
229 lines
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Raw Normal View History

; hiresAtari.s
; cc65 Chess
; Created by Stefan Wessels, July 2020.
.include ""
.include ""
; Display-list related defenitions
scrn = $9100 ; screen starts here
scnd = $a000 ; lower part of screen here
top = ((scnd - scrn) / $28) ; display list entries before scnd
bot = ($c0-top) ; display list entries after scnd
mode = $0f ; mode to run the screen at
; Display list - mode 0x0f (320x192, 2 color).
; Goes in its own segment so it won't cross a boundry
.segment "DLIST"
.byte $70,$70,$70 ; 24 blank lines
.byte $40 + mode,<scrn,>scrn ; Mode $0x + LMS, setting screen memory to $9000
.repeat top-1 ; 102 lines of mode $0x (incl LMS row above)
.byte mode
.byte $40 +mode, <(scnd), >(scnd) ; clear the 4k boundry and start another row of mode $0x
.repeat bot-1 ; another 90 lines of mode $0x (incl. LMS row above)
.byte mode
.byte $41,<displayList,>displayList ; Vertical Blank jump to start of displayList
; lookup to the start of a graphics row
.repeat top, I ; $66 rows at $9000
.byte <(scrn + I *40)
.repeat bot, I ; $5a rows at $a000
.byte <(scnd + I *40)
.repeat top, I
.byte >(scrn + I *40)
.repeat bot, I
.byte >(scnd + I *40)
; The code to draw in hires
.import popa
; the functions exported to "C"
.export _plat_atariInit
.export _plat_gfxFill
.export _plat_showPiece
.export _plat_showStrXY
; Init the hires screen with teh display list
.proc _plat_atariInit
lda #0 ; stop the dma
lda #<displayList ; install the new display list
lda #>displayList
lda #$22 ; resume the DMA
; void plat_gfxFill(char fill, char x, char y, char w, char h)
.proc _plat_gfxFill
sta ptr2 + 1 ; h was in acc
jsr popa ; w
sta ptr2
jsr popa ; y
sta tmp1
jsr popa ; x
sta tmp2
jsr popa ; fill
sta tmp3
ldy tmp1 ; get the row top
lda rowL, y ; get the address where the row starts
sta ptr1
lda rowH, y
sta ptr1 + 1
lda tmp3 ; get the fill byte
ldx ptr2 ; width in x
ldy tmp2 ; and col x in y register
sta (ptr1), y ; write the fill byte
iny ; memory is linear
dex ; one less column to do
bne :- ; do for all columns
inc tmp1 ; go down one row
dec ptr2 + 1 ; one less row to do in height
bne rowStart ; repeat till all height rows done
; void plat_showPiece(char x, char Y, const char *src)
.proc _plat_showPiece
sta read + 1 ; store the pointer to the piece
stx read + 2
jsr popa ; y
sta tmp1
jsr popa ; x
sta tmp2
lda #22 ; pieces are 22 heigh
sta tmp4
ldx #0 ; start at the 1st byte of the piece
ldy tmp1 ; get the current piece row
lda rowL, y ; look up teh row start address in memory
sta ptr1
lda rowH, y
sta ptr1 + 1
lda #3 ; a piece is 3 bytes wide
sta tmp3 ; col counter
ldy tmp2 ; the col x goes into y register
lda $ffff, x ; read a byte from the piece
eor (ptr1), y ; eor with teh screen
sta (ptr1), y ; and save back to the screen
inx ; next byte in piece
iny ; next byte on screen
dec tmp3 ; one less col byte to do
bne read ; if not all done, do the rest of the cols on this row
inc tmp1 ; next row
dec tmp4 ; one less row to do of the 22
bne loop ; if not all done, do the next row
; void plat_showStrXY(char x, char Y, char *str)
.proc _plat_showStrXY
sta strRead + 1 ; pointer to the strin comes in as a, x regsiters
stx strRead + 2
jsr popa ; get the y
asl ; mult it by 8
sta tmp1 ; y * 8
jsr popa
sta tmp2 ; x
lda #0
sta fontRead + 2 ; prep the hi byte
lda $ffff ; get the character
bne :+ ; if not 0, not at end of string
rts ; end of string, all done
cmp #96 ; if lowercase
bcs :+ ; then all is well
sec ; uppercase and numbers need to shift
sbc #32 ; down by 32 to be aligned with the ROM font
inc strRead + 1 ; next char in string
bne :+
inc strRead + 2
asl ; ROM char is 8 wide so mult string char * 8
rol fontRead + 2
rol fontRead + 2
rol fontRead + 2
sta fontRead + 1
lda CHBAS ; add the character rom hi
adc fontRead + 2 ; to the character pointer
sta fontRead + 2
ldx #0 ; start at first row of 8 rows in a char
ldy tmp1 ; y reg is the piwel row to draw at
sty tmp3 ; copy the pixel row
lda rowL, y ; look up the screen address of the row
sta ptr1
lda rowH, y
sta ptr1 + 1
ldy tmp2 ; put the col into the y reg
lda $ffff, x ; read the font defenition for this char row (char row in x)
sta (ptr1), y ; store to the screen
ldy tmp3 ; get the screen pixel row in y
iny ; go down a row
inx ; one more of the 8 character rows done
cpx #8 ; all 8 done
bne charPlot ; if not, keep going
inc tmp2 ; next column on screeen
jmp loop ; do the next character in the string