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222 lines
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;;; uip_arch-asm.S
;;; \file
;;; Z80 architecture-depend uip module
;;; for calculating checksums
;;; \author
;;; Takahide Matsutsuka <markn@markn.org>
.module uip_arch-asm
;; export symbols
.globl _uip_add32
.globl _uip_arch_chksum
.globl _uip_chksum
;; import symbols
.globl _uip_acc32
.globl _uip_buf
.area _DATA
.area _GSINIT
.area _CODE
;; ---------------------------------
;; void uip_add32(uint8_t *op32, uint16_t op16);
;; Stack; retl reth op32l op32h op16l op16h
;; ABCDEHL____
;; return void
;; _uip_acc32 = op32 + op16
;; ---------------------------------
;; HL = #_op32l
ld hl, #2
add hl, sp
;; DE = #(_op32)
ld e, (hl)
inc hl
ld d, (hl)
inc hl
;; BC = op16
ld c, (hl)
inc hl
ld b, (hl)
;; HL = #(_op32) + 3
ld hl, #3
add hl, de
;; DE = #_uip_acc32 + 3
ld de, #_uip_acc32 + 3
;; uip_acc32[3] = op32[3] + op16l;
ld a, (hl)
add a, c
ld (de), a
;; uip_acc32[2] = op32[2] + op16h + carry;
dec hl
dec de
ld a, (hl)
adc a, b
ld (de), a
jr nc, _uip_add32_nocarry1
;; uip_acc32[1]
dec hl
dec de
ld a, (hl)
inc a
ld (de), a
jr nz, _uip_add32_nocarry0
;; uip_acc32[0]
dec hl
dec de
ld a, (hl)
inc a
ld (de), a
;; uip_acc32[1]
dec hl
dec de
ld a, (hl)
ld (de), a
;; uip_acc32[0]
dec hl
dec de
ld a, (hl)
ld (de), a
;; ---------------------------------
;; static uint16_t chksum(uint16_t sum, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t len)
;; Stack; retl reth suml sumh datal datah lenl lenh
;; ABCDEHL____
;; return HL
;; ---------------------------------
push ix
;; IX = #_suml
ld ix, #4
add ix, sp
;; BC = sum
ld c, 0(ix)
ld b, 1(ix)
;; DE = #data
ld e, 2(ix)
ld d, 3(ix)
;; (lenl, lenh) <- dataptr + len - 1 (last address)
;; (len) + DE - 1 -> (len)
ld l, 4(ix)
ld h, 5(ix)
add hl, de
dec hl
ld 4(ix), l
ld 5(ix), h
;; compare HL(last address) and DE(dataptr)
;; HL - DE
;; if (HL < DE) C,NZ else if (HL = DE) NC,Z=1 otherwise NC,NZ
;; HL = last address, DE = current pointer
ld l, 4(ix)
ld h, 5(ix)
ld a, h
sub d
jr nz, _uip_arch_chksum_compared
ld a, l
sub e
;; if (last address == dataptr) _uip_arch_chksum_loop_exit_add_trailing
jr z, _uip_arch_chksum_loop_exit_add_trailing
;; if (last address > dataptr) _uip_arch_chksum_loop_exit
jr c, _uip_arch_chksum_loop_exit
;; bc = dataptr[0],dataptr[1] + bc
ld a, (de)
ld h, a
inc de
ld a, (de)
ld l, a
push hl
add hl, bc
inc de
ld b, h
ld c, l
;; HL = t
pop hl
;; BC - HL
;; if (sumBC < tHL) sum++
ld a, b
sub h
jr nz, _uip_arch_chksum_compared_t
ld a, c
sub l
jr nc, _uip_arch_chksum_nocarry_t
inc bc
jr _uip_arch_chksum_loop
;; HL = last address
;; bc = bc + (last address)<<8
ld a, b
add a, (hl)
ld b, a
jr nc, _uip_arch_chksum_loop_exit
inc bc
ld l, c
ld h, b
pop ix
;; ---------------------------------
;; uint16_t uip_chksum(void);
;; Stack; retl reth datal datah lenl lenh
;; ABCDEHL____
;; return HL
;; return htons(chksum(0, (uint8_t *)data, len));
;; ---------------------------------
ld hl, #5
add hl, sp
;; HL indicates #_lenh
ld b, #2
ld d, (hl)
dec hl
ld e, (hl)
dec hl
push de
djnz _uip_chksum_loop
ld bc, #0
push bc
call _uip_arch_chksum
pop af
pop af
pop af
;; convert to BIG ENDIAN (htons)
ld a, l
ld l, h
ld h, a