package io.github.applecommander.bastools.api.optimizations; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Function; import io.github.applecommander.bastools.api.Configuration; import io.github.applecommander.bastools.api.Visitors; import io.github.applecommander.bastools.api.model.ApplesoftKeyword; import io.github.applecommander.bastools.api.model.Line; import io.github.applecommander.bastools.api.model.Program; import io.github.applecommander.bastools.api.model.Statement; import io.github.applecommander.bastools.api.model.Token; import io.github.applecommander.bastools.api.utils.VariableNameGenerator; import io.github.applecommander.bastools.api.visitors.VariableCollectorVisitor; /** * Find constants and extract to variables in order to have the number parsed only once. */ public class ExtractConstantValues extends BaseVisitor { /** These trigger the start of a replacement range. Note the special logic for assignments. */ public static List TARGET_STARTS = Arrays.asList( ApplesoftKeyword.FOR, ApplesoftKeyword.CALL, ApplesoftKeyword.PLOT, ApplesoftKeyword.HLIN, ApplesoftKeyword.VLIN, ApplesoftKeyword.HCOLOR, ApplesoftKeyword.HPLOT, ApplesoftKeyword.DRAW, ApplesoftKeyword.XDRAW, ApplesoftKeyword.HTAB, ApplesoftKeyword.SCALE, ApplesoftKeyword.COLOR, ApplesoftKeyword.VTAB, ApplesoftKeyword.HIMEM, ApplesoftKeyword.LOMEM, ApplesoftKeyword.SPEED, ApplesoftKeyword.LET, ApplesoftKeyword.IF, ApplesoftKeyword.ON, ApplesoftKeyword.WAIT, ApplesoftKeyword.POKE); /** These trigger the end of a replacement range. End of statement is always an end. */ public static List TARGET_ENDS = Arrays.asList( ApplesoftKeyword.GOTO, ApplesoftKeyword.GOSUB, ApplesoftKeyword.THEN); // Map keyed by value (Double isn't a good key, using a String of the number) and pointing to replacement variable name private Map map = new HashMap<>(); private VariableNameGenerator variableGenerator = new VariableNameGenerator(); private Set existingVariables; private Function consumer = this::nullTransformation; public ExtractConstantValues(Configuration config) { // ignored } public Token nullTransformation(Token token) { return token; } /** Collect a map of constant values and the new variable name to be used. */ public Token numberToIdentTransformation(Token token) { String key = token.number.toString(); // New entry, create it if (!map.containsKey(key)) { String varName = null; do { varName = variableGenerator.get() .orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("Ran out of variable names to assign")); } while (existingVariables.contains(varName)); map.put(key, varName); } // Existing (or NEW!) entry, swap to that variable. if (map.containsKey(key)) { return Token.ident(token.line, map.get(key)); } return token; } @Override public Program visit(Program program) { VariableCollectorVisitor collector = Visitors.variableCollectorVisitor(); program.accept(collector); this.existingVariables = collector.getVariableNames(); program = super.visit(program); injectLine0(program); return program; } private void injectLine0(Program program) { Line line = generateLine0(program); // Bypass if there were no constants if (line.statements.isEmpty()) return; // setup a renumber of lines that interfere if we have any if (program.lines.get(0).lineNumber == 0) { // start with line #0 should become line #1 super.reassignments.put(0, 1); // chase it to the end! .map(Line::getLineNumber) .filter(super.reassignments::containsValue) .forEach(n -> { super.reassignments.put(n, n+1); }); } program.lines.add(0, line); } private Line generateLine0(Program program) { Line line = new Line(0, program); map.entrySet().stream() .sorted(Map.Entry.comparingByValue()) .map(this::toStatement) .forEach(line.statements::add); return line; } private Statement toStatement(Map.Entry variable) { Statement statement = new Statement(); statement.tokens.add(Token.ident(-1, variable.getValue())); statement.tokens.add(Token.syntax(-1, '=')); statement.tokens.add(Token.number(-1, Double.valueOf(variable.getKey()))); return statement; } @Override public Statement visit(Statement statement) { try { if (!statement.tokens.isEmpty()) { int size = statement.tokens.size(); Token t = statement.tokens.get(0); // Special logic for "A=5+1" while trying to skip constant forms of "A=1234" (don't replicate) if (t.type == Token.Type.IDENT && size > 3) { this.consumer = this::numberToIdentTransformation; } // Special logic for "LET A=5+1" while trying to skip constant forms of "LET A=1234" (don't replicate) if (t.type == Token.Type.KEYWORD && t.keyword == ApplesoftKeyword.LET && size > 4) { this.consumer = this::numberToIdentTransformation; } } return super.visit(statement); } finally { this.consumer = this::nullTransformation; } } @Override public Token visit(Token token) { switch (token.type) { case KEYWORD: if (TARGET_STARTS.contains(token.keyword)) { this.consumer = this::numberToIdentTransformation; } else if (TARGET_ENDS.contains(token.keyword)) { this.consumer = this::nullTransformation; } break; case NUMBER: return this.consumer.apply(token); default: break; } return super.visit(token); } }