package io.github.applecommander.bastools.api.shapes; import java.awt.Point; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.function.Supplier; /** * Represents a bitmap copy of the shape. * This may be useful for displaying the shape or for defining shapes as a bitmap is * easier to understand than vectors. */ public class BitmapShape implements Shape { public final String label; public final List> grid = new ArrayList<>(); public final Point origin = new Point(); public BitmapShape() { this(0, 0, null); } public BitmapShape(String label) { this(0, 0, label); } public BitmapShape(int height, int width) { this(height, width, null); } public BitmapShape(int height, int width, String label) { this.label = label; while (this.grid.size() < height) { this.grid.add(newRow(width)); } } private List newRow(int width) { List row = new ArrayList<>(); while (row.size() < width) { row.add(Boolean.FALSE); } return row; } public void insertColumn() { origin.x++; for (List row : grid) { row.add(0, Boolean.FALSE); } } public void addColumn() { for (List row : grid) { row.add(Boolean.FALSE); } } public void insertRow() { origin.y++; grid.add(0, newRow(getWidth())); } public void addRow() { grid.add(newRow(getWidth())); } public void appendBitmapRow(String line) { line = line.trim(); List row = new ArrayList<>(); Runnable setOrigin = () -> { // Share origin logic for '+' and '*' origin.x = row.size(); origin.y = grid.size(); }; for (char pixel : line.toCharArray()) { switch (Character.toLowerCase(pixel)) { case '+':; // fall through to '.' case '.': row.add(Boolean.FALSE); break; case '*':; // fall through to 'x' case 'x': row.add(Boolean.TRUE); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected bitmap pixel type: " + pixel); } } grid.add(row); } public int getHeight() { return grid.size(); } public int getWidth() { return grid.isEmpty() ? 0 : grid.get(0).size(); } public void plot(int x, int y) { plot(x, y, Boolean.TRUE); } public void plot(int x, int y, Boolean pixel) { if (x < 0 || x >= getWidth() || y < 0 || y >= getHeight()) { return; } grid.get(y).set(x, pixel); } public Boolean get(int x, int y) { if (x < 0 || x >= getWidth() || y < 0 || y >= getHeight()) { return Boolean.FALSE; } return grid.get(y).get(x); } public Boolean get(Point point) { return get(point.x, point.y); } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { boolean hasData = false; for (List row : grid) { for (Boolean plot : row) { hasData |= plot; } } return !hasData; } @Override public String getLabel() { return label; } @Override public BitmapShape toBitmap() { return this; } /** * Convert this bitmap shape to a vector shape. The shape chosen encodes to the least number of bytes * in the resulting file. */ @Override public VectorShape toVector() { List> scans = Arrays.asList( new SweepVectorization(this, VectorCommand.MOVE_RIGHT, VectorCommand.MOVE_UP), new SweepVectorization(this, VectorCommand.MOVE_RIGHT, VectorCommand.MOVE_DOWN), new SweepVectorization(this, VectorCommand.MOVE_LEFT, VectorCommand.MOVE_UP), new SweepVectorization(this, VectorCommand.MOVE_LEFT, VectorCommand.MOVE_DOWN), new SweepVectorization(this, VectorCommand.MOVE_DOWN, VectorCommand.MOVE_RIGHT), new SweepVectorization(this, VectorCommand.MOVE_DOWN, VectorCommand.MOVE_LEFT), new SweepVectorization(this, VectorCommand.MOVE_UP, VectorCommand.MOVE_RIGHT), new SweepVectorization(this, VectorCommand.MOVE_UP, VectorCommand.MOVE_LEFT), new EuclidianDistanceVectorization(this) ); int byteLength = Integer.MAX_VALUE; VectorShape vshape = null; for (Supplier scan : scans) { VectorShape candidate = scan.get(); int length = candidate.toBytes().length; if (vshape == null || byteLength >= length) { vshape = candidate; byteLength = length; } } return vshape; } /** * Encode a bitmap shape by going to a corner and sweeping back-and-forth across the image. * The resulting shape is not optimal, so the {@link VectorShape#optimize()} should be used. * Note that this class is setup to be dynamic in the chosen corner. */ public static class SweepVectorization implements Supplier { private VectorCommand[] toOrigin; private VectorCommand movement; private VectorCommand next; private Point point; private BitmapShape bitmapShape; private VectorShape vectorShape; private int width; private int height; /** * Create an instance of the sweep method. * * @param bitmapShape is the shape to be converted * @param initialMovement is the initial sweep movement * @param next is the direction to advance for each line */ public SweepVectorization(BitmapShape bitmapShape, VectorCommand initialMovement, VectorCommand next) { Objects.requireNonNull(bitmapShape); Objects.requireNonNull(initialMovement); Objects.requireNonNull(next); if (initialMovement.horizontal == next.horizontal || initialMovement.vertical == next.vertical) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("One vector must be horizontal and the other vector must be vertical"); } this.toOrigin = new VectorCommand[] { next.opposite(), initialMovement.opposite() }; this.movement = initialMovement; = next; this.bitmapShape = bitmapShape; this.width = bitmapShape.getWidth(); this.height = bitmapShape.getHeight(); this.point = new Point(bitmapShape.origin); this.vectorShape = new VectorShape(); } public VectorShape get() { findStartPosition(); while (!onOrAtEdge(next)) { scanRow(); plotOrMove(next); movement = movement.opposite(); point.translate(next.xmove, next.ymove); } return vectorShape; } public void findStartPosition() { for (VectorCommand vector : toOrigin) { while (!onOrAtEdge(vector)) { vectorShape.vectors.add(vector); point.translate(vector.xmove, vector.ymove); } } } public void scanRow() { while (!onOrAtEdge(movement)) { plotOrMove(movement); point.translate(movement.xmove, movement.ymove); } } public void plotOrMove(VectorCommand vector) { if (bitmapShape.get(point)) { vectorShape.appendShortCommand(Character.toUpperCase(vector.shortCommand)); } else { vectorShape.appendShortCommand(Character.toLowerCase(vector.shortCommand)); } } public boolean onOrAtEdge(VectorCommand vector) { // No clever way to do this? switch (vector) { case MOVE_DOWN: case PLOT_DOWN: return point.y >= height; case MOVE_UP: case PLOT_UP: return point.y < 0; case MOVE_LEFT: case PLOT_LEFT: return point.x < 0; case MOVE_RIGHT: case PLOT_RIGHT: return point.x >= width; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected vector: " + vector); } } } /** * Encode a bitmap shape by using the Euclidean distance between plotted points to determine * which vectors take precedence. Most of the math is captured in the Point class, which makes * this much more straight-forward. */ public static class EuclidianDistanceVectorization implements Supplier { private List points; private BitmapShape bitmapShape; private VectorShape vshape; public EuclidianDistanceVectorization(BitmapShape bitmapShape) { this.bitmapShape = bitmapShape; this.points = new ArrayList<>(); this.vshape = new VectorShape(); // Collect vector targets for (int y=0; y= candidateDistance) { distance = candidateDistance; target = candidate; } } moveTo(plotFirst, point, target); points.remove(target); point = target; plotFirst = true; } // Need to plot that last pixel vshape.plotUp(); return vshape; } /** * Move from origin to target. General strategy is to work from distance between points and bias the one that "loses" * each time while resetting the one that "won". Hopefully this draws more of a jagged line than something entirely * straight. (The goal being to prevent a bunch of plot up's in the worst case that doesn't encode nicely.) * @param plotFirst Indicates if the first vector needs to plot; otherwise all other vectors will be moves * @param origin Is the point of origin (which can be a plotted pixel) * @param target Is the target point */ public void moveTo(boolean plotFirst, Point origin, Point target) { if (origin.equals(target)) return; VectorCommand xvector = origin.x < target.x ? VectorCommand.MOVE_RIGHT : VectorCommand.MOVE_LEFT; VectorCommand yvector = origin.y < target.y ? VectorCommand.MOVE_DOWN : VectorCommand.MOVE_UP; if (plotFirst) { xvector = xvector.plot(); yvector = yvector.plot(); } Point point = new Point(origin); int xdist = Math.abs(point.x - target.x); int ydist = Math.abs(point.y - target.y); while (!point.equals(target)) { if (xdist > ydist) { xdist = Math.abs(point.x - target.x); ydist += 1; if (point.x != target.x) { point.translate(xvector.xmove, xvector.ymove); vshape.append(xvector); xvector = xvector.move(); yvector = yvector.move(); } } else { xdist += 1; ydist = Math.abs(point.y - target.y); if (point.y != target.y) { point.translate(yvector.xmove, yvector.ymove); vshape.append(yvector); xvector = xvector.move(); yvector = yvector.move(); } } } } } }