$ bt --help
Usage: bt [-chOVx] [--addresses] [--applesingle] [--debug] [--list] [--pretty]
[--stdout] [--tokens] [--variables] [--wrapper] [-a=<address>]
[--max-line-length=<maxLineLength>] [-o=<outputFile>]
[-f=<optimizations>[,<optimizations>...]]... <sourceFile>
Transforms an AppleSoft program from text back to its tokenized state.
<sourceFile> AppleSoft BASIC program to process.
-a, --address=<address> Base address for program
Default: 2049
--addresses Dump line number addresses out.
--applesingle Write output in AppleSingle format
-c, --copy Generate a copy/paste form of output for testing in
an emulator.
--debug Print debug output.
Enable specific optimizations.
* remove-empty-statements - Strip out all '::'-like
* remove-rem-statements - Remove all REM statements.
* shorten-variable-names - Ensure all variables are
1 or 2 characters long.
* extract-constant-values - Assign all constant
values first.
* merge-lines - Merge lines.
* renumber - Renumber program.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--list List structure as bastools understands it.
Maximum line length for generated lines.
Default: 255
-o, --output=<outputFile> Write binary output to file.
-O, --optimize Apply all optimizations.
--pretty Pretty print structure as bastools understands it.
--stdout Send binary output to stdout.
--tokens Dump token list to stdout for debugging.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
--variables Generate a variable report
--wrapper Wrap the Applesoft program (DOS 3.3).
-x, --hex Generate a binary hex dump for debugging.
Using copy and paste
If your Apple emulator supports copy and paste (not all do!), this is handy when experimenting.
$ bt --copy tools/bt/src/test/resources/circles.bas
0067:01 08 E1 09
0801:0A 08 0A 00 AB 31 30 30 00 23 08 14 00 B2 64 72
0811:61 77 20 63 69 72 63 6C 65 20 72 6F 75 74 69 6E
0821:65 00 2F 08 1E 00 81 41 D0 30 C1 50 54 00 47 08
0831:28 00 58 D0 58 28 41 29 CA 53 5A 3A 59 D0 59 28
0841:41 29 CA 53 5A 00 56 08 32 00 93 58 4F C8 58 2C
0851:59 4F C8 59 00 65 08 3C 00 93 58 4F C9 58 2C 59
0861:4F C8 59 00 74 08 46 00 93 58 4F C8 58 2C 59 4F
0871:C9 59 00 83 08 50 00 93 58 4F C9 58 2C 59 4F C9
0881:59 00 8A 08 5A 00 82 41 00 90 08 5F 00 B1 00 A2
0891:08 64 00 B2 6D 61 69 6E 20 70 72 6F 67 72 61 6D
08A1:00 A8 08 6E 00 91 00 D6 08 73 00 43 28 30 29 D0
08B1:31 3A 43 28 31 29 D0 32 3A 43 28 32 29 D0 33 3A
08C1:43 28 33 29 D0 35 3A 43 28 34 29 D0 36 3A 43 28
08D1:35 29 D0 37 00 F5 08 78 00 97 3A A2 32 31 3A 9E
08E1:3A BA 22 4A 55 53 54 20 41 20 4D 4F 4D 45 4E 54
08F1:22 3A 9D 00 04 09 82 00 50 49 D0 33 2E 31 34 31
0901:35 39 00 1B 09 8C 00 50 54 D0 33 30 3A 86 58 28
0911:50 54 29 2C 59 28 50 54 29 00 27 09 96 00 81 41
0921:D0 30 C1 50 54 00 3B 09 A0 00 42 D0 50 49 CA 28
0931:41 CB 28 50 54 CA 32 29 29 00 49 09 AA 00 58 28
0941:41 29 D0 DF 28 42 29 00 57 09 B4 00 59 28 41 29
0951:D0 DE 28 42 29 00 5E 09 BE 00 82 41 00 68 09 C8
0961:00 97 3A A2 32 31 00 75 09 D2 00 81 51 D0 31 C1
0971:31 30 30 00 88 09 D7 00 43 D0 36 CA DB 28 31 29
0981:3A 92 43 28 43 29 00 9C 09 DC 00 53 5A D0 31 30
0991:C8 28 34 30 CA DB 28 31 29 29 00 B6 09 E6 00 58
09A1:4F D0 28 32 37 39 C9 53 5A CA 32 29 CA DB 28 31
09B1:29 C8 53 5A 00 D0 09 F0 00 59 4F D0 28 31 35 39
09C1:C9 53 5A CA 32 29 CA DB 28 31 29 C8 53 5A 00 D8
09D1:09 FA 00 B0 33 30 00 DF 09 04 01 82 51 00 00 00
Listing / Optimization
Listing is handy when tinkering with what the tool does. Before optimization...
$ bt --list tools/bt/src/test/resources/circles.bas
10 GOTO 100
20 REM draw circle routine
30 FOR A = 0 TO PT
40 X = X(A) * SZ:Y = Y(A) * SZ
50 HPLOT XO + X,YO + Y
60 HPLOT XO - X,YO + Y
70 HPLOT XO + X,YO - Y
80 HPLOT XO - X,YO - Y
100 REM main program
110 HGR
115 C(0) = 1:C(1) = 2:C(2) = 3:C(3) = 5:C(4) = 6:C(5) = 7
130 PI = 3.14159
140 PT = 30: DIM X(PT),Y(PT)
150 FOR A = 0 TO PT
160 B = PI * (A / (PT * 2))
170 X(A) = SIN (B)
180 Y(A) = COS (B)
190 NEXT A
200 HOME : VTAB 21
210 FOR Q = 1 TO 100
215 C = 6 * RND (1): HCOLOR= C(C)
220 SZ = 10 + (40 * RND (1))
230 XO = (279 - SZ * 2) * RND (1) + SZ
240 YO = (159 - SZ * 2) * RND (1) + SZ
250 GOSUB 30
260 NEXT Q
... and after optimization ...
$ bt --optimize --list tools/bt/src/test/resources/circles.bas
0 D=0:E=1:F=2:G=3:H=5:I=4:J=6:K=7:L=21:M=100:N=10:O=40:P=279:R=159: GOTO 2
2 HGR :C(D) = E:C(E) = F:C(F) = G:C(G) = H:C(I) = J:C(H) = K: HOME : VTAB L: INVERSE : PRINT "JUST A MOMENT": NORMAL :PI = 3.14159:PT = 30: DIM X(PT),Y(PT): FOR A = D TO PT:B = PI * (A / (PT * F)):X(A) = SIN (B):Y(A) = COS (B): NEXT A: HOME : VTAB L: FOR Q = E TO M:C = J * RND (E): HCOLOR= C(C):SZ = N + (O * RND (E)):XO = (P - SZ * F) * RND (E) + SZ:YO = (R - SZ * F) * RND (E) + SZ: GOSUB 1: NEXT Q
Specific optimizations may also be triggered:
$ bt -fremove-rem-statements,merge-lines --list tools/bt/src/test/resources/circles.bas
10 GOTO 110
30 FOR A = 0 TO PT:X = X(A) * SZ:Y = Y(A) * SZ: HPLOT XO + X,YO + Y: HPLOT XO - X,YO + Y: HPLOT XO + X,YO - Y: HPLOT XO - X,YO - Y: NEXT A: RETURN
110 HGR :C(0) = 1:C(1) = 2:C(2) = 3:C(3) = 5:C(4) = 6:C(5) = 7: HOME : VTAB 21: INVERSE : PRINT "JUST A MOMENT": NORMAL :PI = 3.14159:PT = 30: DIM X(PT),Y(PT): FOR A = 0 TO PT:B = PI * (A / (PT * 2)):X(A) = SIN (B):Y(A) = COS (B): NEXT A: HOME : VTAB 21: FOR Q = 1 TO 100:C = 6 * RND (1): HCOLOR= C(C):SZ = 10 + (40 * RND (1)):XO = (279 - SZ * 2) * RND (1) + SZ:YO = (159 - SZ * 2) * RND (1) + SZ: GOSUB 30: NEXT Q
Piping to stdout
can also pipe an AppleSingle file to stdout, which can then be read in for AppleCommander 1.5 or later. Note that file type, address, and name is set automatically.
$ ac -pro140 demo.dsk demo
$ bt --optimize --applesingle --stdout tools/bt/src/test/resources/circles.bas | ac -as demo.dsk
$ ac -l demo.dsk
demo.dsk /DEMO/
CIRCLES BAS 001 05/29/2018 05/29/2018 338 A=$0801
ProDOS format; 139,264 bytes free; 4,096 bytes used.
Wrapping the application
DOS 3.3 (but not ProDOS) seems to rewrite the application linked list when an Applesoft program is loaded; this rewrites the pointers and impacts any embedded (via $embed
) machine code. With the wrapper, the application is "wrapped" with a startup Applesoft program that prevents the rewrite. The wrapper is just a simple program:
10 POKE 103,24:POKE 104,8:RUN
This is a valid program that resets the Applesoft pointer to just after the current program and runs that other program.