2014-12-01 20:13:09 +01:00
Makefile Cleanup of the Contiki network layer configuration. Now using CONTIKI_WITH_IPV6, CONTIKI_WITH_IPV4, and CONTIKI_WITH_RIME in makefiles, and UIP_CONF_IPV6, UIP_CONF_IPV4, UIP_CONF_RIME in c code. Now only the stacks that are used are compiled (via makefile MODULES). Make IPv6 the default network stack. 2014-12-01 20:13:09 +01:00 replaced DEFAULT_TARGET with for specifying default target 2009-06-26 12:04:46 +00:00 Rename to md 2013-03-26 23:15:37 +01:00
webserver6.c Removed all old RCS tags in the Contiki source tree. Those RCS tags are not used any more, as we are now using git to manage the Contiki source tree 2012-10-26 15:54:49 +02:00

This example features a simple webserver running on top of the IPv6 contiki stack.

For this example to run properly the UIP_CONF_TCP compilation flag must be set to 1 in the contiki-conf.h file of the platform.

By default contiki ipv6 nodes are configured with the low-power RPL protocol and direct outgoing packets through the RPL parent to a mesh border router. Access to the webserver thus requires at least one other node to as the RPL root. The Makefile changes the default to no RPL for the minimal-net target. Override the RPL choice with

    make TARGET=minimal-net UIP_CONF_RPL=1
    make TARGET=any-other UIP_CONF_RPL=0

The RPL mesh border router can be configured with this webserver using the /examples/ipv6/rpl-border-router/ example.

If you are using the minimal-net platform without RPL you can access the webserver through the link local address by appending the interface descriptor shown at launch, e.g.

    wget http://[fe80::296:98ff:fe00:0232%tap0]  (linux)
    ping http://[fe80::206:98ff:fe00:0202%nnnn]  (Windows)

The lower 64 bits are derived from the ethernet EUI-48 "mac address" in uip6.c:

    uip_lladdr_t uip_lladdr = {{0x00,0x06,0x98,0x00,0x02,0x32}};

The ipv6 prefix can be hard-coded in the build or assigned through a host router advertisement. If hard-coded just assign the prefix to the interface:

    sudo ip -6 address add fdfd::1/64 dev tap0 (linux)
    netsh commands or the interface GUI        (Windows)

On linux you can set up router advertisements as follows:

    ifconfig tap0 inet6 3ffe:0501:ffff:0100:0206:98ff:fe00:0231
    ip -6 address add 3ffe:0501:ffff:0100:0206:98ff:fe00:0231 dev tap0
  • You might need to add a route:

      ip -6 route add aaaa:0000:0000:0000:0206:98ff:fe00:0232/64 dev tap0
  • Then configure a global address by sending a router advertisement (RA) with a prefix option. You can use radvd for example to generate such a packet. Note: You should set the preferred and valid lifetime to reasonable value to avoid clock wrap-around. E.g.:

      AdvPreferredLifetime 400;
      AdvValidLifetime 600;

    Assume the prefix in the RA is: 3ffe:0501:ffff:0100:0000:0000:0000:0000/64. and that the resulting address created by the contiki stack is: 3ffe:0501:ffff:0100:0206:98ff:fe00:0232

  • Finally you can use:

      wget http://[3ffe:0501:ffff:0100:0206:98ff:fe00:0232]

The default webserver and content is in /apps/webserver/... Change that using e.g.

make clean
make WITH_WEBSERVER=webserver-nano
make TARGET=redbee-econotag WITH_WEBSERVER=webserver-nano
make TARGET=avr-raven WITH_WEBSERVER=raven-webserver

Beware: Make clean before switching make options!