2023-03-04 03:45:20 +01:00

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4.2 KiB
Executable File

Filename: corrphon.c
#include <language.h>
#include "spath.h"
#include "clam.h"
#include "lex.h"
#include "correct.h"
#include "environ.h"
/* Info for the current word. */
int Convplex; /* non-vowel complexity */
int Cophlen; /* Length of Cophquery */
int Coplex; /* complexity of word */
/* Info for the query. */
int Coqnvplex; /* non-vowel complexity */
int Coqphlen; /* length of Coqfull. */
int Coqplex; /* complexity of word */
char *Cophquery; /* The phonetic form of the query. */
char *Coqfull; /* The fully encoded form of the query. */
extern pascal int lexbinnext();
/* This is the mainline for phonetic correction. It returns true if the
correction was interrupted. */
extern pascal void rankword();
extern void phbin();
extern void phencode();
SPENTRY *pathptr;
char qbin[3];
char qfull[4*MAXWORD];
char phquery[MAXPHWORD];
char expword[4*MAXWORD];/* expanded word from lexicon */
char fullw[6*MAXWORD];/* the fully encoded phonetic word */
/* phonetically encode the query. */
phencode(Sclookup, phquery);
Cophlen = strlen((char *) phquery);
phbin(phquery, qbin);
/* Construct the correction form of the query. */
Coqphlen = corrform(Cophquery = phquery, Coqfull = qfull);
Coqplex = Coplex;
Coqnvplex = Convplex;
/* scan Searchpath for word lists which have Correct information and
which match the current environment */
for (pathptr = Srchpath; pathptr < Srchend; ++pathptr)
if (!(pathptr->sp_flags & SP_CORRECT))
Sccurlist = pathptr->sp_access;
/* Determine the wordlist type */
switch (pathptr->sp_type)
case IW_LEX >> 8:
if (Lexprod & SHORTLEX)
while (Scdecomp[0] == qbin[0] && Scdecomp[1] == qbin[1])
rankword(Scdecomp + 2, expword, fullw);
if (!lexbinnext())
case IW_CLAM >> 8:
if (clfindbin(qbin))
while (Scdecomp[0] == qbin[0] && Scdecomp[1] == qbin[1])
rankword(Scdecomp + 2, expword, fullw);
if (!clbinnext())
return (FALSE);
/* Construct the correction word. */
corrform(str, finptr0)
char *str;
char *finptr0;
int cc; /* character in str */
char *finptr; /* pointer into completed word */
int prevnvgph; /* previous non vowel group phonetic char */
int prevgphc; /* previous group phonetic char */
Coplex = 0;
Convplex = 0;
prevnvgph = prevgphc = E_LOGPH;
finptr = finptr0;
while ((cc = ctoi(*str++)) && cc != E_LRSEP)
if (cc != E_FILL)
*finptr++ = cc;
cc = ctoi(*str++);
/* Ignore E_FILL, E_REPEAT and invalid phonetic characters. */
if (cc < E_LOPH || cc > E_HIPH)
/* '0' and '9' are just added. */
if (cc < E_LOGPH || cc > E_HIGPH)
*finptr++ = cc;
/* If this is the same as the previous phonetic group,
ignore it; also, multiple vowels do not contribute to the
phonetic complexity. */
if (cc == prevgphc)
if (cc == E_VOWEL)
if (cc != E_VOWEL)
if (cc != prevnvgph)
*finptr++ = E_TCBASE + (prevnvgph - E_LOGPH) +
((cc - E_LOGPH) << 3);
prevnvgph = cc;
/* Store the phonetic character. */
*finptr++ = prevgphc = cc;
*finptr = 0;
/* Return the length of the encoded word. */
return (finptr - finptr0);