SECOND PRINTING CORRECTIONS 3-3 Data bits are recorded on the diskette in precise intervals. For the purposes of this discussion, the demarcation of these intervals will be depicted by a clock bit. Using this representation, data written to and read back from the diskette takes the form shown in Figure 3.2. The data pattern shown represents a binary value of 101. 3-10 at least as long as a typical Gap 3 (in practice its length is usually more than 400 sync bytes, enabling it to serve as a Gap 3 type for Address Field number 0 (See Figure 3.7 for clarity). 3-17 page.* diagrammed in Figure 3.21.* *Figures 3.20 and 3.21 present the nibblizing process used by the "6 and 2" encoding technique. However, the concept is the same for the "5 and 3" technique. 4-17 occurred. Either a bad checksum was detected on the data in a program given there will read any track/sector on an unprotected diskette into memory, allowing the user to examine it or modify the data and then, optionally, rewrite it to a diskette. Using such a program is very important when learning about diskette formats and when fixing clobbered data. 5-2 The file manager, occupying about 2.8K, is a collection of 5-5 (note correction to correction - first $3F2 is ok) change $3F2 to handle your own RESETs, EOR (exclusive OR) the new value at $3F3 with a $A5 and store the result in the power-up byte. 6-5 NOTE: RWTS uses zero-page location $48, which is also used by the APPLE monitor to hold the P-register value. Location $48 should be set to zero after each call to RWTS. 6-11 04/05 - Byte offset of current file position* *The current file position is updated to point to the byte following the data read or written. 8-5 9E51-9E7F An image of the DOS page 3 jump vector which the above routine copies to $3D0-$3FF. See Chapter 5 for a description of its contents. 8-36 B9A0-B9FF SEEKABS routine. Move disk arm to desired track. Calls arm move delay subroutine ($BA00). 8-37 BA00-BA10 Arm move delay subroutine. A-3 A diskette containing these five programs is available at a reasonable cost directly from Quality Software, 6660 Reseda Blvd., Reseda, CA. or telephone (213) 344-6599. A-12 at location $03 (the volume number should match the volume number of the other tracks), and then begin execution at $800. INIT will return to the monitor upon completion. If the track can not be formatted for some reason (eg. physical damage or problems with the disk drive itself) a return code is printed. For example: A-20 800G (Run the COPY program)