.bp .np .ce CHAPTER 3 - DISK II HARDWARE AND TRACK FORMATTING .sp 2 .pp Apple Computer's excellent manual on the Disk Operating System (DOS) provides only very basic information about how diskettes are formatted. This chapter will explain in detail how information is structured on a diskette. The first section will contain a brief introduction to the hardware, and may be skipped by those already familiar with the DOS manual. .pp For system housekeeping, DOS divides diskettes into tracks and sectors. This is done during the initialization process. A track is a physically defined circular path which is concentric with the hole in the center of the diskette. Each track is identified by its distance from the center of the disk. Similar to a phonograph stylus, the read/write head of the disk drive may be positioned over any given track. The tracks are similar to the grooves in a record, but they are not connected in a spiral. Much like playing a record, the diskette is spun at a constant speed while the data is read from or written to its surface with the read/write head. Apple formats its diskettes into 35 tracks. They are numbered from 0 to 34, track 0 being the outermost track and track 34 the innermost. Figure 3.1 illustrates the concept of tracks, although they are invisible to the eye on a real diskette. .sp1 *** INSERT FIGURE 3.1 HERE *** .pp It should be pointed out, for the sake of accuracy, that the disk arm can position itself over 70 "phases". To move the arm past one track to the next, two phases of the stepper motor, which moves the arm, must be cycled. This implies that data might be stored on 70 tracks, rather than 35. Unfortunately, the resolution of the read/write head and the accuracy of the stepper motor are such, that attempts to use these phantom "half" tracks create so much cross-talk that data is lost or overwritten. Although the standard DOS uses only even phases, some protected disks use odd phases or combinations of the two, provided that no two tracks are closer than two phases from one another. See APPENDIX B for more information on protection schemes. .bp .pp A sector is a subdivision of a track. It is the smallest unit of "updatable" data on the diskette. DOS generally reads or writes data a sector at a time. This is to avoid using a large chunk of memory as a buffer to read or write an entire track. Apple has used two different track formats to date. One divides the track into 13 sectors, the other, 16 sectors. The sectoring does not use the index hole, provided on most diskettes, to locate the first sector of the track. The implication is that the software must be able to locate any given track and sector with no help from the hardware. This scheme, known as "soft sectoring", takes a little more space for storage but allows flexibility, as evidenced by the recent change from 13 sectors to 16 sectors per track. The following table catagorizes the amount of data stored on a diskette under both 13 and 16 sector formats. .sp1 .ne10 .nf DISK ORGANIZATION .SP1 TRACKS All DOS versions................35 .SP1 SECTORS PER TRACK DOS 3.2.1 and earlier...........13 DOS 3.3.........................16 .SP1 SECTORS PER DISKETTE DOS 3.2.1 and earlier..........455 DOS 3.3........................560 .sp1 BYTES PER SECTOR All DOS versions...............256 .sp1 BYTES PER DISKETTE DOS 3.2.1 and earlier.......116480 DOS 3.3.....................143360 .SP1 USABLE* SECTORS FOR DATA STORAGE DOS 3.2.1 and earlier..........403 DOS 3.3........................496 .SP1 USABLE* BYTES PER DISKETTE DOS 3.2.1 and earlier.......103168 DOS 3.3.....................126976 .SP2 * Excludes DOS, VTOC, and CATALOG .bp TRACK FORMATTING .pp Up to this point we have broken down the structure of data to the track and sector level. To better understand how data is stored and retrieved, we will start at the bottom and work up. .pp As this manual is primarily concerned with software, no attempt will be made to deal with the specifics of the hardware. For example, while in fact data is stored as a continuous stream of analog signals, we will deal with discrete digital data, i.e. a 0 or a 1. We recognize that the hardware converts analog data to digital data but how this is accomplished is beyond the scope of this manual. .pp Data is recorded on the diskette using frequency modulation as the recording mode. Each data bit recorded on the diskette has an associated clock bit recorded with it. Data written on and read back from the diskette takes the form shown in Figure 3.2. The data pattern shown represents a binary value of 101. .sp1 *** INSERT FIGURE 3.2 HERE *** .pp As can be seen in Figure 3.3, the clock bits and data bits (if present) are interleaved. The presence of a data bit between two clock bits represents a binary 1, the absence of a data bit between two clock bits represents a binary 0. We will define a "bit cell" as the period between the leading edge of one clock bit and the leading edge of the next clock bit. .sp1 *** INSERT FIGURE 3.3 HERE *** .PP A byte would consist of eight (8) consecutive bit cells. The most significant bit cell is usually referred to as bit cell 7 and the least significant bit cell would be bit cell 0. When reference is made to a specific data bit (i.e. data bit 5), it is with respect to the corresponding bit cell (bit cell 5). Data is written and read serially, one bit at a time. Thus, during a write operation, bit cell 7 of each byte would be written first, with bit cell 0 being written last. Correspondingly, when data is being read back from the diskette, bit cell 7 is read first and bit cell 0 is read last. The diagram below illustrates the relationship of the bits within a byte. .bp *** INSERT FIGURE 3.4 HERE *** .PP To graphically show how bits are stored and retrieved, we must take certain liberties. The diagrams are a representation of what functionally occurs within the disk drive. For the purposes of our presentation, the hardware interface to the diskette will be represented as an eight bit "data latch". While the hardware involves considerably more complication, from a software standpoint it is reasonable to use the data latch, as it accurately embodies the function of data flow to and from the diskette. .sp1 *** INSERT FIGURE 3.5 HERE *** .pp Figure 3.5 shows the three bits, 101, being read from the diskette data stream into the data latch. Of course another five bits would be read to fill the latch. As can be seen, the data is separated from the clock bits. This task is done by the hardware and is shown more for accuracy than for its importance to our discussion. .pp Writing data can be depicted in much the same way (see Figure 3.6). The clock bits which were separated from the data must now be interleaved with the data as it is written. It should be noted that, while in write mode, zeros are being brought into the data latch to replace the data being written. It is the task of the software to make sure that the latch is loaded and instructed to write in 32 cycle intervals. If not, zero bits will continue to be written every four cycles, which is, in fact, exactly how self-sync bytes are created. Self-sync bytes will be covered in detail shortly. .sp1 *** INSERT FIGURE 3.6 HERE *** .PP A "field" is made up of a group of consecutive bytes. The number of bytes varies, depending upon the nature of the field. The two types of fields present on a diskette are the Address Field and the Data Field. They are similar in that they both contain a prologue, a data area, a checksum, and an epilogue. Each field on a track is separated from adjacent fields by a number of bytes. These areas of separation are called "gaps" and are provided for two reasons. One, they allow the updating of one field without affecting adjacent fields (on the Apple, only data fields are updated). Secondly, they allow the computer time to decode the address field before the corresponding data field can pass beneath the read/write head. .pp All gaps are primarily alike in content, consisting of self-sync hexadecimal FF's, and vary only in the number of bytes they contain. Figure 3.7 is a diagram of a portion of a typical track, broken into its major components. .bp *** INSERT FIGURE 3.7 HERE *** .PP Self-sync or auto-sync bytes are special bytes that make up the three different types of gaps on a track. They are so named because of their ability to automatically bring the hardware into synchronization with data bytes on the disk. The difficulty in doing this lies in the fact that the hardware reads bits and the data must be stored as eight bit bytes. It has been mentioned that a track is literally a continuous stream of data bits. In fact, at the bit level, there is no way to determine where a byte starts or ends, because each bit cell is exactly the same, written in precise intervals with its neighbors. When the drive is instructed to read data, it will start wherever it happens to be on a particular track. That could be anywhere among the 50,000 or so bits on a track. Distinguishing clock bits from data bits, the hardware finds the first bit cell with data in it and proceeds to read the following seven data bits into the eight bit latch. In effect, it assumes that it had started at the beginning of a data byte. Of course, in reality, the odds of its having started at the beginning of a byte are only one in eight. Pictured in Figure 3.8 is a small portion of a track. The clock bits have been stripped out and 0's and 1's have been used for clarity. .sp1 *** INSERT FIGURE 3.8 HERE *** .pp There is no way from looking at the data to tell what bytes are represented, because we don't know where to start. This is exactly the problem that self-sync bytes overcome. .pp A self-sync byte is defined to be a hexadecimal FF with a special difference. It is, in fact, a 10 bit byte rather than an eight bit byte. Its two extra bits are zeros. Figure 3.9 shows the difference between a normal data hex FF that might be found elsewhere on the disk and a self-sync hex FF byte. .bp *** INSERT FIGURE 3.9 HERE *** .pp A self-sync is generated by using a 40 cycle (micro-second) loop while writing an FF. A bit is written every four cycles, so two of the zero bits brought into the data latch while the FF was being written are also written to the disk, making the 10 bit byte. (DOS 3.2.1 and earlier versions use a nine bit byte due to the hardware's inability to always detect two consecutive zero bits.) It can be shown, using Figure 3.10, that five self-sync bytes are sufficient to guarantee that the hardware is reading valid data. The reason for this is that the hardware requires the first bit of a byte to be a 1. Pictured at the top of the figure is a stream of five auto-sync bytes. Each row below that demonstates what the hardware will read should it start reading at any given bit in the first byte. In each case, by the time the five sync bytes have passed beneath the read/write head, the hardware will be "synched" to read the data bytes that follow. As long as the disk is left in read mode, it will continue to correctly interpret the data unless there is an error on the track. .sp1 *** INSERT FIGURE 3.10 *** .PP We can now discuss the particular portions of a track in detail. The three gaps will be covered first. Unlike some other disk formats, the size of the three gap types will vary from drive to drive and even from track to track. During the initialization process, DOS will start with large gaps and keep making them smaller until an entire track can be written without overlapping itself. A minimum of five self-sync bytes must be maintained for each gap type (as discussed earlier). The result is fairly uniform gap sizes within each particular track. .pp Gap 1 is the first data written to a track during initialization. Its purpose is twofold. The gap originally consists of 128 bytes of self-sync, a large enough area to insure that all portions of a track will contain data. Since the speed of a particular drive may vary, the total length of the track in bytes is uncertain, and the percentage occupied by data is unknown. The initialization process is set up, however, so that even on drives of differing speeds, the last data field written will overlap Gap 1, providing continuity over the entire physical track. Care is taken to make sure the remaining portion of Gap 1 is at as long as a typical Gap 3 (in practice its length is usually more than 40), enabling it to serve as a Gap 3 type for Address Field number 0 (See Figure 3.7 for clarity). .bp .pp Gap 2 appears after each Address Field and before each Data Field. Its length varies from five to ten bytes on a normal drive. The primary purpose of Gap 2 is to provide time for the information in an Address Field to be decoded by the computer before a read or write takes place. If the gap were too short, the beginning of the Data Field might spin past while DOS was still determining if this was the sector to be read. The 240 odd cycles that six self-sync bytes provide seems ample time to decode an address field. When a Data Field is written there is no guarantee that the write will occur in exactly the same spot each time. This is due to the fact that the drive which is rewriting the Data Field may not be the one which originally INITed or wrote it. Since the speed of the drives can vary, it is possible that the write could start in mid-byte. (See Figure 3.11) This is not a problem as long as the difference in positioning is not great. To insure the integrity of Gap 2, when writing a data field, five self-sync bytes are written prior to writing the Data Field itself. This serves two purposes. Since relatively little time is spent decoding an address field, the five bytes help place the Data Field near its original position. Secondly, and more importantly, the five self-sync bytes are the minimum number required to guarantee read-synchronization. It is probable that, in writing a Data Field, at least one sync byte will be destroyed. This is because, just as in reading bits on the track, the write may not begin on a byte boundary, thus altering an existing byte. Figure 3.12 illustrates this. .sp1 *** INSERT FIGURE 3.11 HERE *** .SP1 *** INSERT FIGURE 3.12 HERE *** .PP Gap 3 appears after each Data Field and before each Address Field. It is longer than Gap 2 and generally ranges from 14 to 24 bytes in length. It is quite similar in purpose to Gap 2. Gap 3 allows the additional time needed to manipulate the data that has been read before the next sector is to be read. The length of Gap 3 is not as critical as that of Gap 2. If the following Address Field is missed, DOS can always wait for the next time it spins around under the read/write head, at most one revolution of the disk. Since Address Fields are never rewritten, there is no problem with this gap providing synchronization, since only the first part of the gap can be overwritten or damaged. (See Figure 3.11 for clarity) .bp .pp An examination of the contents of the two types of fields is in order. The Address Field contains the "address" or identifying information about the Data Field which follows it. The volume, track, and sector number of any given sector can be thought of as its "address", much like a country, city, and street number might identify a house. As shown previously in Figure 3.7, there are a number of components which make up the Address Field. A more detailed illustration is given in Figure 3.13. .sp1 *** INSERT FIGURE 3.13 HERE *** .PP The prologue consists of three bytes which form a unique sequence, found in no other component of the track. This fact enables DOS to locate an Address Field with almost no possibility of error. The three bytes are $D5, $AA, and $96. The $D5 and $AA are reserved (never written as data) thus insuring the uniqueness of the prologue. The $96, following this unique string, indicates that the data following constitutes an Address Field (as opposed to a Data Field). The address information follows next, consisting of the volume, track, and sector number and a checksum. This information is absolutely essential for DOS to know where it is positioned on a particular diskette. The checksum is computed by exclusive-ORing the first three pieces of information, and is used to verify its integrity. Lastly follows the epilogue, which contains the three bytes $DE, $AA and $EB. Oddly, the $EB is always written during initialization but is never verified when an Address Field is read. The epilogue bytes are sometimes referred to as "bit-slip marks", which provide added assurance that the drive is still in sync with the bytes on the disk. These bytes are probably unnecessary, but do provide a means of double checking. .pp The other field type is the Data Field. Much like the Address Field, it consists of a prologue, data, checksum, and an epilogue. (Refer to Figure 3.14) The prologue is different only in the third byte. The bytes are $D5, $AA, and $AD, which again form a