/* * Copyright (c) 2013, Institute for Pervasive Computing, ETH Zurich * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the Institute nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTE AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INSTITUTE OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * This file is part of the Contiki operating system. */ /** * \file * /.well-known/core resource implementation. * \author * Matthias Kovatsch <kovatsch@inf.ethz.ch> */ #include <string.h> #include "er-coap-engine.h" #define DEBUG 0 #if DEBUG #include <stdio.h> #define PRINTF(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__) #define PRINT6ADDR(addr) PRINTF("[%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x]", ((uint8_t *)addr)[0], ((uint8_t *)addr)[1], ((uint8_t *)addr)[2], ((uint8_t *)addr)[3], ((uint8_t *)addr)[4], ((uint8_t *)addr)[5], ((uint8_t *)addr)[6], ((uint8_t *)addr)[7], ((uint8_t *)addr)[8], ((uint8_t *)addr)[9], ((uint8_t *)addr)[10], ((uint8_t *)addr)[11], ((uint8_t *)addr)[12], ((uint8_t *)addr)[13], ((uint8_t *)addr)[14], ((uint8_t *)addr)[15]) #define PRINTLLADDR(lladdr) PRINTF("[%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x]", (lladdr)->addr[0], (lladdr)->addr[1], (lladdr)->addr[2], (lladdr)->addr[3], (lladdr)->addr[4], (lladdr)->addr[5]) #else #define PRINTF(...) #define PRINT6ADDR(addr) #define PRINTLLADDR(addr) #endif #define ADD_CHAR_IF_POSSIBLE(char) \ if(strpos >= *offset && bufpos < preferred_size) { \ buffer[bufpos++] = char; \ } \ ++strpos #define ADD_STRING_IF_POSSIBLE(string, op) \ tmplen = strlen(string); \ if(strpos + tmplen > *offset) { \ bufpos += snprintf((char *)buffer + bufpos, \ preferred_size - bufpos + 1, \ "%s", \ string \ + (*offset - (int32_t)strpos > 0 ? \ *offset - (int32_t)strpos : 0)); \ if(bufpos op preferred_size) { \ PRINTF("res: BREAK at %s (%p)\n", string, resource); \ break; \ } \ } \ strpos += tmplen /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*- Resource Handlers -------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void well_known_core_get_handler(void *request, void *response, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t preferred_size, int32_t *offset) { size_t strpos = 0; /* position in overall string (which is larger than the buffer) */ size_t bufpos = 0; /* position within buffer (bytes written) */ size_t tmplen = 0; resource_t *resource = NULL; #if COAP_LINK_FORMAT_FILTERING /* For filtering. */ const char *filter = NULL; const char *attrib = NULL; const char *found = NULL; const char *end = NULL; char *value = NULL; char lastchar = '\0'; int len = coap_get_header_uri_query(request, &filter); if(len) { value = strchr(filter, '='); value[0] = '\0'; ++value; len -= strlen(filter) + 1; PRINTF("Filter %s = %.*s\n", filter, len, value); if(strcmp(filter, "href") == 0 && value[0] == '/') { ++value; --len; } lastchar = value[len - 1]; value[len - 1] = '\0'; } #endif for(resource = (resource_t *)list_head(rest_get_resources()); resource; resource = resource->next) { #if COAP_LINK_FORMAT_FILTERING /* Filtering */ if(len) { if(strcmp(filter, "href") == 0) { attrib = strstr(resource->url, value); if(attrib == NULL || (value[-1] == '/' && attrib != resource->url)) { continue; } end = attrib + strlen(attrib); } else if(resource->attributes != NULL) { attrib = strstr(resource->attributes, filter); if(attrib == NULL || (attrib[strlen(filter)] != '=' && attrib[strlen(filter)] != '"')) { continue; } attrib += strlen(filter) + 2; end = strchr(attrib, '"'); } PRINTF("Filter: res has attrib %s (%s)\n", attrib, value); found = attrib; while((found = strstr(found, value)) != NULL) { if(found > end) { found = NULL; break; } if(lastchar == found[len - 1] || lastchar == '*') { break; } ++found; } if(found == NULL) { continue; } PRINTF("Filter: res has prefix %s\n", found); if(lastchar != '*' && (found[len] != '"' && found[len] != ' ' && found[len] != '\0')) { continue; } PRINTF("Filter: res has match\n"); } #endif PRINTF("res: /%s (%p)\npos: s%zu, o%ld, b%zu\n", resource->url, resource, strpos, (long)*offset, bufpos); if(strpos > 0) { ADD_CHAR_IF_POSSIBLE(','); } ADD_CHAR_IF_POSSIBLE('<'); ADD_CHAR_IF_POSSIBLE('/'); ADD_STRING_IF_POSSIBLE(resource->url, >=); ADD_CHAR_IF_POSSIBLE('>'); if(resource->attributes != NULL && resource->attributes[0]) { ADD_CHAR_IF_POSSIBLE(';'); ADD_STRING_IF_POSSIBLE(resource->attributes, >); } /* buffer full, but resource not completed yet; or: do not break if resource exactly fills buffer. */ if(bufpos > preferred_size && strpos - bufpos > *offset) { PRINTF("res: BREAK at %s (%p)\n", resource->url, resource); break; } } if(bufpos > 0) { PRINTF("BUF %zu: %.*s\n", bufpos, (int)bufpos, (char *)buffer); coap_set_payload(response, buffer, bufpos); coap_set_header_content_format(response, APPLICATION_LINK_FORMAT); } else if(strpos > 0) { PRINTF("well_known_core_handler(): bufpos<=0\n"); coap_set_status_code(response, BAD_OPTION_4_02); coap_set_payload(response, "BlockOutOfScope", 15); } if(resource == NULL) { PRINTF("res: DONE\n"); *offset = -1; } else { PRINTF("res: MORE at %s (%p)\n", resource->url, resource); *offset += preferred_size; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ RESOURCE(res_well_known_core, "ct=40", well_known_core_get_handler, NULL, NULL, NULL); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/