on run argv set IMAGE to item 1 of argv #set IMAGE to "/Users/rob/asm/basic-system-cmd/online/online.po" tell application "Virtual ][" activate close every machine saving no set theMachine to (make new AppleIIe) tell theMachine set speed to maximum eject device "S6D1" insert IMAGE into device "S6D1" delay 0.5 restart delay 0.25 -- Load the ONLINE command handler type line "-ONLINE" -- Run all legit sequences of ONLINE command (which also exposes a bug) type line "ONLINE" type line "ONLINE,S3,D1" type line "ONLINE,S3,D2" type line "ONLINE,S6,D1" type line "ONLINE,S6,D2" type line "ONLINE" -- Wait till we have the Applesoft prompt back, then continue repeat delay 1.0 -- Let virtual machine go for a second if the last line of compact screen text = "]" then exit repeat end if end repeat set speed to regular -- Test for bug! --display dialog (count lines of compact screen text) set i to (count lines of compact screen text) - 1 if line i of the compact screen text = "S3,D2 ERR=$27" then type line "REM *** SUCCESS ***" else type text "REM >>> FAIL <<<" type ctrl "G" type ctrl "G" type ctrl "G" type line "" end if end tell end tell end run