# Don Worth's Beneath Apple DOS Don Worth wrote a very cool book for the Apple II. Actually, he wrote several, but here is one of them that I happened to need. He found a bunch of his disks containing the original text in his garage, and he was happy to have [his original disks][dons-disks] be released into the hands of whomever might want to use them. Since the OCR versions of this book are ... less than great ... I've decided to try and convert his originals. ## The Goal I'd like to see a proper version of this book. Text, figures, all of it. To do that is not going to be trivial, but it starts with clean text. We don't have that on [archive.org][], yet, but perhaps we can fix that? Please feel free to join in--send patches, help add stuff, etc. ## The method 1. The DOS 3.3 disks were dumped using cppo 2. There is no #2 yet. [dons-disks]: http://www.6502lane.net/2015/03/12/don-worths-beneath-apple-dos-original-text-files/ [archive.org]: https://archive.org/