#ifndef NVM_H #define NVM_H typedef enum { gNvmType_NoNvm_c, gNvmType_SST_c, gNvmType_ST_c, gNvmType_ATM_c, gNvmType_Max_c } nvmType_t; typedef enum { gNvmErrNoError_c = 0, gNvmErrInvalidInterface_c, gNvmErrInvalidNvmType_c, gNvmErrInvalidPointer_c, gNvmErrWriteProtect_c, gNvmErrVerifyError_c, gNvmErrAddressSpaceOverflow_c, gNvmErrBlankCheckError_c, gNvmErrRestrictedArea_c, gNvmErrMaxError_c } nvmErr_t; typedef enum { gNvmInternalInterface_c, gNvmExternalInterface_c, gNvmInterfaceMax_c } nvmInterface_t; /* ROM code seems to be THUMB */ /* need to be in a THUMB block before calling them */ volatile nvmErr_t (*nvm_detect)(nvmInterface_t nvmInterface,nvmType_t* pNvmType) = 0x00006cb9; volatile nvmErr_t (*nvm_read)(nvmInterface_t nvmInterface , nvmType_t nvmType , void *pDest, uint32_t address, uint32_t numBytes) = 0x00006d69; volatile void(*nvm_setsvar)(uint32_t zero_for_awesome) = 0x00007085; #endif //NVM_H