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2014-02-14 15:57:00 +00:00
### Generic Makefile for cc65 projects - full version with abstract options ###
### V1.3.0(w) 2010 - 2013 Oliver Schmidt & Patryk "Silver Dream !" Łogiewa ###
### In order to override defaults - values can be assigned to the variables ###
# Space or comma separated list of cc65 supported target platforms to build for.
# Default: c64 (lowercase!)
Ported the program to the Apple II. Implementation notes: - General display uses the Apple II hires mode accessed via custom asm functions. - Menu display uses the 4 line bottom text option of the Apple II hires mode via cc65 CONIO functions. - All hires access is byte aligned, therefore the horizontal resolution is 40 (bytes). - Hires access is done via simple (binary) ROPs (raster operations) by using actual 6502 (immediate) opcodes. The C64 and Curses implementation both make heavy use of colors while Apple II implementation mustn't depend on (but may benefit from) colors. Therefore the user-operated cursor inverts the border of the current field. It's hard to find a compromise between making the cursor visible well and showing the piece "under" the cursor well. Additionally it is desirable to show different cursor states (empty, invalid, valid). The approach chosen is to have different thicknesses of the inverted border: - Valid: Thin - Invalid: Medium - Empty: Thick When it comes to showing attackers/defenders (via the keys 'a'/'d') there's no alternative to resorting to colors: - Attackers: Red - Defenders: Green So the only field display variant left is the piece selected for moving. Instead of introducing a third type of highlighting (beside border inversion and coloring) it is simply colored Magenta. The reasoning: - On a monochrome display the user won't have much fun showing attackers/defenders anyway. And without showing those the selected piece is the only colored (aka striped) piece making it clearly visible. - On a color display a third color (beside attackers/defenders) works just fine. As the Apple II doesn't have cursor-up and cursor-down keys the keys 'o' and 'l' work as alternatives to the those cursor keys.
2020-01-19 13:18:58 +00:00
TARGETS := c64 apple2
2014-02-14 15:57:00 +00:00
# Name of the final, single-file executable.
# Default: name of the current dir with target name appended
# Path(s) to additional libraries required for linking the program
# Use only if you don't want to place copies of the libraries in SRCDIR
# Default: none
# Custom linker configuration file
# Use only if you don't want to place it in SRCDIR
# Default: none
# Additional C compiler flags and options.
# Default: none
# Additional assembler flags and options.
# Default: none
# Additional linker flags and options.
# Default: none
Ported the program to the Apple II. Implementation notes: - General display uses the Apple II hires mode accessed via custom asm functions. - Menu display uses the 4 line bottom text option of the Apple II hires mode via cc65 CONIO functions. - All hires access is byte aligned, therefore the horizontal resolution is 40 (bytes). - Hires access is done via simple (binary) ROPs (raster operations) by using actual 6502 (immediate) opcodes. The C64 and Curses implementation both make heavy use of colors while Apple II implementation mustn't depend on (but may benefit from) colors. Therefore the user-operated cursor inverts the border of the current field. It's hard to find a compromise between making the cursor visible well and showing the piece "under" the cursor well. Additionally it is desirable to show different cursor states (empty, invalid, valid). The approach chosen is to have different thicknesses of the inverted border: - Valid: Thin - Invalid: Medium - Empty: Thick When it comes to showing attackers/defenders (via the keys 'a'/'d') there's no alternative to resorting to colors: - Attackers: Red - Defenders: Green So the only field display variant left is the piece selected for moving. Instead of introducing a third type of highlighting (beside border inversion and coloring) it is simply colored Magenta. The reasoning: - On a monochrome display the user won't have much fun showing attackers/defenders anyway. And without showing those the selected piece is the only colored (aka striped) piece making it clearly visible. - On a color display a third color (beside attackers/defenders) works just fine. As the Apple II doesn't have cursor-up and cursor-down keys the keys 'o' and 'l' work as alternatives to the those cursor keys.
2020-01-19 13:18:58 +00:00
cc65-Chess.apple2: LDFLAGS += --start-addr 0x4000 -Wl -D -Wl __HIMEM__=0xBF00
2014-02-14 15:57:00 +00:00
# Path to the directory containing C and ASM sources.
# Default: src
# Path to the directory where object files are to be stored (inside respective target subdirectories).
# Default: obj
# Command used to run the emulator.
# Default: depending on target platform. For default (c64) target: x64 -kernal kernal -VICIIdsize -autoload
# Optional commands used before starting the emulation process, and after finishing it.
# Default: none
#PREEMUCMD := osascript -e "tell application \"System Events\" to set isRunning to (name of processes) contains \"X11.bin\"" -e "if isRunning is true then tell application \"X11\" to activate"
#PREEMUCMD := osascript -e "tell application \"X11\" to activate"
#POSTEMUCMD := osascript -e "tell application \"System Events\" to tell process \"X11\" to set visible to false"
#POSTEMUCMD := osascript -e "tell application \"Terminal\" to activate"
# On Windows machines VICE emulators may not be available in the PATH by default.
# In such case, please set the variable below to point to directory containing
# VICE emulators.
#VICE_HOME := "C:\Program Files\WinVICE-2.2-x86\"
# Options state file name. You should not need to change this, but for those
# rare cases when you feel you really need to name it differently - here you are
STATEFILE := Makefile.options
### Mapping abstract options to the actual compiler, assembler and linker flags ###
### Predefined compiler, assembler and linker flags, used with abstract options ###
### valid for 2.14.x. Consult the documentation of your cc65 version before use ###
# Compiler flags used to tell the compiler to optimise for SPEED
define _optspeed_
CFLAGS += -Oris
# Compiler flags used to tell the compiler to optimise for SIZE
define _optsize_
# Compiler and assembler flags for generating listings
define _listing_
CFLAGS += --listing $$(@:.o=.lst)
ASFLAGS += --listing $$(@:.o=.lst)
REMOVES += $(addsuffix .lst,$(basename $(OBJECTS)))
# Linker flags for generating map file
define _mapfile_
LDFLAGS += --mapfile $$
# Linker flags for generating VICE label file
define _labelfile_
LDFLAGS += -Ln $$@.lbl
# Linker flags for generating a debug file
define _debugfile_
LDFLAGS += -Wl --dbgfile,$$@.dbg
### Defaults to be used if nothing defined in the editable sections above ###
# Presume the C64 target like the cl65 compile & link utility does.
# Set TARGETS to override.
ifeq ($(TARGETS),)
TARGETS := c64
# Presume we're in a project directory so name the program like the current
# directory. Set PROGRAM to override.
ifeq ($(PROGRAM),)
PROGRAM := $(notdir $(CURDIR))
# Presume the C and asm source files to be located in the subdirectory 'src'.
# Set SRCDIR to override.
ifeq ($(SRCDIR),)
SRCDIR := src
# Presume the object and dependency files to be located in the subdirectory
# 'obj' (which will be created). Set OBJDIR to override.
ifeq ($(OBJDIR),)
OBJDIR := obj
# On Windows it is mandatory to have CC65_HOME set. So do not unnecessarily
# rely on cl65 being added to the PATH in this scenario.
ifdef CC65_HOME
CC := $(CC65_HOME)/bin/cl65
CC := cl65
# Default emulator commands and options for particular targets.
# Set EMUCMD to override.
c64_EMUCMD := $(VICE_HOME)x64 -kernal kernal -VICIIdsize -autoload
c128_EMUCMD := $(VICE_HOME)x128 -kernal kernal -VICIIdsize -autoload
vic20_EMUCMD := $(VICE_HOME)xvic -kernal kernal -VICdsize -autoload
pet_EMUCMD := $(VICE_HOME)xpet -Crtcdsize -autoload
plus4_EMUCMD := $(VICE_HOME)xplus4 -TEDdsize -autoload
# So far there is no x16 emulator in VICE (why??) so we have to use xplus4 with -memsize option
c16_EMUCMD := $(VICE_HOME)xplus4 -ramsize 16 -TEDdsize -autoload
cbm510_EMUCMD := $(VICE_HOME)xcbm2 -model 510 -VICIIdsize -autoload
cbm610_EMUCMD := $(VICE_HOME)xcbm2 -model 610 -Crtcdsize -autoload
atari_EMUCMD := atari800 -windowed -xl -pal -nopatchall -run
apple2_EMUCMD :=
2014-02-14 15:57:00 +00:00
ifeq ($(EMUCMD),)
### The magic begins ###
# The "Native Win32" GNU Make contains quite some workarounds to get along with
# cmd.exe as shell. However it does not provide means to determine that it does
# actually activate those workarounds. Especially does $(SHELL) NOT contain the
# value 'cmd.exe'. So the usual way to determine if cmd.exe is being used is to
# execute the command 'echo' without any parameters. Only cmd.exe will return a
# non-empy string - saying 'ECHO is on/off'.
# Many "Native Win32" programs accept '/' as directory delimiter just fine. How-
# ever the internal commands of cmd.exe generally require '\' to be used.
# cmd.exe has an internal command 'mkdir' that doesn't understand nor require a
# '-p' to create parent directories as needed.
# cmd.exe has an internal command 'del' that reports a syntax error if executed
# without any file so make sure to call it only if there's an actual argument.
ifeq ($(shell echo),)
MKDIR = mkdir -p $1
RMDIR = rmdir $1
RMFILES = $(RM) $1
MKDIR = mkdir $(subst /,\,$1)
RMDIR = rmdir $(subst /,\,$1)
RMFILES = $(if $1,del /f $(subst /,\,$1))
COMMA := ,
SPACE := $(N/A) $(N/A)
define NEWLINE
# Note: Do not remove any of the two empty lines above !
ifeq ($(words $(TARGETLIST)),1)
# Set PROGRAM to something like 'myprog.c64'.
# Set SOURCES to something like 'src/foo.c src/bar.s'.
# Use of assembler files with names ending differently than .s is deprecated!
SOURCES := $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.c)
SOURCES += $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.s)
SOURCES += $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.asm)
SOURCES += $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.a65)
# Add to SOURCES something like 'src/c64/me.c src/c64/too.s'.
# Use of assembler files with names ending differently than .s is deprecated!
SOURCES += $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/$(TARGETLIST)/*.c)
SOURCES += $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/$(TARGETLIST)/*.s)
SOURCES += $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/$(TARGETLIST)/*.asm)
SOURCES += $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/$(TARGETLIST)/*.a65)
# Set OBJECTS to something like 'obj/c64/foo.o obj/c64/bar.o'.
OBJECTS := $(addsuffix .o,$(basename $(addprefix $(TARGETOBJDIR)/,$(notdir $(SOURCES)))))
# Set DEPENDS to something like 'obj/c64/foo.d obj/c64/bar.d'.
# Add to LIBS something like 'src/foo.lib src/c64/bar.lib'.
LIBS += $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.lib)
LIBS += $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/$(TARGETLIST)/*.lib)
# Add to CONFIG something like 'src/c64/bar.cfg src/foo.cfg'.
CONFIG += $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/$(TARGETLIST)/*.cfg)
CONFIG += $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.cfg)
# Select CONFIG file to use. Target specific configs have higher priority.
ifneq ($(word 2,$(CONFIG)),)
CONFIG := $(firstword $(CONFIG))
$(info Using config file $(CONFIG) for linking)
.PHONY: all test clean zap love
all: $(PROGRAM)
-include $(DEPENDS)
-include $(STATEFILE)
# If OPTIONS are given on the command line then save them to STATEFILE
# if (and only if) they have actually changed. But if OPTIONS are not
# given on the command line then load them from STATEFILE. Have object
# files depend on STATEFILE only if it actually exists.
ifeq ($(origin OPTIONS),command line)
ifneq ($(OPTIONS),$(_OPTIONS_))
ifeq ($(OPTIONS),)
$(info Removing OPTIONS)
$(shell $(RM) $(STATEFILE))
$(eval $(STATEFILE):)
$(info Saving OPTIONS=$(OPTIONS))
$(shell echo _OPTIONS_=$(OPTIONS) > $(STATEFILE))
$(eval $(OBJECTS): $(STATEFILE))
ifeq ($(origin _OPTIONS_),file)
$(info Using saved OPTIONS=$(_OPTIONS_))
$(eval $(OBJECTS): $(STATEFILE))
# Transform the abstract OPTIONS to the actual cc65 options.
$(foreach o,$(subst $(COMMA),$(SPACE),$(OPTIONS)),$(eval $(_$o_)))
# Strip potential variant suffix from the actual cc65 target.
CC65TARGET := $(firstword $(subst .,$(SPACE),$(TARGETLIST)))
# The remaining targets.
$(call MKDIR,$@)
$(CC) -t $(CC65TARGET) -c --create-dep $(@:.o=.d) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
$(CC) -t $(CC65TARGET) -c --create-dep $(@:.o=.d) $(ASFLAGS) -o $@ $<
vpath %.asm $(SRCDIR)/$(TARGETLIST) $(SRCDIR)
$(CC) -t $(CC65TARGET) -c --create-dep $(@:.o=.d) $(ASFLAGS) -o $@ $<
vpath %.a65 $(SRCDIR)/$(TARGETLIST) $(SRCDIR)
$(CC) -t $(CC65TARGET) -c --create-dep $(@:.o=.d) $(ASFLAGS) -o $@ $<
$(CC) -t $(CC65TARGET) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(patsubst %.cfg,-C %.cfg,$^)
test: $(PROGRAM)
$(EMUCMD) $<
else # $(words $(TARGETLIST)),1
all test clean:
$(foreach t,$(TARGETLIST),$(MAKE) TARGETS=$t $@$(NEWLINE))
endif # $(words $(TARGETLIST)),1
OBJDIRLIST := $(wildcard $(OBJDIR)/*)
$(foreach o,$(OBJDIRLIST),-$(call RMFILES,$o/*.o $o/*.d $o/*.lst)$(NEWLINE))
$(foreach o,$(OBJDIRLIST),-$(call RMDIR,$o)$(NEWLINE))
-$(call RMDIR,$(OBJDIR))
-$(call RMFILES,$(basename $(PROGRAM)).* $(STATEFILE))
@echo "Not war, eh?"
### Place your additional targets in the additional Makefiles ###
### in the same directory - their names have to end with ".mk"! ###
-include *.mk