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2014-02-14 15:57:00 +00:00
* globals.c
* cc65 Chess
* Created by Stefan Wessels, February 2014.
#include "types.h"
#include "globals.h"
char gChessBoard[8][8]; // The chess board itself
char* gpChessBoard = &gChessBoard[0][0]; // With a linear address alias
// This is an 8x8 grid with a 2-part array for each cell. At [8][8][0] is the
// number of entries to follow between [y][x]][0] and [y][x][17]. At [y][x][17]
// is the number of entries between [y][x][17] and [y][x+1][0]. These between
// entries are tiles of black [0] or white [17] that can land on this tile to
// take (or defend) whatever piece is on the tile. I refer to this as the
// Attack DB on the code
char gAttackBoard[8][8][ATTACK_WIDTH];
char* gpAttackBoard = &gAttackBoard[0][0][0]; // Linear version
int giAttackBoardOffset[64][2]; // Offsets to the [0]'s in the AttackDB
char gUserMode; // =0, all AI; =1, Black is user; =2, White; =3, both
char gAI; // Prevents AI code from asking for pawn promotion
char gMoveCounter; // Moves without a piece taken for 50 move rule
char gTile[4]; // [0] = src tile, 1 = to dst
char gPiece[2]; // [0] = piece at src, [1] = piece at dst
char gMove[2]; // [0] = piece0 moved or no, ditto [1] on piece1
char gColor[2]; // [0] =1 white piece0, =0 black; [1] ditto on piece1
char gOutcome; // Result of board_ProcessAction for log. Bad design
char gEPPawn; // Tile where a pawn can be taken en passant or NULL_TILE
char gMaxLevel; // How many levels down the AI thinks ahead. 0 = self and opponent
char gWidth; // How many of the top ranked moves for self tried on think ahead
char gDeepThoughts; // =1 - moves are check and AttackDB updated; =0 - inaccurate but faster
char gReturnToOS; // =1 can quit game; =0 cannot quit game
char gPossibleMoves[MAX_PIECE_MOVES]; // All the tiles a piece can get to from current pos
char gNumMoves; // Entries in gPossibleMoves
char gCursorPos[2][2]; // Remember last cursor pos for human players
char gKingData[2]; // Tracks the king's tile on the board
char gShowAttackBoard; // Visibility toggle
char gShowAttacks[2]; // Visibility toggle per side
char gLogStrBuffer[7]; // String placeholder for the movve log
char gKingMovingTo[2][2] = {{2,6},{58,62}}; // Tiles where a king lands when casteling
char gSkill[4*3] = {1,0,0,16,1,0,16,2,1,16,3,1}; // Values for gWidth, gMaxLevel & gDeepThoughts over 4 skills
// Values AI sees when looking at pieces; +2 compensates for other move hints and 3 * makes the
// piece value much more meaningful
char gPieceValues[PAWN+1] = {
(0), // NONE
2+(3*5), // ROOK,
2+(3*3), // KNIGHT,
2+(3*3), // BISHOP,
2+(3*10), // KING,
2+(3*9), // QUEEN,
2+(3*1), // PAWN,
// All Display Strings
char gMoveSymbol[OUTCOME_STALEMATE] = {'\0', '+', '#', '/', '!'};
char gszNoUndo[] = "No Undo";
char gszNoRedo[] = "No Redo";
char gszInvalid[] = "Invalid";
char gszAbout[] = "cc65 Chess V1.0 by S. Wessels, 2014. ";
char gszResume[] = "Resume Game ";
char gszQuit[] = "Quit Game ";
char gszSelect[] = " Select ";
char gszpromote[] = "Select a rank to promote the pawn to. ";
char* gMainMenu[] = {gszSelect, "1 Human player ","2 Human players","Both players AI",gszQuit, 0, 0};
char* gSkillMenu[] = {gszSelect, " Very Easy "," Easy "," Harder "," Very Hard ", 0};
char* gColorMenu[] = {gszSelect," Play White "," Play Black ", 0};
char* gAreYouSureMenu[] = {" Are you sure? "," Absolutely! "," Not so much ",0};
char* gPromoteMenu[] = {"Promotion", " Queen ", " Rook ", " Bishop ", " Knight ", 0};
char* gszSideLabel[2] = {"Black", "White"};