package io.github.applecommander.bastools.api.shapes.exporters; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.function.Consumer; import; import io.github.applecommander.bastools.api.shapes.BitmapShape; import io.github.applecommander.bastools.api.shapes.Shape; import io.github.applecommander.bastools.api.shapes.ShapeExporter; import io.github.applecommander.bastools.api.shapes.ShapeTable; public class TextShapeExporter implements ShapeExporter { private int maxWidth = 80; private BorderStrategy borderStrategy = BorderStrategy.BOX_DRAWING; /** Use the {@code Builder} to create a TextShapeExporter. */ private TextShapeExporter() { } @Override public void export(Shape shape, OutputStream outputStream) { Objects.requireNonNull(shape); Objects.requireNonNull(outputStream); BitmapShape b = shape.toBitmap(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(outputStream); drawTopLine(pw, 1, b.getWidth()); Queue bqueue = new LinkedList<>(Arrays.asList(b)); drawRow(pw, bqueue, 1, b.getHeight(), b.getWidth()); drawBottomLine(pw, 1, b.getWidth()); pw.flush(); } @Override public void export(ShapeTable shapeTable, OutputStream outputStream) { Objects.requireNonNull(shapeTable); Objects.requireNonNull(outputStream); List blist = .map(Shape::toBitmap) .collect(Collectors.toList()); int width =; int height =; int columns = Math.max(1, this.maxWidth / width); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(outputStream); drawTopLine(pw, columns, width); Queue bqueue = new LinkedList<>(blist); drawRow(pw, bqueue, columns, height, width); while (!bqueue.isEmpty()) { drawDividerLine(pw, columns, width); drawRow(pw, bqueue, columns, height, width); } drawBottomLine(pw, columns, width); pw.flush(); } private void drawTopLine(PrintWriter pw, int columns, int width) { borderStrategy.topLeftCorner(pw); borderStrategy.horizontalLine(pw, width); for (int i=1; i bqueue, int columns, int height, int width) { BitmapShape[] bshapes = new BitmapShape[columns]; for (int i=0; i row = bshape.grid.size() > y ? bshape.grid.get(y) : new ArrayList<>(); for (int x=0; x x ? row.get(x) : Boolean.FALSE; if (bshape.origin.x == x && bshape.origin.y == y) { pw.printf("%c", plot ? '*' : '+'); } else { pw.printf("%c", plot ? 'X' : '.'); } } } public enum BorderStrategy { /** No border but with spaces between shapes. Note the tricky newline in {@code dividerLeftEdge}. */ NONE('\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', ' ', '\0', '\n', '\0', '\0'), /** * A border comprised of the box drawing characters. * @see Wikipedia article on box characters */ BOX_DRAWING('\u2500', '\u2502', '\u250C', '\u2510', '\u2514', '\u2518', '\u252C', '\u2534', '\u2502', '\u2500', '\u251C', '\u2524', '\u253C'), /** A simple border based on plain ASCII characters. */ ASCII_TEXT('-', '|', '+', '+', '+', '+', '+', '+', '|', '-', '+', '+', '+'); private final char horizontalLine; private final char verticalLine; private final char topLeftCorner; private final char topRightCorner; private final char bottomLeftCorner; private final char bottomRightCorner; private final char topDivider; private final char bottomDivider; private final char dividerVerticalLine; private final char dividerHorizontalLine; private final char dividerLeftEdge; private final char dividerRightEdge; private final char dividerMiddle; private BorderStrategy(char horizontalLine, char verticalLine, char topLeftCorner, char topRightCorner, char bottomLeftCorner, char bottomRightCorner, char topDivider, char bottomDivider, char dividerVerticalLine, char dividerHorizontalLine, char dividerLeftEdge, char dividerRightEdge, char dividerMiddle) { this.horizontalLine = horizontalLine; this.verticalLine = verticalLine; this.topLeftCorner = topLeftCorner; this.topRightCorner = topRightCorner; this.bottomLeftCorner = bottomLeftCorner; this.bottomRightCorner = bottomRightCorner; this.topDivider = topDivider; this.bottomDivider = bottomDivider; this.dividerVerticalLine = dividerVerticalLine; this.dividerHorizontalLine = dividerHorizontalLine; this.dividerLeftEdge = dividerLeftEdge; this.dividerRightEdge = dividerRightEdge; this.dividerMiddle = dividerMiddle; } private void print(Consumer output, char ch) { print(output, ch, 1); } private void print(Consumer output, char ch, int width) { if (ch != '\0') { output.accept(new String(new char[width]).replace('\0', ch)); } } public void horizontalLine(PrintWriter pw, int width) { print(pw::print, horizontalLine, width); } public void verticalLine(PrintWriter pw) { print(pw::print, verticalLine); } public void topLeftCorner(PrintWriter pw) { print(pw::print, topLeftCorner); } public void topRightCorner(PrintWriter pw) { print(pw::println, topRightCorner); } public void bottomLeftCorner(PrintWriter pw) { print(pw::print, bottomLeftCorner); } public void bottomRightCorner(PrintWriter pw) { print(pw::println, bottomRightCorner); } public void topDivider(PrintWriter pw) { print(pw::print, topDivider); } public void bottomDivider(PrintWriter pw) { print(pw::print, bottomDivider); } public void dividerVerticalLine(PrintWriter pw) { print(pw::print, dividerVerticalLine); } public void dividerHorizontalLine(PrintWriter pw, int width) { print(pw::print, dividerHorizontalLine, width); } public void dividerLeftEdge(PrintWriter pw) { print(pw::print, dividerLeftEdge); } public void dividerRightEdge(PrintWriter pw) { print(pw::println, dividerRightEdge); } public void dividerMiddle(PrintWriter pw) { print(pw::print, dividerMiddle); } } public static class Builder { private TextShapeExporter textShapeExporter = new TextShapeExporter(); public Builder maxWidth(int maxWidth) { textShapeExporter.maxWidth = maxWidth; return this; } public Builder noBorder() { return borderStrategy(BorderStrategy.NONE); } public Builder asciiTextBorder() { return borderStrategy(BorderStrategy.ASCII_TEXT); } public Builder boxDrawingBorder() { return borderStrategy(BorderStrategy.BOX_DRAWING); } public Builder borderStrategy(BorderStrategy borderStrategy) { textShapeExporter.borderStrategy = borderStrategy; return this; } public ShapeExporter build() { return textShapeExporter; } } }