch {linkfile}
spdemo ÄÄ {ALL_OBJS} {OTHER_OBJS} {DemoObjs} {CLib} spell.make
@linkiigs -apw -o spdemo
@ -lib {CLib}
@ -lseg main {ciigslibrary}start.obj {Demo_main}
@ -lseg {Segment1} {Objs1_main}
@ {Objs5}
@ {Demo_arrays}
@ {Demo_globals}
@ {BobList}
@ -lseg:dynamic {Segment2} {Objs2_main} ¶
@ -lseg:dynamic {Segment3} {Objs3_main}
@ -lseg:dynamic {Segment4} {Objs4_main}
@ {CLib}(@main)
@ -t 'B5 ' -s > list
duplicateiigs -mac -y spdemo :
{CLib} Ä
@!build {BuildFlags} -f {AWGS}CLib:CLib.make {AWGS}CLib:CLib
# Global Spell dependencies
clean Ä
@confirm "Delete {Module} objs and linkfile?"
@if {status} == 0 then
@set oldexit {exit}
@unset exit
delete {Linkfile} {Objs}
delete {objdir}Å.root {objdir}Å.a
@set exit {oldexit}
# Default rules
{ObjDir} Ä {SrcDir}
{SP_H} Ä {IncDir}sp.h
{TH_H} Ä {IncDir}th.h
Ä {IncDir}driver.h
{OBJS5} Ä {GlobalMacros}
.o Ä .c
CIIGS {CIIGSOptions} -i {IncDir} {DepDir}{Default}.c -o {TargDir}{Default}.o
.o Ä .s
AsmIIGS {DepDir}{Default}.s -o {TargDir}{Default}.o -i {IncDir},{AWGS}Macros {AsmIIGSOptions}