#!/bin/bash # Version 5 # # Purpose: Assemble, Link, & Copy a binary to a DOS 3.3 .DSK image without all the cc65 library crap. # Usage: src2dsk.sh {sourcefile} # # Example: # 1. src2dsk.sh barebones.s # # foo.s <- input assembly source file # foo.o <- output of assembler # foo.bin <- output of linker # foo.dsk <- DOS 3.3 disk contaning binary 'FOO' # # 2. Mount 'barebones.dsk' in your emulator # # If you try BRUN'ing the file the RTS won't exit to DOS 3.3 / BASIC properly. # A simple work-around is to BLOAD, then run it. # 3. BLOAD BAREBONES # 4. CALL -151 # 5. AA72.AA73 # 6 Use whatever addres is displayed (bytes are swapped): # 1000G # # The 'barebones.s' exits via 'JMP $3D0' to warmstart DOS. # # You can get a blank DSK here # * ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/images/masters/ ## wget ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/images/masters/emptyDSK_Dos33.zip # curl -# -o EmptyDSK_DOS33.zip ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/images/masters/emptyDSK_Dos33.zip # # I've included an 'empty.dsk' in the repo. for convenience COPY=cp DEL=rm # Verify we have a .s file ! if [[ -z ${1} ]]; then echo "ERROR: need an assembly source file (e.g. foo.s) to build from!" exit 1 fi # Verify we can find toolchain # http://www.cc65.org/doc/ca65-2.html#ss2.2 if [[ -z ${CC65_HOME} ]]; then echo "INFO: 'CC65_HOME' not set, should point to directory containing 'ca65', 'ld65'" CC65_HOME=../bin echo "INFO: Trying '${CC65_HOME}' for assembler and linker" fi # Assembler if [ ! -f ${CC65_HOME}/bin/ca65 ]; then echo "ERROR: Couldn't find assembler 'ca65' !" exit 1 fi # Linker if [ ! -f ${CC65_HOME}/bin/ld65 ]; then echo "ERROR: Couldn't find linker 'ld65' !" exit 1 fi # Verify we can find a2tools if [ ! -f a2in ]; then echo "WARNING: Missing a2tools 'a2in', attempting to build" echo "INFO: Compiling 'a2tools' ..." echo " gcc -DUNIX a2tools.c -o a2in" gcc -DUNIX a2tools.c -o a2in ${COPY} a2in a2rm ${COPY} a2in a2ls if [[ -f a2in ]]; then echo "... success!" else echo "ERROR: a2tools missing: 'a2in'" echo " " echo "The original tools can be found here:" echo " * ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/utility/" echo " * http://slackbuilds.org/repository/14.1/system/a2tools/" echo "To download:" echo " curl -o a2tools.zip ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/utility/a2tools.zip" echo "This repo. contains a copy but was unable to compile it." exit 1 fi fi # Filenames and extensions #http://stackoverflow.com/questions/965053/extract-filename-and-extension-in-bash # Get filename without path # Get filename without extension DIR=$(dirname "${1}") FILENAME=$(basename "${1}") FILE="${FILENAME%%.*}" DEBUG= #DEBUG=echo #${DEBUG} "... dir : ${DIR}" #${DEBUG} "... name: ${FILENAME}" #${DEBUG} "... file: ${FILE}" SRC=${FILE}.s OBJ=${FILE}.o BIN=${FILE}.bin DSK=${FILE}.dsk ASM_FLAGS="--cpu 65c02" LNK_FLAGS="-C apple2bin.cfg" #If your code doesn't load below $803 you could alternatively #use this to assemble & link #CnL_FLAGS="-t apple2enh -C apple2enh-asm.cfg -u __EXEHDR__" # Assemble & Link ${DEBUG} ${DEL} ${BIN} ${OBJ} ${DEBUG} ${CC65_HOME}/bin/ca65 ${ASM_FLAGS} -o ${OBJ} ${DIR}/${SRC} ${DEBUG} ${CC65_HOME}/bin/ld65 ${LNK_FLAGS} -o ${BIN} ${OBJ} # Default Linker Config script can't target address < $803 #${DEBUG} ${CC65_HOME}/bin/cl65 ${CnL_FLAGS} -o ${BIN} ${SRC} if [ -f ${OBJ} ]; then # Copy to bootable empty DOS 3.3 .DSK # We need to uppercase the file name for a DOS 3.3 DSK # The ${1,,} is a Bash 4.0 uppercase extension so we can't use that # Likewise, GNU sed 's/.*/\L&/g' doesn't work on OSX (BSD) A2FILE=`echo "${FILE}" | awk '{print toupper($0)}'` if [ ! -f ${DSK} ]; then echo "INFO: Using blank disk: ${DSK}" ${COPY} emptydos33.dsk ${DSK} else echo "INFO: Updatig existing disk: ${DSK}" # If you want to keep an existing disk then you'll # will want to first remove the old file on the .DSK image ${DEBUG} a2rm ${FILE}.dsk ${A2FILE} fi if [ -f ${BIN} ]; then ${DEBUG} a2in -r b ${DSK} ${A2FILE} ${BIN} # Debug #${CC65_HOME}/bin/od65 --dump-all ${OBJ} # Done! if [ -f ${DSK} ]; then echo "INFO: Created: ${DSK}" else echo "ERROR: Couldn't create: ${DSK}" fi else echo "ERROR: Failed to link" fi else echo "ERROR: Failed to assemble" fi