The BASIC Tools API is a set of reusable code that can be used to parse a text-based Applesoft BASIC program an generate the appropriate tokens. It also has multiple types of visitors that can re-write that parse tree to rearrange the code (calling them optimizations is a bit over-the-top).
The `Configuration` class also allows the BASIC start address to be set (defaults to `0x801`), set the maximum line length (this is in bytes, and defaults to `255`, but feel free to experiment). Some of the classes report output via the debug stream, which defaults to a simple null stream (no output) - replace with `System.out` or another `PrintStream`.
The list of tokens is a loose interpretation. It includes more of a compiler sense of tokens -- numbers, end of line markers (they're significant), AppleSoft tokens, strings, comments, identifiers, etc.
Parser parser = new Parser(tokens);
Program program = parser.parse();
The `Program` is now the parsed version of the BASIC program. Various `Visitor`s may be used to report, gather information, or manipulate the tree in various ways.
`$embed` will allow a binary to be embedded within the resulting application *and will move it to a destination in memory*. Please note that once the application is loaded on the Apple II, the program cannot be altered as the computer will crash. Usage example:
The `$embed` directive _must_ be last on the line (if there are comments, be sure to use the `REMOVE_REM_STATEMENTS` optimization. It takes two parameters: file name and target address, both are strings.
From the `circles-timing.bas` sample, this is the beginning of the program:
The move code is based on what Beagle Bros put into their [Peeks, Pokes, and Pointers]( poster. (See _Memory Move_ under the *Useful Calls*; the `CALL -468` entry.)
Optimizations are mechanisms to rewrite the `Program`, typically making the program smaller. `Optimization` itself is an enum which has a `create` method to setup the `Visitor`.
Current optimizations are:
* _Remove empty statements_ will remove all extra colons. For example, if the application in question used `:` to indicate nesting. Or just accidents!
* _Remove REM statements_ will remove all comments.
* _Extract constant values_ will find all constant numerical references, insert a line `0` with assignments, and finally replace all the numbers with the approrpiate variable name. Hypothesis is that the BASIC interpreter only parses the number once.
* _Merge lines_ will identify all lines that are not a target of `GOTO`/`GOSUB`-type action and rewrite the line by merging it with others. The concept involved is that the BASIC program is just a linked list and shortening the list will shorten the search path. The default *max length* in bytes is set to `255`.
* _Renumber_ will renumber the application, beginning with line `0`. This makes the decoding a tiny bit more efficient in that the number to decode will be smaller in the token stream.