.na .fi .ll60 .br THIRD PRINTING CORRECTIONS .sp3 4-17 .sp1 Disk utilities, such as Quality Software's BAG OF TRICKS, allow the user to read and display the contents of sectors. BAG OF TRICKS will also allow you to modify the sector data and rewrite it to the same or another diskette. If you do not have BAG OF TRICKS or another commercial disk utility, you can use the ZAP program in APPENDIX A of this book. The ZAP program will read any track/sector on an unprotected diskette into memory, allowing the user to examine it or modify the data and then, optionally, rewrite it to a diskette. Using such a program is very important when learning about diskette formats and when fixing clobbered data. .sp3 A-3 .sp1 Also available from Quality Software is an expanded version of these utilities called BENEATH APPLE DOS' BAG OF TRICKS. See the page facing 1-1 for more details. .br