; Fully disassembled and analyzed source to AE ; DCLOCK.SYSTEM by M.G. - 04/18/2017 ; Assembles to a binary match for AE code unless ; FIX_BUGS is set. ; speaking of FIX_BUGS, there are critical bugs in the ; original AE code: ; * When driver loader is initially probing it corrupts the ; Apple //c Memory Expansion Card: ; - it saves, but fails to restore, data at address $080000 ; - it fails to reset slinky pointer, and *will* trash $080000-$080007 ; * When the clock is read, it corrupts data at address $08xx01 ; - John Brooks spotted this, I totally missed this. ; Setting FIX_BUGS to 1 will fix these issues. ; other notes: ; * uses direct block access to read volume directory, ; so won't launch from an AppleShare volume. ; Build instructions: ; merlin32 dclock.system.merlin32.s ; ; put dclock.system as a SYS file on a ProDOS disk. FIX_BUGS = 0 ; set to 1 to fix critical bugs ;.setcpu "65C02" ; zero page locations SLASHOFFS = $00 ; offset of last '/' in our path MYNAMELEN = $01 ; length of our file name in path FENTPTR = $02 ; directory file entry pointer FENTPTRL = FENTPTR FENTPTRH = FENTPTR+1 CURENT = $04 ; current file entry in block ENTLEN = $05 ; length of a file entry ENTPERBLK = $06 ; number of entries per block DIRBLK = $07 ; directory block to read DIRBLKL = DIRBLK DIRBLKH = DIRBLK+1 CHRPTR = $09 ; character pointer for print routine CHRPTRL = CHRPTR CHRPTRH = CHRPTR+1 SCRATCH = $0B ; scratch value for BCD range checks SAVEBYTE = $0C ; slinky overwritten byte save location BCDTMP = $3A ; location clock driver uses for BCD->Binary ; entry points PRODOS = $BF00 HOME = $FC58 WAIT = $FCA8 COUT1 = $FDF0 ; buffers & other spaces INBUF = $0200 ; input buffer PATHBUF = $0280 ; path buffer CLOCKBUF = $0300 ; clock buffer RELOCT = $1200 ; reloc target BLOCKBUF = $1000 ; buffer for BLOCK_READ READBUF = $1C00 ; I/O buffer for READ SYSEXEC = $2000 ; location of SYS file executable CLKCODE = $D742 ; Clock code location ; global Page entries CLKENTRY = $BF06 ; clock routine entry point DATELO = $BF90 DATEHI = $BF91 TIMELO = $BF92 TIMEHI = $BF93 MACHID = $BF98 ; machine ID ; I/O and hardware ROMIn2 = $C082 ; access to read ROM/no write RAM LCBank1 = $C08B ; Access twice to write bank 1 C8OFF = $CFFF ; C8xx ROM off SLOT4ROM = $C400 ; Slot 4 ROM space SLOT4IO = $C0C0 ; Slot 4 I/O space DPTRL = SLOT4IO+0 ; Slinky data ptr low DPTRM = SLOT4IO+1 ; Slinky data ptr middle DPTRH = SLOT4IO+2 ; Slinky data ptr high DATA = SLOT4IO+3 ; Slinky data byte ; Misc CLKCODEMAX = $7D ; PRODOS Command PRODOS_QUIT = $65 PRODOS_READ_BLOCK = $80 PRODOS_OPEN = $C8 PRODOS_READ = $CA PRODOS_CLOSE = $CC PRODOS_GET_EOF = $D1 ORG SYSEXEC ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; relocate code from RELOCS to RELOCT DClockSystem RSEG1 = rseg1e-rseg1b ; MERLIN32: removed () ldy #rseg1e-rseg1b ; MERLIN32: removed () :_ lda RELOCS,y sta RELOCT-1,y dey bne :_ ; greetings jsr HOME jsr iprint STR 'DClock',0D jsr iprint STR 'Copyright (c)1988 Applied Engineering',0D,0D jsr ClockRead jsr ValidTime bcc InstallDriver ; clock not found jsr iprint STR 'Can',27,'t find clock',0D jmp NextSys ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Install clock driver InstallDriver ; make language card writable lda LCBank1 lda LCBank1 ; copy clock driver into ProDOS ; should not be hard-coded, Apple says to put it at ; the address pointed to at ($BF07). [PDOS8TRM 6.1.1] ldx #$00 :_ lda rclkdrv-1,x sta CLKCODE,x inx cpx #CLKCODEMAX bcc :_ ; make LC write-protected lda ROMIn2 ; make sure clock vector is preceded by a JMP ; (it is RTS if no clock installed) lda #$4C sta CLKENTRY ; indicate in MACHID that clock is present lda MACHID ora #$01 sta MACHID ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; find and launch the next .SYSTEM file NextSys ; check our path for last / (counted string at $0280) ldy PATHBUF :_ lda PATHBUF,y cmp #'/' beq :LSlash dey bne :_ :LSlash sty SLASHOFFS ; offset of '/' into $00 lda PATHBUF sec sbc SLASHOFFS ; calculate length of our name sta MYNAMELEN ; and put in $01 jsr ReadVolDir1 ; read first block of volume directory bcs :BadSys ; didn't get anything valid ; Now search for our own file name :ChkSlf lda (FENTPTR) ; get length & storage type and #$0F ; mask in length cmp MYNAMELEN ; same as our name? bne :INext ; Nope, next entry tay ; Now let's see if name matches ldx PATHBUF :__ lda (FENTPTR),y cmp PATHBUF,x bne :INext ; no match, next entry dex dey bne :__ ; ok, found ourself, now get next entry and start looking for *.SYSTEM bra :SNext ; Get next entry and start checking for .SYSTEM file :INext jsr NextFileEnt ; Get next entry and check again for ourself bcc :ChkSlf bra :BadSys ; no more valid entries ; check the current entry for .SYSTEM :ChkSys lda (FENTPTR) ; get storage & length and #$F0 ; mask in storage type beq :SNext ; not valid if 0 cmp #$40 bcs :SNext ; not valid if >= $40 (not type 1-3) lda (FENTPTR) ; load it again and #$0F ; but mask in length this time cmp #$07 bcc :SNext ; not valid if not at least 7 chars long ; now check to see if it ends with .SYSTEM tay ldx #$07 :___ lda (FENTPTR),y cmp dSYSTEM,x bne :SNext ; no match, next! dey dex bne :___ ldy #$10 lda (FENTPTR),y ; get file Type cmp #$FF ; is SYS bne :SNext ; Nope ; okay we have a .SYSTEM file to load lda (FENTPTR) ; get storage type/name length again and #$0F ; mask in name length tay ; and save for copying ; calculate total length of path and put in length byte at PATHBUF clc adc PATHBUF sec sbc MYNAMELEN sta PATHBUF ; copy filename into path tax :____ lda (FENTPTR),y sta PATHBUF,x dex dey bne :____ jmp LaunchNext ; proceed to launch code ; get next entry for looking for .SYSTEM :SNext jsr NextFileEnt bcc :ChkSys ; if we get here, unable to identify next .SYSTEM :BadSys cmp #$00 ; error code in accumulator? beq :NoSys ; no, must have not found it pha jsr iprint STR 'Directory ProDOS error #' ; MERLIN32: removed len $18 pla jsr PrHex lda #$8D jsr COUT1 jmp DoQuit ; quit to ProDOS :NoSys jsr iprint STR 'Can',27,'t find next .SYSTEM file',0d ; MERLIN32: REMOVED length $1D, replaced "'" with /27/ jmp DoQuit ; quit to ProDOS dSYSTEM = * - 1 ASC '.SYSTEM' ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; this looks like some unused debugging code to print the filename ; from the current directory entry pointed to at ($02) PrintFN lda (FENTPTR) ; get storage type/name length pha ; save it and #$0F ; mask in name length sta (FENTPTR) ; put in file entry beq :done ; if zero, we are done ldy #$01 ; start with byte 1 of entry :_ lda (FENTPTR),y ; get file name char ora #$80 jsr COUT1 ; print it tya iny cmp (FENTPTR) ; printed all the chars? bcc :_ ; nope lda #$8D ; CR jsr COUT1 :done pla ; get type/name length sta (FENTPTR) ; and restore it in file entry rts ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; get volume directory first block ($0002) ; and initialize values for processing ; returns carry clear if no error, set otherwise ReadVolDir1 lda #$02 sta DIRBLKL ; initialize block number low byte stz DIRBLKH ; and high byte jsr ReadVolDir ; read volume directory block bcs :done ; done if error lda BLOCKBUF+$23 ; get entry length sta ENTLEN ; and save it lda BLOCKBUF+$24 ; get entries per block sta ENTPERBLK ; and save it ; intial values $02/03 = $102B (offset of first file entry in first VD block) lda #BLOCKBUF+$2b ; MERLIN32: removed () sta FENTPTRH lda #$02 ; on first block, start with entry #2 sta CURENT clc :done rts ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Update pointer to the next directory file entry ; read the next block if necessary ; returns carry clear if no error, set otherwise NextFileEnt ; add entry length to current entry pointer at ($02) clc lda FENTPTRL adc ENTLEN sta FENTPTRL lda FENTPTRH adc #$00 sta FENTPTRH inc CURENT ; increment current entry number lda CURENT ; and load it cmp ENTPERBLK ; did the last one in block? bcc :Okay ; nope, exit ; check if last block of Volume Directory lda DIRBLKL ; block low byte bne :NxtBlk ; another one to read lda DIRBLKH ; block high byte beq :Fail ; also zero, exit with error ; read next block of Volume Directory :NxtBlk jsr ReadVolDir ; next volume directory block bcs :Fail ; read problem, exit with error lda #BLOCKBUF+$04 ; ... MERLIN32: removed() sta FENTPTRH ; ... lda #$01 ; and set current entry sta CURENT ; to 1 :Okay clc rts :Fail sec rts ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; read volume directory block at ($07) ; and update to point to next block ; returns carry clear if no error, set otherwise ReadVolDir ; most recent accessed device into param list for READ_BLOCK lda $BF30 ; most recent access device sta :PL_READ_BLOCK+1 ; into READ_BLOCK parameter list ; copy block number to param list lda DIRBLKL ; copy block number sta :PL_READ_BLOCK+4 ; to parameter list lda DIRBLKH ; ... sta :PL_READ_BLOCK+5 ; ... jsr PRODOS ; now get the block DB PRODOS_READ_BLOCK ; READ_BLOCK DW :PL_READ_BLOCK bcs :Done ; error, bail out lda BLOCKBUF+$02 ; otherwise get next block number sta DIRBLKL ; from offset $02/$03 lda BLOCKBUF+$03 ; and save it sta DIRBLKH ; ... :Done rts ; Parameter list for READ_BLOCK :PL_READ_BLOCK DB $03 ; param count DB $00 ; unit number DW BLOCKBUF ; data buffer DW $0000 ; block number ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; enable slinky registers, set adddress and save byte we intend to trash SlinkyEnable lda C8OFF ; not needed on //c, but release $C8xx firmware lda SLOT4ROM ; enable slinky registers lda #$08 ; set addr $080000 sta DPTRH stz DPTRM stz DPTRL lda DATA ; read data byte sta SAVEBYTE ; save it to restore later rts ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Routine to restore trashed byte in slinky RAM ; WARNING: never called by unfixed, so the value is never restored SlinkyRestore lda #$08 ; set adddr $080000 sta DPTRH stz DPTRM stz DPTRL lda SAVEBYTE ; get saved byte sta DATA ; and put it back lda C8OFF ; not needed on //c, but release $C8xx firmware rts ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Write 8 bits to clock ; WARNING: the unfixed code has a bug that trashes 8 bytes in the RAM card at $080000 ClockWrite8b ldx #$08 ; set adddr $080000 IF FIX_BUGS stx DPTRH stz DPTRM :_1 stz DPTRL ; restore low byte to 0 sta DATA ; write byte lsr a ; next bit into 0 position dex bne :_1 ; MERLIN32: uniq label ELSE stz DPTRL stz DPTRM stx DPTRH :_2 sta DATA ; write byte lsr a ; next bit into 0 position dex bne :_2 ; MERLIN32: uniq label FIN rts ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; unlock the clock by writing the magic bit sequence ClockUnlock ldy #$08 :_ lda unlock,y jsr ClockWrite8b ; write 8 bits dey bne :_ rts unlock = * - 1 DB $5c, $a3, $3a, $c5, $5c, $a3, $3a, $c5 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Read 8 bits from the clock ClockRead8b ldx #$08 ; set adddr $080000 stz DPTRL stz DPTRM stx DPTRH :_ pha ; save accumulator lda DATA ; get data byte lsr a ; bit 0 into carry pla ; restore accumulator ror a ; put read bit into position dex bne :_ rts ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; read the clock data into memory at CLOCKBUF ; WARNING: unfixed code never restores byte we trashed ClockRead jsr SlinkyEnable jsr ClockUnlock ldy #$00 :_ jsr ClockRead8b sta CLOCKBUF,y iny cpy #$08 ; have we read 8 bytes? bcc :_ ; nope IF FIX_BUGS jsr SlinkyRestore FIN rts ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; validate the DClock data makes sense ; return carry clear if it does, carry set if it does not ValidTime ; validate ms ldx #$00 ldy #$99 lda CLOCKBUF jsr CheckBCD bcs :bad ; validate seconds ldx #$00 ldy #$59 lda CLOCKBUF+$01 jsr CheckBCD bcs :bad ; validate minutes ldx #$00 ldy #$59 lda CLOCKBUF+$02 jsr CheckBCD bcs :bad ; validate hours ldx #$00 ldy #$23 lda CLOCKBUF+$03 jsr CheckBCD bcs :bad ; validate day of week ldx #$01 ldy #$07 lda CLOCKBUF+$04 jsr CheckBCD bcs :bad ; validate day of month ldx #$01 ldy #$31 lda CLOCKBUF+$05 jsr CheckBCD bcs :bad ; validate month ldx #$01 ldy #$12 lda CLOCKBUF+$06 jsr CheckBCD bcs :bad ; validate year ldx #$00 ldy #$99 lda CLOCKBUF+$07 jsr CheckBCD bcs :bad clc ; all good rts :bad sec ; problem rts ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Check BCD number in range of [x,y] ; return carry clear if it is, carry set if it is not CheckBCD sed ; decimal mode stx SCRATCH ; lower bound into scratch cmp SCRATCH ; compare it bcc :bad ; fail if out of range sty SCRATCH ; upper bound into scratch cmp SCRATCH ; compare it beq :good ; OK if equal bcs :bad ; fail if out of range :good cld ; in range clc rts :bad cld ; not in range sec rts ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; This code segment is relocated to RELOCT at the start of program ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELOCS = * - 1 rseg1bm = * ORG RELOCT rseg1b = * ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; This routine attempts to execute the next system file that we identified ; in the main code LaunchNext jsr PRODOS DB PRODOS_OPEN ; OPEN DW :PL_OPEN bcs :LaunchFail ; if error lda :PL_OPEN+5 ; copy reference number sta :PL_GET_EOF+1 ; to parm list for GET_EOF sta :PL_READ+1 ; and parm list for READ sta :PL_CLOSE+1 ; and parm list for CLOSE jsr PRODOS DB PRODOS_GET_EOF ; GET_EOF DW :PL_GET_EOF bcs :LaunchFail ; if error lda :PL_GET_EOF+4 ; high byte of length bne :LaunchFail ; bigger than 64K... sheesh lda :PL_GET_EOF+2 ; copy EOF middle and low sta :PL_READ+4 ; to read reqest count lda :PL_GET_EOF+3 ; ... sta :PL_READ+5 ; ... jsr PRODOS ; and do read DB PRODOS_READ ; READ DW :PL_READ bcs :LaunchFail ; if error jsr PRODOS DB PRODOS_CLOSE ; CLOSE DW :PL_CLOSE bcs :LaunchFail ; if error jmp SYSEXEC ; execute system file :LaunchFail pha ; save accumulator jsr iprint ; because this trashes it STR 'Can',27,'t start next SYS file: error #' ; MERLIN32: removed length $22 pla ; restore accumulator jsr PrHex ; print error code lda #$8D jsr COUT1 jmp DoQuit ; quit to ProDOS ; parameter list for OPEN :PL_OPEN DB $03 ; param count DW PATHBUF ; pathname address DW READBUF ; I/O buffer DB $00 ; reference number ; parameter list for GET_EOF :PL_GET_EOF DB $02 ; param count DB $00 ; ref number DB $00,$00,$00 ; EOF ; parameter list for READ :PL_READ DB $04 ; param count DB $00 ; ref number DW SYSEXEC ; data buffer DW $0000 ; request count DW $0000 ; transfer count ; parameter list for CLOSE :PL_CLOSE DB $01 ; param count DB $00 ; ref number ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Routine to print hex number via LUT ; the firmware has a perfectly good routine for this, not sure why ; AE engineers put this in here. Nice wheel, though. PrHex pha lsr a lsr a lsr a lsr a tax lda :_,x jsr COUT1 pla and #$0F tax lda :_,x jsr COUT1 rts :_ ASC '0123456789ABCDEF' ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Execute QUIT call after long delay, exit via RTS if QUIT fails DoQuit ldx #$0C :_ lda #$FF jsr WAIT dex bne :_ jsr PRODOS DB PRODOS_QUIT DW :PL_QUIT rts ; parameter list for QUIT :PL_QUIT DB $04 ; param count DB $00 ; quit type - $00 is only type DW $0000 ; reserved DB $00 ; reserved DW $0000 ; reserved ; unnecessary fill? brk brk ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; 'inline print' ; print counted string following JSR iprint ; get pointer into $09/$0a pla clc adc #$01 sta CHRPTRL pla adc #$00 sta CHRPTRH lda (CHRPTR) beq :done ; now print the string tay ldy #$01 :ploop lda (CHRPTR),y ora #$80 jsr COUT1 tya iny cmp (CHRPTR) bcc :ploop ; done, fix up stack and exit :done clc adc CHRPTRL sta CHRPTRL lda #$00 adc CHRPTRH pha lda CHRPTRL pha rts ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; end of relocated code rseg1e = * ; fix up org address so we get a clean ref to rclkdrv ; ORG rseg1bm + (rseg1e - rseg1b + 1) ; MERLIN32: remove () ORG rseg1bm + rseg1e - rseg1b + 1 ; MERLIN32: remove () ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; clock driver code inserted into ProDOS at $D742 - this shouldn't be ; hard-coded but it is. ; critical bug: Corrupts byte in $08xx01 of the //c memory expansion card. rclkdrv = * ORG CLKCODE clockdrv begin = * lda #$08 ; useless instruction php sei lda SLOT4ROM ; activate slinky registers ; ($08 from above overwritten) stz DPTRL ; set slinky address to $08xx00 ldy #$08 ; also counter for unlock bytes sty DPTRH lda DATA ; get destroyed byte ; (slinky now at $08xx01) pha ; save value on stack ; unlock dclock registers :ubytlp lda regulk,y ldx #$08 ; bit counter :ubitlp ; MERLIN32: moved outside conditional IF FIX_BUGS stz DPTRL ; reset pointer to $08xx00 sta DATA ; write to $08xx00 ELSE sta DATA ; write to $08xx00 ; (!but not on first iteration!) stz DPTRL ; reset pointer to $08xx00 FIN lsr a ; next bit into 0 position dex bne :ubitlp dey bne :ubytlp ; now read 64 bits (8 bytes) from dclock ldx #$08 ; byte counter :rbytlp ldy #$08 ; bit counter :rbitlp pha lda DATA ; data byte lsr a ; bit 0 into carry pla ror a ; carry into bit 7 dey bne :rbitlp ; got 8 bits now, convert from BCD to binary pha and #$0F sta BCDTMP pla and #$F0 lsr a pha adc BCDTMP sta BCDTMP pla lsr a lsr a adc BCDTMP ; place in input buffer, which is OK because the ThunderClock driver does this sta INBUF-1,x dex bne :rbytlp ; done copying, now put necessary values into ProDOS time locations ; copy hours to ProDOS hours lda INBUF+4 sta TIMEHI ; copy minutes to ProDOS minutes lda INBUF+5 sta TIMELO ; copy month ... lda INBUF+1 lsr a ror a ror a ror a ; ... and day of month to ProDOS month/day ora INBUF+2 sta DATELO ; copy year and final bit of month to ProDOS year/month lda INBUF rol a sta DATEHI stz DPTRL ; set slinky back to $08xx00 pla ; get saved byte sta DATA ; put it back plp rts ; DS1215 unlock sequence (in reverse) regulk = * - 1 DB $5C, $A3, $3A, $C5, $5C, $A3, $3A, $C5 end = * ;.assert (begin - end + 1) < CLKCODEMAX, error, "DCLOCK driver too big"