10 gosub 50000:goto 1000 20 for i=1 to mm:if dx(i) then next i:return 30 dx(i)=x:dy(i)=wc:ds(i)=dc:return 40 a$="0000"+str$(qq):a$=mid$(a$,len(a$)-3) 50 ly=peek(cv)*lh:lx=peek(ch)*lw 60 for c=1 to len(a$):ls=cb+asc(mid$(a$,c,1))-sp:draw ru at lx,ly:xdraw ls at lx,ly:lx=lx+lw:next c:return 90 vtab 1:htab 37:qq=qh:gosub 40:vtab 2:qq=qs:gosub 40:vtab 3:qq=qd:gosub 40:return 100 x=140:sd=0:s=sh:qs=0:qd=30 110 di=1:mm=5:dim dx(mm),dy(mm),ds(mm),ox(mm),oy(mm),os(mm) 120 for i=1 to mm:dx(i)=0:dy(i)=0:ds(i)=0:next i 130 bs=0:bx=0:by=0:bd=0 140 xs=0:xx=0:xy=0 150 gosub 90 200 xdraw s at x,ws:ox=x:os=s 210 if bx then xdraw bs at bx,by:cs=bs:cx=bx:cy=by 220 ox(di)=dx(di):oy(di)=dy(di):os(di)=ds(di) 230 if dx(di) then xdraw ds(di) at dx(di),dy(di) 240 if xx then xdraw xs at xx,xy:zs=xs:zx=xx:zy=xy 300 ky=peek(-16384):if ky < 128 then 400 310 poke -16368,0 320 if ky=136 then s=sh:sd=sd-1 330 if ky=149 then s=sh+1:sd=sd+1 340 if sd > 3 then sd=3 350 if sd < -3 then sd=-3 360 if ky=160 and qd > 0 then qd=qd-1:gosub 20:vtab 3:htab 37:qq=qd:gosub 40 400 if not bx then 450 410 bx=bx+bd 420 if bx < 10 or bx > 270 then bs=0:bx=0:by=0:bd=0 430 goto 500 450 rr=rnd(1):if rr < 0.10 then 480 460 if rr > 0.20 then 500 470 bx=10:by=wl+10+rnd(1)*80:bd=2:bs=sb+1:goto 500 480 bx=270:by=wl+10+rnd(1)*80:bd=-2:bs=sb 500 x=x+sd 510 if x < 10 then x=10 520 if x > 270 then x=270 550 if xs then xs=xs+2:if xs >= sh then xx=0 600 if not dx(di) then 690 610 ds(di)=ds(di)+1:if ds(di) > dc+3 then ds(di)=dc 620 dy(di)=dy(di)+5:if dy(di) > 155 then dx(di)=0:dy(di)=0:ds(di)=0 690 di=di+1:if di > mm then di = 1 700 if ox(di) then xdraw os(di) at ox(di),oy(di):if peek(234) then dx(di)=0:dy(di)=0:ds(di)=0 710 if cx then xdraw cs at cx,cy:a=cx:cx=0:if peek(234) then xs=cs+2:xx=a:xy=cy:bx=0:qs=qs+1:qd=qd+5:vtab 2:htab 37:qq=qs:gosub 40:vtab 3:qq=qd:gosub 40 720 if zx then xdraw zs at zx,xy:zx=0 730 xdraw os at ox,ws 740 if qd > 0 then 200 800 if qs > qh then qh = qs 1000 hgr:poke -16302,0:ch=36:cv=37:lw=7:lh=8:sp=asc(" "):wl=40:ws=wl-3:wc=wl+2:ru=95+cb 1010 hcolor=0:vtab 1:htab 1:a$="DESTROYER!":gosub 50 1020 vtab 22:htab 4:a$="| LEFT, } RIGHT, SPACEBAR TO FIRE":gosub 50 1030 vtab 1:htab 28:a$="HISCORE:":gosub 50:vtab 2:a$="SCORE:":gosub 50:vtab 3:a$="CHARGES:":gosub 50:gosub 90 1050 hcolor=6:hplot 0,wl to 279,wl:hplot 0,159 to 279,159:hcolor=0 1060 ly=wl+15:xdraw sh at 45,ly+3:a$="YOUR DESTROYER":lx=70:gosub 60 1070 ly=ly+10:xdraw sb at 45,ly+3:a$="ENEMY SUBMARINE (1 point)":lx=70:gosub 60 1080 ly=ly+10:lx=40:for s=dc to dc+3:xdraw s at lx,ly+3:lx=lx+5:next s:a$="DEPTH CHARGES (hit = +5!)":lx=70:gosub 60 1090 ly=ly+20:lx=40:a$="Demo code for 'bastools'":gosub 60 1100 ly=ly+10:lx=40:a$="Visit applecommander.github.io":gosub 60 1110 ly=ly+20:lx=40:a$="PRESS ANY KEY TO BEGIN!":gosub 60 1120 if peek(-16384)<128 then 1120 1130 poke -16368,0 1140 hcolor=0:for y=wl+15 to 150:hplot 0,y to 279,y:next y 1150 goto 100 50000 $shape src="destroyer.st", poke=yes, init=yes, assign=(sb="sub-left", sh="ship-left", dc="depthcharge-1", cb="characters")