2014-07-23 09:45:10 -05:00

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* File: game.c
* Author: Jeremy Rand
* Date: July 23, 2014
* This file contains the implementation of the game logic.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "game.h"
// A 4x4 board is actually represented as a 6x6 board internally. This gives
// us special tiles around the whole board which can have a value which
// prevents tiles from scrolling beyond the bounds of the board. Also, this
// is why the values of DIR_DOWN and DIR_UP in the game.h file is a bit
// strange.
#define NUM_TILES ((BOARD_SIZE + 2) * (BOARD_SIZE + 2))
#define POS_TO_X(pos) ((pos) % (BOARD_SIZE + 2))
#define POS_TO_Y(pos) ((pos) / (BOARD_SIZE + 2))
#define X_Y_TO_POS(x, y) (((y) * (BOARD_SIZE + 2)) + (x))
#define POS_IN_DIR(pos, dir) ((pos) + (dir))
// The maximum which the game supports in any one tile is 2^19 because that is
// the largest number which fits in a 6 character tile. Once this is reached,
// the game is won. Note this is a very big number so not a huge restriction.
#define MAX_TILE_VALUE 19
// A tile value is stored as an exponent of base 2. So:
// - 0 is an empty tile
// - 1 is a 2 (2^1)
// - 2 is a 4 (2^2)
// - 3 is a 8 (2^3)
// ... etc ...
// Also, the special value -1 is used to create tiles around the edge of the
// board which ensures tiles don't go beyond the bounds of the board.
typedef int8_t tTileValue;
static tTileValue gTileValues[NUM_TILES];
static char *gValueStrings[MAX_TILE_VALUE + 1] = {
" ", // 0 or empty tile
" 2 ",
" 4 ",
" 8 ",
" 16 ",
" 32 ",
" 64 ",
" 128 ",
" 256 ",
" 512 ",
" 1024 ",
" 2048 ",
" 4096 ",
" 8192 ",
" 16384 ",
" 32768 ",
" 65536 ",
" 131072 ",
" 262144 ",
" 524288 "
static tScore gValueScores[MAX_TILE_VALUE + 1] = {
0l, 2l, 4l, 8l, 16l, 32l, 64l, 128l, 256l, 512l, 1024l, 2048l, 4096l,
8192l, 16384l, 32768l, 65536l, 131072l, 262144l, 524288l };
static tScore gCurrentScore;
static tTileValue gNextTarget = 11;
static uint8_t gNumEmptyTiles;
void initGame(void)
tPos pos;
tPos x;
tPos y;
gCurrentScore = 0;
gNumEmptyTiles = 0;
for (pos = 0; pos < NUM_TILES; pos++) {
x = POS_TO_X(pos);
y = POS_TO_Y(pos);
if ((x == 0) ||
(x > BOARD_SIZE) ||
(y == 0) ||
(y > BOARD_SIZE)) {
gTileValues[pos] = BLOCKED_TILE_VALUE;
} else {
gTileValues[pos] = 0;
tPos nextPosInDir(tPos pos, tDir dir)
tPos result = pos;
tPos nextPos;
tTileValue tileValue = gTileValues[pos];
tTileValue nextValue;
while (true) {
nextPos = POS_IN_DIR(result, dir);
nextValue = gTileValues[nextPos];
if ((nextValue != 0) &&
(nextValue != tileValue))
result = nextPos;
if (nextValue != 0)
return result;
void slideInDirection(tDir dir)
tPos pos;
tPos destPos;
int8_t incr;
if (dir > 0) {
pos = 0;
incr = 1;
} else {
pos = NUM_TILES - 1;
incr = -1;
for ( ; ((pos >= 0) && (pos < NUM_TILES)); pos += incr) {
if (gTileValues[pos] == BLOCKED_TILE_VALUE)
destPos = nextPosInDir(pos, dir);
if (destPos == pos)
if (gTileValues[destPos] > 0) {
} else {
gTileValues[destPos] = gTileValues[pos];
gTileValues[pos] = 0; // Empty the old position
void addRandomTile(void)
int8_t randTile;
tPos pos;
if (gNumEmptyTiles == 0)
randTile = (rand() % gNumEmptyTiles);
for (pos = 0; pos < NUM_TILES; pos++) {
if (gTileValues[pos] == 0) {
if (randTile == 0) {
if (rand() < (RAND_MAX / 10))
gTileValues[pos] = 2; // This creates a 4
gTileValues[pos] = 1; // This creates a 2
tScore currentScore(void)
return gCurrentScore;
tScore nextTarget(void)
return gValueScores[gNextTarget];
bool isGameWon(void)
return (gNextTarget > MAX_TILE_VALUE);
bool isGameLost(void)
tPos x;
tPos y;
tPos pos;
tTileValue tileValue;
if (gNumEmptyTiles > 0)
return false;
for (x = 1; x <= BOARD_SIZE; x++) {
for (y = 1; y <= BOARD_SIZE; y++) {
pos = X_Y_TO_POS(x, y);
tileValue = gTileValues[pos];
assert(tileValue > 0);
// If a tile value matches another adjacent tile value, then there
// are still moves.
if (tileValue == gTileValues[POS_IN_DIR(pos, DIR_DOWN)])
return false;
if (tileValue == gTileValues[POS_IN_DIR(pos, DIR_RIGHT)])
return false;
// Because we iterate over all tiles, we only need to check two of
// the four directions. That will compare all possible pairs. It
// will also check the edge against the blocking tiles but whatever.
// If we get to here, there were no matching tiles so there are no available
// moves.
return true;
char *tileStringForPos(tPos x, tPos y)
return gValueStrings[gTileValues[X_Y_TO_POS(x, y)]];