Last updated: Sunday, March 26, 2017. # Fantavision (Reloaded) _"Everything you probably didn't want to know about Fantavision."_ :-) # Table of Contents * Introduction * Karateka !? * Preparation * ESC to Bug out * Ye Olde Boot Tracing * P5 Boot PROM * Boot Tracing Stage 1b * RWTS * Boot Tracing Stage 2 * Stupid Kids and their Graffiti * Boot Tracing Stage 3 * Time to go Loco, er, Logo * Logo -- no, not the language * Logo 2 * Logo 3 ! * Logo 4 !! * _"What this, **Byte-Code,** you say young chap?"_ * Backup 1 * Backup 2 * Backup Byte-Code Interpreter * Backup 1 Disassembly * Backup 2 Disassembly * Applesoft?! * Applesoft Tokens * Boot Tracing Stage 5 * Boot Tracing Stage 6 * Boot Stage Memory Map * Disk Information * Notes * COPY, eh? * "Kracking" Fantavision * Cracking in 3 Easy Payments, er Steps * Cracking Step 1: The Easy Stuff * Cracking Step 2: The Tedious Stuff * Cracking Step 3: Skip Nibble Count 2 * ProDOS Hybrid!? * ProDOS Block Review * Disk Usage Summary * Disk Usage Details * Easter Eggs * Source Code * Original File Names * Deleted Files!? * In Search of a Better Beep, or two * Cramming everything on side A? * TODOs * An Alternate Time Line * Credits # Introduction _"Get off my LAN, Grandpa"_ * -- Any Generation Z kid born in the new millennium with WIFI. Before Macromedia's [Flash]( became ubiquitous and Sony released their PS2 puzzle game with the same name [Fantavision](, ![PS2 Box Front](pics/ps2_fantavision_box_front.jpg) the publisher [Brøderbund]( released a fantastic animation program called `Fantavision` back in 1985. * ![Box Front](pics/fantavision_box_front.jpg) My box has definitely seen better days: * ![Box Back](pics/fantavision_box_back.jpg) You gotta love the marketing people. They couldn't even: * Keep the aspect ratio correct, and * Had to use a MOCKUP for the screen ! Here is a picture with an _actual_ screenshot with the correct aspect ratio: * ![Box Back Aspect Ratio](pics/fantavision_box_back_aspectratio.jpg) ## Karateka!? Speaking of the back of the box, what-the-heck is a picture of **Karateka** doing there??? * ![Back Box Zoom](pics/fantavision_box_back_karateka.png) This background is from Karateka. As John Romero corrected me once that is pronounced `Karateka`. :-) Oh wait, I'm supposed to be serious here. It is pronounced: `Care-Ah-Tea-Kah`. And here I thought it it was "Ka-rot-a-ka" but I digress. * ![Kareteka Logo](pics/karateka.png) At least the manual front cover (like the box front) is pretty cool! * ![Manual Cover](pics/fantavision_manual_cover.jpg) OK, now that I'm done obsessing over "the goods" let's get back on topic. _Fantavision_ had a "mouse cursor" and pull-down menus on the Apple II back in 1985 all in glorious 6 color 280x192 resolution. * ![Logo](pics/about.png) But isn't there more then 6 colors in that picture? Technically, no, but dithering gives the impression there are more colors. It is a pity it was never updated to use the Double Hi-resolution GRaphics (DHGR) that the //e (enhanced), //c, and Laser 128 supported. (YES, I'm aware there was a IIgs version.) Back then I had many unanswered questions about it: * Where is the Logo stored on disk? * Where are the (bitmap) icons stored in memory? * How is the (mouse) cursor drawing code done? * What is the movie file format? * How is it copy-protected? * How could we remove the copy-protection? * How does the backup utlity know if a copy has been made? Let's have some fun exploring these. Along the way we'll discover: * Boot Tracing * Learn HOW Fantavision is actually copy-protected * Restore the "Backup Functionality" by writing an "UNBACKUP" program * Use COPYA to copy it so we can inspect it with any Sector Editor * Trivially crack it * Easter Eggs Let's get started! # Preparation Before we get started, first a word from our sponsor, er, experience. **WARNING:** _ALWAYS_ write-protect your **original disk** to prevent (accidental) mistakes from happening! No, _I've_ never done that, but it is WAY too easy to make this mistake. Take the 30 seconds (of insurance). You won't regret the peace of mind it will bring. With that warning out of the way: Let's create a blank DOS 3.3 data disk that we'll use to save our work-in-progress. 1. Boot your favorite "Fast" DOS such as ProntoDOS or Diversi-DOS. 2. Replace the disk with a blank floppy. 3. Enter these lines: ``` NEW 10 ?CHR$(4);"CATALOG" INIT HELLO ``` 4. Remove it from the disk drive and label it as `Fanta.Work` # ESC to Bug Out You may or may not know that while Fantavision boots up one can hold `ESC` down to enter the built-in backup utility! Sadly, most originals will show this screen: * ![Backup used](pics/backup_used.png) What we want is this picture: * ![Backup available](pics/backup_available.png) Now my //e has 3 disk drives, two connected on Slot 6, and one on Slot 5. For fun let's boot Fantavision from drive 5 and enter the backup utility. We get the message: ``` Make sure that the Fantavision disk is in slot 5, drive 1 ``` OK. Pressing `RETURN` and it reboots from slot 6. Whoops! The programmer detected which slot it was started from but were lazy and didn't properly "exit" (JMP) to the right slot. If we were really bored we could write some boot sector tools on the blank disk in slot 6 and "chain" reverse engineering but let's take the more traditional approach. # Ye Olde Boot Tracing 1. If you computer isn't already on, turn it on and press `CTRL-RESET` 2. Insert the original Fantavision disk in Slot 6, Drive 1 3. Type these instructions: ``` CALL-151 9600 NOTE: Laser 128 If you are on a Laser 128 or 128 EX system the 9600G trick _won't_ work. You'll need to add these commands / patches as well: ``` C600:0 9800 Let's turn off that drive motor so we don't wear the drive (and disk) out. ``` C0E8:1 ``` Technically you don't need to _store_ any thing at the Drive Motor IO location. Even a read will trigger turning off the drive motor: ``` C0E8 ``` We want to save this puppy so let's move the Boot Stage 1 to a safe place ... ``` 3800<800.8FFM ``` ... and reboot with our `Fanta.Work` disk so we can save it. I already have a work ProntoDOS disk in Drive 5 so I'll be using ... ``` C500G ``` ... but if you only have 1 drive you'll just need to flip disks more often. Anytime you see `C500G` replace it with: ``` C600G ``` Once we are back in DOS land we can save it. ``` 800<3800.38FFM BSAVE B1.FANTAVISION_T00S0_0800,A$800,L$100 ``` Now that we have the boot sector saved let's tear into it and see what it is doing. Now I could be a jerk and hand-wave it as * _"Implementation Details"_ or the equally annoying * _"Left as an Exercise for the Reader"_ but I'll be nice guy and provide a fully documented disassembly: ```asm ; Disk Drive P5 PROM Usage ZP and IO P5.Buff = $26 ; 16-bit pointer to dest P5.SlotX16 = $2B ; i.e. $60 = Slot 6 P5.WantTrack = $41 ; P5.SecWant = $3D ; P5.SecTotal = $0800 ; T00S0 @ $00: total number of sectors to load PHASE_MASK = $03 ; 4 phases PHASE0_OFF = $C080 PHASE0_ON = $C081 DRIVE_OFF = $C088 ; Motor Off DRIVE_ON = $C089 ; Motor On DRIVE_DATA = $C08C ; Globals boot_HalfTrack_Seek = $50 boot_HalfTrack_Have = $51 NumSecLeft = $52 BufZP = $1000 ; Zero Page is saved here rwts_SlotX16 = $FD rwts_HalfTrack_Have = $FF ; ReadBoot3 = $B500 LoadBoot3 = $BC00 ExecBoot3 = $BE00 ; Misc. RESET = $3F2 ; Ctrl-Reset Vector + Checksum TXTHOLE31 = $4FB ; 40x24 Text Sceen Hole ; IO Switches STORE40 = $C000 ; W KEYBOARD = $C000 ;R KEYSTROBE = $C010 ALTZPOFF = $C008 CLR80VID = $C00C CLRALTCHAR = $C00E ; Turn off Mouse Text DHIRESOFF = $C05F ROMIN = $C081 ; F800 ROM Entry Points F8.INIT = $FB2F ; F8.HOME = $FC58 ; Clear 40x24 text screen F8.SETNORM = $FE84 ; F8.SETVID = $FE93 ; PR#0 F8.SETKBD = $FE89 ; IN#0 ORG $800 0800:01 DFB $01 ; Tell P5 PROM to read only 1 Sector Boot1: ; A=01 X=60 Y=00 P=31 S=F0 Boot Stage #1 Entry Point from $C6F8 0801:A9 60 LDA #$60 ; Poke "RTS" @ $0801 so that when we call 0803:8D 01 08 STA Boot1 ; `CallReadSec` it will return to NextSector @ $086F 0806:A2 00 LDX #$00 ; Save _absolute_ track the drive head is on 0808:86 FF STX rwts_HalfTrack_Have ; since we can only move _relative_ tracks 080A: SaveZP: ; Copy $0000[ $00 .. $FF ] to $1000 080A:B5 00 LDA $00,X ; Just in case ALTZPON was accidently left on 080C:9D 00 10 STA BufZP,X ; 080F:E8 INX ; 0810:D0 F8 BNE SaveZP ;^ $080A 0812:8D 08 C0 STA ALTZPOFF ; //e+, //c, IIgs, Laser 128 LoadZP: ; 0815:BD 00 10 LDA BufZP,X ; 0818:95 00 STA $00,X ; 081A:E8 INX ; 081B:D0 F8 BNE LoadZP ;^ $0815 081D:A9 FF LDA #$FF ; 081F:8D FB 04 STA TXTHOLE31 ; Screen Text Hole Slot 3, Temp 1 0822:8D F3 03 STA RESET+1 ; Make Ctrl-Reset 0825:8D F4 03 STA RESET+2 ; do warm restart @ TODO: FIXME: 0828:8D 00 C0 STA STORE40 ; 082B:8D 0C C0 STA CLR80VID ; 082E:8D 0E C0 STA CLRALTCHAR ; 0831:8D 5F C0 STA DHIRESOFF ; 0834:8D 81 C0 STA ROMIN ; 0837:20 2F FB JSR F8.INIT ; 083A:20 58 FC JSR F8.HOME ; Clear 40x24 text screen 083D:20 84 FE JSR F8.SETNORM ; 0840:20 93 FE JSR F8.SETVID ; PR#0 0843:20 89 FE JSR F8.SETKBD ; IN#0 0846:A6 2B LDX P5SLOTx16 ; X=60 = Drive Slot * $10 0848:8A TXA ; 0849:4A LSR ; 084A:4A LSR ; 084B:4A LSR ; 084C:4A LSR ; A=06 084D:09 C0 ORA #$C0 ; A=C6 = $Cx00 = Memory-Mapped IO: i.e. $C6 = slot 6 P5 PROM 084F:8D 6E 08 STA CallReadSec+2 ; *** SELF-MODIFYING Code ! 0852:A9 0F LDA #$0F ; Num Sectors to Read 0854:85 52 STA NumSecLeft ; 0856:A9 15 LDA #$15 ; Track $15 contains Boot Stage 2 0858:85 41 STA P5.WantTrack ; 085A:0A ASL ; $15 * 2 = $2A Half-Tracks 085B:20 81 08 JSR BS.HalfTrackSeek ;v $0881 LoadSector: 085E:A5 52 LDY NumSecLeft ; 0860:B9 BE 08 LDA LogicalSector,Y ; 0863:85 3D STA P5.SecWant ; 0865:B9 CE 08 LDA DestPage,Y ; 0868:F0 05 BEQ NextSector ;v $086F Never read into Zero Page! 086A:85 27 STA P5.Buff+1 ; Tell P5 PROM where in mem we want to load CallReadSec: ; *** SELF-MODIFIED @ $084F 086C:20 5C 00 JSR $005C ; CALL P5 PROM Read Sector @ $C65C NextSector: 086F:C6 52 DEC NumSecLeft ; 0871:10 EB BPL LoadSector ;^ $085E TestBoot3: ; Boot Stage 2 done, do stage 3 0873:A6 2B LDX P5.SlotX16 ; 0875:86 FD STX rwts_SlotX16 ; 0877:A9 BC LDA #>LoadBoot3 ; Load T$22 4&4 "4 sectors" @ $BC00, $BD00, $BE00, $BF00 0879:20 00 B5 JSR ReadBoot3 ; Boot Stage 2 reads in encrypted Stage 3 087C:B0 F5 BCS TestBoot3 ;^ $0873 C=1 error, Hang if NibbleCheck1 fails 087E:4C 00 BE JMP ExecBoot3 ; BS.HalfTrackSeek: ; A = Half Track to Seek 0881:85 50 STA boot_HalfTrack_Seek ; Save Half Track to seek BS.NextTrack: ; 0883:A5 FF LDA rwts_HalfTrack_Have ; 6502 Math Reminder: 0885:85 51 STA boot_HalfTrack_Have ; Clear Carry before Addition 0887:38 SEC ; Set Carry before Subtraction 0888:E5 50 SBC boot_HalfTrack_Seek ; Already on requested track? 088A:F0 2C BEQ SeekDone ;v $08B8 Yup! Nothing to do! 088C:B0 04 BCS BS.MoveTrackOut ;v $0892 Move Track out to Track $00 BS.MoveTrackIn: 088E:E6 FF INC rwts_HalfTrack_Have ; Move Track in to Track $22 0890:90 02 BCC DoSeek ;v $0894 Always, could also do: INC rwts_HalfTrack_Have BS.MoveTrackOut: 0892:C6 FF DEC rwts_HalfTrack_Have ; Intentional fall-into DoSeek DoSeek: ; Boot Sector Common code 0894:20 AD 08 JSR BS.PhaseOn ;v 0897:20 B9 08 JSR BS.Delay ;v BS.PhaseOff: 089A:A5 51 LDA boot_HalfTrack_Have ; 089C:29 03 AND #PHASE_MASK ; Drive Stepper Motor = 4 Phases 089E:0A ASL ; 1 phase = 1/2 track 089F:05 2B ORA P5.SlotX16 ; 08A1:A8 TAY ; 08A2:B9 80 C0 LDA PHASE0_OFF,Y ; Turn stepper motor off 08A5:20 B9 08 JSR BS.Delay ;v 08A8:F0 D9 BEQ BS.NextTrack ;^ $0883 A=00, always 08AA:20 B9 08 JSR BS.Delay ;v *** DEAD CODE ??? Never reached! BS.PhaseOn: 08AD:A5 FF LDA rwts_HalfTrack_Have ; 08AF:29 03 AND #PHASE_MASK ; 08B1:0A ASL ; 1 phase = 1/2 track 08B2:05 2B ORA P5.SlotX16 ; 08B4:A8 TAY ; 08B5:B9 81 C0 LDA PHASE0_ON,Y ; Turn stepper motor on SeekDone: 08B8:60 RTS ; BS.Delay: 08B9:A9 28 LDA #$28 ; You _could_ minimize the delay time like in DOS 3.3 08BB:4C A8 FC JMP WAIT ; but that bloats the code LogicalSector: ; Logical->Physical Sector = Interleave 2, DOS order?? TODO 08BE:00 0D 0B 09 DFB $0,$D,$B,$9,$7,$5,$3,$1 08C2:07 05 03 01 08C6:0E 0C 0A 08 DFB $E,$C,$A,$8,$6,$4,$2,$F 08CA:06 04 02 0F DestPage: 08CE:B0 B1 B2 B3 DFB $B0,$B1,$B2,$B3,$B4,$B5,$B6,$B7 ; "Pages" of 16-bit address 08D2:B4 B5 B6 B7 08D6:18 19 1A 1B DFB $18,$19,$1A,$1B,$1C,$1D,$1E,$1F ; to load into 08DA:1C 1D 1E 1F DS $900-* ; unused/wasted 08DE:00 00 ; 08E0:00 00 00 00 ; 08E4:00 00 00 00 ; 08E8:00 00 00 00 ; 08EC:00 00 00 00 ; 08F0:00 00 00 00 ; 08F4:00 00 00 00 ; 08F8:00 00 00 00 ; 08FC:00 00 00 00 ; ``` ## P5 Boot PROM The boot sector contains code to: * `Seek a Track`, and * `Read a Track`. Who knew we would already have 75% of `RWTS` -- Read, Write, Track, Sector :-) In case you are wondering where `Sector` comes from -- it comes from the P5 PROM ReadSector routine @ $C65C. On my //e it looks this: ```asm ORG $C65C P5.ReadSector C65C:18 ^0 CLC ; C=0 Look Address D5,AA,96 C65D:08 ^1 PHP ; C=1 look Data D5,AA,AD C65E:BD 8C C0 ^2 LDA DRIVE_DATA,X C661:10 FB BPL ^2 ;^ $C65E C663:49 D5 ^3 EOR #$D5 ; Address 1st Prologue Field C665:D0 F7 BNE ^2 ;^ $C65E C667:BD 8C C0 ^4 LDA DRIVE_DATA,X C66A:10 FB BPL ^4 ;^ $C667 C66C:C9 AA CMP #$AA ; Address 2nd Prologue Field C66E:D0 F3 BNE ^3 ;^ $C663 C670:EA NOP C671:BD 8C C0 ^5 LDA DRIVE_DATA,X C674:10 FB BPL ^5 ;^ $C671 C676:C9 96 CMP #$96 ; Address 3rd Prologue Field, NOTE: C=1 for $C68C ! C678:F0 09 BEQ ^6 ;v $C683 C67A:28 PLP ;Looking for Address or Data prologue? C67B:90 DF BCC ^0 ;^ $C65C C67D:49 AD EOR #$AD ; Prologue Data Field: 3rd C67F:F0 25 BEQ ^10 ;v $C6A6 C681:D0 D9 BNE ^0 ;^ $C65C C683:A0 03 ^6 LDY #$03 ; Read 3 nibbles: Vol,Track,Sec, skip Checksum C685:85 40 ^7 STA TrackHave ; Eventually contains Track but init #$96 from $C676 C687:BD 8C C0 ^8 LDA DRIVE_DATA,X C68A:10 FB BPL ^8 ;^ $C687 mask = $FF since: C=1 from $C676 C68C:2A ROL ; ... 4&4 encoded: 1a1c1e1g, C=1 since A > $80 C68D:85 3C STA $3C ; ... 1st half A= a1c1e1gC C68F:BD 8C C0 ^9 LDA DRIVE_DATA,X C692:10 FB BPL ^9 ;^ $C68F &= 1b1d1f1h C694:25 3C AND $3C ; ... 2nd half = abcdefgh C696:88 DEY C697:D0 EC BNE ^7 ;^ $C685 C699:28 PLP ; Don't care about carry, restore stack C69A:C5 3D CMP P5.SecWant ; A=SectorHave == SectorWant? (init $00 from $C654) C69C:D0 BE BNE ^0 ;^ $C65C C69E:A5 40 LDA TrackHave ; (read from prologue) C6A0:C5 41 CMP TrackWant ; C6A2:D0 B8 BNE ^0 ;^ $C65C != C6A4:B0 B7 BCS ^1 ;^ $C65D <= C6A6:A0 56 ^10 LDY #$56 ; Decode $56 nibbles in 6&2 C6A8:84 3C ^11 STY $3C C6AA:BC 8C C0 ^12 LDY DRIVE_DATA,X C6AD:10 FB BPL ^12 ;^ $C6AA C6AF:59 D6 02 EOR $36C-$96,Y ; [$96] $36C:00, $36C-$96=$2D6 C6B2:A4 3C LDY $3C ; [$FF] $3D5:3F, $2D6+$FF=$3D5 C6B4:88 DEY C6B5:99 00 03 STA $0300,Y ; Buf1 = [$300 .. $35B] C6B8:D0 EE BNE ^11 ;^ $C6A8 C6BA:84 3C ^13 STY $3C ; Y = #FF C6BC:BC 8C C0 ^14 LDY DRIVE_DATA,X C6BF:10 FB BPl ^14 ;^ $C6BC C6C1:59 D6 02 EOR $36C-$96,Y C6C4:A4 3C LDY $3C C6C6:91 26 STA ($26),Y C6C8:C8 INY C6C9:D0 EF BNE ^13 ;^ $C6BA C6CB:BC 8C C0 ^15 LDY DRIVE_DATA,X C6CE:10 FB BPL ^15 C6D0:59 D6 02 EOR $36C-$96,Y C6D3:D0 87 ^16 BNE ;^ $C65C C6D5:A0 00 LDY #$00 C6D7:A2 56 ^17 LDX #$56 C6D9:CA ^18 DEX C6DA:30 FB BMI ^17 ; $C6D7 C6DC:B1 26 LDA ($26),Y C6DE:5E 00 03 LSR $0300,X C6E1:2A ROL C6E2:5E 00 03 LSR $0300,X C6E5:2A ROL C6E6:91 26 STA (P5.Buff),Y C6E8:C8 INY C6E9:D0 EE BNE ^18 ;^ $C6D9 C6EB:E6 27 INC P5.Buff+1 ; DestAddr += $0100 C6ED:E6 3D INC P5.SecWant ; SectorsLoaded++ C6EF:A5 3D LDA P5.SecWant ; also alias for NextSectorToLoad C6F1:CD 00 08 CMP P5.SecTotal ; SectorsLoaded <= SectorsTotal ? C6F4:A6 2B LDX P5.SlotX16 ; C6F6:90 DB BCC ^16 ;^ $C6D3 C6F8:4C 01 08 JMP $0801 ; $0800 = Num of Sectors to read C6FB:00 DS $C700-* ; unused last 5 bytes C6FC:00 00 00 00 ``` Let's map out the Track/Sector (T/S) boot stages ``` ; Stage Addr T/S Load ; --------------------- ; 0 C600 T00S0 0800 ; --------------------- ; 1 0801 ; --------------------- ; 2 T15S0 B000 ; 2 T15SD B100 ; 2 T15SB B200 ; 2 T15S9 B300 ; 2 T15S7 B400 ; 2 T15S5 B500 ; 2 T15S3 B600 ; 2 T15S1 B700 ; 2 T15SE 1800 ; 2 T15SC 1900 ; 2 T15SA 1A00 ; 2 T15S8 1B00 ; 2 T15S6 1C00 ; 2 T15S4 1D00 ; 2 T15S2 1E00 ; 2 T15SF 1F00 ; --------------------- ; 2 B500 ; --------------------- ; ? BE00 T??S? ; --------------------- ``` # Boot Tracing Stage 1b Since we'll be typing in the same commands over and over again let's make a "Turn-Key" system on our DOS data disk. ```asm 1EEE:A2 00 LDX #$00 1EF0:BD 00 C6 LDA $C600,X 1EF3:9D 00 96 STA $9600,X 1EF6:E8 INX 1EF7:D0 F7 BNE $1EF0 1EF9:A9 1F LDA #$1F ; Stop @ $1F01 1EFB:8D FA 96 STA $96FA 1EFE:4C 00 96 JMP $9600 1F01:00 BRK ``` That is, ```asm CALL-151 1EEE:A2 00 BD 00 C6 9D 00 96 1EF6:E8 D0 F7 A9 1F 8D FA 96 1EFE:4C 00 96 00 ``` Save it via: ``` BSAVE BOOT.STOP,A$1EEE,L$14 ``` And let's make it auto-load when we boot our DOS disk: ``` LOAD HELLO 5 ? CHR$(4);"BLOAD BOOT.STOP" SAVE HELLO ``` However, we need to stop after boot stage 2 has loaded: ```asm 1F01:A9 0E LDA #$0E 1F03:8D 7F 08 STA $087F ; 87E: JMP $BE00 1F06:A9 1F LDA #$1F ; -> 1F08:8D 80 08 STA $0880 ; 87E: JMP $1F0E 1F0B:4C 01 08 JMP $0801 1F0E:00 ``` ``` 1EEEG C0E8:1 4000 Physical Sectors rwts_SectorsDOS33: B3A9:00 07 0E 06 DFB $0,$7,$E,$6,$D,$5,$C,$4 B3AD:0D 05 0C 04 B3B1:0B 03 0A 02 DFB $B,$3,$A,$2,$9,$1,$8,$F B3B5:09 01 08 0F ; Map Logical Blocks -> Physical Sectors ; const uint_8 BlockToSectorProDOS[16] rwts_SectorsProDOS: B3B9:00 0D 0B 09 DFB $0,$D,$B,$9,$7,$5,$3,$1 B3BD:07 05 03 01 B3C1:0E 0C 0A 08 DFB $E,$C,$A,$8,$6,$4,$2,$F B3C5:06 04 02 0F ; One of the above tables is copied here rwts_SectorLoadOrder: B3C9:00 00 00 00 B3CD:00 00 00 00 B3D1:00 00 00 00 B3D5:00 00 00 00 ; This is a scatter-gather read! ; 00 = finished loading this page ; xx = Dest Page to load at ; uint_8 DestAddr[ 16 ]; rwts_SectorDestAddr: B3D9:00 00 00 00 B3DD:00 00 00 00 B3E1:00 00 00 00 B3E5:00 00 00 00 rwts_DestAddr: B3E9:00 DFB $00 B3EA:00 DFB $00 B3EB:00 rwts_B3EB DFB $00 ; TODO B3EC:00 rwts_B3EC DFB $00 ; TODO ; ==================== ; Y = Track ; JSR RWTS_B003 ; DFB Load Address Sector 0 ; DFB Load Address Sector 1 ; DFB Load Address Sector 2 ; DFB Load Address Sector 3 ; DFB Load Address Sector 4 ; DFB Load Address Sector 5 ; DFB Load Address Sector 6 ; DFB Load Address Sector 7 ; DFB Load Address Sector 8 ; DFB Load Address Sector 9 ; DFB Load Address Sector A ; DFB Load Address Sector B ; DFB Load Address Sector C ; DFB Load Address Sector D ; DFB Load Address Sector E ; DFB Load Address Sector F ; ==================== Do_LoadCode: B3ED:84 ED STY rwts_Track B3EF:68 PLA B3F0:85 EB STA rwts_Return B3F2:68 PLA B3F3:85 EC STA rwts_Return+1 B3F5:A2 00 LDX #$00 GetInterleave B3F7:20 0B B4 JSR GetNextAddr B3FA:9D C9 B3 STA rwts_SectorLoadOrder,X B3FD:E8 INX B3FE:E0 10 CPX #$10 B400:90 F5 BCC GetInterleave ;^ $B3F7, === T15S4 === B402:A5 EC LDA rwts_Return ; Restore caller B404:48 PHA B405:A5 EB LDA rwts_Return+1 B407:48 PHA B408:4C 33 B3 JMP RWTS_Read16 ;^ $B333 GetNextAddr: B40B:E6 EB INC rwts_Return B40D:D0 02 BNE GetByte ; roll over to next page? B40F:E6 EC INC rwts_Return+1 GetByte: B411:A0 00 LDY #$00 B413:B1 EB LDY (rwts_Return),Y B415:60 RTS RWTS_Delay: B416:38 SEC ; C=1 before subtract BusyWait1 B417:48 PHA BusyWait2: B418:E9 01 SBC #$01 B41A:D0 FC BNE BusyWait2 ;^ $B418 B41C:68 PLA B41D:E9 01 SBC #$01 B41F:D0 F6 BNE BusyWait1 ;^ $B417 B421:60 RTS ; ==================== ; Load @ $A,Y ; A = Mem Hi ; Y = Mem Lo ; X = Num of ProDOS Blocks ? ; ==================== Do_LoadBlocks: B422:8C E9 B3 STY rwts_DestAddr B425:8D EA B3 STA rwts_DestAddr+1 B428:8E EB B3 STX rwts_B3EB B42B:20 9E B3 JSR RWTS_UnloadSectors B42E:A0 00 LDY #$00 B430:8C EC B3 STY rwts_B3EC ReadBlock B433:AC EC B3 LDY rwts_B3EC B436:E6 01 INC $01 B438:B1 00 LDA ($00),Y ; A=??? B43A:4A LSR ; C=even B43B:C6 01 DEC $01 B43D:B1 00 LDA ($00),Y B43F:B0 02 BCS ;v $B443 >= ? B441:F0 0B BEQ ;v $B44E == done B443:20 00 B3 JSR RWTS_GetProDosSectors B446:EE EC B3 INC rwts_B3EC B449:CE EB B3 DEC rwts_B3EB B44C:D0 E5 BNE ReadBlock ;^ $B433 JumpRead16: B44E:4C 33 B3 JMP RWTS_Read16 ; ==================== ; A = Dest Address ; Y = Source Track ; ==================== Do_ReadTrack: B451:84 ED STY rwts_Track B453:A0 00 LDY #$00 NextSector: B455:99 C9 B3 STA rwts_SectorLoadOrder,Y B458:18 CLC B459:69 01 ADC #$01 ; Fill memory in sequential sector order B45B:C8 INY B45C:C0 10 CPY #$10 ; Finished 16 sectors? B45E:90 F5 BCC NextSector ;^ $B455 B460:B0 EC BCS JumpRead16 ;^ $B44E, always ; ==================== ; A = Dest Address ; Y = Source Track ; ==================== Do_ReadTrackQuiet: B462:A2 60 LDX #$60 ; $60 = RTS B464:8E 7F B3 STX ReadSound ; Disable SFX ZAP for bad read B467:20 51 B4 JSR RWTS_B451 B46A:A9 EA LDA #$EA ; $EA = NOP B46C:8D 7F B3 STA ReadSound ; Re-enable SFZ ZAP for bad read B46F:60 DS $B500-* ; unused/wasted B470:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B478:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B480:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B488:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B490:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B498:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B4A0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B4A8:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B4B0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B4B8:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B4C0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B4C8:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B4D0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B4D8:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B4E0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B4E8:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B4F0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B4F8:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B500: B568:60 RTS B569:00 00 00 B56C:00 00 00 00 DS $B7FF-* ; Unused/Wasted B570:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B578:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B580:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B588:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B590:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B598:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B5A0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B5A8:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B5B0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B5B8:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B5C0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B5C8:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B5D0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B5D8:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B5E0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B5E8:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B5F0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B5F8:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B600:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ; Unused/Wasted B608:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B610:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B618:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B620:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B628:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B630:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B638:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B640:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B648:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B650:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B658:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B660:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B668:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B670:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B678:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B680:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B688:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B690:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B698:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B6A0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B6A8:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B6B0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B6B8:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B6C0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B6C8:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B6D0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B6D8:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B6E0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B6E8:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B6F0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B6F8:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B700:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ; Unused/Wasted B708:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B710:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B718:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B720:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B728:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B730:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B738:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B740:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B748:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B750:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B758:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B760:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B768:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B770:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B778:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B780:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B788:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B790:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B798:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B7A0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B7A8:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B7B0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B7B8:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B7C0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B7C8:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B7D0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B7D8:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B7E0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B7E8:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B7F0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B7F8:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ``` Whew! # Boot Tracing Stage 2 Once the entire track $15 of Stage 2 is read in it is executed to read Stage 3. ```asm TestBoot3: ; Boot Stage 2 done, do stage 3 0873:A6 2B LDX P5.SlotX16 ; 0875:86 FD STX rwts_SlotX16 ; 0877:A9 BC LDA #>LoadBoot3 ; Load T$22 4&4 "4 sectors" @ $BC00, $BD00, $BE00, $BF00 0879:20 00 B5 JSR ReadBoot3 ; Boot Stage 2 reads in encrypted Stage 3 087C:B0 F5 BCS TestBoot3 ;^ $0873 C=1 error, Hang if NibbleCheck1 fails 087E:4C 00 BE JMP ExecBoot3 ; ``` Let's disassemble $B500 ... ```asm COUNT = $3E ; 16-bit counter DRIVE_DATA = $C08C ; Read Disk Nibble ReadBoot3: B500:8D 17 B5 STA _B516+1 ; *** SELF-MODIFYING *** DestAddr ; These 3 bytes are wasted ; Should just be STA $3D ; And we can delete $B516..$B518 B503:A9 22 LDA #$22 ; TRACK_NIBBLE_CHECK B505:20 09 B0 JSR RWTS_Seek ; B508:A6 FD LDX rwts_SlotX16 ; B50A:A9 80 LDA #$80 ; Attempt to read $8080 disk nibbles B50C:85 3E STA Count ; Count B50E:85 3F STA Count+1 ; B510:A9 04 LDA #$04 ; Num "Sectors" or Pages to read B512:85 3B STA NumSectors ; B514:A0 00 LDY #$00 ; Num disk nibbles read (actually is 1/2) _B516: B516:A9 00 LDA #$00 ; *** SELF-MODIFIED @ $B500 *** Dest Addr to Load at B518:84 3C STY $3C ; B51A:85 3D STA DestPage ; DestPage NextCount: B51C:C6 3E DEC Count ; Force read counter B51E:D0 06 BNE DoNibbleCheck1 ; to read at least once B520:C6 3F DEC Count+1 ; B522:D0 02 BNE DoNibbleCheck1 ; B524:38 SEC ; FAIL nibble check 1 B525:60 RTS ; DoNibbleCheck1: WaitNib1a: ; ^ B526:BD 8C C0 LDA DRIVE_DATA,X ; | B529:10 FB BPl WaitNib1a ;^ $B526 | TestNib1a: ; | B52B:C9 F5 CMP #$F5 ; $F5 | <--+ B52D:D0 ED BNE NextCount ;^ $B51C + | ; | WaitNib1b: ; | B52F:BD 8C C0 LDA DRIVE_DATA,X ; | B532:10 FB BPL WaitNib1b ;^ $B52F | TestNib1b: ; | B534:C9 F4 CMP #$F4 ; $F4 | B536:D0 F3 BNE TestNib1a ;^ $B52B ---+ WaitNib1c: B538:BD 8C C0 LDA DRIVE_DATA,X; B53B:10 FB BPL WaitNib2b ;^ $B538 TestNib1c: B53D:C9 CF CMP #$CF ; $CF B53F:D0 F3 BNE $B534 B541:BD 8C C0 LDA $C08C,X ;+ B544:10 FB BPL $B541 ;^ B546:2A ROL B547:85 3A STA $3A B549:BD 8C C0 LDA $C08C,X ;+ B54C:10 FB BPL $B549 ;^ B54E:25 3A AND $3A B550:91 3C STA ($3C),Y B552:C8 INY B553:D0 EC BNE $B541 B555:0E FF FF ASL $FFFF ; //e = $C3, //c = $C8, Laser128 = ? TODO: FIXME: B558:BD 8C C0 LDA $C08C,X B55B:10 FB BPL $B558 ;^ B55D:C9 D5 CMP #$D5 ; $ D5 B55F:D0 AF BNE $B510 ;^ B561:E6 3D INC $3D ; Inc Dest Page B563:C6 3B DEC NumSectors ; B565:D0 DA BNE $B541 ;^ B567:18 CLC ; PASS nibble check 1 B568:60 RTS ``` This first nibble check reads these disk nibbles on Track $22: F5 F4 CF [4&4 x256] [4&4 x256] D5 [4&4 x256] [4&4 x256] D5 [4&4 x256] [4&4 x256] D5 [4&4 x256] [4&4 x256] D5 This is one of the reasons you need a "Bit-Copier" to copy Track $22. There are no sectors as traditionally defined by `D5 AA 96` and `D5 AA ED`! Let's update our Boot Stages Diagram: ``` ; Stage Addr TRK/S Load ; --------------------- ; 0 C600 T00S0 0800 ; --------------------- ; 1 0801 T15 ; --------------------- ; 2 T15S0 B000 ; 2 T15SD B100 ; 2 T15SB B200 ; 2 T15S9 B300 ; 2 T15S7 B400 ; 2 T15S5 B500 ; 2 T15S3 B600 ; 2 T15S1 B700 ; 2 T15SE 1800 ; 2 T15SC 1900 ; 2 T15SA 1A00 ; 2 T15S8 1B00 ; 2 T15S6 1C00 ; 2 T15S4 1D00 ; 2 T15S2 1E00 ; 2 T15SF 1F00 ; --------------------- ; 1 0873 ; 2 B500 T22Sx BC00 Disk: $F5,$F4,$CF, [ 4&4:512,$D5 ] x4 ; 2 T22Sx BD00 ; 2 T22Sx BE00 ; 2 T22Sx BF00 ; --------------------- ; 3 BE00 ? ? ; --------------------- ``` There are many different ways to remove the protection. The simpliest is to format track $22 normally, and modify $B500 to load them in. See [Kracking](#Kracking-Fantavision) That is exactly what Black Bag's "Kracked" version of Fantavision does. ## Stupid Kids and their Graffiti * ![Black Bag Krack](pics/logo_blackbag.png) Really? You had to deface the logo?! No, I'm NOT talking about the "Names", but _these_ changes: * the `S` in Software * the `f` in Software * Adding stray pixels For comparison here is the original logo: * ![Logo](pics/logo.png) Here is a "difference" between the Original and Black Bag logos: * ![Black Bag Difference](pics/logo_difference_blackbag.png) At least they "fixed" the grammar, right? `Br0derbund presents`. **sigh** (No, they didn't) What were we talking about again? Oh yeah, the specifics of the Black Bag crack. :-) On Track $15, Sector $5 @ $B500 it uses: * RWTS_ReadPrologue = $B126 and * RWTS_ReadSector = $B011 to read two sectors on a normal formatted track $22. _That_ code looks like this: ```asm ReadBoot3: B500:A9 22 LDA #$22 ; Nibble Check Track been converted to normal sector B502:20 09 B0 JSR RWTS_Seek ; B505:A2 60 LDX #$60 ; BUG! Hard-Coded to Drive in Slot 6 ! FindSector0: ; Should be: LDX rwts_SlotX16 -> LDX $FD B507:20 26 B1 JSR RWTS_Prologue ; B50A:A5 E3 LDA rwts_Sector_Have ; B50C:C9 00 CMP #$00 ; Logical Sector $0 -> Physical Sector $0 B50E:D0 F7 BNE FindSector0 ; B510:85 E6 STA rwts_LoadAddr ; Double Duty B512:A9 BE LDA #$BE ; Dest Addr = $BE00 B514:85 E7 STA rwts_LoadAddr+1 ; B516:20 11 B0 JSR RWTS_ReadSector ; FindSectorD: ; B519:20 26 B1 JSR RWTS_Prologue ; B51C:A5 E3 LDA rwts_Sector_Have ; B51E:C9 0D CMP #$0D ; Logical Sector $1 -> Physical Sector $D B520:D0 F7 BNE FindSectorD ; B522:E6 E7 INC rwts_LoadAddr+1 ; DestAddr += $0100 B522:20 11 B0 JSR RWTS_ReadSector ; B527:18 CLC ; Signal $087C Nibble Check = PASS B528:60 RTS ; ``` Looks like this was an amateur rush job * If you try to boot this version in Slot 5 it will fail, * They waste an entire Track $22 for 2 sectors, * This "loader" code is bloated taking 41 bytes compared to 19 bytes needed to do the job. We'll cover this in _Cracking Step 1: The Easy Stuff_ Someone even patched the backup utility ! * ![Logo](pics/backup_blackbag.png) We will discuss this more when we remove the copy protection ourselves. # Boot Tracing Stage 3 $BE00 The boot sector code @ $087E calls Stage 3 $BE00: ```asm 087E:4C 00 BE JMP ExecBoot3 ``` This is the disassembly: ```asm ExecBoot3: BE00:4C 06 BE JMP Main BE03:4C AD BE JMP DoNibbleCheck2 ; Nibble Check #2: $D4,$D5,$DE,$A5,$xx,$yy,$E5,$AA Main: BE06:20 16 BF JSR Verify64K BE09:20 75 BE JSR $BE75 BE0C:A0 58 LDY #<$FF58 BE0E:A9 FF LDA #>$FF58 BE10:84 36 STA CSW ; CSWL = $36, Char Out Vector (Function Pointer) BE12:85 37 STA CSW+1 BE14:A0 1F LDY #NewKSW BE18:84 38 STY KSW ; KSWL = $38, Char In Vector (Function Pointer) BE1A:85 39 STA KSW+1 BE1C:4C 00 E0 JMP BASIC ; BASIC Cold Start NewKSW: BE1F:91 28 STA (BAS),Y ; BASL = $28 BE21:20 89 FE JSR SETKBD ; SETKBD = $FE89 BE24:20 93 FE JSR SETVID ; SETVID = $FE93 BE27:A9 16 LDA #$16 ; First Track to Load BE29:8D 33 BE STA BE.NextTrack+1 ; *** SELF MODIFYING *** BE2C:20 09 B0 JSR RWTS_Seek BE2F:A9 08 LDA #$08 ; DestAddr NextPage: BE31:48 PHA ;+ Save DestAddr BE.NextTrack: BE32:A0 00 LDY #$00 ; *** SELF-MODIFIED @ $BE27 @ $BE34 *** BE34:EE 33 BE INC BE.NextTrack+1 ; *** SELF MODIFYING *** BE37:20 00 B0 JSR RTWS_LoadTrack BE3A:68 PLA ; Restore DestAddr BE3B:18 CLC BE3C:69 18 ADC #$18 ; We initially loaded at $0800 BE3E:29 F0 AND #$F0 ; Force to load at start-of-page $2x00, $3x00, etc BE40:C9 A1 CMP #$A1 ; Load entire $Ax00 page then stop BE42:90 ED BCC NextPage ;^ $BE31 BE44:AC 00 08 LDY $0800 BE47:AD 04 08 LDA $0804 BE4A:84 AF STY $AF BE4C:85 B0 STA $B0 BE4E:84 69 STY $69 BE50:85 6A STA $6A BE52:A9 00 LDY #$00 BE54:8D 00 08 STA $0800 BE57:8D 04 08 STA $0804 BE5A:AD 00 C0 LDA KEYBOARD ; Key pressed? BE5D:C9 9B CMP #$1B + $80 ; ESC pressed? BE5F:F0 07 BEQ LoadBackup ;v $BE68 BE61:A6 FD LDX $FD BE63:86 43 STX $43 BE65:4C 00 40 JMP Main.2 LoadBackup: BE68:2C 10 C0 BIT KEYSTROBE BE6B:A0 20 LDY #$20 ; Y = Track of Backup Utility BE6D:A9 08 LDA #>Main.Backup ; A = Address BE6F:20 00 B0 JSR RWTS_LoadTrack BE72:4C 00 08 JMP Main.Backup BE75:A2 20 LDX #$20 ; Double Duty: DstAddr, and Num Pages BE77:8E 7F BE STX _ClearHGR+2 ; *** SELF-MODIFYING @ $BE7D BE7A:A0 00 LDY #$00 BE7C:98 TYA _ClearHgr BE7D:99 00 20 STA $2000,Y ; *** SELF_MODIFIED by $BE77, $BE83 BE80:C8 INy BE81:D0 FA BNE _ClearHgr ;^ $BE7D BE83:EE 7F BE INC _ClearHGR+2 BE86:CA DEX BE87:D0 F4 BNE _ClearHgr BE89:AD 52 C0 LDA $C052 BE8C:AD 57 C0 LDA $C057 BE8F:AD 50 C0 LDA $C050 BE92:A9 17 LDA #$17 ; Logo on Track $17 BE94:20 09 B0 JSR RWTS_Seek BE97:A9 20 LDA #$20 ; A = Addr = HGR top half BE99:A0 17 LDY #$17 ; Y = Track Logo Top BE9B:20 00 B0 JSR RWTS_LoadTrack BE9E:A9 30 LDA #$30 ; A = Addr = HGR bottom half BEA0:A0 18 LDY #$18 ; Y = Track Logo Bot BEA2:20 00 B0 JSR RWTS_LoadTrack BEA5:A9 22 LDA #$22 BEA7:20 09 B0 JSR RWTS_Seek BEAA:4C AD BE JMP DoNibbleCheck2 RTS ``` Here is the diassembly of the second nibble check on Track $22. ```asm ; Normally $0200 is the keyboard buffer ; But here it is used as an array of booleans. ; ; bool MissingKey[ 256 ]; ; False = $00 True = $FF KeyBuf = $0200 DriveData = $C08C DoNibbleCheck2: BEAD:A0 00 LDY #$00 BEAF:A9 FF LDA #True ; -1 = True _Init200 BEB1:99 00 02 STA KeyBuf,Y ; MissingKey[ $00 .. $FF ] = True BEB4:C8 INY BEB5:D0 FA BNE _Init200 ;^ $BEB1 _Nib0 BEB7:A6 FD LDX rwts_SlotX16 _Read1: BEB9:BD 8C C0 LDX DriveData,X BEBC:10 FB BPL _Read1 ;^ $BEB9 _Nib1: BEBE:C9 D4 CMP #$D4 ; Check1 = #$D4 BEC0:D0 F5 BNE _Nib0 ;^ $BEB7 BEC2:20 10 BF JSR _NibRead _Nib2: BEC5:C9 D5 CMP #$D5 ; Check2 = #$D5 BEC7:D0 F5 BNE _Nib1 ;^ $BEBE BEC9:20 10 BF JSR NibRead _Nib3: BECC:C9 DE CMP #$DE ; Check3 = #$DE BECE:D0 F5 BNE _Nib2 ;^ $BEC5 BED0:20 10 BF JSR NibRead _Nib4: BED3:C9 A5 CMP #$A5 ; Check4 = #$A5 BED5:D0 F5 BNE _Nib3 ;^ $BECC BED7:EA NOP _Nib5: BED8:BD 8C C0 LDA DriveData,X BEDB:10 FB BPL _Nib5 BEDD:2A ROL BEDE:85 26 STA #$26 ; Save CheckYa _Nib6: BEE0:BD 8C C0 LDA DriveData,X BEE3:10 FB BPL _Nib6 BEE5:25 26 AND $26 ; Save CheckYb in 4&4 format BEE7:A8 TAY ; Y = Checksum BEE8:20 10 BF JSR NibRead BEEB:C9 E5 CMP #$E5 ; Check7 = #$E5 BEED:D0 C8 BNE _Nib0 ;^ BEB7 BEEF:20 10 BF JSR NibRead BEF2:C9 AA CMP #$AA ; Check8 = #$AA BEF4:D0 C1 BNE Nib0 ;^ $BEB7 BEF6:B9 00 02 LDA KeyBuf,Y ; if MissingKey[ Y ] > 0 cont. to next key BEF9:10 BC BPL _Nib0 ;^ $BEB7 BEFB:A9 00 LDA #False BEFD:99 00 02 STA KeyBuf,Y ; else MissingKey[ Y ] = False BF00:AA TAX ; X = 0 BF01:A8 TAY ; Y = 0 _CountKey BF02:B9 00 02 LDA KeyBuf,Y ; Search $0200 .. $02FF BF05:30 01 BMI _NextKey ; if MissingKey[ Y ] < 0, don't count it BF07:E8 INX ; X = Num of Keys we have read so far _NextKey BF08:C8 INY BF09:D0 F7 BNE _CountKey BF0B:E0 A0 CPX #$A0 ; Keep reading until we have 160 keys BF0D:90 A8 BCC _Nib0 ;^ $BEB7 BF0F:60 RTS NibRead: BF10:BD 8C C0 LDA DriveData,X BF13:10 FB BPL NibRead BF15:60 RTS ``` What this code is doing is checking for $A0 = 160 keys on disk of the form: ``` D4 D5 DE A5 ?? ?? E5 AA ?? ?? ?? \_________/ \___/ \___/ \______/ Prologue KeyYY Epilog Random Sync Bytes ``` Recall that bytes in 4&4 format are stored as disk nibbles: |Hex| 4&4 | |:-:|:---:| |$00|AA AA| |$01|AA AB| |...| ... | |$D5|EA FF| The rest of the code is pretty straightforward. ```asm Verify64K: BF16:2C 83 C0 BIT $C083 BF19:2C 83 C0 BIT $C083 RTS TODO: FIXME: ``` # Time to go LOCO, er LOGO ## Logo -- no, not the language 1. Boot our `Fanta.Work` disk 2. Enter in this short ML (machine language program) ```asm 1F01:A9 60 LDA #$60 ; "RTS" 1F03:8D 46 08 STA $0846 ; 846:LDX $2B -> RTS 1F06:8D 73 08 STA $0873 ; 873:LDX $2B -> RTS 1F09:20 01 08 JSR $0801 ; 1F0C:A9 17 LDA #$17 ; A = Track 1F0E:A0 20 LDY #$20 ; Y = Dest 1F10:20 20 1F JSR $1F20 1F13:A9 18 LDA #$18 ; A = Track 1F15:A0 30 LDY #$30 ; Y = Dest 1F17:20 20 1F JSR $1F20 1F1A:4C 69 FF JMP $FF69 1F20:8D 57 08 STA $857 ; LDA #Track 1F23:A2 00 LDX #$00 1F25:98 TYA 1F26:9D CE 08 STA $08CE,X 1F29:C8 INY ; Dest Page 1F2A:E8 INX 1F2B:E0 10 CPX #$10 ; 16 sectors 1F2D:D0 F6 BNE $1F25 1F2F:A6 2B LDX $2B 1F31:4C 48 08 JMP $0848 ``` Via: ```asm 1F01:A9 60 8D 46 08 8D 73 08 1F09:20 01 08 1F0C:A9 17 A0 20 20 20 1F 1F13:A9 18 A0 30 20 20 1F 1F1A:4C 69 FF 1F20:8D 57 08 A2 00 98 1F26:9D CE 08 C8 E8 E0 10 1F2D:D0 F6 A6 2B 4C 48 08 ``` * Note: That A and Y are swapped comprared to RWTS_ReadTrack at $B000 3. And save it: ``` BSAVE GET_LOGO_1,A$1EEE,L$46 ``` 4. Replace Slot 6, Drive 1 disk with the original Fantavision. And now for the moment of truth ... ```asm 1EEEG C050 C052 C054 C057 ``` ![Logo](pics/logo.png) 5. When you are done viewing ... ```asm C051 ``` ## Logo Take 2 For some unknown reason there is actually a complete _second_ copy of the logo on disk!? ``` BLOAD GET_LOGO_1 CALL-151 1F0D:A 1F14:B BSAVE GET_LOGO_2,A$1EEE,L$46 ``` * ![logo 2](pics/logo_2.png) Hmm, why is our logo messed up?? It turns out there are 4 tracks that are mirrored !?!?!? |Track| Description | |:---:|:---------------------------:| | $08 | Mirror of Track $1A, unused | | $09 | Mirror of Track $19, unused | | $0A | Mirror of Track $18 @ $3000 | | $0B | Mirror of Track $17 @ $2000 | This is easy enough to fix, we just need to swap the track load order. :-) Boot our `Fanta.Work` disk ... ``` BLOAD GET_LOGO_2 CALL-151 1F0D:B 1F14:A BSAVE GET_LOGO_2,A$1EEE,L$46 ``` You know the drill ... replace Slot 6, Drive 1 with Fantavision, and `1EEEG` * ![logo](pics/logo.png) ## Logo Take 3 ! Track $20, Sectors $8 .. $F has yet a _3rd_ copy of the logo! (Bottom 1/4) ``` BLOAD GET_LOGO_2 CALL-151 1F0D:20 1F14:21 BSAVE GET_LOGO_34,A$1EEE,L$46 ``` * ![logo 3](pics/logos_34.png) If we compare the original logo on Tracks $17 and $18 to this third copy we find: * Track $20, Sector $8 == Track $18, Sector $8 @ $3800 ## Logo Take 4 !! And just when you thought it couldn't get any more loopy ... Track $21, Sectors $8 ..$F has yet a _4th_ copy of the logo! (Bottom 1/4) If we compare the original logo on Tracks $17 and $18 we see that: * Track $21, Sector $8 == Track $18, Sector $8 Are you going loco yet? In case you are curious how does Fantavision orignally loads the logo? That resides at $BE89: ```asm BE89:AD 52 C0 LDA $C052 BE8C:AD 57 C0 LDA $C057 BE8F:AD 50 C0 LDA $C050 BE92:A9 17 LDA #$17 ; Track $17 BE94:20 09 B0 JSR RWTS_Seek BE97:A9 20 LDA #$20 ; Load $2000 .. $2FFF BE99:A0 17 LDY #$17 ; First half of logo on track $17 BE9B:20 00 B0 JSR RTWS_LoadTrack BE9E:A9 30 LDA #$20 ; Load $3000 .. $3FFF BEA0:A0 18 LDY #$18 ; Second half of logo on track $18 BEA2:20 00 B0 JSR RTWS_LoadTrack ``` Here is a easy way to view these: ``` CALL-151 9600Main.Backup ; A = Address BE6F:20 00 B0 JSR RWTS_LoadTrack BE72:4C 00 08 JMP Main.Backup ``` ## Backup Take 2 However on Track $21 there is yet _another_ copy of the Backup Utility ! Let's write some code to load both of them. :) 1. `PR#5` to boot our `Fanta.Work` Disk 2. `BLOAD GET_LOGO_1` 3. `CALL-151` ```asm 1F0D:20 1F14:21 BSAVE GET_BACKUP_T20_T21,A$1EEE,L$46 ``` 4. Replace your Fantavision disk in slot 6 5. `1EEEG` to boot Fantavision 6. Replace your Fanta-work disk in slot 5 7. `C500G` to boot Fanta-work 8. `CALL-151` 9. `800<2000.27FFM` 10. `BSAVE B5.BACKUP_T20_0800,A$800,L$800` 11. `800<3000.37FFM` 12. `BSAVE B5.BACKUP_T21_0800,A$800,L$800` 13. `BSAVE LOGO_3_T20,A$2800,L$800` 14. `BSAVE LOGO_4_T21,A$3800,L$800` ## Backup Byte-Code Interpreter Both backup versions share the same Byte-Code design, but Track $21 has an extra 2 bytes in the interpretor which causes the Array of Function Pointers to start at a higher location in memory. ```asm Track $20 Track $21 _800 JMP $0D37 1000: JMP $14DF DecodeToken: _803 PLA 1003: PLA STA $70 STA $70 ; Save ReturnAddrLo PLA PLA STA $71 STA $70 ; Save ReturnAddrHi _809 JSR $086D 1009: JSR $106F JSR $0814 JSR $1014 JMP $0809 JMP $1009 _812 LDA #$8D 1012: LDA #$8D ; CR ? _814 BPL $0834 1014: BPL $1036 ; Never LiteralToken: _816 CMP #$A0 CMP #$A0 ; < SPACE ? BCC $0824 BCC $1024 BIT $32 BIT $32 BMI $0824 BMI $1024 CMP #$E0 CMP #$E0 ; > '``, one char before 'a' BCS $0824 BCS $1024 AND #$3F AND #$3F ; Make Inverse _824 ORA #$00 1024: ORA #$00 ; BIT $FBB3 LDY $FBB3 BPL $0831 CPY #$06 BEQ $1033 ; <-- old version extra instruction CMP #$E0 CMP #$E0 ; < '`', one char before 'a' BCC $0831 BCC $1033 AND #$DF AND #$DF _831 JMP $FDF0 1033: JMP $FDF0 _834 CMP #$20 1036: CMP #$20 BNE $083A BNE $103C LDA #$11 LDA #$11 _83A ASL ASL TAY TAY LDA $0846,Y LDA $1048,Y PHA PHA LHA $0845,Y LDA $1047,Y _844 RTS 1046: RTS GetNextToken: ; Leaves Token in A and X _86D LDY #$00 106F: LDY #00 INC $70 INC $70 BNE $0875 BNE $1077 INC $71 INC $71 _875 LDA ($70),Y 1077: LDA ($70),Y TAX TAX 0878:RTS RTS ``` We are interested in the table of function pointers. |Track|Func Ptr| |:---:|:-------| | $20 | $0845 | | $21 | $1047 | Comparing the two jump tables: |Token| $20 | $21 | |:---:|:---:|:---:| | $00 |$0885|$1087| | $01 |$FB35|$FB35| | $02 |$FC57|$FC57| | $03 |$088E|$1090| | $04 |$0891|$1093| | $05 |$089B|$109D| | $06 |$FC9B|$FC9B| | $07 |$FC41|$FC41| | $08 |$08A1|$10A3| | $09 |$08A8|$10AA| | $0A |$08B0|$10B2| | $0B |$03E9|$03E9| | $0C |$FE92|$FE92| | $0D |$08BF|$10C1| | $0E |$08C8|$10CA| | $0F |$08C8|$10CA| | $10 |$08C8|$10CA| | $11 |$08D6|$10D8| | $12 |$08EC|$10EE| | $13 |$0901|$1106| We find they are identical (barring the +2 offset.) Let's decode the byte code tokens @ $0845: |Code|Byte Code|Command |Dispatch|Description | |:--:|:-------:|:--------|:------:|:--------------------------------------| |0845| [ $00 ] |CMD_DONE | $0886 |Return to caller, like 6502: $00 BRK | |0847| [ $01 ] |CMD_TEXT | $FB36 |SETTXT-3 | |0849| [ $02 ] |CMD_HOME | $FC58 |HOME | |084B| [ $03 ] |CMD_NORM | $088F |Switch to Normal Text | |084D| [ $04 ] |CMD_INV | $0892 |Switch to Inverse Text | |084F| [ $05 ] |CMD_05 | $089C | | |0851| [ $06 ] |CMD_EOL | $FC9C |CLREOL | |0853| [ $07 ] |CMD_CLR | $FC42 |CLREOP | |0855| [ $08 ] |CMD_HTAB | $08A2 |xx -> $24 = x-1 | |0857| [ $09 ] |CMD_VTAB | $08A9 |-> Call $FB5B TABV yy+1 | |0859| [ $0A ] |CMD_REP | $08B1 |xx yy Print char XX repeated YY times | |085B| [ $0B ] |CMD_0B | $03EA | | |085D| [ $0C ] |CMD_PR0 | $FE93 |SETVID (PR#0) | |085F| [ $0D ] |CMD_POKE | $08C0 |lo hi val, like 6502: $8D STA $abs | |0861| [ $0E ] |CMD_DUP_E| $08C9 |Duplicate of CMD_PTR$ | |0863| [ $0F ] |CMD_DUP_F| $08C9 |Duplicate of CMD_PTR$ | |0865| [ $10 ] |CMD_PTR$ | $08C9 |Print Pointer to String | |0867| [ $11 ] |CMD_JSR2 | $08D7 |JSR address at next two bytes | |0869| [ $12 ] |CMD_INKEY| $08ED |Wait for keypress | |086B| [ $13 ] |CMD_BEEP | $0902 |Soft Beep | | | [ $20 ] |CMD_JSR | | -> remapped to [$11] JSR yy xx | ### Backup 1 Disasembly Here is the diassembly of Backup 1: ```asm ORG $0800 0800:4C 37 0D JMP $0D37 DecodeToken: 0803:68 _803 PLA 0804: STA $70 ; Save ReturnAddrLo 0806: PLA 0807: STA $71 ; Save ReturnAddrHi 0809: _809 JSR $086D 080C:20 14 08 JSR $0814 080F:4C 09 08 JMP $0809 _812 LDA #$8D ; CR ? _814 BPL $0834 ; Never LiteralToken: _816 CMP #$A0 ; < SPACE ? BCC $0824 BIT $32 BMI $0824 CMP #$E0 ; > '``, one char before 'a' BCS $0824 AND #$3F ; Make Inverse _824 ORA #$00 ; BIT $FBB3 BPL $0831 ; <-- old version extra instruction CMP #$E0 ; < '`', one char before 'a' BCC $0831 AND #$DF _831 JMP $FDF0 _834 CMP #$20 BNE $083A LDA #$11 _83A ASL TAY LDA $0846,Y PHA LHA $0845,Y _844 RTS GetNextToken: ; Leaves Token in A and X _86D LDY #$00 INC $70 BNE $0875 INC $71 _875 LDA ($70),Y TAX TAX 0878:RTS RTS 0879: GetPointerByte 0879:20 6D 08 JSR GetNextToken 087C:85 72 STA $72 087E:20 6D 08 JSR GetNextToken 0881:85 73 STA $73 0883:B1 72 LDA ($72),Y ; Y=0 0885:60 RTS 0896:68 PLA 0897:68 0896:85 32 STA $32 0898:8C 25 08 STY $0825 089B:60 RTS 089C:A9 7F LDA #$7F 089E:A0 40 LDY #$40 08A0:D0 F4 BNE $0896 ; Always 08C0: Cmd_Poke 08C0:20 79 08 JSR GetPointerByte ; Addr -> $72,$73 08C3:20 6D 08 JSR GetNextToken ; Val -> A 08C6:91 72 STA ($72),Y ; Poke Addr,Val 08C8:60 RTS Cmd_PTR$ 08C9:20 79 08 JSR GetPointerByte 08CC:B1 72 LDA ($72),Y 08CE:F0 06 BEQ $08D6 08D0:20 16 08 JSR LiteralToken 08D3:C8 INY 08D4:D0 F6 BNE $08CC 08D6:60 RTS GetKey 08ED:2C 10 C0 BIT KEYSTROBE 08F0:AD 00 C0 LDA KEYBOARD 08F3:10 FB BNE $8F0 08F5:2C 10 C0 BIT KEYSTROBE 08F8:60 RTS 08F9: Seperator 08F9: JSR DecodeToken 08FC:0A DFB CMD_REP 08FD:AD DFB "-" 08FE:27 DFB 39 ; 08FF:8D DFB $8D ; CR 0900:00 DFB CMD_END 0901:60 RTS 0918: DriveOn 0918:A6 FD LDX rwts_SlotX16 ; P5.SlotX16 = $2B -> rwts_SlotX16 = $FD 091A:BD 89 C0 LDA DRIVE_ON,X ; 091D:A9 00 LDA #$00 091F:4C A8 FC JMP WAIT 0922: DiskLoadNibbleCheck 0922:20 18 09 JSR DriveOn ; $0918 0925:24 6D BIT $6D 0927:10 0B BPL $0934 0929:A9 44 LDA #$44 ; Track $22 092B:85 FF STA rwts_HalfTrack_Have 092D:A9 00 LDA #0 ; Track $00 092F:20 09 B0 JSR RWTS_Seek 0932:46 6D LSR $6D 0934:A9 B8 LDA #$B8 ; Load @ $B800, compare with Boot Sector $0877: Load #$BC 0936:4C 00 B5 JMP ReadBoot3 ; Carry Clear = Original, Set = Copy 0939:20 22 09 JSR DiskLoadNibbleCheck 093C:B0 02 BCS $0940 093E:38 SEC 093F:60 RTS 0940:A9 40 LDA #$40 0942:85 60 STA $60 0944:20 44 19 JSR $1944 0947:90 04 BCC +2 ; $094D 0949:C6 60 DEC $60 094D:BD 88 C0 LDA DRIVE_OFF,X 0950:60 RTS 0AB7: BottomSeperator 0AB7:20 03 08 JSR DecodeToken 0ABA:09 DFB CMD_VTAB 0ABB:18 DFB #24 0ABC:08 DFB CMD_HTAB 0ABD:01 DFB #1 0ABE:0A DFB CMD_REP 0ABF:AD ASC "-" 0AC0:27 DFB #39 ; 39 cols 0AC1:08 DFB CMD_HTAB 0AC2:01 DFB #1 0AC3:00 DFB CMD_DONE 0AC4:60 RTS AlreadyCopied 0B90:20 03 08 JSR DecodeToken 0B93:02 DFB CMD_HOME 0B94:09 DFB CMD_VTAB 0B95:09 DFB #9 0B96:D4 E8 ASC "This disk has already been used to" 0B98:E9 F3 A0 E4 0B9C:E9 F3 EB A0 0BA0:E8 E1 F3 A0 0BA4:E1 EC F2 E5 0BA8:E1 E4 F9 A0 0BAC:E2 E5 E5 EE 0BB0:A0 F5 F3 E5 0BB4:E4 A0 F4 EF 0BB8: DFB CR 0BB8: DFB CR 0BBA ASC "make a backup." 0BC8: DFB 00 0BC9:4C 05 0B JMP $0B05 CheckAlreadyCopied 0BCC:20 22 09 JSR DiskLoadNibbleCheck 0BCF:B0 FB BCS $0BCC ; if C=1 then disk read error, keep trying 0BD1:AD 00 B8 LDA $B800 ; if DiskCopiedFlag == 00=Copied, FF=Not copied 0BD4:F0 BA BEQ AlreadyCopied ;^ $0B90 0BD6:60 RTS 0D1A: TXT_FANTAVISION_NAME 0D1A: ASC "Fantavision" 0D25:00 DFB CMD_DONE 0D26: TXT_FANTAVISION_DISK 0D26: ASC "Fantavision disk" 0D36:00 DFB CMD_DONE 0D37:A6 FD LDX rwts_SlotX16 0D39:8E E9 1F STX $1FE9 ; 0D3C:8E F7 1F STX $1FF7 ; 0D3F:A9 00 LDA #$00 0D41:8D EB 1F STA $1FEB 0D44:8D F0 1F STA $1FF0 0D47:46 6B LSR $6B 0D49:46 6C LSR $6C 0D4B:20 03 08 JSR DecodeToken 0D4E:01 DFB CMD_TEXT 0D4F:02 DFB CMD_HOME 0D50:03 DFB CMD_NORM 0D51:20 F9 08 JSR Seperator 0D54:A0 A0 A0 ASC " " 0D57:10 DFB CMD_PTR$ 0D58:1A 0D DA TXT_FANTAVISION_NAME 0D5A:A0 ASC " (TM) Backup Utility" 0D70:8D DFB CR 0D71:20 F9 08 JSR Seperator 0D74:0D DFB CMD_POKE 0D75:22 00 DA WNDTOP ; $22 = Window.Top 0D77:04 DFB #4 ; 4 Lines 0D78:0D DFB CMD_POKE 0D79:23 00 DA WNDBOT ; $23 = Window.Bottom 0D7B:16 DFB #22 ; Normally $18 = 24 rows 0D7C:20 B7 0A JSR BottomSeperator 0D7F:20 CC 0B JSR CheckAlreadyCopied 0D82:02 DFB CMD_HOME 0D83: ASC "This utility lets you make one backup" 0DA8:8D DFB CR 0DA9: ASC "of your " 0DB1:10 DFB CMD_PTR$ 0DB2:26 0D DA TXT_FANTAVISION_DISK 0DB4:AE ASC "." 0DB5:8D DFB CR 0DB6:8D DFB CR 0DB7:04 DFB CMD_INV 0DB8: ASC "IMPORTANT:" 0DC2:03 DFB CMD_NORM 0DC3:A0 D9 ASC " You may use this option" 0DDB:8D DFB CR 0DDC:08 DFB CMD_HTAB 0DDD:0C DFB #12 0DDE: ASC "only once." 0DE8:8D DFB CR 0DE9:8D DFB CR 0DEA:D4 ASC "To make a backup, you will need" 0E09:8D DFB CR 0E0A: ASC "one blacnk disk." 0E19:8D DFB CR 0E1A:8D DFB CR 0E1B: ASC "You will need to swap disks a number of " 0E42:8D DFB CR 0E43: ASC "times. The program will tell you when" 0E68:8D DFB CR 0E69 ASC "to do this." 0E74:8D DFB CR 0E75:8D DFB CR 0E76: ASC "To start, make sure your " 0E8F:10 DFB CMD_PTR$ 0E90:1A 0D DA TXT_FANTAVISION_NAME 0E92:8D DFB CR 0E93: ASC "disk (label side up) is in" 0EAD:8D DFB 8D 0EAE:20 JSR $0AC5 ; TODO: FIXME ``` To 'fake' the `backup used` we can enter in this patch: ```asm BD1:A9 BD3:EA 800G ``` Sure enough we get this backup used screen: * ![Backup used](pics/backup_used.png) And just for kicks, let's use an original version that already _has_ been backed up and "trick" it so that the code thinks it is still a virgin master. ```asm 9600` 13. `LIST` ```Basic 4864 ONERR GOTO 9000 1 REM Fantavision (C) 1985 by Scott Anderson - 9/26/85 3 HIMEM: 2 * 4096 5 POKE 1012,0 9 HOME: VTAB 23:HTAB 4:PRINT "PRESS THE SPACE BAR TO CHANGE THE": HTAB 3:PRINT "DRAWING TOOL OR TO MAKE A SHOW DISK."; 10 GOTO 5000 100 HTAB 11-2*(I>4): PRINT LEF$( I$(I),1)" - "I$(I):RETURN 150 HTAB 2:FOR I = 1 TO 38: PRINT " ";:NEXT: RETURN 180 HTAB 10 - (LEN( I$( ID ) ) ) / 2: PRINT "THE DRAWING TOOL IS A "I$(ID)".":RETURN 400 REM Get Input Device 410 TEXT: HOME: HTAB 9:PRINT "= [ FANTAVISION MENU ] =":PRINT:GOSUB 150 430 FOR I = 1 to NI: VTAB 4 + 2*I + 2*(I>4):GOSUB 100:NEXT 440 VTAB 22: CALL EB: PRINT: HTAB 13:PRINT "YOU CHOICE:";: GET A$: A=ASC(A$): A=A-32*(A>96):A$=CHR$(A):PRINT A$; 445 I = NI 450 IF A <> ASC( I$(I) ) THEN I=I-1:ON I > 0 GOTO 450:PRINT CHR$(7);:GOTO 440 460 ON I > 4 GOTO 490:ID = I: D = ND 470 IF DB%(D,0) <> ID THEN D=D-1:ON D > 0 GOTO 470 480 IF D THEN GOSUB 500:ON SL > 0 GOTO 490:VTAB 23:HTAB 5:PRINT "WHAT SLOT IS THE " I$(ID)" IN? :";: GET A$:SL = VAL( A$ ):PRINT SL;:ON NOT SL GOTO 440 490 RETURN 500 B=1:SL=7 510 IF PEEK(12*4096 + SL*256 + DB%(0,B)) = DB%(D,B) THEN B=B+1: ON B < 5 GOTO 510:GOTO 580 520 B = 1: SL = SL - 1:ON SL > 0 GOTO 510 580 RETURN 600 L = DS*16 + 49292:X = PEEK( L - 3 ): X = PEEK( L - 1 ):REM Dr2 on 610 X = PEEK( L ): DD = 2:FOR I = 1 to 20: IF PEEK(L) = X THEN NEXT I:DD = 1 630 X = PEEK( L - 4 ):RETURN 800 REM 890 RETURN 900 REM 990 RETURN 5000 REM Start of program 5020 LS = 4*256 - 2: IL = LS + 1 5040 EB = 64578 5050 Z = 43008: IO = 48249: BF = 48896: CA = 776: CP = 789 5060 DS = PEEK( IO + 1 ) / 16 5070 GOSUB 600 5100 DATA 6,MOUSE,GRAPICS TABLET,KOALA PAD,JOY STICK,CREATE A SHOW DISK,QUIT THIS MENU 5110 READ NI:FOR I = 1 TO NI: READ I$(I):NEXT 5200 DATA 2 5201 DATA 0, 5, 7, 11, 12 5210 DATA 1, 56, 24, 1, 32 5211 DATA 2,120,255,200,160 5230 READ ND: FOR D = 0 TO ND: FOR B = 0 TO 4: READ DB%(D,B):NEXT:NEXT 5300 D = ND 5310 GOSUB 500: IF SL=0 THEN D=D-1:ON D > 0 GOTO 5310 5320 IF D THEN ID = DB%(D,0) 5340 ID = ID+4 * NOT ID 5600 VTAB 22:GOSUB 180 6000 A = PEEK( 49152 ): IF A > 127 THEN 6800 6010 W = W + 1: IF W < 150 GOTO 6000: GOTO 6900 6800 GOSUB 400:ON I = 5 GOTO 7000 6820 IF QF THEN 8000 6840 HOME: VTAB 15: GOSUB 180 6900 ID = ID - (ID = 4) 6920 POKE LS-1,255 * (DD=2): POKE LS,SL:POKE IL,ID-1 6940 CALL 768 7000 :TEXT:HOME:VTAB 3:HTAB 9:PRINT "=[ CREATE A SHOW DISK ]=" 7010 VTAB 22:CALL EB: PRINT: PRINT " :::::::: PRESS 'ESC' TO EXIT ::::::::" 7020 VTAB 6:HTAB 3:PRINT "TO CREATE A SHOW DISK, THIS PROGRAM": HTAB 3:PRINT "MUST COPY SOME FILES FROM THE MOVIE":HTAB 3:PRINT "MATINEED ON SIDE II OF FANTAVISION." 7030 GOSUB 150 7050 ON DD = 1 GOTO 7100:VTAB 13:HTAB 3:PRINT "INSERT THE MATINEE IN DRIVE 1," 7060 HTAB 7:PRINT "AND A BLANK DISK IN DRIVE 2." 7070 PRINT:HTAB 9:PRINT "PRESS RETURN WHEN READY:";:GET A$:ON A$ = CHR$(27) GOTO 7900:GOTO 7200 7100 VTAB 14:HTAB 8:PRINT "INSERT BLANK SHOW DISKETTE":HTAB 7:PRINT "IN DRIVE 1 AND PRESS RETURN:";:GET A$ 7120 ON A$ = CHR$(27) GOTO 7900 7200 POKE ZP + 2, 2:POKE ZP + 5,96 + 128*(DD=2):POKE 0,0:POKE IO+2,DD:CALL CA:IF PEEK(0) THEN 7700 7220 B = PEEK( BF + 4 ):ON B < 241 or PEEK( BF + 2 ) <> 3 or PEEEK( BF + 36 ) <> 13 GOTO 7700 7230 B = B - 240: N$ = "": FOR I = 1 TO B: N$ = N$ + CHR$( PEEK( BF + 4 + I ) ):NEXT 7240 IF N$ = "FANTAVISION" THEN POKE 0, 144:GOTO 9900 7250 VTAB 18:HTAB 13 - B / 2: PRINT "DESTROY "N$"? (Y/N):"; 7300 GET A$: ON A$ <> "Y" AND A$ <> "y" GOTO 7900:VTAB 18:HTAB 1:PRINT SPC(40) 7700 QF + 1: POKE 0,0: CALL CP: IF PEEK(0) THEN 9900 7900 GOTO 6800 8000 HOME: VTAB 10, HTAB 9:PRINT "INSERT THE DESIRED DISK,":PRINT:HTAB 12:PRINT "THEN PRESS RETURN:";:GET A$ 8010 PRINT: CALL 12*4096 + DS*256 9000 Error trap 9010 RUN 9900 REM Dos Errors 9910 ER = PEEK( 0 ):POKE 0,0:VTAB 12:CALL EB:PRINT CHR$(7):FLASH 9920 IF ER=39 THEN HTAB 12:PRINT "UNABLE TO FORMAT.":GOTO 9990 9930 IF ER=43 OR ER=16 THEN HTAB 13:PRINT "WRITE PROTECTED.":GOTO 9990 9940 IF ER=51 THEN HTAB 13:PRINT "DRIVE TOO SLOW.":GOTO 9990 9950 IF ER=52 THEN HTAB 13:PRINT "DRIVE TOO FAST.":GOTO 9990 9970 IF ER=144 THEN HTAB 8:PRINT "CAN'T DESTROY FANTAVISION!":GOTO 9990 9980 HTAB 15:PRINT "DRIVE ERROR." 9990 NORMAL:HTAB 16:HTAB 9:PRINT "PRESS ANY KEY FOR MENU:";:GET A$:GOTO 5400 ``` NOTES: * Line 0 has a bogus line number `4864 due to $0803:00 13` * Line 3 changes the top of Applesoft variables to memory $2000, right before the HGR screen. * Line 5 changes the Reset Vector Checksum: 1012 = $3F4. * Line 6490 Exits the Applesoft program to $0300 Here is a disassembly of the first few bytes of the Applesoft program. ```asm 0800:08 0C 08 00 13 A5 AB 39 30 30 30 00 \/ \___/ \___/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ not Addr Line GOTO 9 0 0 0 End-of-Line used Next Num ONERR Statement ``` Let's pivot that table to make it easier to read: |Addr|Byte(s) |Meaning | |:--:|:----------|:--------------------------| |0800|08 |not used | |0801|0C 08 |Address of next line, $080C| |0803|00 13 |Line number, $1300 | |0805|A5 |ONERR | |0806|AB |GOTO | |0807|39 30 30 30|9000 | |080B|00 |End-Of-Line sentinel | ## Applesoft Tokens In case your knowledge of Applesoft is rusty, Bit-7 is used to desiginate BASIC "Tokens" Quick review of Applesoft in ROM on the Apple. * $D000 is an Array of 16-bit Function Pointers * $D0D0 is the string (in DCI format) of all the token names. Let's write a program to generate a nice table for us: ```asm ORG $300 LDA #$D0 ; 0300:A9 D0 STA $FE ; 0302:85 FE STA $FF ; 0304:85 FF LDA #$80 ; 0306:A9 80 Start @ Token $80 STA $FC ; 0308:85 FC ^0 JSR PRBYTE ; 030A:20 DA FD LDA #$A0 ; 030D:A9 A0 space char JSR COUT ; 030F:20 ED FD ^1 LDY #$00 ; 0312:A0 00 LDA ($FE),Y ; 0314:B1 FE PHA ; 0316:48 INC $FE ; 0317:E6 FE BNE ^2 ; 0319:D0 02 INC $FF ; 031B:E6 FF ^2 ORA #$80 ; 031D:09 80 JSR COUT ; 031F:20 ED FD PLA ; 0322:68 BPL ^1 ; 0323:10 ED JSR CROUT ; 0325:20 8E FD CROUT = $FD8E LDA $C000 ; 0328:AD 00 C0 BPL ^4 ; 032B:10 0B STA $C010 ; 032D:8D 10 C0 ^3 LDA $C000 ; 0330:AD 00 C0 BPL ^3 ; 0333:10 FB STA $C010 ; 0335:8D 10 C0 ^4 INC $FC ; 0338:E6 FC LDA $FC ; 033A:A5 FC Token CMP #$EB ; 033C:C9 EB BNE ^0 ; 033E:D0 CA RTS ; 0340:60 ``` Enter in the raw machine code: ``` 300:A9 D0 85 FE 85 FF A9 80 308:85 FC 20 DA FD A9 A0 20 310:ED FD A0 00 B1 FE 48 E6 318:FE D0 02 E6 FF 09 80 20 320:ED FD 68 10 ED 20 8E FD 328:AD 00 C0 10 0B 8D 10 C0 330:AD 00 C0 10 FB 8D 10 C0 338:E6 FC A5 FC C9 EB D0 CA 340:60 ``` Which generates this table: |Hex| Token | |:-:|:---------| |$80| END | |$81| FOR | |$82| NEXT | |$83| DATA | |$84| INPUT | |$85| DEL | |$86| DIM | |$87| READ | |$88| GR | |$89| TEXT | |$8A| PR# | |$8B| IN# | |$8C| CALL | |$8D| PLOT | |$8E| HLIN | |$8F| VLIN | |$90| HGR2 | |$91| HGR | |$92| HCOLOR= | |$93| HPLOT | |$94| DRAW | |$95| XDRAW | |$96| HTAB | |$97| HOME | |$98| ROT= | |$99| SCALE= | |$9A| SHLOAD | |$9B| TRACE | |$9C| NOTRACE | |$9D| NORMAL | |$9E| INVERSE | |$9F| FLASH | |$A0| COLOR= | |$A1| POP | |$A2| VTAB | |$A3| HIMEM: | |$A4| LOMEM: | |$A5| ONERR | |$A6| RESUME | |$A7| RECALL | |$A8| STORE | |$A9| SPEED= | |$AA| LET | |$AB| GOTO | |$AC| RUN | |$AD| IF | |$AE| RESTORE | |$AF| & | |$B0| GOSUB | |$B1| RETURN | |$B2| REM | |$B3| STOP | |$B4| ON | |$B5| WAIT | |$B6| LOAD | |$B7| SAVE | |$B8| DEF | |$B9| POKE | |$BA| PRINT | |$BB| CONT | |$BC| LIST | |$BD| CLEAR | |$BE| GET | |$BF| NEW | |$C0| TAB( | |$C1| TO | |$C2| FN | |$C3| SPC( | |$C4| THEN | |$C5| AT | |$C6| NOT | |$C7| STEP | |$C8| `+` | |$C9| `-` | |$CA| `*` | |$CB| `/` | |$CC| `^` | |$CD| AND | |$CE| OR | |$CF| > | |$D0| = | |$D1| < | |$D2| SGN | |$D3| INT | |$D4| ABS | |$D5| USR | |$D6| FRE | |$D7| SCRN( | |$D8| PDL | |$D9| POS | |$DA| SQR | |$DB| RND | |$DC| LOG | |$DD| EXP | |$DE| COS | |$DF| SIN | |$E0| TAN | |$E1| ATN | |$E2| PEEK | |$E3| LEN | |$E4| STR$ | |$E5| VAL | |$E6| ASC | |$E7| CHR$ | |$E8| LEFT$ | |$E9| RIGHT$ | |$EA| MID$ | There is very nice chart at [Call APPLE Applesoft Tokens]( To see Token 13 ``` NEW 127 REM ABC 511 REM DEF CALL-151 800.817 ... TODO ... ``` # Boot stage 5 # Boot stage 6 The Applesoft "Fantavision Menu" returns via CALL 768 ```asm 0300:A9 60 LDA #$60 0302:8D 50 40 STA $4050 0306:4C 00 60 JMP $6000 FANTA_INIT 0309:20 26 03 JSR $0326 030B:A9 02 LDA #$02 030D:85 40 STA $40 030F:20 00 B3 JSR $B300 0312:4C 1B 03 JMP $031B ``` ## Boot Stage Memory Map From the Boot Sector and Boot Stage 2 @ $BE27 we can build this disk -> memory map |Track|Address| |:---:|:-----:| | $15a| $B000 .. $B700 | | $15b| $1800 .. $1FFF | | $16 | $0800 .. $17FF | | $17 | $2000 .. $2FFF | | $18 | $3000 .. $3FFF | | $19 | $4000 .. $4FFF | | $1A | $5000 .. $5FFF | | $1B | $6000 .. $6FFF | | $1C | $7000 .. $7FFF | | $1D | $8000 .. $8FFF | | $1E | $9000 .. $9FFF | | $1F | $A000 .. $AFFF | | $22 | $BC00 .. $BFFF | # Disk Information If one boots up Copy \]\[ 5.0 and uses the `Sector Editor` to read the original `Fantavision` disk you'll get an `I/O Error.` Inspecting the disk nibbles via `Copy > Bit Copy > Nibble Editor` Tracks $00 through $21 we find the following disk nibbles for Track $00, Sector $0: ``` D5 AA 96 FF FE AA AA AA AA FF FE DE AB \______/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ Address Vol Trk Sec XOR Address Prologue 254 $00 $0 Check Epilogue ...random sync bytes... D5 AA AD ...342... DE AA EB \______/ \______/ Data Data Prologue Epilogue ``` The standard Address bit-stream for a DOS 3.3 disk is: ``` D5 AA 96 vv vv tt tt ss ss cc cc DE AA EB \______/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \______/ Address Vol. Track Sec. Check Address Prologue Epilogue ``` Everything looks kosher with _Fantavision_ -- except the changed Epilog disk nibbles from the standard `DE AA EB` to the non-standard `DE AB`! Returning to the Sector Editor we can press `P` to patch DOS 3.3 and use `RETURN` to cycle through the fields until we get to `CHECK EPILOG?`, `N` to toggle it, then `ESC` to return to the sector edit. ``` CUSTOM ADDRESS CHECK EPILOG? NO ``` Re-reading T00S0 ... ``` 00- 01 A9 60 8D 01 08 A2 00 08- 86 FF B5 00 9D 00 10 E8 10- D0 F8 8D 08 C0 BD 00 10 18- 95 00 E8 D0 F8 A9 FF 8D 20- FB 04 8D F3 03 8D F4 03 28- 8D 00 C0 8D 0C C0 8D 0E 30- C0 8D 5F C0 8D 81 C0 20 38- 2F FB 20 58 FC 20 84 FE 40- 20 93 FE 20 89 FE A6 2B 48- 8A 4A 4A 4A 4A 09 C0 8D 50- 6E 08 A9 0F 85 52 A9 15 58- 85 41 0A 20 81 08 A5 52 60- B9 BE 08 85 3D B9 CE 08 68- F0 05 85 27 20 5C 00 C6 70- 52 10 EB A6 2B 86 FD A9 78- BC 20 00 B5 B0 F5 4C 00 80- BE 85 50 A5 FF 85 51 38 88- E5 50 F0 2C B0 04 E6 FF 90- 90 02 C6 FF 20 AD 08 20 98- B9 08 A5 51 29 03 0A 05 A0- 2B A8 B9 80 C0 20 B9 08 A8- F0 D9 20 B9 08 A5 FF 29 B0- 03 0A 05 2B A8 B9 81 C0 B8- 60 A9 28 4C A8 FC 00 0D C0- 0B 09 07 05 03 01 0E 0C C8- 0A 08 06 04 02 0F B0 B1 D0- B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 18 19 D8- 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 00 00 E0- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E8- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 F8- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ``` AH-HA! Success! Q. Why does the P5 PROM read these sectors but not DOS or ProDOS ? A. We're getting ahead of ourselvs but the P5 PROM: * **only** checks the 3 disk nibbles od the Prolog fields, and * _ignores_ the Epilog fields entirely! ## COPY, eh? To over-use a cliche, _"With knowledge comes power."_ With our new found knowledge we can use the old standby `COPYA` on a DOS 3.3 Master (disk) to copy all but the last track. The only catch are: * we need to tell DOS 3.3 to ignore the Address Prologue (or use the correct one), and * we need to tell COPYA to skip track $22. Both of these are pretty easy to do: DOS 3.3 only checks for the disk nibble `$DE` epilog in one of two places: * Address Epilog at $B98B * Data Epilog at $B92F The Data fields are read in DOS 3.3's function `READ16` @ $B8DC but we are only interested in the Data Epilog portion @ $B92F: ```asm 392F:BD 8C C0 155 READ7 LDA Q6L,X 3932:10 FB 156 BPL READ7 *** NO PAGE CROSS! *** 3934:C9 DE 157 CMP #$DE FIRST BIT SLIP MARK? 3936:D0 0A 158 BNE RDERR (ERR IF NOT) 3938:EA 159 NOP DELAY BETWEEN NIBLS. 3939:BD 8C C0 160 READ8 LDA Q6L,X 393C:10 FB 161 BPL READ8 *** NO PAGE CROSS! *** 393E:C9 AA 162 CMP #$AA SECOND BIT SLIP MARK? 3940:F0 5C 163 BEQ RDEXIT (DONE IF IT IS) 3942:38 164 RDERR SEC INDICATE 'ERROR EXIT'. 3943:60 165 RTS FROM READ16 OR RDADR16. ``` The Address fields are read in DOS 3.3's function `RDADR16` @ $B944 but we are only interested in the Address Epilog portions @ $ B98B: ```asm 398B:BD 8C C0 093 RDA6 LDA Q6L,X FIRST BIT-SLIP NIBL. 398E:10 FB 094 BPL RDA6 *** NO PAGE CROSS! *** 3990:C9 DE 095 CMP #$DE 3992:D0 AE 096 BNE RDERR ERROR IF NONMATCH. 3994:EA 097 NOP DELAY BETWEEN NIBLS. 3995:BD 8C C0 098 RDA7 LDA Q6L,X SECOND BIT-SLIP NIBL. 3998:10 FB 099 BPL RDA7 *** NO PAGE CROSS! *** 399A:C9 AA 100 CMP #$AA 399C:D0 A4 101 BNE RDERR ERROR IF NONMATCH. 399E:18 102 RDEXIT CLC CLEAR CARRY ON 399F:60 103 RTS NORMAL READ EXITS. ``` We need to change byte @ $B99B from $AA to $AB. Technically we only need to change one of these. 1. Boot a DOS 3.3 Master disk 2. `LOAD COPYA` 3. Make these changes to the Applesoft program ``` 166 B=169:GOSUB 400:B=0:GOSUB 400` 167 ET=34 168 POKE 721,ET:POKE 722,ET:POKE 863,ET 400 POKE 47514,B:POKE 47422,B:RETURN 401 REM $B99A:C9 AA 402 REM $B93E:C9 AA ``` 4. Grab a blank disk, label it `Fanta.COPYA` 5. Put your original `Fantavision` disk in Drive 1 6. Put your blank `Fanta.COPYA` disk in Drive 2 7. `RUN` It will boot but fail to load due to missing the encrypted track $22. Let's fire up `Copy ][` Sector Editor and make the _modifications_ to skip reading track 22. ## Kracking Fantavision Back in the day all the kids pretending to be cool used to use "3l33t" (elite) speak. The altenative spelling of "cracked" -- kracked -- is simply part of this "culture" or "warez scene" as it was (self) called. "Cracking", or Kracking -- however the heck you want to spell it, is the (fine) art of removing copy protection. When you shell out $40 for a program you expect to be able to make a backup. Disks get damaged, companies go out of business, and basically you, the customer, is screwed up shit-creek without a paddle. This is unacceptable. Of course some us, *cough*, also have _other_ reasons: * To learn, * Because we can, * The fastest way to motive a programmer is to tell them they _can't_ do something! _"Bet you can't copy this disk?"_ _"Oh yeah? Let's see about that!"_ Before the word _hacking_ got hijacked to mean _destructive intrusion_, hacking _originally_ meant a **benign curiosity.** HOW did something work? Learning for the sake of learning was the goal. And then the script kiddies and "black hats" wrecked it for everyone. People who started "trading" software without any moral considerations for respecting other people's property -- since the justification was: * Software is just a number afterall ... The problem is the original publishers didn't get their money. Next thing you know "hacking" is a "bad" thing. Yeah, FUCK OFF MSM (main-stream media)! I'm still bitter about this corruption of words for some "agenda." The original "hacker culture" had an ethos or "Code of Conduct." You NEVER did anything out of malice. Inspite of pubslishers treating you like crap and assuming you were one of those dirty "pirates." And thus the copy protection wars were started. Both sides not trusting the other -- and basically wanting to screw them over. Enough about the history lesson. How can we bypass the two nibble counts used on the original disk? * ![Disk](pics/fantavision_disk.jpg) Recall that Boot Stage 2 at $B500, reads in the 4&4 encypted Boot Stage 3 into $BC00 .. $BFFF. The code at $BC00 .. $BD26 is used by the Backup Utility to write out $BE00 .. $BF00 onto track $22. Since our disk is normal DOS3.3 / ProDOS format we don't care about these two pages $BC and $BD. The only relevent code is $BE00 .. $BF5F Now it seems silly to waste an entire track $22 just for two sectors worth of data at $BE00 .. $BFFF. It turns out when we analyzed the `RWTS` that there were two unused pages: | Track | Sector | Address | |:-----:|:------:|:-------:| | $15 | $6 | $B600 | | $15 | $7 | $B700 | We can store the decoded $BE00 .. $BFFF @ $B600, have the boot sector move them "up" in memory to their final (original) destination @ $BE00, by-pass the second Nibble Count and Bob's our uncle. We have a choice of where to put the memory mover: * At $08E0 .. $08FF, the unused padding of the boot sector, or * At $B500 I'm going to use $B500 since that keeps the "spirit" of $B500 "decoding" Boot Stage 3 into $BE00. :-) ### Cracking in 3 Easy Payments, er Steps These steps are quite detailed but should be rather straight-forward. Just take your time and you'll do fine. ### Cracking Step 1: The Easy Stuff If we want to keep the original code at $B500 (sentimental reasons, perhaps?) we could stash this on the unused bytes on Track $15, Sector $5 @ $B580 -- but we'd have to update the boot sector @ $087A:00 -> 80 to call our new mover: From: ```asm 879:20 00 B5 ``` To: ```asm 879:20 80 B5 ``` Normally I like making the minimal number of changes possible but let's keep the original code. ```asm ORG $B580 Krack: B580:A2 00 LDX #$00 ; Copy 256 bytes/page, 2x Pages ; We probably should also ; LDY #$00 CopyPages: ; restore $B600..$B7FF:00 B582:BD 00 B6 LDA $B600,X ; for completness via: B585:9D 00 BE STA $BE00,X ; TAY B588:BD 00 B7 LDA $B700,X ; STA $B600,X B58B:9D 00 BF STA $BF00,X ; STA $B700,X B58E:E8 INX B58F:D0 F1 BNE CopyPages ;^ $B502 B591:18 CLC ; C=0 good "read" for $087C B592:60 RTS ; ``` Hold off entering this in for now, we'll queue this up in a minute. ### Cracking Step 2: The Tedious Stuff Since I'm lazy I don't feel like manually entering in T15S6 ($BE00) and T15S7 ($BF00). Now we can't just do a manual sector copy off the original Fantavision disk since Track $22 doesn't have any traditional sectors! Instead, we'll want to save $BE00 .. $BFFF on our `Fanta.Work` disk -- but with a twist. Due to DOS 3.3 retarded _amateur design_ it stores 4 bytes IN the binary file. What we want is the DOS 3.3 file such that $BE00 is aligned on the _start_ of a sector -- that way we can manually copy the two sectors. All we need do is save a dummy $100-4 = $FC prefix to force the alignment. If you already have `B3.FANTAVISION_T22_BC00` skip to step 7. Otherwise, if you missed saving Boot Stage 3 here is a quick way to save it: 1. Remove any disk in Slot 6, Drive 1 2. Insert Fantavision in Slot 6, Drive 1 3. Enter in these instructions: ``` CALL-151 9600 `Disk B` * Make a note of which file it is, i.e. `K` * `RETURN` to continue * `RETURN` to see the files allocated. On my disk it was saved at Track $F, Sector $F .. Sector $A * `RETURN` to return to the menu 10. `Sector Edit` > `Disk B` 11. Optional Read Track $11, Sector $F and/or Sector $E. * Look for our filename: `B3.KRACK_T22_B600`, and move back 3 bytes 12. `R` to read Track T1, Sector S1 for the FTOC. At address $12 is the Track/Sector we want 13. `R` to read Track T2, Sector S2. i.e. Track $0F, Sector $B 14. Remove `Fanta.Work` 15. Replace with `Fanta.COPYA` 16. `W` to Track $15, Sector $6 17. Remove `Fanta.COPYA` 18. Replace with `Fanta.Work` 19. `R` to read Track T2, Sector S2-1. i.e. Track $0F, Sector $A 20. Remove `Fanta.Work` 21. Replace with `Fanta.COPYA` 22. `W` to write Track $15, Sector $7 Here is a little table to help: | Disk | Read | Write | |:----------|:-----:|:-----:| |Fanta.Work | T0FSB | n/a | |Fanta.COPYA| n/a | T15S6 | |Fanta.Work | T0FSA | n/a | |Fanta.COPYA| n/a | T15S7 | Don't forgot we need to modify T15S5 with our `mini $BE00 loader` 23. `R` to read Track $15, Sector $5 24. `H` to enter in the bytes from Step 1, ```asm B500:A2 00 BD 00 B6 9D 00 BE B508:BD 00 B7 9D 00 BF E8 D0 B510:F1 18 60 ``` 25. `W` to write Track $15, Sector $5 26. Lastly, let's patch T00S0 to call our new mover. * `R` Track $00, Sector $0 * `A` Address $7A * `H` Hex: $80 27. And `W` to write it. Whew! One more step. ### Cracking Step 3: Skip Nibble Count 2 The astute reader will notice this is titled "Skip Nibble Count 2". What happened to Nibble Count 1? We already handled that in the previous instructions. Pay attention! :-) Seriously though, we just have one more tiny patch to make: The code at $BE00 calls nibble check 2 @ $BEAA ``` BEAA:4C AD BE JMP DoNibbleCheck2 DoNibbleCheck2: BEAD:A0 00 LDY #$00 ``` This routine ends at $BF0F -- so let's jump there instead skipping the whole thing. :-) 1. `R` Track $15, Sector $6 2. `A` Address $AB 3. `H` Hex: $0F $BF 2. `W` Track $15, Sector $6 And now for the moment of truth ... Put our `Fanta.COPYA` in Slot 6, Drive 1, and reboot. * ![Main](pics/main.png) /Oblg. _"I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS."_ 10 minutes of work, 10 hours to write all this crap up. :-) ## ProDOS Hybrid!? If we boot `ProDOS` and try to `CAT` our `Fanta.COPYA` disk our efforts are rewarded with this: ``` /FANTAVISION NAME TYPE BLOCKS MODIFIED *FORMAT BIN 7 4-SEP-85 M.SPIDER BIN 4 M.CANCAN BIN 4 M.TREE BIN 5 M.OBJECTS BIN 3 M.DIVE BIN 4 M.FACE BIN 3 M.PEOPLE BIN 4 M.REDWHITEBLUE BIN 3 M.ENGLISHFONT BIN 10 M.SLANTFONT BIN 4 M.ORBITFONT BIN 4 M.DOTS2FONT BIN 6 M.CIRCUITFONT BIN 5 M.DOTSFONT BIN 6 M.OUTLINEFONT BIN 8 M.LAND BIN 3 BLOCKS FFREE: 78 BLOCKS USED: 202 ``` ## Disk Notes ## Notes ``` T00SB n/a ProDOS Block 2A ProDOS Volume Directory 1, VOLUME: "FANTAVISION" FORMAT M.SPIDER M.CANCAN M.TREE M.OBJECTS M.DIVE T00SA n/a ProDOS Block 2B ProDOS Volume Directory 1 M.FACE M.PEOPLE M.REDWHITEBLUE M.ENGLISHFONT M.SLANTFONT M.ORBITFONT T00S9 n/a ProDOS Block 3A ProDOS Volume Directory 2 M.DOTS2FONT M.CIRCUITFONT M.DOTSFONT M.OUTLINEFONT M.LAND M.APPLE2 M.SHADOWTRIXKS T00S8 n/a ProDOS Block 3B ProDOS Volume Directory 2 M.MORFIC M.VOLCANO ``` ## ProDOS Block Review NOTES: * Block = ProDOS Block number (Dec) * Track (Hex) * Sector = Physical Sector (Hex) * Logical Sector = Copy ][+ |Block|Track|Sectors|Logical | |----:|:---:|:-----:|:------:| | 0 | 00 | 0,2 | 0,E | | 1 | 00 | 4,6 | D,C | | 2 | 00 | 8,A | B,A | | 3 | 00 | C,E | 9,8 | | 4 | 00 | 1,3 | 7,6 | | 5 | 00 | 5,7 | 5,4 | | 6 | 00 | 9,B | 3,2 | | 7 | 00 | D,F | 1,F | | : | : | : | : | | 279 | 22 | D,F | 1,F | Version 1 ```asm 0300:A9 00 LDA #00 ; Start Block 0302:85 FF STA $FF 0304:20 10 03 JSR Block2TrackSector 0307:E6 FF INC $FF 0309:A5 FF LDA $FF 030B:C9 20 CMP #$10 ; End Block 030D:90 F5 BCC $304 030F:60 RTS Block2TrackSector: 0310:48 PHA ;+(1) 0311:48 PHA ;+(2) JSR PRBYTE LDA #'=' ; $BD JSR COUT PLA ;-(2) 0312:29 07 AND #7 0314:C9 04 CMP #4 0316:29 03 AND #3 0318:08 PHP 0319:0A ASL 031A:28 PLP 031B:2A ROL 031C:85 FE STA $FD ; Sector First Half 031E:A9 00 LDA #$00 ; Block+1 0320:4A LSR 0321:68 PLA ;-(2) 0322:6A ROR 0323:4A LSR 0324:4A LSR 0324:85 FC STA $FC ; Track 0327:A9 D4 LDA #$'T' ; 0329:20 ED FD JSR COUT 032C:A5 FC LDA $FC ; Track 032E:20 DA FD JSR PRBYTE ; Print 2 hex digits = Register A 0331:A9 D3 LDA #$'S' ; 0333:20 ED FD JSR $FDED 0336:A5 FD LDA $FD ; Sector 0338:20 E3 FD JSR PRHEX ; Print 1 hex digit = Register A 033B:A9 AC LDA #$',' 033D:20 ED FD JSR COUT 0340:A4 FD LDY $FD ; Sector Second Half 0342:C8 INY 0343:C8 INY 0344:98 TYA 0345:20 E3 FD JSR PRHEX 0348:20 8E FD JSR CROUT ; $FD8E 034B:68 PLA ;-(1) 034C:60 RTS ``` ## Disk Usage Summary | T/S |Addr |Block|Offset|Description | |:---:|:---:|----:|-----:|:-----------------------------| |T00S0|$0800| 0a | n/a | Boot Stage 1 - Boot Sector | |T00S1| n/a | 7a |#0000 | `/FANTAVISION/FORMAT` | |T00S2| n/a | 6b | n/a | ProDOS Volume Bitmap | |T00S3| n/a | 6a | n/a | ProDOS Volume Bitmap | |T00S4| n/a | 5b | n/a | ProDOS Volume Directory 4 | |T00S5| n/a | 5a | n/a | ProDOS Volume Directory 4 | |T00S6| n/a | 4b | n/a | ProDOS Volume Directory 3 | |T00S7| n/a | 4a | n/a | ProDOS Volume Directory 3 | |T00S8| n/a | 3b | n/a | ProDOS Volume Directory 2 | |T00S9| n/a | 3a | n/a | ProDOS Volume Directory 2 | |T00SA| n/a | 2b | n/a | ProDOS Volume Directory 1 | |T00SB| n/a | 2a | n/a | ProDOS Volume Directory 1 | |T00SC| n/a | 1b | n/a | SOS Boot Part B | |T00SD| n/a | 1a | n/a | SOS Boot Part A, JMP $A06E, ASC "SOS BOOT 1.1 .SOS.KERNEL" | |T00SE| n/a | 0b | n/a | "PRODOS__________", "*** UNABLE TO LOAD PRODOS ***" | |T00SF| n/a | 7b |#0100 | `/FANTAVISION/FORMAT` | | --- | --- | -- | --- | --- | |T01S0| n/a | 8a |#0200 | /FANTAVISION/FORMAT | |T01S1| n/a | 15a |#0200 | `/FANTAVISION/M.SPIDER` | |T01S2| n/a | 14b |#0100 | `/FANTAVISION/M.SPIDER` | |T01S3| n/a | 14a |#0000 | `/FANTAVISION/M.SPIDER` 05 01 06 04 3B 08 FF 00 | |T01S4| n/a | 13b |#0D00 | `/FANTAVISION/FORMAT`, Zero | |T01S5| n/a | 13a |#0C00 | `/FANTAVISION/FORMAT`, Mirror of T00SE, "PRODOS" | |T01S6| n/a | 12b |#0B00 | `/FANTAVISION/FORMAT` | |T01S7| n/a | 12a |#0A00 | `/FANTAVISION/FORMAT`, Mirror of T00SD, "SOS BOOT 1.1 KERNEL" | |T01S8| n/a | 11b |#0900 | `/FANTAVISION/FORMAT` | |T01S9| n/a | 11a |#0800 | `/FANTAVISION/FORMAT`, Subdirectory "MOVIES" ? | |T01SA| n/a | 10b |#0700 | `/FANTAVISION/FORMAT` | |T01SB| n/a | 10a |#0600 | `/FANTAVISION/FORMAT` | |T01SC| n/a | 9b |#0500 | `/FANTAVISION/FORMAT` | |T01SD| n/a | 9a |#0400 | `/FANTAVISION/FORMAT` | |T01SE| n/a | 8b |#0300 | `/FANTAVISION/FORMAT`, Zero | |T01SF| n/a | 15b |#0300 | `/FANTAVISION/M.SPIDER` | | --- | --- | -- | --- | --- | |T02S0| n/a | |#0400 | /FANTAVISION/M.SPIDER #0400 | |T02S1| n/a | | n/a | | |T02S2| n/a | | n/a | | |T02S3| n/a | | n/a | | |T02S4| n/a | |#0700 | `/FANTAVISION/M.CANCAN`, Zero | |T02S5| n/a | |#0600 | `/FANTAVISION/M.CANCAN` | |T02S6| n/a | |#0500 | `/FANTAVISION/M.CANCAN` | |T02S7| n/a | |#0400 | `/FANTAVISION/M.CANCAN` | |T02S8| n/a | |#0300 | `/FANTAVISION/M.CANCAN`, Zero | |T02S9| n/a | |#0200 | `/FANTAVISION/M.CANCAN` | |T02SA| n/a | |#0100 | `/FANTAVISION/M.CANCAN` | |T02SB| n/a | |#0000 | `/FANTAVISION/M.CANCAN`, 0000:03 03 04 04 | |T02SC| n/a | |#0700 | `/FANTAVISION/M.SPIDER` | |T02SD| n/a | |#0600 | `/FANTAVISION/M.SPIDER` | |T02SE| n/a | |#0500 | `/FANTAVISION/M.SPIDER` | |T02SF| n/a | | ??? | `/FANTAVISION/M.TREE`, Zero | | --- | --- | -- | --- | --- | |T03S0| n/a | | ??? | | |T03S1| n/a | | ??? | | |T03S2| n/a | | ??? | | |T03S3| n/a | | ??? | | |T03S4| n/a | | ??? | | |T03S5| n/a | | ??? | | |T03S6| n/a | | ??? | Zero | |T03S7| n/a | | ??? | | |T03S8| n/a | | ??? | | |T03S9| n/a | | ??? | | |T03SA| n/a | | ??? | | |T03SB| n/a | | ??? | | |T03SC| n/a | | ??? | | |T03SD| n/a | | ??? | | |T03SE| n/a | | ??? | | |T03SF| n/a | | ??? | Zero | | --- | --- | -- | --- | --- | |T04S0| n/a | | ??? | | |T04S1| n/a | | ??? | | |T04S2| n/a | | ??? | | |T04S3| n/a | | ??? | | |T04S4| n/a | | ??? | Zero | |T04S5| n/a | | ??? | | |T04S6| n/a | | ??? | Zero | |T04S7| n/a | | ??? | | |T04S8| n/a | | ??? | Zero | |T04S9| n/a | | ??? | | |T04SA| n/a | | ??? | | |T04SB| n/a | | ??? | | |T04SC| n/a | | ??? | | |T04SD| n/a | | ??? | | |T04SE| n/a | | ??? | | |T04SF| n/a | | ??? | | | --- | --- | -- | --- | --- | ``` |T05S0 |T05S1 |T05S2 |T05S3 |T05S4 |T05S5 |T05S6 |T05S7 |T05S8 Zero |T05S9 |T05SA |T05SB |T05SC Zero |T05SD |T05SE |T05SF Zero | --- | --- | -- | --- | --- | |T05S0| |T05S1| |T05S2| |T05S3| |T05S4| |T05S5| |T05S6| |T05S7| |T05S8| |T05S9| |T05S9| |T05SA| |T06SC| Zero |T05SD| |T06SE| Zero |T05SF| | --- | --- | -- | --- | --- | |T07S8| | Zero |T07SF| |Zero | --- | --- | -- | --- | --- | ``` End of ProDOS Files | T/S |Addr |Description | |:-----:|:---:|:----------------------------| | T08Sx | n/a | Mirror of Track $1A | | T09Sx | n/a | Mirror of Track $19 | | T0ASx | n/a | Mirror of Track $18 @ $3000 | | T0BSx | n/a | Mirror of Track $17 @ $2000 | | ----- | --- | --- | | T0CS0 | n/a | ??? | | T0CS1 | n/a | ??? | | T0CS2 | n/a | ??? | | T0CS3 | n/a | ??? | | T0CS4 | n/a | ??? | | T0CS5 | n/a | ??? | | T0CS6 | n/a | ??? | | T0CS7 | n/a | ??? | | T0CS8 | n/a | ??? | | T0CS9 | n/a | ??? | | T0CSA | n/a | ??? | | T0CSB | n/a | ??? | | T0CSC | n/a | ??? | | T0CSD | n/a | ??? | | T0CSE | n/a | Zero | | ----- | --- | --- | | T0DS0 | n/a | 00:69, remaining Zero | | T0DSx | n/a | ??? | | ----- | --- | --- | | T0ES0 | n/a | ??? | | T0ES1 | n/a | ??? | | T0ES2 | n/a | ??? | | T0ES3 | n/a | ??? | | T0ES4 | n/a | ??? | | T0ES5 | n/a | ??? | | T0ES6 | n/a | ??? | | T0ES7 | n/a | ??? | | T0ES8 | n/a | ??? | | T0ES9 | n/a | ??? | | T0ESA | n/a | ??? | | T0ESB | n/a | ??? | | T0ESC | n/a | ??? | | T0ESD | n/a | ??? | | T0ESE | n/a | ??? | | T0ESF | n/a | ??? | | ----- | --- | --- | | T0FSx | n/a | Blank / Not used | | T10Sx | n/a | Blank / Not used | | T11Sx | n/a | Blank / Not used | | ----- | --- | --- | | T12S0 | n/a | $???? | | T13S0 | n/a | $???? | | T14S0 | n/a | $???? | * Boot Stage 2 | T/S |Addr |Description | |:-----:|:---:|:----------------------------| | T15S0 |$B000| RWTS | | T15S1 |$B100| RWTS | | T15S2 |$B200| RWTS 6-bit to 7-Bit Optimized 6&2 Decode Table | | T15S3 |$B300| RWTS | | T15S4 |$B400| RWTS | | T15S5 |$B500| RWTS | | T15S6 |$B600| Zero, Unused | | T15S7 |$B700| Zero, Unused | | T15S8 |$1800| `FORMAT` ??? | | T15S9 |$1900| | | T15SA |$1A00| | | T15SB |$1B00| | | T15SC |$1C00| | | T15SD |$1D00| | | T15SE |$1E00| | | T15SF |$1F00| | * Fantavision Program | T/S |Addr |Description | |:-----:|:---:|:----------------------------| | T16S0 |$0800| Applesoft Utility!! "= [ FANTAVISION MENU ] =" | | T16S1 |$0900| | | T16S2 |$0A00| | | T16S3 |$0B00| | | T16S4 |$0C00| MOUSE,GRAPHICS TABLET,KOALA PAD,JOYSTICK,CREATE A SHOW DISK, QUIT THIS MENU | | T16S5 |$0D00| | | T16S6 |$0E00| | | T16S7 |$0F00| "INSERT THE MATINEE IN DRIVE 1,", "AND A BLANK DISK IN DRIVE 2." | | T16S8 |$1000| "DESTROY" | | T16S9 |$1100| "INSERT THE DESIRED DISK", "UNABLE TO FORMAT." | | T16SA |$1200| "DRIVE TOO FAST", "DRIVE TOO SLOW", "CAN'T DESTROY FANTAVISION!" | | T16SB |$1300| last 5 bytes: "5400",0 | | T16SC |$1400| Blank / Unused | | T16SD |$1500| Blank / Unused | | T16SE |$1600| Blank / Unused | | T16SF |$1700| Blank - reserved for Applesoft variaibles, HIMEM: 2*4096 | | ----- | --- | ---- | | T17S0 |$2000| Logo | | T17S1 |$2100| Logo | | T17S2 |$2200| Logo | | T17S3 |$2300| Logo | | T17S4 |$2400| Logo | | T17S5 |$2500| Logo | | T17S6 |$2600| Logo | | T17S7 |$2700| Logo | | T17S8 |$2800| Logo | | T17S9 |$2900| Logo | | T17SA |$2A00| Logo | | T17SB |$2B00| Logo | | T17SC |$2C00| Logo | | T17SD |$2D00| Logo | | T17SE |$2E00| Logo | | T17SF |$2F00| Logo | | ----- | --- | ---- | | T18S0 |$3000| Logo | | T18S1 |$3100| Logo | | T18S2 |$3200| Logo | | T18S3 |$3300| Logo | | T18S4 |$3400| Logo | | T18S5 |$3500| Logo | | T18S6 |$3600| Logo | | T18S7 |$3700| Logo | | T18S8 |$3800| Logo | | T18S9 |$3900| Logo | | T18SA |$3A00| Logo | | T18SB |$3B00| Logo | | T18SC |$3C00| Logo | | T18SD |$3D00| Logo | | T18SE |$3E00| Logo | | T18SF |$3F00| Logo | | ----- | --- | ---- | | T19S0 |$4000| Main.2 | | T19S1 |$4100| | | T19S2 |$4200| "MOVIE MATINEE DISK BLANK SHOW DISKETTE" | | T19S3 |$4300| Source Assembly Fragment 1 | | T19S4 |$4400| Table, Source Assembly Fragment 2 | | T19S5 |$4500| | | T19S6 |$4600| | | T19S7 |$4700| | | T19S8 |$4800| | | T19S9 |$4900| "FANTAVISIONFORMAT" | | T19SA |$4A00| | | T19SB |$4B00| | | T19SC |$4C00| | | T19SD |$4D00| | | T19SE |$4E00| | | T19SF |$4F00| | | ----- | --- | ---- | | T1AS0 |$5000| | T1AS1 |$5100| | T1AS2 |$5200| | T1AS3 |$5300| | T1AS4 |$5400| | T1AS5 |$5500| | T1AS6 |$5600| | T1AS7 |$5700| | T1AS8 |$5800| | T1AS9 |$5900| @ $4E: "(C) 1985 BY SCOTT ANDERSON" | T1ASA |$5A00| | T1ASB |$5B00| | T1ASC |$5C00| | T1ASD |$5D00| | T1ASE |$5E00| @ $6F: "(C) 1984 BY SCOTT ANDERSON" | T1ASF |$5F00| | ----- | --- | ---- | | T1BS0 |$6000| | T1BS1 |$6100| | T1BS2 |$6200| | T1BS3 |$6300| @ $E2: "(C) 1984 BY SCOTT ANDERSON" | T1BS4 |$6400| | T1BS5 |$6500| @ $8D: "(C) 1984 BY SCOTT ANDERSON" | T1BS6 |$6600| | T1BS7 |$6700| | T1BS8 |$6800| | T1BS9 |$6900| | T1BSA |$6A00| Icons?? | T1BSB |$6B00| Icons?? | T1BSC |$6C00| | T1BSD |$6D00| | T1BSE |$6E00| | T1BSF |$6F00| | ----- | --- | ---- | | T1CS0 |$7000| | | T1CS0 |$7100| | | T1CS2 |$7200| @59 HGR LookUP Y Table low byte | | T1CS3 |$7300| @00 HGR Lookup Y Table, Low byte and High Bytes | | T1CS4 |$7400| | | T1CS5 |$7500| | | T1CS6 |$7600| | | T1CS7 |$7700| | | T1CS8 |$7800| | | T1CS9 |$7900| @74 Main menu: File, and Edit | | T1CSA |$7A00| Main menu: Goodies | | T1CSB |$7B00| | | T1CSC |$7C00| | | T1CSD |$7D00| | | T1CSE |$7E00| | | T1CSF |$7F00| | | ----- | --- | ---- | | T1DS0 |$8000| | | T1DS1 |$8100| | | T1DS2 |$8200| | | T1DS3 |$8300| | | T1DS4 |$8400| | | T1DS5 |$8500| | | T1DS6 |$8600| | | T1DS7 |$8700| | | T1DS8 |$8800| | | T1DS9 |$8900| | | T1DSA |$8A00| | | T1DSB |$8B00| | | T1DSC |$8C00| | | T1DSD |$8D00| | | T1DSE |$8E00| | | T1DSF |$8F00| | | ----- | --- | ---- | | T1ES0 |$9000| | | T1ES1 |$9100| | | T1ES2 |$9200| | | T1ES3 |$9300| | | T1ES4 |$9400| | | T1ES5 |$9500| | | T1ES6 |$9600| | | T1ES7 |$9700| | | T1ES8 |$9800| | | T1ES9 |$9900| | | T1ESA |$9A00| | | T1ESB |$9B00| | | T1ESC |$9C00| | | T1ESD |$9D00| | | T1ESE |$9E00| | | T1ESF |$9F00| | | ----- | --- | ---- | | T1FS0 |$A000| | | T1FS1 |$A100| | | T1FS2 |$A200| | | T1FS3 |$A300| | | T1FS4 |$A400| | | T1FS5 |$A500| | | T1FS6 |$A600| UNUSED Make Scripts | | T1FS7 |$A700| DOS 3.3: FTOC Track/Sector List: T1BS04 T1BS03 T1BS02 | | T1FS8 |$A800| @ $2D: DOS3.3 FILENAME: "UP.D2" | | T1FS9 |$A900| DOS 3.3: FTOC Track/Sector List: T1CS0E | | T1FSA |$AA00| @ $82: DOS3.3 FILENAME: "PATCH" | | T1FSB |$AB00| | | T1FSC |$AC00| | | T1FSD |$AD00| | | T1FSE |$AE00| | | T1FSF |$AF00| | | ----- | --- | ---- | | T20S0 |$0800| Backup Version A | | T20S1 |$0900| Backup Version A | | T20S2 |$0A00| Backup Version A | | T20S3 |$0B00| Backup Version A | | T20S4 |$0C00| Backup Version A | | T20S5 |$0D00| Backup Version A | | T20S6 |$0E00| Backup Version A | | T20S7 |$0F00| Backup Version A | | T20S8 |$3800| Logo bottom 1/4, same as T18S8 and T21S8 | | T20S9 |$3900| Logo bottom 1/4, same as T18S9 and T21S9 | | T20SA |$3A00| Logo bottom 1/4, same as T18SA and T21SA | | T20SB |$3B00| Logo bottom 1/4, same as T18SB and T21SB | | T20SC |$3C00| Logo bottom 1/4, same as T18SC and T21SC | | T20SD |$3D00| Logo bottom 1/4, same as T18SD and T21SD | | T20SE |$3E00| Logo bottom 1/4, same as T18SE and T21SE | | T20SF |$3F00| Logo bottom 1/4, same as T18SF and T21SF | | ----- | --- | ---- | | T21S0 |$0800| Backup Version B | | T21S1 |$0900| Backup Version B | | T21S2 |$0A00| Backup Version B | | T21S3 |$0B00| Backup Version B | | T21S4 |$0C00| Backup Version B | | T21S5 |$0D00| Backup Version B | | T21S6 |$0E00| Backup Version B | | T21S7 |$0F00| Backup Version B | | T21S8 |$3800| Logo bottom 1/4, same as T18S8 | | T21S9 |$3900| Logo bottom 1/4, same as T18S9 | | T21SA |$3A00| Logo bottom 1/4, same as T18SA | | T21SB |$3B00| Logo bottom 1/4, same as T18SB | | T21SC |$3C00| Logo bottom 1/4, same as T18SC | | T21SD |$3D00| Logo bottom 1/4, same as T18SD | | T21SE |$3E00| Logo bottom 1/4, same as T18SE | | T21SF |$3F00| Logo bottom 1/4, same as T18SF | | ----- | --- | ---- | | T22S- |$BC00| | | T22S- |$BD00| | | T22S- |$BE00| Boot Stage 4 | | T22S- |$BF00| | * NOTE: Track $22 has a single "BIG" sector of 4 pages. ## Disk Usage Details * T1CS2 $7200 @59 HGR LookUP Y Table low byte * Relocated to LC: $FE00 ``` 59: $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; 0 .. 7 61: $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80 ; 8 .. 15 69: $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; 16 .. 23 71: $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80 ; 24 .. 31 79: $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; 32 .. 39 81: $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80 ; 40 .. 47 89: $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; 48 .. 55 91: $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80 ; 56 .. 63 99: $28,$28,$28,$28,$28,$28,$28,$28 ; 64 .. 71 A1: $A8,$A8,$A8,$A8,$A8,$A8,$A8,$A8 ; 72 .. 79 A9: $28,$28,$28,$28,$28,$28,$28,$28 ; 80 .. 87 B1: $A8,$A8,$A8,$A8,$A8,$A8,$A8,$A8 ; 88 .. 95 B9: $28,$28,$28,$28,$28,$28,$28,$28 ; 96 .. 103 C1: $A8,$A8,$A8,$A8,$A8,$A8,$A8,$A8 ; 104 .. 111 C9: $28,$28,$28,$28,$28,$28,$28,$28 ; 112 .. 119 D1: $A8,$A8,$A8,$A8,$A8,$A8,$A8,$A8 ; 120 .. 127 D9: $50,$50,$50,$50,$50,$50,$50,$50 ; 128 .. 135 E1: $D0,$D0,$D0,$D0,$D0,$D0,$D0,$D0 ; 136 .. 143 E9: $50,$50,$50,$50,$50,$50,$50,$50 ; 144 .. 151 F1: $D0,$D0,$D0,$D0,$D0,$D0,$D0,$D0 ; 152 .. 159 F9: $50,$50,$50,$50,$50,$50,$50 ; 160 .. 166 *** spans sector ``` * T1CS3 $7300 @00 HGR Lookup Y Table, Low byte and High Bytes ``` 00: $50 ; 167 *** spans sector 01: $D0,$D0,$D0,$D0,$D0,$D0,$D0,$D0 ; 168 .. 175 09: $50,$50,$50,$50,$50,$50,$50,$50 ; 176 .. 183 11: $D0,$D0,$D0,$D0,$D0,$D0,$D0,$D0 ; 184 .. 191 ``` HGR Lookup Y Table Relocated to LC: $FF00 ``` 59:00 04 08 0C 10 14 18 1C ; 0 .. 7 61:00 04 08 0C 10 14 18 1C ; 8 .. 15 69:01 05 09 0D 11 15 19 1D ; 16 .. 23 71:01 05 09 0D 11 15 19 1D ; 24 .. 31 79:02 06 0A 0E 12 16 1A 1E ; 32 .. 39 81:02 06 0A 0E 12 16 1A 1E ; 40 .. 47 89:03 07 0B 0F 13 17 1B 1F ; 48 .. 55 91:03 07 0B 0F 13 17 1B 1F ; 56 .. 63 99:00 04 08 0C 10 14 18 1C ; 64 .. 71 A1:00 04 08 0C 10 14 18 1C ; 72 .. 79 A9:01 05 09 0D 11 15 19 1D ; 80 .. 87 B1:01 05 09 0D 11 15 19 1D ; 88 .. 95 B9:02 06 0A 0E 12 16 1A 1E ; 96 .. 103 C1:02 06 0A 0E 12 16 1A 1E ; 104 .. 111 C9:03 07 0B 0F 13 17 1B 1F ; 112 .. 119 D1:03 07 0B 0F 13 17 1B 1F ; 120 .. 127 D9:00 04 08 0C 10 14 18 1C ; 128 .. 135 E1:00 04 08 0C 10 14 18 1C ; 136 .. 143 E9:01 05 09 0D 11 15 19 1D ; 144 .. 151 F1:01 05 09 0D 11 15 19 1D ; 152 .. 159 F9:02 06 0A 0E 12 16 1A ; 160 .. 166 *** spans sector ``` T1CS4 $7400 00: 1E ; 167 *** spans sector 01:02 06 0A 0E 12 16 1A 1E ; 168 .. 175 09:03 07 0B 0F 13 17 1B 1F ; 176 .. 183 11:03 07 0B 0F 13 17 1B 1F ; 184 .. 191 LC:$FEC0: LC:$FEDB FEDD: BE C0 FE LDX $FEC0,Y FEE0: BD 00 FB LDA $FB00,X FEE3: 10 02 BPL $FEE7 FEE5: A9 13 LDA #$13 FEE7: 29 3F AND #$3F FEE9: D0 02 BNE $FEED FEEB: A9 20 LDA #$20 FEED: 99 00 04 STA $0400,Y FEF0: 88 DEY FEF1: 10 EA BPL $FEDD FEF3: 60 RTS * T1CS9 $7900 @74 Main menu: File, and Edit * Note: K = Next key frame ``` 33: Pointer $DCF2 35: Pointer $DCF3 37: Pointer $0700 39: Pointer $DCF7 3B: Pointer $DCFB 3D: Pointer $1C08 3F: Pointer $DD71 41: Pointer $DD75 43: Pointer $4606 45: Pointer $DDA5 47: Pointer $DDAC 49: Pointer $7005 4B: Pointer $3FC0 TODO: HGR Screen Hole 50: "File" MENU 54: "L" @ $DD1B accelerator = File | Load Movie 58: "S" @ $DD25 accelerator = File | Save Movie 5C:0x18 @ $DD2F accelerator = File | Clear Movie (Ctrl-X), can use Y/N 60: "D" @ $DD3A accelerator = File | Load Backdrop 64: "B" @ $DD47 accelerator = File | Save Backdrop -> "Screen name:" 68: "W" @ $DD54 accelerator = File | Clear Backdrop 6C: "F" @ $DD62 accelerator = File | Format Disk 70: "Q" @ $DD6D accelerator = File | Quit 74: "Load Movie" "Save Movie" "Clear Movie" "Load Backdrop" "Save Backdrop" "Clear Backdrop" "Format Disk" "Quit" "Edit" MENU CE: "Z" @ $DD8D accelerator = Edit | Undo D2: "X" @ $DD91 accelerator = Edit | Cut D6: "C" @ $DD94 accelerator = Edit | Copy DA: "V" @ $DD98 accelerator = Edit | Paste DE: "K" @ $DD9D accelerator = Edit | Clone E2: "^" @ $DDA2 accelerator = Edit | Zap frame (Shift-6) E6: "Undo" "Cut" "Copy" "Paste" "Clone" "Zap" "Go" MENU ``` * T1CSA $7A00 Main menu: Goodies ``` 00: "oodies" 05:0x1A @ $DDC0 accelerator = Goodies | Zoom (Ctrl-Z), top menu: Right/Left Left/Right 09:0x14 @ $DDC4 accelerator = Goodies | Turn (Ctrl-T), top menu: Counter-Clockwise / Clockwise 0D:0x0C @ $DDC8 accelerator = Goodies | Lean (Ctrl-L), top menu: Left/Right 11:0x06 @ $DDCC accelerator = Goodies | Flip (Ctrl-F), top menu: Left/Right Up/Down 15:0x13 @ $DDD0 accelerator = Goodies | Squash (Ctrl-S), top menu: Up / Down" 19: "Zoom" "Turn" "Lean" "Flip" "Squash" ``` # Easter Eggs ## Source Code There are partial copies of the source code left on the disk! Track $19, Sectors 4 and 3 have these gems, respectively: * Track $19, Sector 4 ```Assembly pag DFB DialA+2 DA Mess9 hex FE ;yes/no hex 15 ;HTAB 4 DFB DialA+2 DA Mess10 h ``` * Track $19, Sector 3 ```Assembly a Dialog0 DFB MenuA ;area DA Mess0 DFB 0 ;input len hex 14 ;HTab 1*4,Vtab 4; DFB DialA DA Mess1 DFB 0 hex 14 DFB BDrpA DA Mess2 DFB 0 hex 4C DFB DialA+2 DA Mess3 hex FF ;get button hex 44 ;H16,V4 DFB DialA+2 DA Mess4 hex FF hex 14 ``` ## Original Files Names Track $1F, Sector $6 has this gem of a build script! ``` 600.160F ... BLOAD O:FLB000 ,A$1000 BLOAD O:RDB500 ,A$1500 BLOAD O:RWTS1800 ,A$1800 1000<1500.150F ... BLOAD FANTAVISION,$1000 41D6:18 60 BLOAD F.PATCH,A$306C 1000<1700.1F0F ... BLOAD O:BACKUP,A$2000 2000<2000.200F ... DONE FP @ BLOAD FANTA ``` NOTES: * There is no space after the ####.####F but I included one to make the `Control` characters easier to read Here is a quick analysis on the filenames: ``` Filename: FL = Fantavision Loader ??? vv BLOAD O:FLB000,A$1000 $B000 ^^^^ Load address Filename: RD = Read Disk ??? Roland's Disk protection??? vv BLOAD O:RDB500,A$1500 $B500 ^^^^ Load address BLOAD O:RWTS1800,A$1800 ``` ## Easter Egg: Deleted Files!? If we boot Copy \]\[+ 8.0 and choose `UNDELETE FILES` we find there are 4 deleted files on our `Fanta.COPYA` ! ``` M.APPLE2 BIN 4 M.SHADOWTRIXKS BIN 8 M.MORFIC BIN 5 M.VOLCANO BIN 5 ``` # In Search of a Better Beep, or two Some of us Apple fans take our BEEP pretty serious. * [Apple IIc Plus – Fixing the Beep]( Fantavision has a nice "soft beep" instead of the classic "hard beep" ```asm F8.Wait = $FCA8 Squeeker = $C030 ; Technically it is a speaker but who are we kidding here. This is no SID chip. ORG $0902 SoftBeep 0902:A0 20 LDY #$20 SoftCycle 0904:A9 02 LDA #$02 ;+ 0906:20 A8 FC JSR F8.Wait 0909:8D 30 C0 STA Squeeker 090C:A9 24 LDA #$24 090E:20 A8 FC JSR F8.Wait 0911:8D 30 C0 STA Squeeker 0914:88 DEY 0915:D0 ED BNE SoftCycle ;^ $0904 0917:60 RTS ``` Fantavision also has Roland Gustafsson classic 'RW18' error "ZAP" @ $B380. (Track $15, Sector $3) ```asm RWTS_Read16: B333:A2 0F LDX #$0F ; 16 sectors to load ; ... B34B:F0 31 BEQ ReadError ; if failed to read disk ... ReadError: B37E:38 SEC B37F:EA NOP ; *** SELF-MODIFIED to be RTS $60 B380:A0 00 LDY #$00 ; Br0derbund "ZAP" sound ^1 B382:AD 30 C0 LDA $C030 B385:98 TYA ^2 B386:38 SEC B387:E9 01 SBC #$01 B389:D0 FB BNE ^2 ;^ $B386 B38B:88 DEY B38C:D0 F4 BNE ^1 ;^ $B382 B38E:4C 33 B3 JMP RWTS_Read16 ;^ $B333 ``` # Cramming everything on side A? So we have a TON of unused space now. How much of side B can we fit onto side A ? TODO: Determine how many movies from Side B we can fit onto Side A ? # An Alternate Time-Line I'm not the only who wished history had turned out different. :-/ NO, I'm not talking about Hitler or some bad Sci-Fi Deus Ex Machina time travel cop-out. See, [Godwin's Law]('s_law) automatically got invoked and we didn't even do anything! Anyways, [another Fantavision Fan]( wrote up this serious/funny lament of Fantavision history: I always thought that this was a pretty neat vector animation program for the Apple II. What do you think would happen if it went on and was still around today instead of Flash? Here's what I think would come about: * 1988: Fantavision 2.0 is released. With this version, many other 8 bit platforms, such as the C64, the ZX Spectrum, the Amstrad CPC, the Atari 8 bit line, the MSX, the Sharp X1, and the PC-8801 are supported, along with more 16 and 32 bit platforms such as the Macintosh and X68000. Changes include faster and more compact vector Algorithms, support for digitized sound, an interface overhaul with support for scenes, which can be assigned backdrops and objects for each, export to standalone, and limited support for raster graphics and text. * 1990: Fantavision 3.0 Last version for 8 bit platforms. support for the Sharp X1 and MSX is dropped, and interactivity, along with the Fantascript scripting language, is added. Also, a unified Fantavision format, .FTV, is created to make exchange across platforms easier. Also, support for raster effects is added. * 1992: Fantavision 4.0 Fantavision is acquired by Macromind. This is also the first version without 8 bit support. Platform support added: FM Towns computers, Atari Falcon 030, and the Amiga 1200. In this version, support for animated rasters and more raster effects is added, along with 3D object support. * 1994: Fantavision 5.0 Last 16 bit version. In this version, support for 3D backdrops and cameras is added, along with 3D collision detection, and inverse kinematics for both 2D and 3D objects. * 1996: Fantavision 6.0 Fantavision goes online! The new online player goes through several name changes before finally settling on Vectorshock. support for 3D textures and lighting, as well as video (soundless), 2D raster backgrounds, and panoramic 3D backgrounds. scrapped names for Fantavision web player: - Fantavision Online - Fantavision Live - Fantavision Theater - Livevision - Liveweb - Livetheater - Futureshock - Vectorvision - Vectortheater - Vectorsplash - Vectorwave * 1999: Fantavision 7.0 Support for networking, video with sound, and many more vector and raster effects is added. Macromedia decides to release the Fantavision player as open source. * 2000: Fantavision 7.5 Fantavision now supports many more video formats, and very high quality video. The Fantavision file format is declared a standard by the ISO. **Sigh.** Instead we got Flash dominating the Web (since HTML/Javascript sucked so bad) and Steve Jobs ranting how [Flash sucks]( in 2010 until Flash _finally_ died ~2017. > Apple has a long relationship with Adobe. In fact, we met Adobe’s founders when they were in their proverbial garage. Apple was their first big customer, adopting their Postscript language for our new Laserwriter printer. Apple invested in Adobe and owned around 20% of the company for many years. The two companies worked closely together to pioneer desktop publishing and there were many good times. Since that golden era, the companies have grown apart. Apple went through its near death experience, and Adobe was drawn to the corporate market with their Acrobat products. Today the two companies still work together to serve their joint creative customers – Mac users buy around half of Adobe’s Creative Suite products – but beyond that there are few joint interests. > I wanted to jot down some of our thoughts on Adobe’s Flash products so that customers and critics may better understand why we do not allow Flash on iPhones, iPods and iPads. Adobe has characterized our decision as being primarily business driven – they say we want to protect our App Store – but in reality it is based on technology issues. Adobe claims that we are a closed system, and that Flash is open, but in fact the opposite is true. Let me explain. > First, there’s “Open”. > Adobe’s Flash products are 100% proprietary. They are only available from Adobe, and Adobe has sole authority as to their future enhancement, pricing, etc. While Adobe’s Flash products are widely available, this does not mean they are open, since they are controlled entirely by Adobe and available only from Adobe. By almost any definition, Flash is a closed system. > Apple has many proprietary products too. Though the operating system for the iPhone, iPod and iPad is proprietary, we strongly believe that all standards pertaining to the web should be open. Rather than use Flash, Apple has adopted HTML5, CSS and JavaScript – all open standards. Apple’s mobile devices all ship with high performance, low power implementations of these open standards. HTML5, the new web standard that has been adopted by Apple, Google and many others, lets web developers create advanced graphics, typography, animations and transitions without relying on third party browser plug-ins (like Flash). HTML5 is completely open and controlled by a standards committee, of which Apple is a member. > Apple even creates open standards for the web. For example, Apple began with a small open source project and created WebKit, a complete open-source HTML5 rendering engine that is the heart of the Safari web browser used in all our products. WebKit has been widely adopted. Google uses it for Android’s browser, Palm uses it, Nokia uses it, and RIM (Blackberry) has announced they will use it too. Almost every smartphone web browser other than Microsoft’s uses WebKit. By making its WebKit technology open, Apple has set the standard for mobile web browsers. > Second, there’s the “full web”. > Adobe has repeatedly said that Apple mobile devices cannot access “the full web” because 75% of video on the web is in Flash. What they don’t say is that almost all this video is also available in a more modern format, H.264, and viewable on iPhones, iPods and iPads. YouTube, with an estimated 40% of the web’s video, shines in an app bundled on all Apple mobile devices, with the iPad offering perhaps the best YouTube discovery and viewing experience ever. Add to this video from Vimeo, Netflix, Facebook, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, ESPN, NPR, Time, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Sports Illustrated, People, National Geographic, and many, many others. iPhone, iPod and iPad users aren’t missing much video. > Another Adobe claim is that Apple devices cannot play Flash games. This is true. Fortunately, there are over 50,000 games and entertainment titles on the App Store, and many of them are free. There are more games and entertainment titles available for iPhone, iPod and iPad than for any other platform in the world. > Third, there’s reliability, security and performance. > Symantec recently highlighted Flash for having one of the worst security records in 2009. We also know first hand that Flash is the number one reason Macs crash. We have been working with Adobe to fix these problems, but they have persisted for several years now. We don’t want to reduce the reliability and security of our iPhones, iPods and iPads by adding Flash. > In addition, Flash has not performed well on mobile devices. We have routinely asked Adobe to show us Flash performing well on a mobile device, any mobile device, for a few years now. We have never seen it. Adobe publicly said that Flash would ship on a smartphone in early 2009, then the second half of 2009, then the first half of 2010, and now they say the second half of 2010. We think it will eventually ship, but we’re glad we didn’t hold our breath. Who knows how it will perform? > Fourth, there’s battery life. > To achieve long battery life when playing video, mobile devices must decode the video in hardware; decoding it in software uses too much power. Many of the chips used in modern mobile devices contain a decoder called H.264 – an industry standard that is used in every Blu-ray DVD player and has been adopted by Apple, Google (YouTube), Vimeo, Netflix and many other companies. > Although Flash has recently added support for H.264, the video on almost all Flash websites currently requires an older generation decoder that is not implemented in mobile chips and must be run in software. The difference is striking: on an iPhone, for example, H.264 videos play for up to 10 hours, while videos decoded in software play for less than 5 hours before the battery is fully drained. > When websites re-encode their videos using H.264, they can offer them without using Flash at all. They play perfectly in browsers like Apple’s Safari and Google’s Chrome without any plugins whatsoever, and look great on iPhones, iPods and iPads. > Fifth, there’s Touch. > Flash was designed for PCs using mice, not for touch screens using fingers. For example, many Flash websites rely on “rollovers”, which pop up menus or other elements when the mouse arrow hovers over a specific spot. Apple’s revolutionary multi-touch interface doesn’t use a mouse, and there is no concept of a rollover. Most Flash websites will need to be rewritten to support touch-based devices. If developers need to rewrite their Flash websites, why not use modern technologies like HTML5, CSS and JavaScript? > Even if iPhones, iPods and iPads ran Flash, it would not solve the problem that most Flash websites need to be rewritten to support touch-based devices. > Sixth, the most important reason. > Besides the fact that Flash is closed and proprietary, has major technical drawbacks, and doesn’t support touch based devices, there is an even more important reason we do not allow Flash on iPhones, iPods and iPads. We have discussed the downsides of using Flash to play video and interactive content from websites, but Adobe also wants developers to adopt Flash to create apps that run on our mobile devices. > We know from painful experience that letting a third party layer of software come between the platform and the developer ultimately results in sub-standard apps and hinders the enhancement and progress of the platform. If developers grow dependent on third party development libraries and tools, they can only take advantage of platform enhancements if and when the third party chooses to adopt the new features. We cannot be at the mercy of a third party deciding if and when they will make our enhancements available to our developers. > This becomes even worse if the third party is supplying a cross platform development tool. The third party may not adopt enhancements from one platform unless they are available on all of their supported platforms. Hence developers only have access to the lowest common denominator set of features. Again, we cannot accept an outcome where developers are blocked from using our innovations and enhancements because they are not available on our competitor’s platforms. > Flash is a cross platform development tool. It is not Adobe’s goal to help developers write the best iPhone, iPod and iPad apps. It is their goal to help developers write cross platform apps. And Adobe has been painfully slow to adopt enhancements to Apple’s platforms. For example, although Mac OS X has been shipping for almost 10 years now, Adobe just adopted it fully (Cocoa) two weeks ago when they shipped CS5. Adobe was the last major third party developer to fully adopt Mac OS X. > Our motivation is simple – we want to provide the most advanced and innovative platform to our developers, and we want them to stand directly on the shoulders of this platform and create the best apps the world has ever seen. We want to continually enhance the platform so developers can create even more amazing, powerful, fun and useful applications. Everyone wins – we sell more devices because we have the best apps, developers reach a wider and wider audience and customer base, and users are continually delighted by the best and broadest selection of apps on any platform. > Conclusions. > Flash was created during the PC era – for PCs and mice. Flash is a successful business for Adobe, and we can understand why they want to push it beyond PCs. But the mobile era is about low power devices, touch interfaces and open web standards – all areas where Flash falls short. > The avalanche of media outlets offering their content for Apple’s mobile devices demonstrates that Flash is no longer necessary to watch video or consume any kind of web content. And the 250,000 apps on Apple’s App Store proves that Flash isn’t necessary for tens of thousands of developers to create graphically rich applications, including games. > New open standards created in the mobile era, such as HTML5, will win on mobile devices (and PCs too). Perhaps Adobe should focus more on creating great HTML5 tools for the future, and less on criticizing Apple for leaving the past behind. > Steve Jobs > April, 2010 # TODOs * [ ] "UNBACKUP" * [ ] `Fantavision.BIN` loadable under DOS 3.3 * [ ] Movie Format * [ ] Movie Player * [ ] `Assembly Source Listing` (reverse engineered) for Fantavision # Credits * Nick Westgate for proofreading * 4am and qkumba for their crack notes. Love, Love, LOVE reading them! * Don Worth and Pieter Lechner for two mediocre books: * _"Beneath Apple DOS"_ and * _"Beneath Apple ProDOS"_ * Dave Voyles for the nudge to include PS2 Fantavision