updated from 8bitworkshop.com

This commit is contained in:
tilleul 2021-01-18 11:30:54 +01:00
parent 98dc6f2e74
commit 27cf5eba4e
5 changed files with 208 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -3,28 +3,37 @@
processor 6502
kbd = $c000
kbstrb = $c010
speaker = $c030
kbd equ $c000
kbstrb equ $c010
speaker equ $c030
graphics equ $c050
text equ $c051
fullpage equ $c052
page1 equ $c054
hires equ $c057
graphx = $c050
text = $c051
page1 = $c054
hires = $c057
org $803
jsr clear_hgr1
sta graphx
sta text
sta hires
sta fullpage
sta graphics
sta page1
Start jmp Start
jsr test_blitSHR_orig
include "8bitunity-plot_scroll.asm"
end jmp end
include "blitSHR_orig.asm"
include "hires.asm"
org $2000
incbin "marioluigi-apple2.hires.bin"

Binary file not shown.

blitSHR_orig.asm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
hiresXZP equ $ec ; hires X offset (xcol)
hiresYZP equ $ed ; hires Y offset (yrow)
hiresAddrZP equ $fc ; 16 bit address of hires line (from LUT)
inputAddrZP equ $fa ; 16 bit input address (bitmap to draw)
outputAddrZP equ $ee ; 16 bit output address (buffer to save)
scr2outRowsZP equ $ce ; number of rows (output) (height)
inp2scrRowsZP equ $eb ; number of rows (input) (height)
bytesPerRowZP equ $e3 ; bytes per row (width)
toggleMainAuxZP equ $42 ; not used here
;; blitSHR original code
blitSHR_orig subroutine
ldx #0
; Copy Screen Address from Hires Tables (using Line Offset Y and Byte Offset X)
ldy hiresYZP ; Y-Offset to Hires Line (ytop)
lda hiresLinesHI,y
sta hiresAddrZP+1
lda hiresLinesLO,y
adc hiresXZP ; X-Offset to Hires Byte (xcol)
sta hiresAddrZP
; Copy bytes from SHR buffer to ouput
lda outputAddrZP+1
beq .input2screen ; If high-byte is zero, then skip
ldy #0 ; Y loop: Copy xxx bytes per row
.loopCopy1 ; Copy 1 byte
lda (hiresAddrZP),y
sta (outputAddrZP),y
cpy bytesPerRowZP
bne .loopCopy1 ; Iterate Y loop
; Copy bytes from input to SHR buffer
cpx inp2scrRowsZP ; Check number of input rows (for cropped sprites)
bcs .incAddress1
lda inputAddrZP+1
beq .incAddress1 ; If high-byte is zero, then skip
ldy #0 ; Y loop: Copy xxx bytes per row
lda (inputAddrZP),y ; Copy 1 byte
sta (hiresAddrZP),y
cpy bytesPerRowZP ; Iterate Y loop
bne .loopCopy2
clc ; Increment address of output block
lda outputAddrZP
adc bytesPerRowZP ; Move by xxx bytes
sta outputAddrZP
bcc .nocarry1 ; Check if carry to high-byte
inc outputAddrZP+1
clc ; Increment address of input block
lda inputAddrZP
adc bytesPerRowZP ; Move by xxx bytes
sta inputAddrZP
bcc .nocarry2 ; Check if carry to high byte
inc inputAddrZP+1
; Move to next row
inc hiresYZP ; Increment Hires Line offset
cpx scr2outRowsZP
bcc .loopRow ; Iterate X loop (rows)
test_blitSHR_orig subroutine
xcol equ $06
yrow equ $07
lda #0
sta xcol
sta yrow
lda #3
sta bytesPerRowZP ; width
lda #21 ; height
sta inp2scrRowsZP
sta scr2outRowsZP
clc ; needed because not in routine !
lda #<buffer
sta outputAddrZP
lda #>buffer
sta outputAddrZP+1
lda #<mario
sta inputAddrZP
lda #>mario
sta inputAddrZP+1
lda xcol
sta hiresXZP
lda yrow
sta hiresYZP
jsr blitSHR_orig
lda #<buffer
sta inputAddrZP
lda #>buffer
sta inputAddrZP+1
lda #0
sta outputAddrZP+1
lda xcol
sta hiresXZP
lda yrow
sta hiresYZP
clc ; needed because not in routine !
jsr blitSHR_orig
ldx xcol
stx xcol
cpx #38
bcc .loop_mario_x
ldx #0
stx xcol
ldx yrow
stx yrow
cpx #191-21
bcc .loop_mario_x
.rts rts

View File

@ -103,5 +103,28 @@ hiresLinesLO
hex D0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0
mario ; 3x21
hex 80A880
hex 80AA80
hex C0AA85
hex A09D80
hex E88D87
hex E8FF9F
hex A8FF80
hex A8DF82
hex 80FF81
hex C09580
hex A89681
hex AA9683
hex AB968B
hex A3AA8B
hex C7AAFB
hex C7AAFD
hex C0AA85
hex D08285
hex D08295
hex A8808A
hex AA80AA
buffer ; 3x21
ds.b 63,00

marioluigi-apple2.hires.bin Normal file

Binary file not shown.