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2014-02-14 15:57:00 +00:00
* cpu.c
* cc65 Chess
* Created by Stefan Wessels, February 2014.
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "types.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "undo.h"
#include "board.h"
#include "cpu.h"
#include "frontend.h"
#include "plat.h"
// Used to keep a sorted array of scores with source-destination tiles
typedef struct tagScore
char m_piece;
char m_source;
char m_dest;
int m_score;
} t_score;
// Internal function Prototype
void cpu_AddScoreSorted(t_score array[], char width, char source, char dest, int score);
void cpu_InitPieceData(char side);
void cpu_HolisticScore(char side);
int cpu_SourceScore(char position);
int cpu_DestScore(char position, char destination);
void cpu_ScorePieceMoves(void);
2014-02-14 15:57:00 +00:00
int cpu_FindBestOpponentMove(char side, char *from, char *to);
int cpu_ScorePieceSubTree(char level, char side, signed char sign, char src, char dst);
static const signed char scsc_neighbours[] = {-9,-8,-7,-1,1,7,8,9};
static t_score sts_pieceScores[NUM_PIECES_SIDE], sts_moveScore[MAX_PIECE_MOVES];
static char sc_index[64], sc_myMoves[MAX_PIECE_MOVES], sc_numMyMoves;
// Insert scores into an array making sure valid destinations end up
// at the head (index[0]), sorted by score
void cpu_AddScoreSorted(t_score array[], char width, char source, char dest, int score)
char i;
if(NULL_TILE == dest)
for(i=0; i<width; ++i)
if(array[i].m_dest == NULL_TILE || score >= array[i].m_score)
memmove(&array[i+1], &array[i], ((width-1)-i)*sizeof(t_score));
array[i].m_source = source;
array[i].m_dest = dest;
array[i].m_score = score;
// Init two helper data structures
void cpu_InitPieceData(char side)
char i, piece, iPiece = 0;
// Init the twho helper arrays. The sc_index is easily removed
// but having it takes less space than the code to do the
// lookups on the C64 so it saves space in RAM1
memset(sc_index, NULL_TILE, 64);
memset(sts_pieceScores, NULL_TILE, sizeof(sts_pieceScores));
piece = gpChessBoard[i];
if(NONE != piece)
if((piece & PIECE_WHITE) >> 7 == side)
// if the piece is on the side the AI is running for, set
// index to point back at the iPiece'th number of the piece (iPiece'th
// being where it was encountered in the scan of the board from tile 0 to 63)
// and init the sts_pieceScores for that iPiece number
sc_index[i] = iPiece;
sts_pieceScores[iPiece].m_piece = piece & PIECE_DATA;
sts_pieceScores[iPiece].m_source = i;
sts_pieceScores[iPiece].m_score = 0;
// This routine is where any code that looks at the global board should
// go. What's here now does only this: a) If the king doesn't have a valid
// move (like the start of the game), encourage any pieces next to the
// king, on his side, to move so the king has an escape; b) encourage
// pawns to keep moving forward, more so the closer they get to
// promotion.
// This routine probably needs a lot more to make the chess any good,
// for example looking at freeing up a pawn stuck behind a pawn of its
// own color, or getting a sense for where the pressure will be and
// putting a defence in place
void cpu_HolisticScore(char side)
int offset;
char i, nTile, nPiece, scratch, src;
// Get the king
src = gKingData[side];
board_GeneratePossibleMoves(src, 0);
// If the king has nowhere to go
// encourage a neighbour to make space for the king
for(i=0; i<8; ++i)
// For each neighbour
nTile = src+scsc_neighbours[i];
// See if it's a piece and if the neighbour piece is on the same side as the king
nPiece = sc_index[nTile];
if(NULL_TILE != nPiece)
// See who's attacking it
offset = giAttackBoardOffset[nTile][1-side];
scratch = gpAttackBoard[offset];
// if it has no attackers, encourage it to move
sts_pieceScores[nPiece].m_score = 4;
// if the neighbour is a pawn and the pawn has one attacker
else if(1 == scratch && PAWN == sts_pieceScores[nPiece].m_piece)
// Get the tile of the attacker
scratch = gpAttackBoard[offset+1];
// if it is a vertical (head-on) attack, encourage the pawn to step forward
if((nTile & 7) == (scratch & 7))
sts_pieceScores[nPiece].m_score = 4;
// Take a look at the pawns
if(PAWN == sts_pieceScores[i].m_piece)
// See if the pawn can move up
nTile = sts_pieceScores[i].m_source + (side ? -8 : 8);
if(nTile < 64)
nPiece = sc_index[nTile];
if(NULL_TILE == nPiece)
// See if the next block is under attack
offset = giAttackBoardOffset[nTile][1-side];
scratch = gpAttackBoard[offset];
// if the pawn can move because the square isn't under attack or is well defended
if(!scratch || scratch < giAttackBoardOffset[nTile][side])
scratch = (nTile / 8);
scratch = 7 - scratch;
// encourage the PAWN to move
sts_pieceScores[i].m_score += scratch;
// This routine scores a piece where it stands. Positive "score" encourages
// it to move, negative score discourages a move to a new spot
int cpu_SourceScore(char position)
char i, color, piece, value, tile, targetPiece, other, found;
int score = 0;
// Extract the piece data
piece = gpChessBoard[position];
color = (piece & PIECE_WHITE) >> 7;
piece &= PIECE_DATA;
value = gPieceValues[piece];
other = 1-color;
// If this piece is under attack increase chance to move, else decrease
score += value;
score -= 1;
// If this piece is being defended, decrease chance to move, else increase
score -= 1;
score += 1;
// Generate moves, including defend/attack moves
board_GeneratePossibleMoves(position, 1);
found = 0;
tile = gPossibleMoves[i];
targetPiece = gpChessBoard[gPossibleMoves[i]];
if(NONE != targetPiece)
// Providing support to a piece on own team
if((targetPiece & PIECE_WHITE)>> 7 == color)
found = 1;
// discourage move
score -= 1;
// Is the piece being supported under attack
// Is position the only defender of the piece under attack, then discourace moving
if(1 == gpAttackBoard[giAttackBoardOffset[tile][color]])
score -= 2;
score += 1;
// If the supported piece is more valuable than the position piece then discourage move
if(gPieceValues[targetPiece & PIECE_DATA] > value)
score -= 2;
score += 1;
// If not supporting a piece, encourage a move
score += 1;
return score;
// This routine scores a piece should it move from position to destination
int cpu_DestScore(char position, char destination)
char i, color, piece, value, tile, targetPiece, other;
int score = 0;
// extract the piece at position
piece = gpChessBoard[position];
color = (piece & PIECE_WHITE) >> 7;
piece &= PIECE_DATA;
value = gPieceValues[piece];
other = 1-color;
// If this piece will be under attack decrease chance to move
score -= value;
// Will be defended
score += 1;
score -= 1;
// If a piece is taken at destination, the score is the value of the piece
targetPiece = gpChessBoard[destination];
if(NONE != targetPiece && color != ((targetPiece & PIECE_WHITE) >> 7))
score += gPieceValues[targetPiece & PIECE_DATA];
// "Move" the piece to destination
gpChessBoard[destination] = gpChessBoard[position];
// Generate moves, including defend/attack moves
board_GeneratePossibleMoves(destination, 1);
// Restore the destination piece
gpChessBoard[destination] = targetPiece;
tile = gPossibleMoves[i];
targetPiece = gpChessBoard[gPossibleMoves[i]];
if(NONE != targetPiece)
// Providing support to a piece on my team
if((targetPiece & PIECE_WHITE)>> 7 == color)
// encourage move
score += 1;
// Is the piece being supported under attack
// Encourage move
score += 1;
// Well dest be the only defender of the piece under attack, then encourage moving
if(1 == gpAttackBoard[giAttackBoardOffset[tile][color]])
score += 2;
// If the supported piece is more valuable than the position piece then encourage move
if(gPieceValues[targetPiece & PIECE_DATA] > value)
score += 1;
// Attacking a piece on the other team from dest is encouraged
score += 1;
// If the piece attacked is of greater value than self
targetPiece = gPieceValues[targetPiece & PIECE_DATA];
if(targetPiece > value)
score += targetPiece - value;
// The piece that will be attacked has no support
score += 2;
return score;
void cpu_ScorePieceMoves()
char i, j, src, dest;
int sourceScore;
// Look at all the pieces on this side, using the support data structure
// Only check pieces that are still on the board
src = sts_pieceScores[i].m_source;
if(NULL_TILE == src)
// For every piece, make sure the array for scores to every dest is reset
memset(sts_moveScore, NULL_TILE, sizeof(sts_moveScore));
// Generate all the moves for the piece
board_GeneratePossibleMoves(src, 0);
// Back up the moves since the global buffer is reued
memcpy(sc_myMoves, gPossibleMoves, gNumMoves);
sc_numMyMoves = gNumMoves;
// Calc a score at source
sourceScore = cpu_SourceScore(src);
for(j = 0; j<sc_numMyMoves; ++j)
dest = sc_myMoves[j];
// Sort the scores at each dest + source into the sts_moveScore array
cpu_AddScoreSorted(sts_moveScore, MAX_PIECE_MOVES, src, dest, sourceScore + cpu_DestScore(src, dest));
// Start with the top scoring move, moving through the moves, see if
// there's a valid move
j = 0;
while(j < MAX_PIECE_MOVES && NULL_TILE != sts_moveScore[j].m_dest && OUTCOME_INVALID == gOutcome)
// Prepare to call board_ProcessAction
gTile[0] = sts_moveScore[j].m_source;
gTile[1] = sts_moveScore[j].m_dest;
gPiece[0] = gpChessBoard[gTile[0]];
gPiece[1] = gpChessBoard[gTile[1]];
gColor[0] = (gPiece[0] & PIECE_WHITE) >> 7;
gColor[1] = (gPiece[1] & PIECE_WHITE) >> 7;
gMove[0] = gPiece[0] & PIECE_MOVED;
gMove[1] = gPiece[1] & PIECE_MOVED;
gPiece[0] &= PIECE_DATA;
gPiece[1] &= PIECE_DATA;
// See if the move is valid
if(OUTCOME_INVALID != (gOutcome = board_ProcessAction()))
// if it was a valid move, add it to undo, and immediately undo the move
// If a valid move was found, add it as the move for this piece
if(OUTCOME_INVALID != gOutcome)
// Add the dest and score as the best (highest scoring)
// move for this piece on this side.
sts_pieceScores[i].m_dest = sts_moveScore[j].m_dest;
sts_pieceScores[i].m_score += sts_moveScore[j].m_score;
// This function looks at all the pieces on a side and finds the top
// scoring move, tracking the top MAX_PIECE_MOVES moves, one of which
// is hopefully actually valid
int cpu_FindBestOpponentMove(char side, char *from, char *to)
char i, j, piece, color, move;
int score;
memset(sts_moveScore, NULL_TILE, sizeof(sts_moveScore));
piece = gpChessBoard[i];
if(NONE != piece)
color = (piece & PIECE_WHITE) >> 7;
if(side == color)
// For every piece on "side" generate moves
board_GeneratePossibleMoves(i, 0);
memcpy(sc_myMoves, gPossibleMoves, gNumMoves);
sc_numMyMoves = gNumMoves;
// Score the source
score = cpu_SourceScore(i);
for(j = 0; j<sc_numMyMoves; ++j)
move = sc_myMoves[j];
// Sort the scores at each dest + source into the sts_moveScore array
cpu_AddScoreSorted(sts_moveScore, MAX_PIECE_MOVES, i, move, score + cpu_DestScore(i, move));
j = 0;
// If deepThinking then validate the moves
while(j < MAX_PIECE_MOVES && NULL_TILE != sts_moveScore[j].m_dest && OUTCOME_INVALID == gOutcome)
// Prepare to call board_ProcessAction
gTile[0] = sts_moveScore[j].m_source;
gTile[1] = sts_moveScore[j].m_dest;
gPiece[0] = gpChessBoard[gTile[0]];
gPiece[1] = gpChessBoard[gTile[1]];
gColor[0] = (gPiece[0] & PIECE_WHITE) >> 7;
gColor[1] = (gPiece[1] & PIECE_WHITE) >> 7;
gMove[0] = gPiece[0] & PIECE_MOVED;
gMove[1] = gPiece[1] & PIECE_MOVED;
gPiece[0] &= PIECE_DATA;
gPiece[1] &= PIECE_DATA;
// Do the move
if(OUTCOME_INVALID != (gOutcome = board_ProcessAction()))
// if it was a valid move, add it to undo, and immediately undo the move
// If no valid moves are found, return a score of INT_MIN/2
return INT_MIN/2;
*from = sts_moveScore[j].m_source;
*to = sts_moveScore[j].m_dest;
return sts_moveScore[j].m_score;
// This function effects a move and then looks for the best move on the
// opposing team. It will recursively call itself with the outcome
// up to gMaxLevel's. The sign flips between 1 and -1. The score is
// multiplied by the sign so you (1), opponent (-1), you (1), etc. will
// calc a score for your team subtracting victories for the opponent
// in the deeper levels but adding in your own victories in those deeper
// levels, generating a single comprhensive score for the impact of this move
int cpu_ScorePieceSubTree(char level, char side, signed char sign, char src, char dst)
int score;
char pieces[2], from, to, col;
// This move is known (maybe only assumed -based on deepThinking)
// to be valid. Back up the pieces and make the move
pieces[0] = gpChessBoard[src];
pieces[1] = gpChessBoard[dst];
// If the king is taken, stop looking
if(KING == (pieces[1] & PIECE_DATA))
return gPieceValues[KING];
// Make the move, set the move bit and update the king tracker if needed
gpChessBoard[src] = NONE;
gpChessBoard[dst] = pieces[0] | PIECE_MOVED;
if(KING == (pieces[0] & PIECE_DATA))
gKingData[(col = (pieces[0] & PIECE_WHITE)>>7)] = dst;
// See if this move creates an en passant opportunity for the opposing team
if(!(pieces[0] & PIECE_MOVED) && PAWN == (pieces[0] & PIECE_DATA))
gTile[0] = src;
gTile[1] = dst;
// If deep thinking, update the attack db to be accurate
// Find what the opponent will likely do
score = cpu_FindBestOpponentMove(1-side, &from, &to);
if(score > INT_MIN/2)
// Invert for opposing side
score = (score * sign);
// Then follow that move for gMaxLevel's deep
if(level < gMaxLevel)
score += cpu_ScorePieceSubTree(level+1, 1-side, sign ^ 0xfe, from, to);
// INT_MIN/2 is artificial for a dead-end sub-tree.
// I haven't thought this through
score = (INT_MIN/2) * sign;
// restore the backed up pieces, including possibly the king-tracker
gpChessBoard[src] = pieces[0];
gpChessBoard[dst] = pieces[1];
if(KING == (pieces[0] & PIECE_DATA))
gKingData[col] = src;
return score;
// main entry point for the AI play
char cpu_Play(char side)
t_score ts_pieceScore[NUM_PIECES_SIDE];
char i, best;
int iBest = INT_MIN;
// This is realy just to avoid the pop-up for pawn promotion
gAI = 1;
// Set up some helper structures
// Take a holistic view of the board
// Get a score for all pieces on the AI side
memset(ts_pieceScore, NULL_TILE, sizeof(ts_pieceScore));
// Sort the AI piece's scores by score and validity
cpu_AddScoreSorted(ts_pieceScore, NUM_PIECES_SIDE, sts_pieceScores[i].m_source, sts_pieceScores[i].m_dest, sts_pieceScores[i].m_score);
i = 0;
best = 0;
// For the best scores up to gWidth, calculate a sub-tree score. Sub tree is what move will the oponent likely make,
// then the AI then the oponent, etc., up to gMaxLevel's deep
for(i=0; i<gWidth; ++i)
// Only consider valid moves
if(NULL_TILE == ts_pieceScore[i].m_dest)
// Score the move and its sub-tree
ts_pieceScore[i].m_score += cpu_ScorePieceSubTree(0, side, -1, ts_pieceScore[i].m_source, ts_pieceScore[i].m_dest);
// If it's better than the previous best score, consider this the best score
if(ts_pieceScore[i].m_score >= iBest)
best = i;
iBest = ts_pieceScore[i].m_score;
// If deep thinking, update the attack db to be accurate
// If the destination move is not valid, there's no valid move so stalemate
if(NULL_TILE == ts_pieceScore[best].m_dest)
char tile[2], piece[2], color[2], move[2], outcome;
// See what the last move was
// if the outcome was already something other than OK (like check-mate)
// then nothing more needs happen here
if(OUTCOME_OK == gOutcome)
// a hack of sorts to make the outcome in the undo-stack be
// stalemate so the correct outcome is displayed along the
// moved that caused it, which was actually the last move
// the opponent made, but it has only been detected now.
// save the undo state of the last move
tile[0] = gTile[0];
tile[1] = gTile[1];
piece[0] = gPiece[0];
piece[1] = gPiece[1];
color[0] = gColor[0];
color[1] = gColor[1];
move[0] = gMove[0];
move[1] = gMove[1];
outcome = gOutcome;
// undo the move that caused stalemate
// restore that state, but set the outcome to
gTile[0] = tile[0];
gTile[1] = tile[1];
gPiece[0] = piece[0];
gPiece[1] = piece[1];
gColor[0] = color[0];
gColor[1] = color[1];
gMove[0] = move[0];
gMove[1] = move[1];
// Add this as the move
// Log the move to update the display
// will exit so turn off the flag
gAI = 0;
// returning stalemate, even if it's already check-mate is
// fine as it only means the side-to-go status isn't changed
// Set up to do board_ProcessAction
gTile[0] = ts_pieceScore[best].m_source;
gTile[1] = ts_pieceScore[best].m_dest;
gPiece[0] = gpChessBoard[gTile[0]];
gPiece[1] = gpChessBoard[gTile[1]];
gColor[0] = (gPiece[0] & PIECE_WHITE) >> 7;
gColor[1] = (gPiece[1] & PIECE_WHITE) >> 7;
gMove[0] = (gPiece[0] & PIECE_MOVED);
gMove[1] = (gPiece[1] & PIECE_MOVED);
gPiece[0] &= PIECE_DATA;
gPiece[1] &= PIECE_DATA;
// The move will have been previously tested so will be valid
if(OUTCOME_INVALID != (gOutcome = board_ProcessAction()))
// If no piece is taken, up the counter or reset it to zero
if(NONE != (gPiece[1] & PIECE_DATA))
gMoveCounter = 0;
else if(NUM_MOVES_TO_DRAW == ++gMoveCounter)
gOutcome = OUTCOME_DRAW;
// Add the AI move to the undo stack
// Update the display
if(NULL_TILE != gTile[2])
gTile[2] = NULL_TILE;
if(NULL_TILE != gTile[3])
gTile[3] = NULL_TILE;
// Log the move
gAI = 0;
return gOutcome;