2008-01-08 08:28:09 +00:00

26 lines
854 B

set terminal postscript eps monochrome font "Helvetica" 16
set output "plot-power.eps"
set title "Average power consumption per node"
set xlabel "Node number"
set ylabel "Power (mW)"
set boxwidth 0.5
set style fill pattern
#set key top left Left width -5
plot [:] [0:] \
'total-power' using \
2:((0.0545 * $3 + 1.8 * $4 + 20.0 * $5 + 17.7 * $6 + 4.6 * $7) / 4096) * 3 / $1 \
with boxes title "Red LED", \
'total-power' using \
2:((0.0545 * $3 + 1.8 * $4 + 20.0 * $5 + 17.7 * $6) / 4096) * 3 / $1 \
with boxes title "Radio transmit", \
'total-power' using \
2:((0.0545 * $3 + 1.8 * $4 + 20.0 * $5) / 4096) * 3 / $1 \
with boxes title "CPU low-power mode", \
'total-power' using \
2:((1.8 * $4 + 20.0 * $5) / 4096) * 3 / $1 \
with boxes title "CPU active mode", \
'total-power' using \
2:((20.0 * $5) / 4096) * 3 / $1 \
with boxes title "Radio reception"