var debug = false; if (process.argv.length<3 || process.argv.length>5) { console.log(); console.log(" ***************************************") console.log(" * BASIC Applesoft RENUMBER (simple) *"); console.log(" ***************************************") console.log(); console.log("Usage: node path/to/renumber.js path/to/basic/file [path/to/new/basic/file] [line_increment]"); console.log(); console.log("The file is supposed to contain BASIC APPLESOFT code (extracted with CiderPress for example)"); console.log("But it will certainly work with any other BASIC code.") console.log("If omitted, new_basic_file will be the same as original with extension where xxx is original extension.") console.log("If omitted, line_increment will be set to 10."); console.log("Renumber does not work with GOTO/GOSUB VARIABLE"); console.log(); console.log("(c)- 2017 François Vander Linden - Licence is \"Do What The F*ck You Want (the asterisk is a 'U' in case you're wondering)\""); process.exit(); } // var isNormalInteger = function (str) { return /^\+?(0|[1-9]\d*)$/.test(str); } var fs = require("fs"); var inFile = process.argv[2]; var outFile; var inc; var readlin = fs.readFileSync(inFile).toString().split('\n'); if (process.argv[3] && !isNormalInteger(process.argv[3])) { outFile = process.argv[3]; inc = process.argv[4] || 10; } else { inc = process.argv[3] || 10; p = inFile.lastIndexOf("."); if (p<0) outFile = inFile + ".new"; else outFile = inFile.substring(0,p) + ".new" + inFile.substring(p); } console.log("File input: " + inFile); console.log("File output: " + outFile); console.log("Line increment: " + inc); var lines = []; var newLines = []; console.log("First pass ..."); for (i=0, cnt=0; i< readlin.length; i++, cnt++) { readlin[i] = readlin[i].replace('\r','').trim(); //console.log(i + "-" + cnt + ": '" + readlin[i] + "'"); if (readlin[i]!='') { sp = readlin[i].indexOf(" "); // first space if (sp==0) sp = readlin[i].indexOf(" ",1); if (sp>=0) { oldNum = parseInt(readlin[i].substring(0, sp)); code = readlin[i].substr(sp).trim(); newNum = (cnt+1)*inc; lines.push({oldNum: oldNum, newNum: newNum, code: code, cnt: cnt}); } } else cnt--; } if (debug) console.log(lines); //r = /(GOTO|GOSUB|THEN)(\s*)(\d+)(?:(\s*,\s*)(\d+))*/ig ; r = /\b(GO(?:TO|SUB)|THEN)(\s*)(\d+)((?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)/gi; r2 = /(\s*,)(\s*)(\d+)/gi console.log("Second pass & renumber ..."); for (i=0; i" + code.substring(cs, match.index) + "<_______...."); console.log(" MATCH: " + Array(match.index+1).join(" ") + match[0]); console.log("NEWCODE:'" + newCode + "'"); } for (j=0; j=2) { // we have to refine results ... while ((match2 = r2.exec(match[j])) != null) { for (k= 0; k