* [The art of 2-liners](https://github.com/tilleul/apple2/tree/master/2liners/the%20art%20of%202-liners): an incomplete attempt guide on how-to write 2-liners in Applesoft
## 6502
(this section will feature 6502 code, games and tips'n'tricks
* [Bitmap Editor](https://github.com/tilleul/apple2/tree/master/tools/bitmap%20editor): An Excel spreadsheet to virtually create and render Apple ]\[ sprites/bitmaps.
All code and content in these pages, except noted otherwise, is copyright François Vander Linden. And although you're free to use and modify them, honesty suggests you give proper credit when due. And if you plan to use what's in here for ANY kind of commercial project, this is not allowed. Please contact me first: don't worry, I might let you use my stuff anyway.