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Antoine Vignau de8cad5750 Ading 4play
How to detect & use the 4play peripheral card
2022-10-29 21:20:41 +02:00

350 lines
13 KiB

* Alex Lukazi's 4play routines
* http://lukazi.blogspot.com/
* (c) 2016, Brutal Deluxe Software
* http://www.brutaldeluxe.fr/
* Use them at your own risk ;-)
mx %11
org $1000
lst off
*---------- Entry point
jmp FPInitAll ; Clear tables and variables
jmp FPFindAll ; Find all 4play cards
jmp FPFindIt ; Return 1st 4play card found (if any)
jmp FPLoopIt ; ...and you can continue looping
jmp FPReadDigital ; Read the joystick the new way
jmp FPSetAnalogClampValues ; Set the values for the old way
jmp FPReadAnalog ; Read the joystick the old way
jmp FPReadTrigger ; Read buttons
jmp FPReadTrigger1 ; Read buttons
jmp FPReadTrigger2 ; Read buttons
jmp FPReadTrigger3 ; Read buttons
jmp FPSetSlot ; Force 4play slot for...
jmp FPDirectRead ; ...a direct read of a joystick
*---------- Information
asc 8d
asc "6502 4play routines v1.0"8d
asc "(c) 2016, Brutal Deluxe Software"
asc 8d
*---------- Equates
*--- Mask bits
fpUP = %00000001 ; active high
fpDOWN = %00000010 ; active high
fpLEFT = %00000100 ; active high
fpRIGHT = %00001000 ; active high
fpNOTUSED = %00010000
fpTRIGGER3 = %00100000 ; active low
fpTRIGGER2 = %01000000 ; active high
fpTRIGGER1 = %10000000 ; active high
maskBIT0 = %11111110 ; #$FE masks bit 0
maskBIT1 = %11111101 ; #$FD masks bit 1
maskBIT2 = %11111011 ; #$FB masks bit 2
maskBIT3 = %11110111 ; #$F7 masks bit 3
maskBIT4 = %11101111 ; #$EF masks bit 4
maskBIT5 = %11011111 ; #$DF masks bit 5
maskBIT6 = %10111111 ; #$BF masks bit 6
maskBIT7 = %01111111 ; #$7F masks bit 7
*--- Values
fpDFTVALUE = $20 ; dft value for Rev. B
*--- Softswitches
KBD = $c000 ; the first softswitch
swSLOT0 = $80 ; as in $C080...
swSLOT7 = $F0 ; as in $C0F0...
swSLOT8 = $00 ; as in $C100... ahem...
*--- Zero page
dpF0 = $F0 ; For indirect access to a card
; $F2 for slot 1
; $FE for slot 7
*---------- Tables
curINDEX ds 1
fpTABLE ds 7 ; We can have up to 7 cards
fpTABLE2 ds 7 ; One entry per slot
*--- This table serves in digital to analog read
fpCLAMPTBL dfb $80 ; no movement
dfb $00 ; min up or left
dfb $ff ; max down or right
dfb $80 ; no movement
* FPInitAll
* Do what is necessary
* to clear all data
FPInitAll = *
ldx #fpTABLE2-fpTABLE
lda #0
sta curINDEX ; reset index
]lp sta fpTABLE,x ; and the
sta fpTABLE2,x ; two tables
sta |dpF0,x ; beware on the IIgs
sta |dpF0+1,x ; beware on the IIgs
bpl ]lp
* FPFindAll
* Find all the 4play cards
* in your Apple II computer
* by looking through the slots
* On exit:
* A: number of cards found
* Carry clear: we have 1+ card(s)
* set: no card found
FPFindAll = *
jsr FPFindIt ; try to find a 4play card
bcc FPLoopAll ; we have found one
lda curINDEX ; it is normally zero
rts ; no card found tell it
FPLoopAll ldy curINDEX ; when one found
sta fpTABLE,y ; save its slot
inc curINDEX
pha ; slot becomes index
asl ; 1=>2, 2=>4
tay ; the index
txa ; slot*16
sta |dpF0,y ; is stored in DP
lda #>KBD ; and the high value
sta |dpF0+1,y ; also
pla ; restore slot
tay ; slot becomes index
dey ; minus 1 (because table is 7b)
txa ; slot*16 in A
sta fpTABLE2,y ; save slot*16 in fpTABLE2,A
jsr FPLoopIt ; loop again (X is preserved)
bcc FPLoopAll ; another one found
lda curINDEX ; tell the number of cards found
clc ; tell we've found one at least
* FPFindIt
* Loop through the softswitches
* $C0s0..$C0s3 for 4 consecutive
* default value (see above)
* On exit:
* A: slot
* X: slot*16
* Carry clear: card found
* set: card not found
FPFindIt = *
ldx #swSLOT8
FPLoopIt = * ; Search for the default value
txa ; previous slot
sbc #$10
cpx #swSLOT0 ; until slot 0
bne FPLoopIt1 ; see if there is a card
sec ; no 4play card
FPLoopIt1 lda KBD,x ; $C0s0
bne FPLoopIt
lda KBD+1,x ; $C0s1
bne FPLoopIt
lda KBD+2,x ; $C0s2
bne FPLoopIt
lda KBD+3,x ; $C0s3
bne FPLoopIt ; card not found
txa ; 4play card found
and #maskBIT7 ; mask bit 7 (= -#$80)
lsr ; X= slot*16
clc ; A= slot
rts ; done
* FPSetSlot
* Set the slot of the 4play card
* to allow the FPDirectRead to
* read joystick values rapidly
* On entry:
* X: slot (1..7) of the 4play card
FPSetSlot = *
lda fpTABLE2-1,x ; coz slot 1 is offset 0
beq FPSetSlot1 ; no card, exit
sta FPDRPatch+1
clc ; with success
FPSetSlot1 sec ; with error
* FPDirectRead
* This routine reads the
* indexed joystick data
* On entry:
* X: player's joystick (1..4)
FPDirectRead = *
dex ; from 1..4 to 0..3
FPDRPatch lda KBD,x ; $C090 for S1 .. $C0F0 for S7
inx ; from 0..3 to 1..4
* FPReadDigital
* On entry:
* X: joystick to read (1..4)
FPReadDigital = *
jmp FPDirectRead
* FPSetAnalogClampValues
* This routine sets the clamp values
* used in the analog mode
* On entry:
* A: no movement value
* X: minimal value (up or left)
* Y: maximal value (down or right)
FPSetAnalogClampValues = *
sta fpCLAMPTBL+3
stx fpCLAMPTBL+1
sty fpCLAMPTBL+2
* FPReadAnalog
* This routine returns analog values
* from a digital read. It is not similar
* to PREAD, the routine in ROM
* On entry:
* X: joystick to read (1..4)
* On exit:
* X: analog value for left/right
* Y: analog value for up/down
FPReadAnalog = *
jsr FPDirectRead
pha ; save joystick value
and #fpUP+fpDOWN ; keep up/down
tax ; get it in our table
lda fpCLAMPTBL,x
tay ; return in Y
pla ; restore joystick value
and #fpLEFT+fpRIGHT ; keep left/right
lsr ; /2
lsr ; /2
tax ; get it in our table
lda fpCLAMPTBL,x
tax ; return in X
* FPReadTrigger
* A set of routines to read the triggers
* (or buttons)
* Note that we read /TRIGGER3 (active low)
* whereas we read TRIGGER1 and TRIGGER2 (active high)
* The routines must be adapted according to your needs
* On entry:
* X: joystick to read (1..4)
FPReadTrigger = *
jsr FPDirectRead
clc ; <= if useless, remove
FPReadTrigger1 = *
jsr FPDirectRead
and #fpTRIGGER1 ; because it is TRIGGER1
FPReadTrigger2 = *
jsr FPDirectRead
and #fpTRIGGER2 ; because it is TRIGGER2
asl ; bit 6 > bit 7
FPReadTrigger3 = *
jsr FPDirectRead
and #fpTRIGGER3
eor #fpTRIGGER3 ; because we read /TRIGGER3
asl ; bit 5 > bit 6
asl ; bit 6 > bit 7
ds \